2024-07-25: Monty Boy and Ian King 🐱 🐶

2024-07-25: Fun as ever to celebrate the games design & art students completing 3 years of study with us at …

2024-07-25: My new playdate game is in a good space quickly and able to do some design testing thanks to Claude …

2024-07-21: Evening

2024-07-21: Southampton Sunday

2024-07-21: Can someone on MB mention me - maybe I can mention myself @adamprocter

2024-07-20: Secret street signs

2024-07-20: I do wish push notifications for micro.blog mentions would work :( @manton do not appear on Mac iPad …

2024-07-20: Can’t park here mate

2024-07-19: All I am going to say is Apple TV screen saver function is just broken. And yes I reset the whole …

2024-07-19: How many hot animals can you spot…

2024-07-19: I was distracted watching so a bit slow on taking the photo. Airplane and helicopter with not a ton …

2024-07-19: Hey anyone know of an iOS app like pinpoint that works it was so great for quickly drawing arrows …

2024-07-19: Sunny Southampton 28°c

2024-07-19: This is great. In the garden shade, good sun & on leave and listening to this guitar playlist …

2024-07-18: Am I excited about the new season back to podcasting and our new logo to betcha! Sameoldwombles.com

2024-07-18: I have to ask releasing potential real threats early but locking up for decades individuals really …

2024-07-15: Not everyday you get to hear comments from Alan Kay on the future of the internet. Didn’t get a …

2024-07-15: Some interesting comments on the amount of energy the Internet and ICT will consume and that …

2024-07-14: Party went well

2024-07-13: JAWS party close to kick off

2024-07-11: Happy days DHL driver claims he only started working today so either Tuesdays driver is back in …

2024-07-11: This is some of ideas I have been playing with related to AI in nodenogg.in local, small, private …

2024-07-10: 3 lions on their shirt says Ian 🐱

2024-07-09: Fear not this Southampton twat is now the proud owner of a new Wimbledon top who football manager …

2024-07-09: Signed for sure… or left in my safe space with neighbours thanks DHL parcel of my new Wimbledon top …

2024-07-09: Been shuffling a few things around atm so the version of nodenogg.in from my PhD work now resides at …

2024-07-06: Rearranging the front room is always a pain when you have a bunch of consoles to re hook up Switch …

2024-07-06: It’s looking close that after 2.5 years in my own home I maybe able to actually spend August …

2024-07-06: New crazy taxi game will be MMO ! The new Crazy Taxi — like the reboots of Jet Set Radio, Shinobi, …

2024-07-06: Monty 🐶 King of the weekend

2024-07-03: We’re delighted to reveal our Umbro home kit for the upcoming campaign, in the Club’s …

2024-07-01: Hmm I think @manton and @danielpunkass should be much harder on Apple, if they use this excuse to …

2024-07-01: Spains to lose Germanys to win Englands to fluke (Euros 2024)

2024-06-30: Via @JohnPhilpin episode of the Monkees starts with Peter being interviewed by a machine - pretty …

2024-06-29: Pretty excited I came up with a new playdate game concept this week. Repo is set time to get version …

2024-06-27: Good to hearing from early career researchers and staff as part of AI @ Southampton today on the …

2024-06-26: My mother in law had such a passion for life. We lost her suddenly just over 2 years ago but the ice …

2024-06-26: Due to hot climate a Fire near the line after Southampton and power issues at Paddington… mean I am …

2024-06-26: 27c

2024-06-26: A typical day on Englands Public transport #sellingenglandbythepound

2024-06-23: What the BBC… two games at once

2024-06-23: Cheeky chill out. Tails and Rosie

2024-06-23: A little stop of in the city. Doing my bit for the flying insects that are not Flies! (Hey get off …

2024-06-21: Another excellent live improv from Mentat https://youtu.be/N_Jx-qO0UGY?si=V3wkuD3lk_q1dhw-

2024-06-19: Dam it we need to ban private schools, private health care, private transport, private anything

2024-06-18: London Games Showcase in Hoxton London is 95% ready to go for opening tomorrow (19th June) 6PM - …

2024-06-17: In other euros new ITV seem to have a remix of never ending story theme tune as part of their show …

2024-06-17: Some exciting games at the Euros today ⚽️

2024-06-17: Not every week you get to do a talk about AI to languages, culture and linguistics department and …

2024-06-12: In Winchester, UK tomorrow evening like games and wanna see more we open 6PM all welcome. Miss that …

2024-06-10: WWDC - math notes is the most interesting thing

2024-06-10: WWDC keynote unimpressive neoliberal nonsense. I am not a super wealthy American. Nothing in that …

2024-06-10: Not watching the keynote “live” will catch it later

2024-06-09: Waiting for Gary Numan !

2024-06-08: 🐱 Rosie Vox

2024-06-08: AI image generation ownership I Made This - dctr.pro/2pq @siracusa talking about ownership and AI. Back in Jan. US law has also …

2024-06-08: Covid Cost of living Climate I wonder what the next C will be

2024-06-05: Cats

2024-06-05: IMAGE 1: Start of workshop - Happy IMAGE 2: Middle of workshop - Manic IMAGE 3: End of workshop - AI …

2024-06-05: Tonight! Wooo

2024-06-05: Can I mention myself to trigger a push notifications on iOS test I wonder @adamprocter

2024-06-04: Time to sell the ash tray nicked and gifted to me by my grandma for my 16th birthday made by some …

2024-06-04: Sunday fun workshop for AI Arts festival getting visitors to think about and play with AI image …

2024-06-03: We have an ended up with a system designed to privilege the obnoxious and the individual. Not to …

2024-06-03: This is the kind of hell normal people have to worry about every month HMRC issues apology as half …

2024-06-03: I am “slightly” getting agitated with all these electric engine (delivery) push bikes flying past me …

2024-06-03: Any micro blog people know what I need to do to remove the big gaps above and below video in my css …

2024-06-02: Very fortunate to see the Orchestre National de Jazz perform Ex Machina live today as part of the AI …

2024-06-02: All set for my AI Arts Festival workshop. Human to Human - Human to Machine prompting generative …

2024-06-01: Well it arrived. I will give a review at some point

2024-05-31: How British video games became a billion pound industry - www.bbc.co.uk/teach/art…

2024-05-31: 7 weeks are now up since the initial email back from NLnet Foundation about our request for funding …

2024-05-30: “… we have consistently overlooked the repercussions of these advances on the climate …

2024-05-30: When the AI on your iPhone keyboard is total junk and you reflect upon the Apollo 11 moon landing. …

2024-05-29: Hmm eFootball 2024 on steamdeck is not on a specific version of proton yet I have to download shader …

2024-05-28: The Business Case for Working Openly and Transparently - dctr.pro/open Brilliant article on the …

2024-05-27: Well I know one part of this weeks plan is to reset my Apple ID password again and then in one hit …

2024-05-26: Southampton v Leeds play offs


2024-05-25: Yesterday another gallery opening I seem to be at almost twice a week at the moment I had great fun …

2024-05-25: In further news lying face down on a flat roof drilling a polycarbonate roof onto pergola struts as …

2024-05-25: In other news what is going on with parsnip shortage at small supermarkets

2024-05-23: Manage our tendency to anthropomorphize This article in general is an argument against the idea of using science fiction to think critically …

2024-05-23: Every time we use the term “hallucination,” it is harder to remember that Clippy is a better mental …

2024-05-22: I feel privileged to call Victor Burgin a colleague, today he was on campus talking about and …

2024-05-22: Rabbit R1 has had tracking info for almost a month… and just been reporting “shipping information …

2024-05-20: Some of my building fun for Lego serious play activities as part of the faculty two day away day. I …

2024-05-20: Another weird bug the steamdeck gaming mode no longer loads up any public WiFi log in pages have to …

2024-05-20: Well at least I know why sanelater stopped working but I don’t think I have time to reset my Apple …

2024-05-20: Need to write to apple support. So annoying. Cannot create app specific passwords except for once …

2024-05-19: Finally catching up with full state of Micro.blog but @manton @vincent @jean you need 8 apps so I …

2024-05-18: Plenty to do but not today thanks

2024-05-18: Myself and Fine Art Painting Senior Lecturer Dr Christina Mamakos will be showcasing approaches to …


2024-05-16: That was slightly scary Monty (my dog) and I were just attacked by a random pitbull type dog in …

2024-05-15: This is great let’s hope the Premier league teams do one right thing in a long long time and kick …

2024-05-14: Strange football “fans” that want their team to lose. Erm nope win every game who cares about …

2024-05-13: What could be considered baffling is how I get an original Dreamcast to output hdmi 👍 but hey that’s …

2024-05-13: Baffling hmmm One has to question how this is baffling 😂🤓… Doug My office ps5 / Amiga mini / Mac all hardwired …

2024-05-13: These boys are the best. 🐶 🐱


2024-05-11: Eurovision

2024-05-11: Gah BBC iPlayer PS3 app no longer works. Hmmm that messes up my set up for front room. Blooming …

2024-05-11: Ian the cat venturing outside a little with his “buddy” Tails 🐱

2024-05-11: Onwards and upwards! COYD

2024-05-10: Interval at Romesh Ranganathan gig Bournemouth.

2024-05-10: Just being able to play Sensible Soccer (SWOS) on the train steamdeck is worth every penny

2024-05-10: Annoying and weird steamdeck gaming mode no longer loads public WiFi login pages. Have to go into …

2024-05-10: AI and Arts Festival Winchester, UK Next month I am doing a thing in Theatre Royal Winchester as part of AI and Arts Festival - check it …

2024-05-09: I dunno students trolleys and cones it’s just a thing!

2024-05-09: Well tomorrow may 10th is the official eFootball boycott. Do not even launch it. In protest of the …

2024-05-08: Winchester, UK Monday 13th May come play some student games from Year 1 and 2 Winchester School of …

2024-05-08: Our British made Dualit toaster might have cost £60 to repair but we’ve had our toaster for well …

2024-05-07: I see Dorsey has quit Bluesky

2024-05-06: Why a toggle for AI on or off is important. I am no AI luddite nor do I fear the AI, but for a start its not Artificial, it has huge real world …

2024-05-06: Rage against the Machine never specified which machine they were furious with but I reckon it was …

2024-05-06: The internet is in decline - it needs rewilding - The Observer / Guardian via @adders thanks

2024-05-06: Nice chill beats for the bank holiday - YouTube

2024-05-05: I can’t keep up with the printed things I get but I try and they are worth it

2024-05-04: Ha when @corvus suggested my blog is cogent by suggesting a recent post was not I have to say that …

2024-05-04: James Bridle has been co-creating and making chairs with AI - Fantastic stuff dctr.pro/2pk

2024-05-04: I’m still doing this because the world is flooded with overpriced, crappy, subpar software. It hurts …

2024-05-04: You know what I love making random veg based soups. It’s pretty easy, helps reduce any possible …

2024-05-04: Sustainable Portable Local Private This is what I try to ask of my technology and this is how I try …

2024-05-04: To be clear I am working on at least 3 AI projects and lots of experimentation myself but mindless …

2024-05-04: I get the arguments @manton @danielpunkass but joking about energy use in the climate crisis related …

2024-05-04: I use AI especially if I can run it locally as I do with llama/stable diffusion when my computer is …

2024-05-04: We can have a different web - dctr.pro/2pg

2024-05-03: Cat owners eh! 🐱

2024-05-02: Dam it stupid train WiFi got too busy and I just won a last minute game in eFootball which now looks …

2024-05-01: Also shout out to the sorry I’ve now forgotten the MB person that created the MB photoblogger …

2024-05-01: Wooo gotta catch them all I now finally have all the current pins on Micro.blog

2024-05-01: Small waterfall at highfield campus today. Teaching and learning faculty conference.

2024-04-30: No matter what I try I cannot get my desktop wall papers to stay consistent drives me mad - macOS …

2024-04-30: Once I completed my 30 day photo challenge I will go and edit them to add good Alt Text (manually) - …

2024-04-30: My Rabbit R1 is on its way! I thought being in the UK i would have to wait much longer !

2024-04-30: Home ground in my original hometown - Wimbledon. We haven’t been back at plough lane for long and …

2024-04-29: Time to drift away

2024-04-28: What a community we are - photo with Champions. AFC Wimbledon ladies

2024-04-28: All clubs are equal but some are more equal than others! Yesterday we gave out our Same Old Wombles …

2024-04-27: Surprise! we sprung our same old Wombles awards at end off season match

2024-04-27: Not sure why but my Apple account has been locked twice this week. And I did sign out of all devices …

2024-04-26: Well in Southampton this is where you normally see Critters !

2024-04-25: Orbital

2024-04-25: Arrived … orbital

2024-04-25: The spine of WASD is a series of career talks today.

2024-04-24: Foam board print for wife was so light I left it in shop. Thankfully retrieved shortly after!

2024-04-23: Dreamy !

2024-04-22: Not feeling blue today after catching a little bit of the living library event on world earth day at …

2024-04-21: A friend of mine moved house this weekend otherwise I would normally be absolutly smashing it at …

2024-04-21: I put my usb torch charger magnetic lead somewhere so safe 🤦‍♂️

2024-04-21: Day 20 What a mountain to climb AFC Wimbledon Women Champions promoted to Level 3 so technically now …

2024-04-20: Day 19 a little while ago I was on honeymoon and earned my ice hotel diploma

2024-04-20: Today pop up showcase at the John Hansard Gallery, Southampton. Final year WSA student games in …

2024-04-19: Day 18 we don’t know when his birthday is as he was a rescue abandoned as a young pup so we treat …

2024-04-19: FA and Premier league making disgraceful changes to the FA Cup www.efl.com/news/2024… …

2024-04-19: No idea why eFootball 2024 3.5 update is taking so long to install on steamdeck - I love my …

2024-04-18: Tranmere you are totally correct as a Wimbledon fan / owner I wish we had made this statement …

2024-04-18: Day 17: I like the mood of our original brand logo which secretly still happens to stay alive …

2024-04-17: I love maths

2024-04-17: I wonder if photo upload from Ulysses might be the answer to oddness with official app and cell …

2024-04-17: The photo blog challenge has become more challenging when iOS Micro.blog app claims to have photo …

2024-04-17: Day 16 - I work in a university… IT, admin & processes often provide transcendence… “experience …

2024-04-16: I’m for free choice however I have seen enough death personally from smoking. I smoked from 12 until …

2024-04-16: Just found out about a show called - The Underdog: Josh Must Win - this show is a disgrace. Nick …

2024-04-16: Ok I have missed a specific MB photo blog challenge small BUT it means I can post the right prompts …

2024-04-16: Hmmm and now my self hosted gitlab is having an SSL issue it must have heard me when I said “my …

2024-04-16: Why has it taken me this long to realise when I get frustrated with the iOS microblog app and its …

2024-04-16: Day 15 after strolling to and from Avenue campus (40mins round trip) in the British sun I was …

2024-04-15: I actually think Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs are/ would be disappointed with current Apple. Let’s …

2024-04-15: Day 14 cactus 🌵

2024-04-14: Day 13 each page is not that cheerful this month but I do love what Stack sends me 📸

2024-04-13: Day 12: Magic performance on the Xylosynth by James Larter. Playing his own stuff + Glass and Reich …

2024-04-13: Well newcastle deaf fans are buzzing already ! www.bbc.co.uk/news/arti…

2024-04-12: Salisbury Computer Centre

2024-04-12: Day 11 : Southampton sky

2024-04-12: Yes signed for two more years COYD Omar!

2024-04-12: I can confirm my new home office “beer” fridge is ultra silent. Happy days

2024-04-11: Excellent day 10 @challenges I was happening to have to do the train to London today visiting Now …

2024-04-10: Day 9. Double baked crispy jacket potatoes + crispy bacon + crème fresh for the non vegans at home. …

2024-04-10: Last night all the results went our way. Saturday we are away to Swindon. Don’t think we are ready …

2024-04-10: Pleased to say our application for funding next bunch of major (aka rewrite) updates for the release …

2024-04-10: Ordered new office (beer) fridge can’t take it, cleaned it all checked the fan and compressor …

2024-04-10: Hmm just noticed on micro.blog app on my iPad I got notifications of replies, iPhone hasn’t received …

2024-04-10: LIDL sells Oatly barista milk so much cheaper than everywhere else but it’s been sold out last two …

2024-04-10: Frustratingly my home office fridge has started to make a lot more noise which may mean it’s on the …

2024-04-09: Day 8 : Prevention 📸 Have been living here for less than two years and this is a pretty rubbish …

2024-04-09: chatGPT I dont mind you as a coding buddy but I am hoping soon though I will be setup with just …

2024-04-09: Now I just need to learn home to be a prompt engineer 👷

2024-04-09: I can now use a local RAG and LLM to work with text contained in a json file. Just been playing with …

2024-04-08: Dam the Burger King whooper flavoured Doritos nacho crisps I got the other week had accidentally …

2024-04-08: Day 7 : well-being I find that football for me now is even more of a mental health support since …

2024-04-08: 💛💙

2024-04-07: You can’t really tell but it was windy all the way home from football yesterday day 6 📸


2024-04-06: Day 5: serene 📸

2024-04-06: Great podcast on opensource LLMs - Oxide and Friends with Simon Willison

2024-04-06: well I think I know what is causing my blog upset on mobile device rendering, If I bump up the …

2024-04-06: Deployed using conventional commits with nodenogg.in p2p alpha, makes a lot of sense and since I …

2024-04-05: Day 4: fake foliage 📸

2024-04-05: If this sounds intriguing at all - spatial multiplayer free/libre software for in-person messy …

2024-04-05: I think that if you follow me on micro.blog a link to my new microcast should appear in time if not …

2024-04-05: As discussed on @coreint I’ve been a power pack Alfred person for years and to be frank I don’t use …

2024-04-04: Nothing to see here 🐱

2024-04-04: Day 3 : card 📸

2024-04-03: 🐶

2024-04-03: Day 2 : Flower 📸

2024-04-03: ok @manton I found the file (dont know why search didn’t work) your_instagram_content content …

2024-04-03: When ChatGPT and I dont really understand yml github actions / workflows and Github organisations …

2024-04-02: Thanks to micro.blog changes to premium giving me more than one blog, I can leave …

2024-04-02: note to self also need to test that bookshelf code again and see if I can resurrect that page on my …

2024-04-02: New York Times is a gaming platform via @thoughtshrapnel thoughtshrapnel.com/2024/04/0…

2024-04-02: Connected my blog to my bluesky account - I think this is worth doing…

2024-04-02: Day 1 : Toy 📸

2024-04-01: Oh crumbs an MB error may have just posted my last post 3 times 🤣

2024-04-01: My fruit bowl may need some attention 🤣

2024-04-01: We played much better today than Friday and against Stockport we took it to them unfortunately they …

2024-03-31: Southampton please take your bins in….

2024-03-29: Delayed trains on the way to the big match. Hoping to pick up my purchased this morning limited …

2024-03-28: Dam it train Wi-Fi logged me out so lost my points etc on eFootball match when it ended ⚽️ I mean I …

2024-03-28: Any idea @help why I can’t fix this on mobile home page only effected.

2024-03-28: can anyone offer some MB css @help - I want to have set for this page only …

2024-03-28: The CSS on my blog is still broken on small screens which I have yet to work out why, doesn’t scale …

2024-03-28: 🐱🐱🐶

2024-03-28: Gah today was pretty rubbish. Good end taking and hearing about department research but most of the …

2024-03-26: AI has a huge impact on the sustainability of the planet as it burns so much energy. This is a plain …

2024-03-26: Ha turns out it was a photography class originally not poetry but the parable is still totally true …

2024-03-26: A week in with my barefoot shoes, weather improving so I splashed on some new shoes. When I say …

2024-03-26: Oh boy Labour plans to use AI for..LINK

2024-03-26: I get home sit down and 2 out of 3 cats and the dog just sit on me and paw me. Yes they have been …

2024-03-25: Snuck a pick at Folk session in the Guide Dog Pub Southampton. It was me audience of 1 and 13 …

2024-03-25: Maximo Park new single - Favourite Songs - great stuff - …

2024-03-25: My watch just advised me to record an elliptical work out - I don’t think it really understand that …

2024-03-22: The Dune Films Are the Most Important of the 2020s. But Not for the Reasons You Think. Technology …

2024-03-22: Excellent new Pearl Jam album coming Dark Matter - …

2024-03-20: Custom LEGO kit of the Cherry Red Records Stadium has been developed in collaboration with WiSH …

2024-03-19: It’s not big and it’s not clever however the FA fined Pell for supposedly deliberately miss kicking …

2024-03-19: Education Tech Talking ‘AI’ down is still talking about AI, it still adds to the vortex of …

2024-03-18: Ok someone tell me how hiccups serve any purpose. I hate them and as soon as I am able to find water …

2024-03-18: Oh dang it. App Store iOS Mb app and epilogue are ahead of TestFlight on iOS now. Anyone in …

2024-03-17: My weekends are fantastic or totally ruined by just 90minutes that starts at 3PM on a Saturday. …

2024-03-17: More history returned and restored to Plough Lane. Followed by a dreadful 0-2 defeat


2024-03-14: It’s unclear how my almost bankruptt council in Southampton can go for almost 3 months of completely …

2024-03-12: Why do I have to wait for 4K blu ray until Dec of dune part 2. As I watched it in the cinema I think …

2024-03-12: Sound of cinema - Dune BBC Radio 3

2024-03-11: Ok yeah I randomly last minute got myself and youngest daughter tickets to see Edward Scissorhands …

2024-03-10: Yes I know my hair is thin and thinning but why would the barber encourage a comb over style by …

2024-03-10: I guess if I want see day of death I have to add it as an anniversary to contact card. Just weird to …

2024-03-09: Ok beating Notts County away is great need to follow it up on Tuesday night home to Gillingham COYD

2024-03-08: International women’s day = super important If your not sure why go out there and find out more …

2024-03-08: Had a pretty crummy day mentally. Rosie is trying to cheer me up… I think 🤣

2024-03-08: I didn’t and will never watch them play us home or away but John Green does a great job of summing …

2024-03-07: Can’t collect our bins for over 8 weeks … maybe this is why 🤦 Southampton: Emergency support for …

2024-03-07: What the apple.news/AVoD_D3Oa… If that’s behind a pay wall here

2024-03-07: Dam it 10 weeks and still no recycling collection in Southamptonon central. What the heck!

2024-03-07: £70+ million paid in dividends to train share holders in 2023. £220+ million in profit for SWTrains …

2024-03-06: What what yes yes 0-0 against Grimsby but replica 88 walk out jacket is now mine

2024-03-04: Train prices go up. All the trains are cancelled this morning 🤔



2024-03-03: Nice write up of this seasons game AFC Wimbledon v Franchise - …

2024-03-03: I will never watch them but we won And if your worried about Noah the ball boy well he seems ok Josh …

2024-03-03: Yep great news people my flexi ticket to work has gone up by an additional £6.90 for my normal 8 …

2024-03-02: The boys are back

2024-03-01: Not watched any trailers - off to see Dune Part 2 this afternoon (Everyman cinema) 🪱 🐛

2024-02-28: Today taking students on a tour of ustwo games, Oval and then taking in the delight digital media …

2024-02-27: Of the 92 clubs to compete across England’s top four divisions in 2022/23, 22 have so far …

2024-02-26: This is a short MB post to see if I can notice any speed changes when posting from iOS app…

2024-02-25: I’m on iOS micro.blog and epilogue betas happy to join any others but not sure how @vincent @manton

2024-02-23: If anyone is looking for a blog / website solution I cannot recommend micro.blog enough. New pricing …

2024-02-22: Yep

2024-02-22: Update news re Southampton bin collection report. All the roads around ours seem to have been …

2024-02-22: Well done German soccer fans keep up the fight 50+1 www.dw.com/en/bundes…

2024-02-22: Arrrgh no recycling bins collected from us in 6 weeks. And no glass today. Seriously understaffed …

2024-02-22: More updates to our GDA projects site today with almost all our 2024 projects sorted. Exciting …

2024-02-21: These progress bars etc and visuals and time estimates are difficult to do but I do love this 😂 …

2024-02-21: I think of the last 3 games we have lost 8 points. From what I saw we could/should have won all 3.

2024-02-21: Two men had an argument during the Kansas City Chiefs celebrations drew guns and so other people …

2024-02-20: Great game don’t see how this is even useful mind.

2024-02-20: I’m technically not a professor (I’m am semi technically an Associate Professor but it gets …

2024-02-19: Interesting postmortem blog post on Muse development from Adam Wiggins dctr.pro/2pa much for me to …

2024-02-17: 1-1 we needed to win really. Train replacement buses also a pain but worked ! Hmm not as bad a day …

2024-02-17: Game studio Die Gute Fabrik on 4 day week and the climate report from making Seasalt Chronicles - …

2024-02-16: Piano man has released a new song - a 30 year gap where it’s seem the industry and perfection got in …

2024-02-16: Recording Same old Wombles podcast season 2 episode 23 today was magical as we recorded it with my …

2024-02-14: I have all pretty new Apple devices iPhone, iPad, mac, watch, headphones etc but I am sick of them …

2024-02-12: Ah so Southampton the reason are bins are not being collected is because the council have after …

2024-02-10: Packed train you leave your seat for the toilet and people take it wow

2024-02-08: Grammys no thanks but brittain.tech/fastcar.m…

2024-02-08: When back in the day you thought wow finally televised Houses of Parliament this will help us all …

2024-02-08: Well I guess all the layoffs epic made can be reversed now… neoliberal hell …

2024-02-08: I wouldn’t say they are like homeward bound friends to be fair 🤦‍♂️ 🐶🐱🐱🐱

2024-02-05: How plant based “cheese” spread by Philadelphia is more expensive than the regular one requiring …

2024-02-04: Sunday

2024-02-03: A non fan in the ground apprently used racist language towards Bugiel at the end of the game, …

2024-02-02: dctr.pro/2p5 AI and board game reconstruction

2024-02-01: This for me is one of the most moving albums from Steve Mason - go listen link

2024-01-30: Only 118 new emoji coming in next iOS update … 😵😬🫠

2024-01-28: Oh do micro.blog posts with video not cross post to mastodon? @help

2024-01-28: Oh do micro.blog posts with video not cross post to mastodon? @help

2024-01-27: Seriously Sainsbury’s your policy for when you take in unsold papers is stupidly early. Some of us …

2024-01-27: Well I had an excuse to get my head into Godot 4 at Global Game Jam, We are hosting again at work …

2024-01-27: My review of my 2023 post is still sitting in draft … I will publish it this year 🤣


2024-01-27: Open source is democratizing video game development - dctr.pro/2p3

2024-01-26: Yeah I have decided I hate the head sets the staff wear in little Sainsbury’s as they just use them …

2024-01-26: Kicking off Global Game at Winchester School of Art today for a weekend of game making. Games will …

2024-01-24: Of course on my phone the buttons do not appear. Don’t cha just love a good bit of expensive …

2024-01-24: Need macOS icon book

2024-01-24: Thanks at fediverse - …

2024-01-23: Oh if I haven’t made it clear I will never watch us play them. Neither home (neither will I resell …

2024-01-23: All this talk about being inclusive and supporting diversity yet every single funding call related …

2024-01-23: QuickTime on macOS is great for screen recording locally but the .mov files are just insanely …

2024-01-23: Well I finally gave in to properly use chatGPT help me solve a code issue and to be fair the …

2024-01-23: Tomorrow’s performance / presentation…. don’t normally use Powerpoint but it was …

2024-01-22: Today we had our first inside tour of the current empty shell of our new campus building for …

2024-01-21: I have it on good authority (@brendandawes@mastodon.social) it’s a generative system but is not AI. …

2024-01-21: Just your typical Sunday… also note how Alexa still spells my name wrong

2024-01-21: Is it just me or do MB mention notifications no longer work on iOS?

2024-01-21: Making a vegan roast while mainly listening to Vangelis

2024-01-20: So my friend Toby who is helping (basically leading) with nodenogg.in p2p has just redone code base …

2024-01-19: It’s still minus 5 in Southampton ! What the blazes 🥶 Monty the dog I don’t think even with you coat …

2024-01-19: At least I know what I won’t be doing in 2024… improving Wikipedia

2024-01-19: I’m in the first 100k but because I live in the UK / Europe my Rabbit is unlikely to be dispatched …

2024-01-18: Picture attached @help I added a books plug in and I guess it’s connected now my blog doesn’t update

2024-01-18: Testing 123

2024-01-18: Wikipedia I thought you were about democratisation So today I was doing some googling and someone I know I noted has a wikipedia page but someone else …

2024-01-16: 🐱

2024-01-10: Quoting one of the many sub-postmasters affected in the post office scandal this week Why has it …

2024-01-10: Loved ITV Drama, it has engaged the public but lets note that journalists including Private Eye …

2024-01-09: Turned up the thermostat and thankfully found my winter shoes. Getting mighty cold in the South of …

2024-01-08: Blooming snowing 🌨️ ⛄️ ❄️ can we get a work snow day ?! 🤣

2024-01-08: Exciting news the remastered nodenogg.in (fully decentralised) is starting to take shape I’ll …

2024-01-06: If you were unaware of the complete in justice dealt to post office sub masters in the uk then do …

2024-01-06: Well it’s the hope that kills you - lost 1-3 - out of the FA Cup unfortunately

2024-01-06: Will Anderson (film maker / animator) talking about his love of process and using blender as a tool …

2024-01-05: Ok scratch the flask python websockets thing ! This Trystero + Vue and we have a realtime …

2024-01-05: Reworking the nodenogg.in high level architecture concepts. Vue is deffo in the mix the rest could …

2024-01-03: Nice article on programming. Great end sentence too. Hacking is forever. Whenever anyone asks me …

2023-12-31: If someone tells you the last day of the year is 123123 just unfollow / defriend / block / avoid eye …

2023-12-31: Great to see us closing off 2023 in 6th and a playoff spot. COYD. 2024 start could be tough with 2 …

2023-12-31: I haven’t promoted it much but if you want a low impact way to keep up with my stuff you can get a …

2023-12-30: 🐶

2023-12-30: Saturday evening. Time to chill 😎 🐶

2023-12-28: Ian I do not see how you are helping me solve the climate crisis 🐱

2023-12-26: At one point I honestly thought I was ahead 😵‍💫☀️❄️☔️🤔🫠 daybreak game solo play - game over 12 …

2023-12-25: Getting battered in solo Daybreak again - this climate crisis is a tough nut to crack ☀️ ❄️ ☔️

2023-12-17: We don’t know why but two of our rooms have tripped the sockets - have powered everything off but …

2023-12-17: 🐶

2023-12-17: From prototype to final production game. So glad I played a small role in this and glad to have …

2023-12-17: Currently reading: Ways of Being by James Bridle 📚

2023-12-16: 🐱

2023-12-16: 🐱 🐶

2023-12-11: Unity Muse - generative ai toolbox to accelerate productivity youtu.be/WSrq-Fdyy…

2023-12-10: The pod is finally being used !

2023-12-10: Well I have found my next major game purchase. From the creators of No Mans Sky. Light No Fire

2023-12-09: I hate you SW trains. Please let me get to football

2023-12-09: Designing friction - dctr.pro/2oz

2023-12-07: hmmm @cheesemaker oh…. I clicked the verify link in email minutes after signing up and got an …

2023-12-07: nodenogg.in PainteR workshop 2

2023-12-03: Oh maybe blog posts late

2023-12-03: No Wi-Fi, no seats, standing room only on peak train out of London, biggest tax burdens ever… broken …

2023-11-19: 🐈 🐶

2023-11-19: Spot the cat

2023-11-19: Fantastic cover …

2023-11-19: One for a Sunday. …

2023-11-19: Surprise wedding anniversary for friends 33 and a third

2023-11-10: On my wish list is that @manton works out how to have selected categories only post to LinkedIn …

2023-11-09: This week someone tried to steal our cat Rosie. As they had spotted her outside and it was raining! …

2023-11-09: In this narrative it’s not AGI that is ‘The Last Technology’, but the ‘weak’ AI we have now; because …


2023-11-07: One step closer - Independent regulator in English football has been outlined in the King’s …

2023-11-05: Our surname is so often miss spelt but hey ho…

2023-11-05: Brilliant that’s what we wanted lowest team in the fa cup at home the next round maybe even TV money …

2023-11-05: Ordinary Things PV Tuesday (7th Nov) 17:30 Ordinary Things staff Exhibition at The Winchester Gallery, Winchester …

2023-11-04: To draw is to isolate and home in on, to identify a subject in the world or imagination, to …

2023-11-04: Finistère update 0.2.3 adamprocter.itch.io/finistere…

2023-11-03: AI AI AI sure whatever you turnip 🤦🏻‍♂️

2023-11-02: Wooo it’s out music.apple.com/gb/album/…

2023-11-02: 🌬️

2023-11-02: Finistère dev log update - adamprocter.itch.io/finistere…

2023-11-02: If you were planning to attend the Private view of Ordinary Things to see my game and other work …

2023-10-31: Episode 1/25 of Ordinary Things a podcast What does the word ‘ordinary’ mean to you? In this short-form podcast, Louise Siddons, …

2023-10-30: Time for wasted years by iron maiden to get back in the groove 🤣👍👍👍

2023-10-30: Considering my end goal is to work as a monk in a monastery brewing beer and tending gardens I think …

2023-10-30: Guess which one is the Maines Coone kitten 🤦🏻‍♂️

2023-10-29: Not YouTube again dad… says Rosie

2023-10-29: As every “good” dev knows deadlines are “good” Thursday launch party… …

2023-10-26: Come play my new game next Thursday 5:30PM at The Winchester Gallery at Winchester School of Art and …

2023-10-26: I think number of downloads count on itch was reset when I last updated the game but hey now I know …

2023-10-22: I quite like BBC the wheel game show but when you realise the people that win often rightly so with …

2023-10-22: The older cats “relaxing” last night 🐱

2023-10-19: Delayed trains and pains Ah the train I dashed for and jumped on wasn’t my train it was a delayed train. So now I take the …

2023-10-15: Yesterdays party

2023-10-14: Wow feel old now this was one of our go to consoles while I was at Uni alongside the PS1.

2023-10-14: Cars Party for our youngest

2023-10-14: Outdoor cinema party

2023-10-14: Welcome to the pack Ian. I understand you will grow into the largest domestic cat. Maine Coon. But …

2023-10-12: Trains 🚂

2023-10-10: World Mental Heath Day - www.skysports.com/watch/vid…

2023-10-06: I’m very fortunate that my work often doesn’t look like work. Todays 1 day game jam theme - forests …

2023-10-06: Week 1 isn’t over yet openday and more this weekend. Brain fried but great to be back with students …

2023-10-05: Oh whoops TestFlight MB app not latest version 3.2.1 is on the App Store in case like me you didn’t …

2023-10-04: and this is one of the numerous reasons using Google as a research tool is always a terrible idea …

2023-10-04: I am hiring a new lecturer / senior lecturer in games and media art, if you would like an informal …

2023-10-04: Just saying everytime you use chatGPT and you don’t thank them for the help you bring Skynet ever …

2023-10-01: My Rose 🐱

2023-10-01: Oh come on we don’t need an investigation. These triathlon competitors are all sick as the water …

2023-10-01: Really pleased to have successfully deployed a new instance of nodenogg.in running on azure …

2023-10-01: Are things getting better yet for women in STEM? - dctr.pro/2ox

2023-09-30: No Rishi I don’t want to drive my car I want to get a train to south London and watch AFC Wimbledon …

2023-09-30: Daughter #3 bought home a new kitten. So we are back to 3 cats, 1 dog and a hamster 🐹🤦🏻‍♂️

2023-09-30: Oh I didn’t know about action mode on iPhone video. Good to know.

2023-09-28: Epic laying off 16% of staff. Baffling. They are worth $31.5 Billion. They have spent the last few …

2023-09-28: AFC Wimbledon in the news for all the wrong reasons. The audio and news from the Times of behaviour by our ex managing director Danny Macklin is …

2023-09-28: Laminate, Monty, Playstation

2023-09-22: Migrating phones should not be so bad. Hold phones close together to transfer… 4 hours later and …

2023-09-22: So the phone etc does “Siri” now but not HomePod !?

2023-09-20: Fear not the UK gov are committed to that “noble” view of net zero. Nobel view … it isn’t noble. The …

2023-09-19: 🐶

2023-09-19: 🤣 delaying I think what he means is advancing (extinction) 🤦🏻‍♂️🤷‍♂️😬🤣😘🤔

2023-09-19: Just watching some flights … pretty busy morning 😬🤣

2023-09-19: Week minus one…

2023-09-17: iPhone 15 Pro Titanium Blue ordered. Wife will get my iPhone 12 Pro which will resolve the out of …

2023-09-17: This sums it up. We drew 2-2.

2023-09-17: Still can’t believe we threw away a 2-0 lead. Bah. Thankfully we at least got a point. FT 2-2

2023-09-14: This is modern Britain. Yep blocked in a carer and teacher.

2023-09-13: It has arrived

2023-09-13: Oh dear Unity’s new pricing model is not going down well and a feels a bit suspicious. One of …

2023-09-12: Did they just say Apple Watch neutral ultra. Oh my word I was actually joking about the climate …

2023-09-12: Oh you are kidding Mother Nature section in Apple event this is madness. I’m happy the Apple …

2023-09-12: ah no sorry I got that wrong about Apple Watch saving us from the Climate crisis you can now double …

2023-09-12: Wow new Apple Watch™️ is going to fix the climate crisis, I cant believe it, what a launch …

2023-09-12: First day I have had a chance to really get to grips with JetBrains Rider and Unity integration and …

2023-09-12: Pretty excited today as we road test a shortened version of a series of new Unity workshops …

2023-09-12: Threads may promise a future with activity pub but don’t take that any of the rhetoric about open is …

2023-09-11: Hi Southampton consumers of KFC Buy said chicken Cosume chicken while walking home Put bones into …

2023-09-10: A host of great stuff to read from @dajb@social.coop this week dougbelshaw.com/blog/2023…

2023-09-07: Our MA Exhibtion opened last night and I loved this kinetic sculpture

2023-09-02: Of course too in the moment to post anything from Wednesday so here is as they now say a photo dump …

2023-09-02: Ok I reduce my statement about getting a smart meter as energy supplier can mess you about as they …

2023-09-02: Smart meter - excellent for the consumer Smart meter display - trying to push climate action back …

2023-08-30: On the road listening to the Streets.

2023-08-30: Cheapest option wanted me to print tickets 🤷‍♂️

2023-08-30: Last time my Dad was at Stamford bridge we won 4-0. Not sure we can replicate that tonight but we …

2023-08-30: So today is mainly waiting for the Chelsea game 🤣

2023-08-28: Evie (17) today new to playing football, coach said she should watch and play as much football as …

2023-08-27: Mathew and Adam are pleased to release the first public version of Finistère alpha v0.1.5 for …

2023-08-27: Test post - checking cross posting issues I am having

2023-08-26: Alpha release on itch.io now

2023-08-26: More great updates to Finistère today. And now our Itch page has the first downloadable and …

2023-08-26: Making some pleasing progress on playdate game Finistère - you can follow more progress at itch.io …

2023-08-26: No trains so cant make the big match AFC Wimbledon v Forest Green Rovers, lets keep the momentum …

2023-08-25: Quickly and easily transcribe audio files into text with OpenAI’s state-of-the-art …

2023-08-25: First time on train visiting his friend Abendigo. Slight detour to not get wet feet in Salisbury

2023-08-24: Oliver Antony youtube.com/watch And Billy Braggs response youtube.com/watch Brilliant

2023-08-24: Hey outlook ios update I hate you - pointless notifications now

2023-08-23: Vegan chicken things and sauce testing 🤣

2023-08-22: Everything is fine…tomatoes £1 last week now £1.05 it’s all fine now honest why are you saying …

2023-08-22: I do love having to work with corporate university IT. This maybe a half truth…

2023-08-22: Right I think I might finally fire up F1 manager 22 on steamdeck for this afternoon in the garden. …

2023-08-22: “The ideas are the real economy of music not the execution, not the methods it’s the ideas that are …

2023-08-21: Youngest daughter (17) first outing with Hamble United FC and really enjoyed the training session …



2023-08-18: What Dad it’s too early to rave 🐶

2023-08-18: In 1966 England hosted the World Cup and went on to win it. Photos of some of material my late mum …

2023-08-18: Home brew batch one is set to cooling / ready to refrigerate - should allow 10 days / 2 weeks …

2023-08-18: Before marrying my Dad my mum followed Chelsea. Becoming more of a Dons follower after but back in …

2023-08-17: Good morning 🐶

2023-08-15: Chinook Beer now bottled, next a few days for the refined sugar to add a little fizz and then …

2023-08-15: Test post from sunlit to confirm cross posting is ok

2023-08-14: oh nice pixelfed and flickr cross posting seems to now be working cc @help @manton not sure why my …

2023-08-12: This isn’t Chelsea … players in the bar after the match. Here I am with my new fav! His family also …

2023-08-12: Ones to watch 23/24 COYD. AFC Wimbledon kick off first home game of the season against Wrexham …

2023-08-11: test photo cross post to Flickr and Pixelfed…from micro.blog

2023-08-10: Monty and I are getting happy in our new slowly coming together new corner of the garden …

2023-08-10: 🐶 🪴

2023-08-10: Monty is already liking my new corner of the garden which is now slowly being set up.

2023-08-07: Holiday

2023-08-05: Arrrgh should have done better with that one could have nicked all 3 points. 0-0

2023-08-05: COYD

2023-08-05: Not travelling to Grimsby but first game of the new season today. However it’s suppose to be sunny …

2023-08-03: Dusting off the brew kit

2023-07-31: Holiday Day 1/35 - returning house to normal after throwing a summer party for youngest daughter and …

2023-07-27: Test working well

2023-07-27: Summer party at the Procters prep

2023-07-27: Congratulations British Gas on making almost £1bn in profit for the first half of this year. You are …

2023-07-27: So I agreed to a cowboy themed summer house party for our youngest (17) and friends, I am the …

2023-07-26: What the heck ! Sinéad O’Connor has died. 😞

2023-07-25: Supporting my son in law and granddaughter at Southampton this evening. Probably should have been a …

2023-07-25: If weren’t fan owned this wouldn’t even be a consideration for me at all but for now I will just …

2023-07-25: Throw back to last Thursday Arsenal v West Ham 1468

2023-07-24: Finally found time to catch up on the weekend of World Cup games. Some of the play from Brazil v …

2023-07-23: Creative graduates enrich society – it’s time we recognised it - dctr.pro/2ou viewing university …

2023-07-20: Today was mad special

2023-07-20: Evie (my youngest daughter), Doctor Procter, and my Dad.

2023-07-20: More to come from department away day yesterday. Guess where!? (And before you ask no dreamland …

2023-07-19: Even Apple are increasing their prices for iCloud. One company you think might be profitable enough …

2023-07-18: Brilliant video - 🎩 tip to @dajb@social.coop for sending my way - YouTube

2023-07-17: Hypocrite Image 1 - British Prime Minister hosting an event with one of the UK biggest creative …

2023-07-16: I quite like my newsletter this week its basically the collection of posts from my micro.blog over …

2023-07-16: Was a windy Saturday in Southampton near home

2023-07-15: I / the family too have a bad few years effecting our mental well being. I have personally also made …

2023-07-15: Lebanese Moussaka Before I went vegan I was a massive fan of Greek Moussaka. I have a small appetite and am in the …

2023-07-14: The lock in always put me off and didn’t quite gel with my workflow but lots of people did like it …

2023-07-14: Lifers, Dayjobbers, and the Independently Wealthy: A Letter to a Former Student - dctr.pro/2or

2023-07-13: Work Staff Party 2023

2023-07-12: Ok eero maybe owned by Amazon now but the eero plus subscription thing sure does a good job on …

2023-07-12: Weird my M2 Max 2023 MBP has started producing odd crunchy sounds when using external monitor …

2023-07-12: Wow Football Manager 2025, FM25 Console and FM25 Touch will be our first Football Manager releases …

2023-07-09: Moving in day to around a year and a bit later. I love my home office a lot although I don’t use it …

2023-07-09: There’s still something deeply uncompromising about it: the lyrics are a potent stew of grief, …

2023-07-06: Well I may have got the basic flask app running on my server but can’t quiet get the SleepeR tools …

2023-07-06: Well I may have got the basic flask app running on my server but can’t quiet get the SleepeR tools …

2023-07-06: Hmm @manton as you know a bit about activity pub why is this mastodon user @d@wao.wtf who has posts …

2023-07-05: You turn your TV on and this is the junk you have to deal with … Ts & Cs 🤦🏻‍♂️

2023-07-05: Hannah Dingley - First woman in England’s top divisions to manage men’s side! Fantastic! History in …

2023-07-04: Of course it does

2023-06-30: Sort out getting flask web python app thing to be running on my server.. fearing the pain…. 20mins …

2023-06-30: Oh I’ve been told that 1Password allows you to save sign in as 🤦🏻‍♂️ so will try and sort that. Do …

2023-06-30: The thing with log in with Apple or log in with GitHub for example is I would like a way to keep the …

2023-06-29: Yusuf / Cat Stevens at Glastonbury was amazing what a singer / songwriter - …

2023-06-28: Oh excellent not only are all these privatised water companies polluting our water and wasting water …

2023-06-27: Bah

2023-06-27: That was weird. Flicked app off and was ok. Although new post button was missing but came back when …


2023-06-24: Been a busy few weeks with assessment and shows so back to some slow work

2023-06-23: Thanks @vincent test flight ios MB app 3.0.4 now I can read my text posts as font size is fixed!

2023-06-21: Oh yeah brilliant on time with minus 3 to change. Good job the Tardis is parked at Woking…

2023-06-21: Not at Glastonbury or Harry styles in Cardiff ?? well you know where you should be! @hoxton_arches …

2023-06-18: Levelling up secretary says “sorry” some of us are on one level and the rest of you are on another…

2023-06-17: Not taken by me (Instagram friend) and I am not into the royals but that is one impressive close …

2023-06-15: When you hoped you had been charged twice by mistake and then realise it’s a server you forgot you …

2023-06-15: Invited Jeff Minter again to the Winchester Show, I know he lives locally.. maybe one day he will …

2023-06-15: Tonight 6PM at Winchester School of Art, play games, see art, celebrate creativity. If you really …

2023-06-14: More tweets coming in on new archive but @manton my log looks poorly mind too

2023-06-13: This is why I love micro.blog and try and tell everyone to get on it. Stickers sent to me for just …

2023-06-13: Apple are making a proton type layer to help devs port windows games, which may mean you could run …


2023-06-09: Related to my VR walking - My original blog about No Mans Sky from …

2023-06-09: Tell my 13 year old self this would be work for him 30+ years later - so running that games week at …

2023-06-09: Another good reason to refuse a Knighthood. Well done Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg for … well basically being …

2023-06-08: Hahaha clearly the BBC trying to not be alarmist or accused of being lefty woke by having weather …

2023-06-08: iOS increase font size per app .. Yes!! ... who KNEW! Since iOS15 apparently you can increase the font size within individual apps, which seems rather …

2023-06-08: For those of you wondering about the innovation of spatial hypertext / infinite canvas after hearing …

2023-06-08: iOS automatically update apps ☑️ Phone on charger every night ☑️ Opens App Store 41 apps to update ❎ …

2023-06-08: As I was bumbling around looking to update my profile photo across the web, I saw a random like of …

2023-06-07: @vincent there is also a scrolling issue in editing posts? I am sure you are aware and not hassling …

2023-06-07: The Vision Pro is “spatial computing”, insofar as windows are arranged in space around you. But it …

2023-06-07: I’ve tried them and it’s like magic

2023-06-07: Done new profile photo is now starting to propergate the systems.

2023-06-07: For all of Apple’s concern about not making a product that’s perceived as cutting you off from the …

2023-06-07: Tim Cook and his fellow Apple executives clearly asked themselves whether they could create a …

2023-06-06: Being a maker of a web app this is good news - webkit.org/blog/1420…

2023-06-06: Oh is WWDC mention unlocking any new MB badges I forgot about them… @help

2023-06-06: A fan or not of the Apple Vision Pro. I refer you so to Seeing Spaces dynamicland.org Bret Victor …

2023-06-06: Odd some people in mb timeline double posting and just now the top bar to post a new post wasn’t …

2023-06-06: Well I think I am going to start utilising this as my new photo of me… need to edit to a …

2023-06-05: Setting aside all the issues of techtopia and the hey but we make these things green… Apple should …

2023-06-05: Maybe I’ll try and write a blog about AR/ VR at some point and why Apple Vision pro is alias …

2023-06-05: Quit WWDC I can’t be bothered it’s a joke product and useless innovation. Make an app that uses …

2023-06-05: ok these people showing us the Apple vision pro are totally in the reality distortion field

2023-06-05: yeah I know what I wanted… the same UI as my laptop but with a massive headset instead …

2023-06-05: Ok just arrived back that Apple vision Pro looks terrible

2023-06-05: Woah thanks @sod for sharing this amazing stuff. I mean I find the stuff make for really good dolls …

2023-06-05: Well I cant watch all of WWDC live but will catch up later…

2023-06-05: Apple stream playing Little Dragon at the moment - they are already winning

2023-06-04: Can’t do more in the garden. Break needed. Trying to get it all organised for the holidays. But it’s …

2023-06-04: Seems people with dogs who also buy pedigree jelly in pouches mega packs also try to quit smoking

2023-06-04: [odesli.co/m…](https://odesli.co/https://music.apple.com/gb/album/i-o-dark-side-mix/167937732 …

2023-06-04: Ah ha set up a google scholar profile 🤷‍♂️ anyway that’s how I found my thesis was published on …

2023-06-04: FYI @vincent @manton the scrolling issue still persists in 3.0.3. I think it has something to do …

2023-06-03: I was fortunate to recently be part of an interview for a piece in ABC News Washington about …

2023-06-03: I may match Beato with Ray Ban as reading glasses for my YouTube channel but my views are well …

2023-06-03: When you realise Rick Beatos reading glasses are Ray Ban just like yours 👍 🎸 and he is breaking down …

2023-06-03: hmm @NetNewsWire @danielpunkass your icons have crosses on my new m2 macbookpro when using …

2023-06-03: Status update bin = empty

2023-06-03: Bin saga /imagine 7AM random Agency bin collector arriving in street. Procter Dashing out with overflowing …

2023-06-02: & in case anyone was unable to see links my twitch / YouTube streams with permission use this …

2023-06-02: Ha I forgot my twitch and YouTube are connected to my micro.blog timeline many feed posts today 🤣

2023-06-02: In others news I made a new nodenogg.in explainer on YouTube and a intro to new SleepeR feature atm …

2023-06-02: So last week very few on our road had a regular waste taken at all. And this week my recycling bin …



2023-06-02: Ok I have No Man’s Sky on my M2 mac now ! Happy days… via steam cross save …

2023-06-01: I really think that Steve Jobs would be fuming about the state of the Apple software keyboard on iOS …

2023-06-01: escape 21st June 6PM, London Hoxton Arches

2023-05-29: Reflections bank holiday

2023-05-29: Where have I been… (inspired by other micro.blog people) England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Northern Ireland 🇬🇧 Ireland …

2023-05-28: Trains

2023-05-28: Trains home

2023-05-28: Everytime I actually want fast food it’s not fast… mcDonalds Waterloo I’m looking at you.

2023-05-28: Hotwheels ramp is missing the loop de loop.

2023-05-28: World transformed anti captalism game event arrived and set up (ignore the crinkly paper)

2023-05-28: On Sunday go slow trains to the world transformed anti captalism game jam event in Bethnal Green. …

2023-05-27: Phillip schofield all the alerts …hmmmm what does that say

2023-05-27: Bank holiday Monty

2023-05-27: I ain’t doing nothing

2023-05-27: Almost a year since we suddenly lost my mother in law and then towards the end of 2022 my mum as …

2023-05-27: Yes LinkedIn I am going up in the world 🤣 no I’m not buying a pro subscription…

2023-05-26: What’s that saying…

2023-05-26: Another week and another missed bin collection to report. My mind boggles.

2023-05-25: Forget it B&E you are not needed.

2023-05-25: New song from new album “May Back Was a Bridge For You To Cross” from ANOHNI - It Must Change - …

2023-05-25: I can say so far that my new m2 MacBook Pro has zero issues with hot swapping into multiple usb-c …

2023-05-24: And who is suprised? ‘Worthless’: Chevron’s carbon offsets are mostly junk and some may harm, …

2023-05-23: Perhaps one day this whole age of football will require an asterisk - Guardian

2023-05-23: A couple of excellent AI education / learning related posts from @epilepticrabbit@mastodon.social …

2023-05-22: Apple we know WWDC rumours include a AR headset. I’ve been here before but I’m not sure I can …

2023-05-22: I couldn’t make micro.camp live in the end, UK time and stuff but anothe great set of talks to check …

2023-05-21: On a Sunday I get to play with a bunch of friends online.

2023-05-17: For goodness sake. Make it simple. I have paid subscription for trackmania on steam deck and Ps5 …

2023-05-17: End of season podcast is out - Same Old Wombles

2023-05-17: Nice! thanks @sod for posting - tegel - LOVE HULTÉN dctr.pro/2oa

2023-05-17: One of my favourite games has now arrived on console ! Trackmania - youtu.be/8j_VcIKNl…

2023-05-15: I like the breaks in my brother new trance EP we don’t need the drops 🐶💤😎

2023-05-15: Of course the kings bank holiday was treated as a normal working day by the bin people so I should …

2023-05-14: The boys are back in town

2023-05-13: I wonder if iCloud storage will get a bump soon as I am getting close again to closing that gap…

2023-05-13: installing stuff on new macOS finding the MB apps was hard… I had to come to write this post …

2023-05-13: What the heck Southampton city council again didn’t take my regular rubbish bin. I think the bin …

2023-05-12: The pursuit of growth at all costs has created a global economic system that is fragile and …

2023-05-09: Sure I am not a M$ 365 fan but when you have to use the suite for work and they let you onto the M$ …

2023-05-09: Daybreak is shipping very soon! Yeah! Added shipping info for Daybreak! Almost bought a second copy by mistake !! But so glad it …

2023-05-08: I really hope my (on order) new work m2 max 16” MBP handles multi screen hot swapping and clamshell …

2023-05-08: A fun day out yesterday at the races

2023-05-02: I love Gran Turismo, I loved the competition to bring gamers to the real track and this film tells a …

2023-05-01: 🐶


2023-05-01: 🐶

2023-05-01: Yeah neighbours it’s Crosby, Stills and Nash time!

2023-04-29: Another season done.

2023-04-29: Awake for last home game of the season. We booked a table at local pub in earlsfield pre-match to …

2023-04-25: Wrexham is not a fairy tale. Unfortunately, no matter what Disney+ or even the BBC will tell you the story of Wrexham is not a …

2023-04-24: I have to say I am pleased to see my gas and electricity graph getting lower each month. The 3+ …

2023-04-23: Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster said it was now time to alert the peasants to concerns brought …

2023-04-23: Hmm for those in the UK they didn’t get the test nationwide alert how are the gov dealing with that …

2023-04-23: Emergency alert worked for my house. Everyone’s phones did it’s thing. At least I now know the sound …

2023-04-23: Portsmouth Irish Club - Guinness time

2023-04-23: Arrgh yesterday was a good day out spoilt by a terrible 90 mins we lost 1-5. I’ll be back for more …

2023-04-21: Ready to roll at The John Hansard Gallery Saturday 11-5PM a sneak peak at work in progress games …

2023-04-21: My work Instagram reach is unrivalled from Shanghai to Eastleigh.

2023-04-20: Today all my bins and extra rubbish was kindly collected by the council so thats a relief. 🗑️

2023-04-20: nice nice hey @dajb@social.coop you might also like this gemini://konpeito.media/ you need a gemini …

2023-04-20: I wonder if we could have more options @help as Huge for me is well sometimes not Huge enough

2023-04-20: All being well my 2019 Intel 16" MBP will be soon(ish) be replaced with m2 BUT I don’t …

2023-04-19: My team and I are proud to be educational partners and have a long history with Women in Games. The …

2023-04-19: Today Monty the dog realised the door had blown open and got out. Went on a rampage around town! …

2023-04-18: Update on news the council phoned me to explain recycling 🤣 anyway after I told them there was no …

2023-04-18: Here I am on YouTube talking about the recent climate games event I co-organised with Matteo at The …

2023-04-18: micro.blog is so good seriously if you want a true space to post short and long form content to the …

2023-04-18: In other non exciting news our general waste bin also wasn’t collected last week 🤦🏻‍♂️ seriously …

2023-04-15: My day is done

2023-04-15: Great time running gaming talks, play sessions and game making all related to the climate crisis and …

2023-04-13: Live climate games talks now - twitch.tv/gamesdesi…

2023-04-13: Playing with the Climate Crisis event starts today! www.southampton.ac.uk/blog/suss…

2023-04-12: The new import of Twitter archive into micro.blog is exactly what I wanted, all my tweets safe BUT …

2023-04-11: I have started back developing in my “spare time” with friend Mathew Parker a play.date …

2023-04-11: So @help as I am watching my logs due to Twitter import is this anything I need to worry about? …

2023-04-08: Well my wife wanted a Ring door bell I had said no we have cameras and that doesn’t fit with apple …

2023-04-06: Arrrgh some joker put a glass bottle of hooch (yes hooch!) in my recycling bin last night and guess …

2023-04-05: I don’t recall how I actually managed to get track mania and sensible soccer on my steam deck but I …

2023-03-31: Pretty excited since my youngest daughter started her apprenticeship hair dressing we haven’t made …

2023-03-31: Attending WASD at The Old Truman Brewery today with students as part of Games.London and UKIE …

2023-03-31: BAFTA nice vampire survivors yes! Totally worth Best game!!! Oh plus Rollerdrome woooo

2023-03-29: Playing with the Climate Crisis (13-15th April) - Winchester UK Playing with the Climate Crisis - Event at The Winchester Gallery. I run the BA games design & …

2023-03-29: Nice article on Wikipedia redesign and excellent use and approach to prototyping indeed - …

2023-03-28: GDC was great but for some it wasn’t so great Lesia and I had a fantastic week at our first GDC and first time in San Francisco. Many of the …

2023-03-26: Sometimes you just have to go into a bar and then the story starts 🤪


2023-03-25: I see faces

2023-03-24: Pleased to see ubisoft doing the same as my workshops by looking to map the UN SDGs to game ideas. …

2023-03-23: Look at that robot stealing our jobs

2023-03-23: Day 3 GDC - fascinating insight into the Level Design process in Rollerdrome next up the awards …

2023-03-22: 🍔


2023-03-21: I also made it to GDC Flickr a few times - https://flic.kr/p/2ooivEQ 🤣

2023-03-21: Learning more about wholesome games, great new indie games and teaching sustainability in game …

2023-03-21: Day 1 GDC Working out day two next at #gdc Day one was mainly spent attending a full day workshop on using …

2023-03-20: Day 1 at GDC San Fransisco - I am planning to attend all day workshop on bringing climate action …

2023-03-16: Ok friends I am days away from my trip to San Francisco for GDC any tips, tricks for me to know …

2023-03-16: My iPhone was getting slow and battery being weird decided to throw all caution to the wind and I …

2023-03-15: Adam Procter in a dystopian abandoned education facility in 2048 in the style of art deco (BING / …


2023-03-11: 🐱 🐶

2023-03-11: 🐶

2023-03-09: Today I was fortunate enough to take my students to Two Point Studios in Farnham I am always blow …

2023-03-08: Snowy Winchester

2023-03-07: Nice @playdate@panic.com just released Catalog ! play.date/games/cat…

2023-03-07: Oh my HomePod mini now does temperature and humidity nice.

2023-03-04: Clapham J

2023-03-04: Just passed The Rapid Results College at Wimbledon. On the way to the big match

2023-02-27: I find it interesting how software designed for good by 1 or a few people is compared and criticised …

2023-02-27: nodenogg.in By specifically “playing” with web technologies this thesis and its associated practice look to …

2023-02-21: The train station yellow line width has now doubled - Sign o’ the Times

2023-02-20: Lots of playable games on this mac emulation macos9.app hat tip @dajb@social.coop also reminds me of …

2023-02-19: Private eye feb -> March

2023-02-19: A gift from daughters to level up my Sunday gaming evenings …

2023-02-19: What… what… I am just hanging out with my friends 🐱

2023-02-17: So the other week I fixed my gitlab but in unrelated news my plesk log in was broke. Had to clone …

2023-02-15: I got some small short term pilot web science institute funding to do a specific AI / ML stuff for …

2023-02-12: Road fix

2023-02-10: The Dons Trust is 21 today - a Spotify podcast on some of it from 2019 - …

2023-02-07: It’s just absolutely wrong. Households are struggling to pay to heat their homes and yet the fossil …

2023-02-06: Arrgh dam I been on micro.blog so long I’ve no had my mastodon account auto activated time to …

2023-02-05: well seems I have managed to improve and update my gitlab instance on my own server which is …

2023-02-04: 🐶

2023-02-04: Day 2 running Global Game Jam 2023 at Winchester School of Art. Live studio stream …

2023-02-02: Someone thought it would be funny to drag a massive bin from shops or local church and park it on my …

2023-01-31: Let see how this goes… oh quoteback block seems to be counted in post so makes it long Wow. Soon …

2023-01-31: Should a quoteback block be counted in post - it is on MB ios Beta app @help

2023-01-30: So if the train ticket machine is broken. And there are no staff. You need to look for the orange …

2023-01-30: There is a small handful of people I also get as a newsletter from micro.blog. Doing this allows me …

2023-01-28: We won and it’s now getting super interesting…

2023-01-27: Oh I just saw this cool post about your computer history. I might have a go at that but expect edits …

2023-01-27: My two slide deck as my back drop to explain nodenogg.in - use case and principles nodenogg.in a …

2023-01-27: The focus micro post bug is fixed in MarsEdit 5.0.3 nice one @danielpunkass

2023-01-27: Testing micro post bug fix in MarsEdit 5.0.3. Post I have focussed in main window shouldn’t …

2023-01-24: Hmmm train fines have been doubled if you don’t have a valid ticket and yet I have noticed more and …

2023-01-24: NYC libraries are offering free digital library cards to people across the U.S. - …

2023-01-22: Recalling why I hate social media and the mastodon effect is now hitting me on micro.blog you expect …

2023-01-22: In other weird news micro.blog let’s me follow @d@wao.wtf but claims no posts yet when I check my …

2023-01-22: This is just nuts The cost of food including milk and cheese are at their highest since 1977. It’s …

2023-01-22: Worked it out I am cross posting to my mastodon on fosstodon and there I am following people but I …

2023-01-22: Hey @dajb@social.coop if you see this ping me one more test reply. I think I have reset things to be …

2023-01-22: I’ve have always had cross posting set up from my feed.json to my mastodon account on fosstodon - I …

2023-01-22: This morning I have been mainly stressing about how my blog on micro.blog works with my mastodon on …

2023-01-22: Cannot for the life of me work out how activity pub + mastodon is working with micro.blog now. Have …

2023-01-22: Well either @ mentions from micro.blog to people I follow through to mastodons are not working or …

2023-01-22: Well either @ mentions from micro.blog to people I follow through to mastodons are not working or …

2023-01-22: Well either @ mentions from micro.blog to people I follow through to mastodons are not working or …

2023-01-22: About 3 years ago I requested on GitHub a feature in a simple VS Code Text plug in to be able to …

2023-01-21: One of my biggest beefs with iOS is that when tapping an app notification if said app then needs you …

2023-01-21: Definitely something weird about new account following someone on mastodon and what posts you get to …

2023-01-21: Ok I just followed my fosstodon mastodon account which is connected to my micro.blog from a new …

2023-01-21: Archer Maclean passed away recently creator of IK+ and of course Jimmy White’s …

2023-01-20: Post test quote back from MB iOS beta Testing The ethos behind Quotebacks is one of the reasons why I love the product. Yes, it’s a great …

2023-01-19: Wow Wow I never thought this would ever happen!! Hotel Booked ✅ Flights Booked ✅ GDC Tickets Ordered …

2023-01-18: How can my iOS devices be set to auto update apps but they never do even though I am plugged in and …

2023-01-15: 0-0 after the train pains - fluked getting home Mind - not sure it was worth it 🤣 however vegan …

2023-01-14: So annoyed haven’t been able to get to Football for ages and even when the train staff are not …

2023-01-14: Thanks

2023-01-14: I have a 10 minute change but of course we haven’t even left - UK trains

2023-01-14: Hahaha turns out my train wasn’t cancelled and now I have missed it. Seriously please any train …

2023-01-14: 1st time in an age I might actually be able to get to football (Wimbledon) but parts of journey have …

2023-01-14: As an academic we have to do a lot of writing in various forms some useful and exciting, some less …

2023-01-13: did i imagine it or is there a selective way to check in to a location either direct in MB or via …

2023-01-12: My mum kept photos I have never seen then and now 🤣

2023-01-12: Testing cross posting to mastodon is still working… set and forget can sure be great until you …

2023-01-11: Yes Rosie you can be a double pain 🐱

2023-01-11: Rosie you are a pain sometimes 🐱

2023-01-08: PM “My own health care is no one’s business but as I am minted … “

2023-01-07: Panopticom - Peter Gabriel - out today …

2023-01-06: Pretty ironic that due to hottest January ever households are probably burning less fossil fuel …

2023-01-05: My plan next is to have an Obsidian to Ulysses to long form blog workflow soon, aka over the next …

2023-01-05: I teach Games in an Art School at a Russell Group University & I know why Maths is important …

2023-01-05: Bank holiday bin collectors caught up good job I looked out my window phew honestly thought they …

2023-01-04: Blooming heck Royal Mail can’t even deliver my The Week or Private Eye on a regular basis now …

2023-01-04: My love of an Arcade is so high…here are some from L.A. - New York Times more Photography …

2023-01-04: Made some notes on todays UK prime minister announcement.

2023-01-04: Todays incorrect announcement on the trains “due to RMT strike action we are running a reduced …

2023-01-04: Not sure this is the future of my Home Screen 1&2 but @0xquirk has some folder ideas I may …

2023-01-04: I also going to tackle my iPhone Home Screen this week just make Home Screen one blank to move in …

2023-01-03: Also starting the habit of using Epilogue to catch books I might want to read so I have a personal …

2023-01-03: Turns out wasn’t food poisoned by a local vegan pizza last Thursday - seems suspicious - but Doctor …

2023-01-03: Boy I sound rough on this weeks Same Old Wombles - Episode 19 - Media City - Enjoy! …

2023-01-03: Is there a really good eInk device that is great for RSS(preferably somehow talking to NetNewsWire), …

2023-01-03: whoops just trying to turn on github auto save my micro.blog to my previous repo…. basically …

2023-01-03: hello does anyone and @danielpunkass have a recommended markdown plug in for wordpress so that I can …

2023-01-02: Quickly updating blog posts with emojis and adding catergories with MarsEdit 5 & micro.blog is a …

2023-01-02: play.date game “PlayThrust” update - SOUNDUP! Of course all the code is Free(libre) open …

2023-01-02: I wonder with the extra traffic I am seeing in micro.blog time with mastodon followers I know …

2023-01-02: Play.date dev coming along slowly, at least I think I am learning the SDK slowly at least & …

2022-12-29: Well if anyone in the UK wants to change to the awesome octopus energy now would be good time for me …

2022-12-26: Brilliant Bjork take over on 6music today www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/pl…

2022-12-26: There was no trains so I streamed the game the ref was so terrible it was painful to watch 1-1 …

2022-12-26: Am loving the beta micro.blog app on iPhone. A few missing features and not ready for iPad but it’s …

2022-12-26: Every football club should be playing this not just Crystal Palace today. RIP Maxi …

2022-12-25: ponder 🐶

2022-12-25: ready brek animals 🐱🐶

2022-12-25: Yesterday 🐱🐶

2022-12-25: Good to see the King of England is worried about the cost of living 🤦🏻‍♂️ unbelievable

2022-12-25: Oh oh @manton mentioned in new coreint a new way of handling Twitter import to put it to oneside! …

2022-12-24: I’m just a lumpy rug… 🐶

2022-12-24: What…. Happy holidays people 🐶

2022-12-24: Cat and dog (Tails and Monty) 🐱 🐶

2022-12-24: 🚮🗑️

2022-12-22: I think a load of the time was in the GT7 menus bumbling around mind 🤣 if you like racing then this …

2022-12-18: Toys

2022-12-15: Freeform zzz Having worked on my own spatial hypertext tool (nodenogg.in) built from and found an education need …

2022-12-13: Mainly playing eFootball 2023 on PS5 with commentary/ music off and Slowdive on HomePod. Dunno seems …

2022-12-12: Having to restart my mac as after shutting down TextExpander just never seems to loads successfully …

2022-12-11: Ok PSN / PS5 you have become a joke I can’t event play games I own Red Dead Redemption has a lock …

2022-12-11: Blooming jerks last two games they rage quit “poor connection” my arse I was winning - eFootball …

2022-12-11: Southampton Sunday

2022-12-10: One less of the boys in the house Marms (Marmalade our cat) was put to sleep today. He got cancer in …

2022-12-10: He will be missed. Sorry Marms you got sick but it came with age unfortunately. 🐱 ❤️

2022-12-10: Oh nice Obsidian insiders release has a new infinite canvas view as part of the core. …

2022-12-06: The mastodon / activity pub conversations are a bit misplaced. People should really be checking out …

2022-12-06: Oh I will be deffo getting Ivory mastodon app when it comes out love Tapbots.

2022-12-06: In this weeks Same Old Wombles podcast we are joined by special guest our new Managing Director at …

2022-12-05: I fear since having my smart meters sorted that although octopus have been tracking my gas usage …

2022-12-04: How could a greedy landlord kill my cat? We moved from a village to the city. It’s an Excellent location we love it’s proximity to shops, …

2022-12-04: Well done to everyone voted onto the Dons Trust Board. I didn’t make it but if I can help and be of …

2022-12-02: 🐱

2022-12-02: I’m taking time off chilling with some of the gang. 🐶🐱🐱

2022-12-01: English football league games moved to early in the day in case of England Workd cup clashes and now …

2022-11-30: The last time I lived permanently with my Mum I would travel to art college in the early 90s most …

2022-11-29: A great quick podcast reminding everyone of the main tools to great ideas is input (inspiration) …

2022-11-29: Well neither my mother in law and now sadly neither my own mum will see me graduate with my floppy …

2022-11-29: Apple in 2017 made $300 million in ad revenue Apple in 2022 on track to make $4 billion from ad …

2022-11-27: I don’t know why Mastodon are advertising in my local heavy metal pub…. But clearly anti Twitter in …

2022-11-27: FA Cup we lost 😞 youtu.be/j4LJpk6um…

2022-11-26: As many are aware the worldcup is on BUT teams below the premier league are still playing in the …

2022-11-26: testing a micro post from marsedit 5 (with markdown)

2022-11-20: A six day week followed by another hectic one coming. Today I really am on a go slow. Sunday roast, …

2022-11-19: The one train this morning I wanted was the only one to leave bang on time and so I missed it by …

2022-11-18: Everything is wrong about this world cup EVERYTHING

2022-11-16: Only took Apple almost 5 years to Sherlock me. Still at least I hadn’t built a business on it - …

2022-11-15: Greedy housing associations, greedy landlords literally kill children. I continue to be disgraced by …

2022-11-11: iPad is now ready to make graphics for play.date 🤣👍

2022-11-11: Is the fediverse about to get Fryed? (Or, “Why every toot is also a potential denial of service …


2022-11-07: The Video Game Library is a site that celebrates books about videogames. From artbooks and …

2022-11-06: iOS 16.1 and Firefox are not happy bunnies. 🤦🏻‍♂️ crashing / freezing so much.

2022-11-05: State can’t fix all your problems…. Ok but you have brought most of them to our doors 🤦🏻‍♂️ …

2022-11-05: Oh this looks like a return to a proper sonic game! Oh and super sonic transform at the end pretty …

2022-11-02: My Dons Trust Board Manifesto 2022 Proposers: Niall Couper and Melvyn Procter I have been a Wimbledon fan since the 1980s and am a …

2022-10-25: So strange my iPhone is literally missing the odd iCloud email which is on my laptop. This was …

2022-10-23: Trying a new mic set up for same old wombles podcast on a Monday night let’s see if it’s worth it

2022-10-23: 25 years ago I purchased Life Thru a Lens on CD. I thought it was fantastic, many of my indie …

2022-10-22: There is no way I am getting Ventura this week but iOS 16.1 might make my iPhone 12 Pro actually …

2022-10-22: PSN premium needs to sort out bringing back Vib-Ribbon with Apple Music or Spotify even that would …

2022-10-22: Tweaking away at new podcast/ blog site. Getting there and kinda understanding Wordpress and WP …

2022-10-21: Seriously on low storage iphone the optimise to use iCloud should be way more aggressive. And what’s …

2022-10-18: Saturday we lost and wasn’t a good atmosphere but cool rainbow and packed ground.

2022-10-15: Of course your goalie has the ball in both hands but the attacker is allowed to knock out of his …

2022-10-12: BUT TextExpander I don’t even use chrome and the blocking due to loginwindow keeps messing me …

2022-10-11: Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth “Anti Growth Coalition”

2022-10-05: Well Marmalades air tag was very useful as he had been shipped to a 3rd vets by a neighbour 🤦🏻‍♂️ I …

2022-10-03: But but but what about “growing the pie” and all that “trickle down” what a u-bend

2022-10-01: I hate train strikers … oh hang on I guess I should just continue to hate millionaire greedy share …

2022-09-30: Finally catching up with Render() Tools for Thinking. - dctr.pro/2nu

2022-09-29: Since iOS 16 the UI / apps just freezing and accepting no inputs, especially photo picking in other …

2022-09-29: Crumbs Google Stadia shutting down and refunding all previous purchases of hardware and games / in …

2022-09-29: RIP Coolio 😢 - …

2022-09-29: Hierarchy is bad for business - dctr.pro/2nt If you never make the leap from externally-motivated …

2022-09-26: “I know there is a squirrel in here somewhere” 🐶 🐿️

2022-09-24: New shoes join older shoes with some Sneaky Spray ready for match days COYD

2022-09-24: Little Richard “Money is” “I got a PhD in how to make ends meet” That’s gonna be 99.9% of the UK …

2022-09-24: Pay my £10 … 3 mins later regretting it

2022-09-24: Wooo go the rich ! . . . . Oh hang on …

2022-09-24: I do like Star Sled on play date, I am wondering if it’s is completely vector based like my own …

2022-09-22: A fundamental miss understanding of fan ownership

2022-09-20: Seriously trickle-down economics is a myth doesn’t work and is terrible. Just search the proof ah …

2022-09-20: Episode 5 is out - Same old Wombles

2022-09-15: Hey I caught that train and now I want you go away #notification

2022-09-15: Hmm no wonder I couldn’t find my new Lock Screen widgets when half my apps hadn’t updated!

2022-09-15: Ok so how can I have iOS 16 set to automatic update fully charged plugged in over night with sleep …

2022-09-15: Goal 3 is like me on FIFA 22 against a teenager. You can decide which team I would be …

2022-09-14: Ah love when you find UX not even thought about and it messes everything up … had old Tweetbot app …

2022-09-14: Emoji in nodenogg.in (part of my PhD practice) was one of the pieces that increased engagement, …

2022-09-14: Yes it’s back thank you iOS 16 percentage battery is back. 🪫 🔋

2022-09-13: Daybreak is a cooperative board game about stopping climate change. Can you and your friends build a …

2022-09-10: For goodness sake.

2022-09-10: Also to my neighbours (please) stop handing marmalade in to the local vets. He maybe old be is not a …

2022-09-10: Having ownership of the place you live has an impact I am only just starting to really appreciate. …

2022-09-10: Monty is now mainly making sure Southampton behaves #eagleeyes

2022-09-10: Crazy stuff. Mad history in the making.

2022-09-09: My (old) cat Marms found again stray on… my road… yep hiding from the rain so got bused off to the …

2022-09-08: I’m no royalist but flipping heck

2022-09-08: Side loaded onto playdate, dev so far…

2022-09-06: Took me a while to work this out ! 🤦🏻‍♂️ Next to make crank rotate sprite… but first …

2022-09-06: Clearly the back of my head is the best for Instagram stories 🤣 Games & creative coding will be …

2022-09-06: Episode 3 of Same Old Wombles is out now - we discuss Wimbledons performance so far, the Dons Trust …

2022-09-05: Back to work today & can’t find one of my hard drives, realising the mountain of activity to do …

2022-09-05: Truss… I don’t trust any of them not worth their weight in competency or the default inheritance of …

2022-09-04: I have so much contempt for VAR and it’s use by officials. I hated it’s introduction and hate it’s …

2022-09-02: One of the original ideas for the play date was a game watch. I found mine today (needs battery) …

2022-09-02: What what you left a gap there… what was I suppose to do 🐱🙀

2022-09-02: I didn’t even know you could have brown rated windows 🤣

2022-09-01: Marms back in 2010

2022-09-01: Not a stray just getting old.

2022-09-01: My Sunday gaming team avatars care of DALL-E 2 - pro eSports soon no doubt. Thanks @dajb@social.coop …

2022-09-01: He is not a stray he is old. Marms! 🐱

2022-09-01: And of course forgetting to update gitlab is fatal… major update… oh boy… see …

2022-09-01: updating my VPS …. woooo all the errors… I should outsource but I experiment too much …

2022-09-01: Hat tip to @epilepticrabbit@mastodon.social for finding the LinkedIn satire profile image. I …

2022-08-31: This is called winning at LinkedIn 🤣 via @epilepticrabbit@mastodon.social

2022-08-31: Family not well but future son in law turned up with spare ticket to sit with him and watch his team …

2022-08-31: Hmm just noticed in the sunlit app my profile has not updated the photos since mid June? Weird @help …

2022-08-30: Started a weekly podcast on AFC Wimbledon, 4-6 people chatting each week all things Wimbledon and …

2022-08-29: Cat appears in your house not yours…what do you do… A)shoo him out as he looks healthy and just …

2022-08-28: Why do I go… but then MotM presented by 95 year old fan is worth losing + John Fashanu pre match 😬 …

2022-08-26: Friday nights guests have departed 🐶

2022-08-26: eFootball 2023 doesn’t work on my steamdeck Let’s see what it’s like on PS5 Have they actually made …

2022-08-26: Chancellor aware more help is needed but “we should all look at our energy consumption” Watching …

2022-08-26: Extra Gull

2022-08-26: The boiler parts maybe the same but… Training and care of customers pays, excellent local service for our boiler I am a very happy person …

2022-08-24: Brilliant my (new) road and those around me have the council moving to make them 20mph. Not sure how …

2022-08-24: If it’s good for one it’s good for two 🐈 🐈‍⬛ but will Marmalade join…

2022-08-24: My walking podcast my be effected by the costal winds 🤦🏻‍♂️🤣👍 Nevermind

2022-08-24: My indoor cat has become a slightly more outdoor cat 🐱

2022-08-24: Technical Debt and Adobe THe way people use devices seems to me… moving further and further away from the way a lot of …

2022-08-24: What the heck office 365 / outlook at work (university) is still messing with legit emails. …

2022-08-23: Adobe holding your files hostage Adobe you MUST provide a migration tool for moving cloud documents between profiles and you MUST …

2022-08-23: Called Adobe they hang up on me as I couldnt understand a word the “technical” person I …

2022-08-23: Made all my Adobe files offline… nope still can’t find them in finder. Confirmed they are offline as …

2022-08-23: Adobe ! What ! You move my account from personal profile to business profile and you have no way to …

2022-08-23: Daybreak - cooperative boardgame about stopping climate change Daybreak is a cooperative boardgame about stopping climate change. It’s an optimistic vision of the …

2022-08-21: Hose pipe ban yet someone jet washing car back of our house this afternoon, Old man grumpy …

2022-08-18: Switch charger found however ikea cupboard to hide everything delayed 🙁

2022-08-18: Quiz time Cushion or not…

2022-08-18: We may have welcomed the rain in the UK but after droughts it’s not good as it doesn’t absorb into …

2022-08-18: 92% of England off limits ! - the right to roam in Scotland was enshrined in law in 2003, not in …

2022-08-18: After finally sorting all the cables and then tackling set up in new front room. I am waiting on one …

2022-08-17: Time to crack on with plugging in all the retro consoles in our gaming / front room …

2022-08-16: Too Much Month at the End of the Money, I am honestly worried about most working people. We as a …

2022-08-15: Ridiculous the “leaders” of the UK on holiday, the climate crisis many of us have been worrying …

2022-08-14: Boris Johnson seen on holiday… the press reports … come on it’s obvious these people don’t care (all …

2022-08-14: Hot

2022-08-13: Game on

2022-08-13: I got It’s Freezing in LA! this month as part of my Stack subscription. Check out this range of …

2022-08-13: So a lot of the UK is now in a drought situation so what does the media tell us… how to save water …

2022-08-12: Rosie 1/3 cats has gotten quite adventurous in our new house location. I always get stressed when …

2022-08-11: Late night dog walking is the only way. This heat wave continues #climatecrisisuk

2022-08-11: Did @manton hint at a cranking timeline @playdate 😬 3rd party support for network use asap

2022-08-09: Excellent the percentage is back on iPhone status bar! Wooo … any news on visible VPN coming back? …

2022-08-06: Next weekend the pain of which top to wear will be real… wooo COYD

2022-08-05: 8-bit to Infinity - 2022: Gaming Music at the Proms - BBC Proms

2022-08-05: Doing some crazy stuff with DALL-E 2 ? this might be useful - dctr.pro/2nk

2022-08-05: Day 5/35 leave - smart meter install, then a steamdeck trackmania summer 2022 track day I reckon tho …

2022-08-04: Not an England fan but I cheered on the team Sunday, my daughter has been coming to watch Wimbledon …

2022-08-04: Day 4/35 annual leave, getting use to being off. Continuing to organise home, installing more games …

2022-08-04: Good news. meter readings, an email with octopus and ordered smart meter install tomorrow, my …

2022-08-03: University of Southampton purchase and upgrade of the Sir James Matthews building is coming along …

2022-08-01: Fantastic

2022-08-01: Day 1/35 on annual leave. Sensible soccer (2020) working on steamdeck. New playdate games arrived. …

2022-07-30: Yeah that is not happening! Only just about settled into new house so how they can base these new …

2022-07-27: Download and share custom video game assets and personalise your gaming library - SteamGridDB …

2022-07-26: Wooo

2022-07-26: Yesterday my steamdeck arrived. Configuring it for itch, ubisoft etc and sideloading, at work (it’s …

2022-07-18: Wooo my playdate is on the way

2022-07-13: Aaron Williamson Avant-Garde artist concludes speaker series To conclude our inaugural Art & Media Technology Department speaker series Aaron Williamson a …

2022-07-13: In other news does anyone know if the next ios makes it clearer when VPN is still on ! Should be a …

2022-07-06: Main reason for being annoyed I forgot my headphones is for noise cancellation on the trains. 🚂- …

2022-07-05: Core int - JavaScript copy paste and opensource Another good core int from @manton & @danielpunkass good to hear web copy and paste has improved …

2022-07-04: Cat actually using the pod! 🐱

2022-07-03: Inspired by @hollyhoneychurch monty is in a world of his own

2022-07-03: Sunday p2

2022-07-03: moving and switching gas / electric You should be able to move into a house & let your supplier know the meter readings for gas …

2022-07-03: In boring news I am still battling EDF who had supplied gas and electricity to my new house before I …

2022-07-03: Sunday 🐶 🐱

2022-07-02: New home office door sign installed, If you want to discuss web science, art school education and …

2022-07-01: Slowly getting home office desk just right

2022-07-01: Someone sent me a congratulations Doctor cake. My wife was pretty excited until I revealed it was …

2022-06-29: wooooooo viva day and passed PhD (with minor modifications) aka I am done #official Doctor ! Time to …

2022-06-26: By the Blind, For the Blind Why tools made by the blind, are the best for the blind. dctr.pro/2nh

2022-06-25: Running up that Hill by Kate Bush gets number one 36 years later. We have the 5th studio LP on vinyl …

2022-06-25: Escaping the Web’s Dark Forest - dctr.pro/2ng

2022-06-24: Happy days Rick Beato is a left dock guy like me

2022-06-23: Wooooo ok upgraded to PSN premium. So many games!

2022-06-23: I really appreciate when the housing association we use to have to deal with don’t refund me and …

2022-06-23: rebuilding… blog…. hmm I wonder if it will cross post to mastodon missing posts @help

2022-06-23: oh I tried to turn on a plug in (for photos) to be masonry…ill turn that off cc @help Error: …

2022-06-23: erm why have none of my posts today appeared on my blog yet ? cc @help

2022-06-23: he was…

2022-06-23: The Demo → Demo Loop - the secret to making successful creative products - hint hint it’s to demo …

2022-06-22: Freeform 🤦🏻‍♂️ well that maybe a problem for Muse App… but also glad that again nodenogg.in …

2022-06-22: Continuity camera…. oh yeah I made a macOS app in 2018 that used your best camera… aka …

2022-06-21: Wooo my playdate is about to start shipping

2022-06-19: Sunday afternoon gaming

2022-06-16: twitch.tv/gamesdesi… Live from 6:15 PM games design and art degree show opening evening

2022-06-15: All welcome, if your in Winchester, UK tomorrow or over the weekend

2022-06-13: Lumpy rug needs a walk

2022-06-12: Been spending some time in iPad app reading micro.blog timeline the last couple of days, it’s …

2022-06-12: I probably said this before but GT 7 really missed a trick by not having a iOS app that connects to …

2022-06-11: Moving Pains Please be warned this is a pretty sad blog post. Very recently we finally managed to buy and move to …

2022-06-10: The boys are back in town

2022-06-02: Organising listening to Peter Gabriel

2022-05-27: Last couple of days of our big move. My home office is ahead of the curve in terms of usability …

2022-05-25: Woooo my playdate is coming soon!

2022-05-22: Every time I eat a bag of crisps this stresses me out. All the onus is on the consumer. Wrong wrong …

2022-05-22: On this day in 2004. Acting in a friends film.

2022-05-20: Visiting St Mary’s Visiting St Mary’s for the first time. I attended the U18 premiership national final Southampton FC …

2022-05-19: Composor of Blade Runner, Chariots of Fire and more Vangelis has died aged 79 😞 - BBC News Composer …

2022-05-17: Local games for me but the dates are just no good for me. 😫

2022-05-17: Been a mad busy 2022. Lining up to start/ finish some audio books over the rest of the year.

2022-05-17: Fantastic new documentary on the mighty AFC Wimbledon - YouTube

2022-05-12: Yes yes yes yes yes this is amazing. One of the best TV series in a long time has been commissioned …

2022-05-07: 🤦🏻‍♂️

2022-05-06: Ok I have to work tomorrow but that was a busy and stressful week so the weekend starts here

2022-05-06: Follow all the rules Procter or become foul of the law. Lady wasn’t having any of my innocence as a …


2022-05-03: My original Junplanning Jack Skellington Figure picked up by me in 1999 in Los Angeles is boxed up …

2022-05-03: How did I miss this song exploder from one of my favourite films ever - Danny Elfman - What’s This? …

2022-05-03: If I manage to get myself a home Linux box over the next few years I’ll get one of these and run …

2022-05-03: Our final year games students are funding for private view drinks and refeshments. Can’t wait for …

2022-05-02: Happy days

2022-05-02: Stop / Go

2022-05-01: Spot the dog

2022-05-01: Spot the cat

2022-05-01: First time relegated as AFC Wimbledon in our twenty year history as the Phoenix rising from the …

2022-04-30: Nuts

2022-04-29: Thankfully 4-4-2 magazine got it right www.sensiblesoccer.de/swos-2020

2022-04-23: 0-1 to us Foul on our keeper This is your job KNOW the rules ! Law 13: Free kicks The ball: Must be …

2022-04-22: Why does moving mobile providers and trying to keep same number even when EE is also BT still cause …

2022-04-22: Reading some of the behind the scenes of playdate development is great no game spoilers either Game …

2022-04-18: I dunno but a lot of current music is well just really shallow - Jeremy Pearl Jam

2022-04-18: Indeed 🤣

2022-04-16: eFootball 1.0.0 is out and I still can’t score 🤣 youtu.be/jt37Q301e…

2022-04-15: PES update as eFootball 1.0.0 has arrived… semi hopeful

2022-04-15: Oh my ios microblog timeline is stuck in a loop. Weird @manton FYI maybe just me

2022-04-15: Now the madness begins can actually pack in earnest now as we have a house! Dragging bikes out of …

2022-04-14: Ok small cash on the GT7 roulette is now official a joke. It’s so rigged every time 🤦🏻‍♂️

2022-04-10: 7-1 AFC Wimbledon ladies great win

2022-04-10: COYD

2022-04-08: The India Club

2022-04-08: Enjoying my time with students at WASD Iive at Tobacco dock London. Nice chats to devs and …

2022-04-06: Dear AFC Wimbledon, we love you, my seat, my daughters and my Dads will be empty this Saturday, not …

2022-04-05: Attempts to privatise Channel 4 are wrong and must be stopped. Channel 4 is publicly owned not …

2022-04-03: Excellent redjet link to two different timetables on the same page, so we dashed for wrong cat and …

2022-04-03: Off to the Isle of Wight

2022-03-31: Accidentally ended up seeing BBC question time. Climate denial conservatives excellent. Switching …

2022-03-31: Took early student games final major project prototypes to test at Southampton FCs stadium, Barclays …

2022-03-30: Oh sorry about that delay in your house purchase & moving date, yes we know your mother in law …

2022-03-28: In case you wondered yes I handed in my PhD Text last week. I am prepared for a lot of corrections …


2022-03-27: Nitin Sawhney - Camden Roudhouse

2022-03-27: GT7 has had a bumpy start. I love the game but I can confirm the roulette daily wins always gives …


2022-03-19: No no no no no Thankfully GT7 is awesome

2022-03-19: 6 days and counting. The struggle is real. PhD

2022-03-17: Erm did someone say Moon Rocket roll out & Eddie Vedder playing invincible … excellent

2022-03-17: iCloud started working some point in the night but the versions I see on my phone in Ulysses that …

2022-03-17: Nope iCloud server status green icon you are not correct. No iCloud photos, no Find my, no sync of …

2022-03-17: I can’t wait for the metaverse … as it’s not like a simple plain text document doesn’t have problems …

2022-03-16: Unbelievable

2022-03-16: Ok I get mad at Ulysses’s but iPhoto same issue not syncing yet iCloud statuses all green. Hey …

2022-03-16: Good job my PhD isn’t about practice based real-time multiplayer networked technology and …

2022-03-16: Gah Ulysses is not syncing again from my mac at work to my iPad at home. So iCloud is still …

2022-03-14: Marms has heard enough practicing

2022-03-12: The Week Pretty good week, took games students to “retro” arcade in Southampton and sent year 1 …

2022-03-09: These platforms continue to really entrench US ideologies and create values in a very US centric …

2022-03-09: If you have all this automation technology why don’t you let me flip the switch instead of you …

2022-03-09: The Landing Page for our current campaign recruiting 15 new academic posts at WSA including 4 in the …

2022-03-08: Lots of exciting new opportunities to join Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton and …

2022-03-07: Women at AFC Wimbledon games feel safe and included youtu.be/3rRPfjCie…

2022-03-04: Ok the Yarris is in the Garage and I have 1.6 million credits so I must have the deluxe edition. No …

2022-03-04: Ok GT7 downloaded and I can play it BUT I bought the deluxe edition - so what the heck is going on


2022-02-26: As Glo Timelines is being retired and I always wanted a simple way to produce a gantt chart or …

2022-02-26: March buy first house / Move house Hand in PhD Catch up on work work Lead department work as …

2022-02-25: Oh pre download pre release how annoying 🤣


2022-02-24: Technology and productivity - thoughtshrapnel.com/2022/02/2…

2022-02-24: Crumbs this is even more worrying.

2022-02-24: Thanks @epilepticrabbit@mastodon.social and @dajbelshaw@fosstodon.org for having me on your podcast …

2022-02-20: Another power cut in our village. Annoying but what we gonna do when climate crisis really hits the …

2022-02-19: Power out for about 8 hours yesterday. Mobile phone signal still poor. Village shop (run by Tesco) …

2022-02-19: After the debacle that was / is eFootball on PS5. I decided to try FIFA 22 on Stadia as it was £18. …

2022-02-17: Yes! I got roundhouse tickets!

2022-02-17: We are living in a metaverse already ! Dam it 🤪

2022-02-16: I have to say big shout out again to @aral@mastodon.ar.al for his talk today “decentralising begins …

2022-02-16: Fantastic talk to the Department today, on campus and remote from @aral@mastodon.ar.al talking about …

2022-02-15: #web0 Aral Balkan will kick off our inaugural speaker series talking about #web0 with the new Department …

2022-02-15: Plough Lane bond2 has now raised over £2 million towards refinancing our £4 million bridging loan. …

2022-02-13: Bah cookies and not even an proper Home Screen icon NY Times already off to a bad start

2022-02-12: Let’s go! COYD

2022-02-11: Excited as next week @aral@mastodon.ar.al will kick off our inaugural speaker series on #web0 at …

2022-02-11: Monday Steve Bromley came and ran a games user research workshop, then Wednesday we live streamed a …

2022-02-09: I worried about my students and staff. I worried when I had covid about walking the dog and …

2022-02-07: www.bbc.co.uk/sport/foo… - Well that’s wrong a fan didn’t run on the pitch a thug at a …

2022-02-06: Oh that’s annoying Brydon & is a Spotify only podcast

2022-02-05: Local shop in village always sells out of Guardian, if you don’t get there early but plenty of daily …

2022-02-05: Grandchild number two. Might win him over to AFC Wimbledon over Southampton FC… the family made me …

2022-02-04: The Crypto Backlash Is Booming - dctr.pro/2n4 👍👍👍

2022-02-04: 🤦🏻‍♂️ dam

2022-01-31: New football shoes sorted. COYD

2022-01-25: Sat slightly nearer than my usual seat, bunch of friends seat swapping but we still lost 🤦🏻‍♂️

2022-01-23: Haha of course the air tag I use to secretly track my dog in case of theft has alerted my wife to …


2022-01-20: Gonna quote Everest Pipkin here web3 is exactly the kind of thing that comes from living in a world …

2022-01-19: Write a whole bunch of prose in Fantastical Event macOS. App Crashes text lost 👍 Text was about Art …

2022-01-17: Unbelievable why cut the BBC licence fee. They make such great radio and TV and support our creative …

2022-01-11: Got some great and daunting feedback on PhD text …. it’s gonna be a tough Jan and Feb for sure

2022-01-11: Remembering Aaron Swartz, who died on this day, a victim of the copyright system - Walled Culture

2022-01-10: Dirt 5 on PSN / PS5 is excellent. Of course codemasters know how to do racing games but this has …

2022-01-10: Totally taking this from ink and switch director Peter van Hardenberg and his use of the Dune quote …

2022-01-10: Hey when did iTunes Podcast Connect become Apple Podcast Connect and why do I have to set up my …

2022-01-10: Internet debates have raged for too long. It’s time to settle the big questions so we can move …

2022-01-10: GT7 is the most expensive video game I have ever purchased, got the 25th Anniversary edition £90 🤪. …

2022-01-10: This post and quotes from CEO of Signal on web3 has a lot in it whilst very straight forward. We …

2022-01-10: the random post plug in for micro.blog is great I also testing the footnotes plug in1 as it used the …

2022-01-09: Fear not I won’t keep posting these but today was so close Wordle 204 X/6 ⬛⬛⬛⬛🟩 ⬛⬛⬛⬛🟩 ⬛⬛🟨🟨🟩 🟨🟩⬛⬛🟩 …

2022-01-08: Wordle 203 6/6 Ouch I’m rubbish The share option is fun 🟩⬛⬛⬛⬛ 🟩🟩⬛⬛⬛ 🟩🟩🟩⬛⬛ 🟩🟩🟩⬛⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩

2022-01-07: Roblox child labour exploitation and no safe guarding for kids YouTube of course you can bet NFTs …

2022-01-07: Drone carrying defibrillator saves life* *If someone with better health insurance and a healthy life …

2022-01-04: Tomorrows breakfast is upgraded!

2022-01-04: I still am an Apple fan boi even though there are now privacy issues but a $3 trillion dollar …

2022-01-04: So on top of my generally terrible eye sight I am now at that age I also need reading glasses but I …

2022-01-04: Wow Anne (ITV dramatisation about Anne Williams mother of Kevin Williams murdered at the …

2022-01-04: I signed the web0 manifesto web0 = decentralisation You should sign it too. web0 is web3 but without …

2022-01-04: No fault… hmm turns out “something” of my line in the cabinet had been “unplugged” now reconnected …

2022-01-04: I decided to try wavelength to record an audio narration of one of my blog posts and then copied the …

2022-01-03: 2022 looking like a bumper year Audio Version From Feb I will be the brand new Interim Head of an also brand new Department of Art …

2022-01-03: 2017 / 2021 / 2022 slower and slower

2022-01-03: Finally got round to using the CSS filter approach @aral@mastodon.ar.al talks about here for dark …

2022-01-03: Excellent piece here on the issues of Fast Food Education - dctr.pro/2mz

2022-01-02: If you throw a bottle at a footballer you are NOT a supporter of football in any sense. Hopefully …

2022-01-02: Hey Musk and Bezos this came out in 1987 🤔

2022-01-02: My o2 phone verses my current BT broadband 🤦🏻‍♂️ BT just wins. Half the speed I had a month ago. …

2022-01-02: Openrearch texting me claiming my internet is all fixed and to let them know to cancel the engineer. …

2022-01-01: My BT internet speed has been halfed and all my checks I’m being charged double. Really pretty …

2022-01-01: Really my max speed is 30… Hmm well it wasn’t until this last month.

2022-01-01: This is when you know BT is not quite being truthful about your max connection speed when in …

2021-12-30: All I can say right now is do NOT bank with the co-operative bank. Shambolic service for my mother …

2021-12-29: This stuff is awesome

2021-12-26: 🤣 zero…however it’s good for me to see a review of my own writing from the week. You can still …

2021-12-25: The “final” chapter of my PhD is to talk about making what would become nodenogg.in it’s been a ride …

2021-12-22: Double Astra’d and now booster of Pfizer today. I am now according to the current adverts just like …

2021-12-21: QR are you? Norwegians put new spin on putting pride in the shirt - dctr.pro/2my

2021-12-21: Digital Games Technician New Post If you think Games Design is for everyone, this role is for you. Diversity is as crucial to Games …

2021-12-20: ☮️ Lessons from a radical, anti-establishment bulletin board From the Berkeley Free Speech Movement …

2021-12-19: “How can you look at private property, speculation, artificial scarcity, and egoism, then say ‘yes …

2021-12-18: Space themed evening for the family and selected / tested friends

2021-12-17: Ever since Monterey so annoying, I can view people by going in and it has a lot of people …

2021-12-13: More ikea hell

2021-12-13: A few years ago but popped up on my wife’s device. I think it’s a good show of how much I hate IKEA

2021-12-13: Absolutely ashamed today. Racist individual on my bus into work. I didn’t know what to do.

2021-12-08: You can now get all my blog posts from the week to your email on a Sunday. So you wont miss a thing …

2021-12-07: It’s been a while since Evie and I have been to Borehamwood but we may travel again for the FA Cup. …

2021-12-06: Campaign against sexism in Football - www.hergametoo.co.uk

2021-12-06: Brilliant Fair Game discussion on zoom tonight

2021-12-04: New track out

2021-12-03: Punched out of duck duck go for a Google search today. It worked perfectly. Then Google asked for …

2021-12-02: 🐱

2021-12-02: BRILLIANT - Archive - 50 Years of Text Games dctr.pro/2mw

2021-12-02: Women in Games Metaverse talk + links Finally the excellent WIG conference talk about the Metaverse is now online since the summer …

2021-12-02: Brilliant short film about Star Stable online 10 year anniversary plans, an idea that the …

2021-11-27: Got riders republic couldn’t play it for a while. Had to create a new account. Wow what a joke …

2021-11-27: Bloody joke I can’t believe lay riders republic as I need an account which I have but it hates my …

2021-11-26: Ten Steps Towards Happiness - Hintjens.com dctr.pro/2mt

2021-11-26: The UK gov fan led review of English football final report is out. It looks good, I am hopeful this …

2021-11-24: Cats love boxes 🐱 - tails the cat

2021-11-23: The transformational @traceycrouch fan-led review is due ✅ Integrity ✅ Community ✅ Sustainability …

2021-11-21: I do a lot of SOFA tilde.town/~dozens/s…

2021-11-20: In unrelated musical news when you shout hey siri Shazam - say your driving - it doesn’t …

2021-11-20: This is why local first, offline first is so important Some Tesla owners unable to unlock cars due …

2021-11-17: First Play

2021-11-17: Amazing interview from the coaching team at AFC Wimbledon a proper view and direction for our club …

2021-11-17: The same technology that powers Muse Sync can be used for multi-user collaboration. Imagine being …

2021-11-16: This is brilliant news Muse 2.0 - I’m going to go pro to get early access for sure - …

2021-11-16: Hmm @help for me the UK time stamp is an hour ahead of the real time did MB server forget about the …

2021-11-16: Exciting !

2021-11-12: Dons Trust Election hustings tomorrow 10am on YouTube. I’ll be live debating and discussing my …

2021-11-12: Of course I agree with @dajbelshaw@fosstodon.org that games are an art form and can and do …

2021-11-11: See on iPhone Ulysses global search is simple

2021-11-11: help help my dog swallowed one of my NFTs and pooped out a QR code and now nobody can see that I …

2021-11-11: I still seem to miss micro.blog notifications, no idea why 🤷‍♂️ I know people on MB don’t mind …

2021-11-11: Ok can someone please tell me where the global search is on Ulysses on iPad driving me mad

2021-11-10: edwardsnowden.substack.com/p/cultura…

2021-11-09: I curse you iPhone keyboard. When I slightly mistype news I clearly don’t mean mews - I love my cats …

2021-11-08: Disguising. You hunt foxes for fun and you abuse your own animals, I guess you feel you “own” them. …

2021-11-08: Dune was great. My kind of cinema.

2021-11-07: Nice whento.info

2021-11-06: FA Cup next round here we come

2021-11-06: Volunteer programme seller in the away end. FA Cup. COYD

2021-11-06: Delayed train added extra stop so what you mean is transfer between trains is not 13Mins but minus 2 …

2021-11-06: Yes eFootball has issues and now rightfully delayed launch until spring 2022, can’t play against …

2021-11-02: You can have global capitalism…

2021-11-01: This year as a Dons Trust member and owner of AFC Wimbledon I decided to stand for one of the 5 …

2021-10-31: Argh just lost another reply in sunlit 😔

2021-10-31: Belated photo from following the mighty Dons away yesterday to Cambridge, we lost but lovely city to …

2021-10-31: If you missed any of the PrivacyWeek Vienna talks, you can find the recordings at …

2021-10-31: Guardian - climate crisis data chart. We need stuff this to be much like the Covid data we have had …

2021-10-30: www.theguardian.com Capitalism is killing the planet – it’s time to stop buying into our own …


2021-10-29: Meta is really bad news, we must have a counter to Big Tech After this weeks announcement of Meta, Facebooks new company, we have to mobilise against Big Tech. …

2021-10-29: Starting in 10mins Big Tech is a virus, Small Tech is the vaccine MUST watch by @aral@mastodon.ar.al …

2021-10-29: Starting in 30mins Big Tech is a virus, Small Tech is the vaccine …

2021-10-29: This week was in an “in conversation with” for fine art students, was asked what’s next, I said the …

2021-10-28: ok indexing everything into DEVONThink was not a good idea, am now being a little more selective to …

2021-10-27: Obviously I backed this. This is where my journey into games and coding started …

2021-10-27: 30 days to see this maybe a bad idea or I may have a new brain soon.. indexing large chunks of my …

2021-10-26: Ok Stadia is up and running but boy that was mad painful and I seem to need to do a lot via my phone

2021-10-26: I love being told how software I piloted works since 2012 🤷‍♂️ only trying to help, but hey bring …

2021-10-26: Sunlit app “deletes” reply if you accidentally tap into timeline @manton @cheesemaker @help see …

2021-10-26: The awesome @dajbelshaw@fosstodon.org sent me this gift - I’m pretty intrested to see how it works …

2021-10-26: I can no longer print at work and I lost all my 1200+ tabs on Firefox after Monterey upgrade but I …

2021-10-26: Testing a new group in Ulysses to send and edit post to Micro.blog on Monterey. I have since edited …

2021-10-26: I’m tempted to go all in on DevonThink anyone want to tell me why I should or shouldn’t. Or is there …

2021-10-23: Just noticed my cross post with YouTube link onto mastodon didn’t quite work it just linked to the …

2021-10-23: I know they have gone but what kinda album could the Robots have done in relation to the climate …

2021-10-22: It’s says zero 🤣

2021-10-22: New video demo of nodenogg.in beta showing some new views that are not fully live (yet). This demo …

2021-10-17: Facebooks Ford Pinto moment … dctr.pro/2mo The comparison of tech to the US auto industry instills …

2021-10-16: 🐱 🐶 💤

2021-10-15: Have completed the first part of JETT. Really nice and I like this feature. 👍 next part says 2 hours …

2021-10-13: Rocket man performed by William Shatner

2021-10-13: Meeting break in

2021-10-13: Ok William Shatner went to space www.bbc.co.uk/news/scie… please tell me he did this …

2021-10-13: Interesting Cook book infringement case. Recipes are not “protected” by copyright law …

2021-10-13: I’m only a week and a half back into normal F2F teaching and boy do I just feel mentally 1000 times …

2021-10-13: m2 macs Monday then

2021-10-11: Custom NGINX and Let’s Encrpyt Dropping DST ca v3 stuff end of Sept and myself using Firefox meant I …

2021-10-09: I don’t believe our species will survive if we cannot fix this, we cannot have a society in which if …

2021-10-08: Oh dear BBC earthshot prize series is a nature film pretending to encourage people to change habits …

2021-10-08: Thanks Apple no idea really why you now don’t like one but like some of my plesk issued lets …

2021-10-08: I hate you /dev/sda1 482922 481483 0 100% /boot and you The following packages have unmet …

2021-10-08: What is Technology... In a short commentary posted to her website in 2004, science fiction author Ursula K. Le Guin wrote …

2021-10-08: newpublic.org/article/1… cc @aral@mastodon.ar.al

2021-10-08: A new book explains the root causes of burnout and why we won’t solve them without changing work …

2021-10-04: Woah

2021-10-03: Mother in law is losing her mind, unfortunately but I can take watching the awesome Columbo to keep …

2021-10-03: In theory have tickets for Nitin Sawhney end of the month although the Royal Albert Hall ticket …

2021-10-02: Beauty and solace in the abandoned worlds of Roblox. Article by Everest Pipkin

2021-09-29: Work has been pretty stressful these last 18+ months I wonder if it’s time to retrain… …

2021-09-29: Thanks @dotsandspaces mentioned this on a podcast a while back have since read and now am buying for …

2021-09-28: Met most of our new year one BA (Hons) Games Design & Art Students this week for our welcome …

2021-09-28: I just don’t want to be busy anymore by Elena Salaks Sep, 2021 - Medium

2021-09-25: Updated to Apple TV 4K from original Apple TV big upgrade makes things easier and doesn’t keep …

2021-09-25: Stressing the UK has “ample fuel stocks in this country and the public should be reassured there are …

2021-09-25: 🍺

2021-09-25: UK shortage of labour will effect crucial parts of the economy. Emergency visas likely to be issued …

2021-09-22: We didn’t win but we have had a good time. COYD.


2021-09-22: Well as expected lots of apps just crash with iOS 15 so regular look ins at the App Store updates …

2021-09-20: iOS 15 downloading to iPhone Pro and iPad Pro. Then I need to go off and read what that means again …

2021-09-19: Augmenting group intellect.

2021-09-18: Teaching machines and Personalised learning - YouTube forum with Audrey Watters we certainly …

2021-09-17: Home computing pioneer Sir Clive Sinclair dies aged 81 I wouldn’t be doing what I do if it wasn’t …

2021-09-16: Well the iPhone 12pro is no match for an insanely cool looking bright moon.

2021-09-16: Oh yeah it was Miso tv app I use to use to check into shows , I am sure there was another one. At …

2021-09-15: Are transparency, inclusivity, adaptability, collaboration, and community important to you? Once …

2021-09-15: Google failed to comply with laws mandating temp workers be paid equal to full-time staff - Guardian …

2021-09-15: Weirdly I join literal wonder about bookshelf’s in micro.blog and remember I built a TV and movie …

2021-09-15: Girls who play video games are 3x more likely to go onto study and work in STEM so there is …

2021-09-14: Plug MacBook Pro 16 into my two screens, fans go full blast 5500 Radeon bug draws 18W of power. …

2021-09-14: I’m starting to think that I should do everything first in obsidian, email , slack , blogs , …

2021-09-14: This is a literal representation of my life now WHAT THE HECK.

2021-09-14: The future of the (iOS) App Store post from @marco is a good summary and commentary on the changes …

2021-09-14: I’ve been on the Sunlit beta and this app just gets better and better. If you want (and you do) a …

2021-09-14: Festival conference starts tomorrow always one of my highlights of the year. Can’t attend too much …

2021-09-13: I need to get back into @netnewswire properly now I’m all icloud sync’d and use the good old RSS …

2021-09-12: In case you didn’t know @dajbelshaw@fosstodon.org has restarted his microcasts discussing 3 links he …

2021-09-11: One of the numerous issues I seem to now have to deal with is one of my cats now likes to follow me …

2021-09-11: Of the 5 third party privacy groups Facebook consulted on the “Ray Ban” camera glasses 4 out of 5 …

2021-09-11: Hello @help @manton no idea how notifications work on iOS. But I seem to have gone from none to …

2021-09-11: Oh Rob and Romesh and a reboot of Never Mind the Buzzcocks on the new Sky Max that’s cool though …

2021-09-11: A complex world changed a lot 20 years ago. Here is a photo I took in 2018 while I again pondered on …

2021-09-10: Nice one Stomzy happened to be shopping in the Wimbledon area. And spotted our Dons Local Action …

2021-09-10: Earth’s tipping points could be closer than we think. Our current plans won’t work If Earth systems cross critical thresholds, everything we did and everything we were – the …

2021-09-10: The scale of Europe’s institutional capacity related to OSS (Open Source Software) , however, is …

2021-09-10: WhatsApp fined a record €225 million by Ireland over privacy dctr.pro/2ma

2021-09-10: The main breakthrough of the study is the identification of open source as a public good. This shows …

2021-09-09: Your Phone Is Your Private Space. The Atlantic Multiple governments are already moving to …

2021-09-09: Oh nice Dune is coming next month YouTube - It has been pointed out that its a bit of a well known …

2021-09-08: At my favourite London Venue. Brixton Academy. With my daughter to see Passenger. My first time …

2021-09-08: If you are interested in helping improve the way English football is run and governed please …

2021-09-07: Debating to get myself back into instapaper or pocket and sort out my 2000+ Firefox tabs in the …

2021-09-06: Back at work day one walking home by the river.

2021-09-03: Done my 10 days feel pretty much back to normal now. Everyone else in the house is also ok. Still …

2021-09-03: YouTube you are out of order

2021-09-02: I like obsidian and am an early bird supporter. I don’t really use it massively but love the …

2021-09-02: ABBA new virtual tour in custom London venue ABBA new album and brand new tour in custom arena being built now in London blending physical and …

2021-09-02: Sending love to those in NYC and surrounding areas on micro.blog, stay safe. 💚 Hurricane Ida is sure …

2021-09-01: Billy Bragg. I Will Be Your Shield …

2021-09-01: Coming 19th November

2021-09-01: I remember back in 2007 there wasn’t even E and yet my iPhone would happily load webpages now if …

2021-08-31: Tonight I was suppose to be at the AFC Wimbledon sponsors dinner but due to Covid I couldn’t attend. …

2021-08-31: Good way to track timing 1.5hrs coding today to this youtu.be/9ZnecnJYG… and have fixed …

2021-08-31: I keep thinking again about the brief chat I had with @dajbelshaw@fosstodon.org on how people …

2021-08-31: The other week I learned that in a UK college the computer rooms are recording and listening for key …

2021-08-31: Man I hope my University will do something like this soon. Berlin’s university canteens go almost …

2021-08-31: Play.date Pulp looks great. Pulp is a simple way into making games without code / using full SDK. …

2021-08-29: Sunday evening on the PS5 with the Sunday gang was awesome

2021-08-29: This last week 10 years ago went to see Passenger for the second time in a small pub in Portsmouth. …

2021-08-28: Hard press screen recording button in iOS control centre and you can decide to enable the microphone …

2021-08-28: somehow with a VSCode inside update this got turned off… making note for future self - its in …

2021-08-28: Today is going to be a slow day. Feeling better until the Covid cough kicks in. Might do some slow …

2021-08-27: I’m fortunate to have a range of friends whose ages are immaterial. Some have been here less than …

2021-08-27: And yes I’m double jabbed and suspect I had Covid already back in the early early days but very mild …

2021-08-27: Bah that sore throat on Tuesday turned out to be me getting Covid. Hiding away again.

2021-08-27: The All-Seeing “i”: Apple Just Declared War on Your Privacy - dctr.pro/2m3

2021-08-26: Neoliberal planetary boundary busting GDP continuous growth. Brilliant times we live in 🤦🏻‍♂️

2021-08-25: 🐶

2021-08-24: Bah youngest daughter got Covid. Mother in law double jabbed has lateral flow tested positive both …

2021-08-22: Also Apple I don’t care

2021-08-22: Privacy matters iPhone volume alerts A simple reason privacy matters. My iPhone has warned me my music has been too loud this week. What …

2021-08-21: A future where technology is funded ethically and wealth is generative and distributed would …

2021-08-20: Oh NICE! VScode and vue seems to be better colour coding my curly braces now , no idea when this …

2021-08-19: Cheeky snack 🍟

2021-08-18: This view is not going to get old Anytime soon. COYD ⚽️

2021-08-15: Returning to Plough Lane Football fans, those that see the community we have built, those that want to see how football can …

2021-08-15: AFC Wimbledon fans' return to Plough Lane after three decades was marked with a six-goal League One …


2021-08-12: Camping and there is some mobile signal 😎

2021-08-10: Unfortunately you only need one not in sync issue to have niggling thoughts. All my devices and …

2021-08-10: UFO crash landed in our village last night

2021-08-10: Based on the dryness of my beard in today’s weather and the climate crisis I suggest investing in …

2021-08-10: Mild panic attack when Ulysses on your iPad is missing sheets from you PhD. Not sure why it’s not up …

2021-08-10: We are fine “UK and Ireland among five nations most likely to survive a collapse of global …

2021-08-10: Holiday mode will probably be in full action for camping and football but waking up with mild phd …

2021-08-10: Prove me wrong but it seems Apple have been working for years on CSAM this is not going to be …

2021-08-09: Hampshire skies

2021-08-09: Daily Graphs of significance I was thinking last week it’s clear we will now have to live with COVID as a new disease and so …

2021-08-08: I walk around my village with the dog and read something on my phone only to get whiplashed by a …

2021-08-08: I am loving the fact that the opening game of the season sees the failure of the new draft excluder …

2021-08-07: No Apple you can’t scan my photos. I don’t care if someone thinks this will help catch evil …

2021-08-07: An Open Letter Against Apple’s Privacy-Invasive Content Scanning Technology - sad times …

2021-08-07: Great start 1-2 away win. COYD ⚽️

2021-08-07: Can Gaming make us Greener ? dctr.pro/2lz

2021-08-05: Since going vegan people would often ask but don’t you miss Bacon sandwiches. To be fair sometimes I …

2021-08-05: Sparks documentary wooo - YouTube trailer

2021-08-05: Teaching and Scholarship Podcast episode 32 Episode 32 sees us catching up with Adam Procter, who is the Programme Lead for Games Design and Art …

2021-08-01: Miro terms updated. I cannot see why they need to do this to provide a better Miro service. A pretty …

2021-07-31: The best thing about travelling on train to football is chatting to the random other football fans …

2021-07-31: Against Scunthorpe and testing main stands too capacity

2021-07-30: Oh I think my No Mans Sky saves are stuck on my PS4 as transfer half failed as I was downloading NMS …

2021-07-30: Ah ha so you know if you made the 20,000 as receipt will say late 2021. Wooooooo

2021-07-30: When you get stressed cause you can’t play your mindful music you know your not in a good space 🤣


2021-07-29: Now I know why I don’t normally pre-Order stuff too much “panic” so to speak but running a highly …

2021-07-29: well that was stressful but I think I have one for myself and one for games students to play with …

2021-07-29: well work finance team says site is now saying sold out so… maybe I made it - play.date

2021-07-29: bah my email was 6:12pm UK time….. play.date

2021-07-29: I can only hope that as my Play date order number is under 20000 I might have made it

2021-07-29: Dam it Panic / Play.date- stupid payment form pre populated one piece of information the country too …

2021-07-28: Oh it tells you when they are ready to play…

2021-07-27: We have one of the highest councils taxes in the UK yet our refuse bins are only collect every other …

2021-07-27: Having used a M1 mac for simple tasks with an external display and my day machine an intel Mac for …

2021-07-26: Yes we keep this in our medicine cupboard. Published 1987

2021-07-26: Far from being a priest class, software engineers strive to eliminate their own power by making …

2021-07-26: Yesterday I fixed my daughters hand me down iPhone X with a new screen (£65) not bad. I warned her …

2021-07-24: It took meeting some good friends in person this last week to really realise how actually burnt out …

2021-07-24: Great news @vincent getting onboard with micro.blog server stuff obviously I’m hoping for more CORS …

2021-07-24: Friday night Pre Season friendly by the river against Hampton and Richmond FC. Lots of youngsters …

2021-07-20: Yes yes I have actually ordered a PS5 a delivery says first week of August from very.co.uk

2021-07-20: Train to London man with constant cough is freaking me out. I am double jabbed and masked up. …

2021-07-20: nodenogg.in updates Some people might be following the development of nodenogg.in which is awesome. Thank you. I thought …

2021-07-19: We had to come to the pub. 🐶

2021-07-18: Sunday

2021-07-18: So hot, burning my feet as I move across my Garden, thinking of @dajbelshaw@fosstodon.org ’s friend …

2021-07-18: The Cult of Productivity Such a good newsletter from @epilepticrabbit@mastodon.social this week This quote from it is …

2021-07-17: 🐶

2021-07-17: Wooo looks like a Firefox bug I first reported in March 2020 will be fixed in Firefox 91 set to …

2021-07-17: I did it I reserved a steam deck. The middle tier one. Probably get it before the PS5 at this rate.

2021-07-16: Been playing more with kinopio its pretty good kinopio.club/wsagames-…

2021-07-14: Was this unexpected … unfortunately not

2021-07-14: How did I miss this Nitin Sawhney live - Sunset - part of common wealth day back in March …

2021-07-14: Apple Music app on some random play my music stuff. I always forget how great The Knife were. Also …

2021-07-14: Opps one of my SSL certs for nodenogg.in expired last month…. sorry about that all fixed …

2021-07-13: 🐶

2021-07-13: When I was younger I owned an Amiga 500+ never had an Atari tested this one today and it’s working. …

2021-07-13: My new socks have arrived and should prove my competence on the open sea.

2021-07-13: I would have enjoyed to see some international matches in 2030 however after scenes across London …

2021-07-12: What makes me so sad is I love football as it is so uniting in so many ways and I hate when it is …

2021-07-12: The Euros final have united people in England ? I beg to differ. Our arcade event is next Tuesday …

2021-07-12: As actual football fans. We are disgusted at the scenes at Wembley, Trafalgar Square and the racist …

2021-07-11: No one likes pens

2021-07-11: I love English football and a huge AFC Wimbledon fan but I am not an England fan and tonight’s …

2021-07-10: iOS app @manton did you get close to working this scrolling while typing bug out ? Maybe now source …

2021-07-10: Arrrgh I really want MarsEdit for my iPad


2021-07-09: Inside the groundbreaking 1997 all-women Quake tournament. Armed with $1,000 of her own money, a …

2021-07-07: Modern computing … open flick swipe tap type slide grind share swear … can’t wait for Apple to put …

2021-07-07: Yes I have a Google account. But I don’t want Google to track me so I’ve been doing all to stop them …

2021-07-07: More and more I find that the web and apps and OS interfaces are becoming so unintuitive. Either …

2021-07-07: This drives me nuts. I am signed in everywhere and then messages will do this. Due to the …

2021-07-06: WAYFINDER - Game WAYFINDER is an expression of our connectedness to the natural world. It’s an opportunity to …

2021-07-05: Sad news about director Richard Donner so here is a music video to cheer you up. YouTube clips from …

2021-07-05: I’m case you didn’t know that the crisp companies fairly and squarely place recycling in the …

2021-07-05: Arrrgh what is up with slack and photos / screenshots these days when on a cell connection they just …

2021-07-05: In random follow of awesome track via Apple Music Chill Mix picked for me. I’ll be checking this …

2021-07-05: With this mad weather I hope to get the global warming part of climate crisis on the 20th July 🤪 …

2021-07-05: My local car park seemed to be having a meet up or something 🚙

2021-07-05: I know the fix I want for sticky categories in micro.blog macOS app… I wonder as I can now …

2021-07-05: Crumbs what did I miss M$ Due to an ongoing global critical security vulnerability affecting …

2021-07-05: Some more thoughts on multiplayer for work. Something I’ve been playing with for years (PhD) This …

2021-07-05: Got Jab 2 bumped to the middle of last week. Had very little side effects this time. Just had a long …

2021-07-05: What Gaming Does to Your Brain— and How You Might Benefit - Wired

2021-07-03: climate “benefits” BBC bite size article deleted I was alerted to an insane page on BBC bite size that talked about “benefits” of climate change for …

2021-07-02: Ah ha finally masks and social distancing are no longer needed in England…well thats what I …

2021-07-02: Back in 2001 I took part in the Stop E$$o Campaign. Unfortunately nothing has changed it was clear …

2021-07-02: Oh Shazam you suggested from BBC England euros clip Ozmosis Warm it up … nope you identified the …

2021-07-02: Great episode 6 from series 1 of The TAO and WAO podcast, great conversation about how to think in …

2021-07-02: 🇪🇸

2021-07-01: Power cuts are back.

2021-07-01: Various heatwaves are happening this is about Seattle The Guardian 3 days in a row over 100F/ 38C …

2021-07-01: Nice one the mastodon instance I am on fosstodon got some great support recently in donations to …

2021-07-01: You can’t see them but as I walked the dog I could hear lots of buzzing. Looking into the bushes …

2021-06-29: Hmmm I’m confused I attend a funeral today, limited numbers, masked at all times, no singing. I love …

2021-06-28: Amazing Euro 2020 evening wow ⚽️

2021-06-28: Hey BT TV ITV your placement of subtitles is really poor

2021-06-28: Morata 🤫 3 - 5 Come on Spain 🇪🇸 ⚽️ 15 mins left

2021-06-28: The other list I’m looking to pull together I’ll post both on my wiki is for tools for checking …

2021-06-28: Switched fully to @metabolist@mastodon.social Metatext iOS mastodon client it’s very nice totally …

2021-06-28: I’m trying to quickly pull together a list of tools to help evaluate the privacy of a specific web …

2021-06-25: Friday night

2021-06-23: 2-2 2-2 ⚽️ Minutes to go


2021-06-23: It’s that kind of day

2021-06-23: Nice managed to rebook covid jab 2 for start of July instead of end - happy days

2021-06-23: Good news. Found my sun glasses. There is unrelated bad news but just focus on the good is what I …

2021-06-21: Lime milkshake and pain killers. Keeps the mother in law happy 👍

2021-06-20: Am very tempted to put iOS 15 on my new M1 iPad Pro 12” however I won’t as I have just one iCloud …

2021-06-19: Arrrgh come on Spain ⚽️

2021-06-19: Ok some update has returned Siri to British male ! No thank you switching back to Aussie Female.

2021-06-18: Ok the iPad Pro will be 2 weeks … 2 days it’s arrived didn’t even have time to order a new Apple …

2021-06-18: Noise cancelling headphones + retro wave wandering the big Tesco for beers. It’s like my own …

2021-06-18: nice @epilepticrabbit@mastodon.social newsletter thing is out, always a nice read of meandering …

2021-06-18: I need macOS Monterey focus mode ASAP

2021-06-17: late to @laura@mastodon.laurakalbag.com @aral@mastodon.ar.al live stream … running around …

2021-06-17: Muse App just updated pricing making entry level more affordable. I just ordered from o2 UK a new m1 …

2021-06-16: The amusement of hot flats due to climate crisis having to install air conditioning 🤦🏻‍♂️

2021-06-16: Please BBC news I know what it looks like to stick a needle in someone’s arm stop showing people …

2021-06-16: Purchase sunglasses …. Less than a week later no idea where they are 😎🤷‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

2021-06-16: Open Source Software Extraction Eco system My tbc thesis (practice based part time PhD) I cover off problems about open source and why I made …

2021-06-14: Come on Spain ⚽️

2021-06-14: audiobook nice!

2021-06-13: Today I helped out Perry Masons previous gardener / handy man mow his lawn as he is getting on a bit …

2021-06-13: Also

2021-06-13: Oh weird it didn’t post. Apple introduced lossless quality thanks to someone on micro blog for …

2021-06-13: Lossless - yeah!

2021-06-12: I’m confused that the game between Denmark and Finland restarted today. But am happy to hear …

2021-06-12: Day 2 of the Euros and am in shock. I hope Eriksen is ok. Just collapsed on the pitch needing CPR. …


2021-06-09: 🎵

2021-06-09: Finally Siri has on device processing so simple things that don’t need the internet now really don’t …

2021-06-09: iPad OS 15 Quicknotes and integration with Safari looks very good. Hmm I worry for my Firefox use …

2021-06-08: Painting our WSA arcade cabinets for our summer degree show open to the public Friday. Come play. …

2021-06-08: Playdate update its gets better so many interesting games!! - sounds like I will be able to get one …

2021-06-08: In the UK and near Hampshire and into games. Come and play some of our final year games this weekend …

2021-06-08: MB macOS app update 2.0.4 Updated categories pane to automatically show when categories are set. …

2021-06-06: One of the game trailers from this years final major projects on the course I run and showcasing …

2021-06-03: Oh I like this seek -> sense -> share via @dajbelshaw@fosstodon.org

2021-06-02: I’ve posted this before. So moving. 🎵 what a project thanks Max for sharing with the world.


2021-05-31: Ok… why… who … terrible… new houses - red , green, white doors

2021-05-30: 5 years ago today. A play off final where I didn’t mind if we lost as it had been an amazing season …

2021-05-30: Sun ✅ Walk dog ✅ Pink Floyd ✅

2021-05-30: 🐶 (Saturday afternoon - UK bank holiday weekend)

2021-05-26: We had a perfect year to turn these lights on at work. Nope missed the chance never came on, Dam you …

2021-05-26: Finally warm sun ☀️ 🐶

2021-05-25: GCHQ’s mass data interception violated right to privacy, court rules - Guardian

2021-05-25: Due to the Scottish Power saga we never could get a smart meter but once I got them to actually find …

2021-05-25: Life should contain novelty – experiences you haven’t encountered before, preferably teaching you …

2021-05-25: Had to be number 1 ! The 15 greatest video games of the 70s – ranked! | Games | The Guardian …

2021-05-22: Ghost signs

2021-05-20: This is why AFC Wimbledon is more than a football club. Absolutely amazing interview with our head …

2021-05-19: Our chief executive Joe Palmer received confirmation this morning that we had been granted the …

2021-05-19: Half tempted to get into mother in laws wheel chair and attempt the builder van guantlet. The …

2021-05-19: Getting annoyed at builders. The needed new houses near us no longer have works parking on site. …

2021-05-18: Yeah! We are Wimbledon. We are home. ⚽️

2021-05-16: It’s mad but I’m so excited and nervous as on Tuesday evening I will be travelling to our new …

2021-05-16: Hooked up with some of the animation crew this weekend. Here is a photo of me with Katie in 97/98. …

2021-05-15: Football without fans is nothing. The FA Cup final proved this no doubt, 21,000 fans allowed to …

2021-05-15: I am so against unpaid internships full stop… this however really takes the biscuit

2021-05-15: Blacklight is a Real-Time Website Privacy Inspector. Enter the address of any website, and …

2021-05-15: We had to use Miro at work last week…

2021-05-15: Native SVG + ForeignObject exciting

2021-05-13: Still trying to write draft & craft, just get it out, edit and fix it up… 500 useless words …

2021-05-13: Digital Gardening for Non-Technical Folks dctr.pro/2li via @johnjohnston

2021-05-13: May get cut from final draft but briefly mentioning OSFlash from 2005 as part of the journey from …

2021-05-12: Oh Firefox 89 on macOS is looking nice… hopefully will be out of beta soon 🦊

2021-05-11: Comprehensive Anatomy of All ‘Design Thinking’ Workshops. UX Design CC

2021-05-09: Circa 97

2021-05-08: Live China’s rocket uncontrolled re-entry to Earth. Being able to track doesn’t make the situation …

2021-05-08: Woo new Gowalla T-shirt arrived

2021-05-08: Till we meet again my friend (photo circa 1997)

2021-05-08: 200 years of independent, excellent journalism. 👍

2021-05-07: Peloton, proprietary expensive and dangerous, even though you denied it for a few weeks. Stop …

2021-05-07: I’ve said it out loud and I’ll say it here the UK OfS (office for students) are a complete joke, …

2021-05-07: Arts Education Funding under attack After public backlash the UK Gov pull this shameful advert. Now the UK gov are planning a 50% cut in …

2021-05-05: Vaccine treat 🤣

2021-05-05: 1/2

2021-05-05: I didn’t post on my blog over the weekend in solidity for the football blackout. But it was a great …

2021-05-05: Realised we had to enable LFS on a unity repo or two and now I can’t pull any of the LFS files just …

2021-05-05: The four actions that most substantially decrease an individual’s carbon footprint are: …

2021-05-05: I don’t know when the micro.blog iOS app started doing this but what a neat touch if you have a URL …

2021-05-05: School Mobile Apps Student Data Sharing Behavior - Report

2021-05-04: Fans saw the Glazers money tricks 16 years ago but no one listened Guardian ⚽️

2021-04-30: I haven’t changed my mobile phone number since I got a mobile phone in 1999 beat that prime minister …

2021-04-29: I was thinking for myself to get an M1 iPad Pro 12.9” (before event) but the more I think about it …

2021-04-29: I know what I want to do with Vue 3 and nodenogg.in but my coding skills are annoyingly slow and I’m …

2021-04-29: Another great link from @epilepticrabbit@mastodon.social From Fossil Captalism to Green Democracy

2021-04-29: Such a great Fall Guys review on The White Pube (audio and text versions available)

2021-04-28: 62% of UK adults played computer games during the pandemic, says Ofcom. Guardian

2021-04-28: Doc Searls talking about a new way for the web and flipping the data ownership model around to the …

2021-04-28: Blast ok edited last post link re crypto courtesy of @epilepticrabbit@mastodon.social

2021-04-28: Cryptocurrency is an abject disaster. dctr.pro/2l6 NB I have about £60 in cardano which as far as I …

2021-04-27: Oh my word what a game. Home game v Rochdale Winning would equal safety in league 1. Kick off 0-1 - …

2021-04-27: Yes got my vaccine appointment. But NHS blue on blue for the appointment numbers doesn’t seem like a …

2021-04-27: Come on people this block chain / crypto proof of work stuff has to stop.

2021-04-27: Finally. Let’s see how this goes

2021-04-26: Yes! I am tempted to drive to get one this week.

2021-04-26: Sunset at the end of the day after running a fun inclusive design workshop with year 1 games …

2021-04-23: Woah newsflash people. I just found out the climate crisis is not all about bunny hugging, phew good …

2021-04-23: The European Super League has “suddenly” got all the pundits talking about the fans and 50+1 …

2021-04-22: I’d love to share videos with Drew Smith construction on how the fact they didn’t create level …

2021-04-22: After the Super League fiasco: five reforms that could save the game Guardian

2021-04-20: Wooo Ted Lasso series 2

2021-04-20: Ok I’m behind but an M1 chip in the iPad ! Woah. Ok I know what I am going to try and order.

2021-04-20: When your team knows what it means to the fans We (AFC Wimbledon) are in a league higher than we can really afford at the moment. Part of our …

2021-04-20: European Super league disgraceful idea. Manchester City, Manchester United, Liverpool, Arsenal, …

2021-04-18: Yesterday’s base paint is on, can’t hold a steady brush still 🤣

2021-04-18: Sign painting and additions to the pool. 🦈

2021-04-18: New recruits for Monday’s workshop.

2021-04-15: Wow my MBP 16” running zoom and PowerPoint providing live subtitles for 1hr 45 - drains the battery …

2021-04-13: The irony of going to read an article on computing and privacy published by the NYT in 1984 - …

2021-04-11: Unbelievable on hold for 40 mins to Marks and Spencer’s bank to dispute a charge against my no debt …

2021-04-10: Yes yes yes. We won away 1-5 and are atm out of the relegation zone COYD

2021-04-09: Hey Drew Smith energy is a finite resource…. You wanna turn off all the lights on your …

2021-04-09: I never get micro.blog notifications. Settings seem correct any tricks I should try @help ?

2021-04-09: One of my marines looks like he hasn’t got the hang of his jet pack. Tricky to glue stand part. …

2021-04-09: Went to show off the quick starter template PowerPoint thing … spent an hour trying to work …

2021-04-08: And Firefox set up some weird default search that almost meant zoom download search brought in …

2021-04-08: Also backblaze is not M1 yet that’s annoying.

2021-04-08: New M1 MacBook Air arrived for daughter today and to be frank set up was not seamless, way more …

2021-04-08: This week the UK governments wonderful support of students; Pubs - open Hairdressers - open Tattoo …

2021-04-06: Snow?!

2021-04-06: nodenogg.in interface mockup March 2021

2021-04-05: Bank holiday football 🍺

2021-04-04: We are ready

2021-04-03: Twitter link (sorry) buts it worth it. Finally racism is sorted, well done the UK. …

2021-04-03: In other news I seriously love spinach and aubergine - not necessarily at the same time but anytime …

2021-04-03: Yeah ok census 2021 I didn’t get 5 GCSEs above C. I only needed 4 to go to Art School so that’s what …

2021-04-03: BT Web protect turned on automatically for our house via account / router. Erm no thank you, …

2021-04-03: Ok ok I did the census 2021 stop mailing me and sending people. I’ve been busy. I know it’s …

2021-04-03: You know what will blow my mind will be Apple Arcade on M1 Macbook Air with no fans.

2021-04-02: “The Signal for Help (or the Violence at Home Signal for Help) is a single-handed gesture that can …

2021-04-02: Arrrgh can Europe stop stopping the vaccine. I am in the UK mid forties waiting and ready. The WHO …

2021-04-02: Arrrgh expired bank card causing me all sorts of havoc this week.

2021-04-02: Oh this looks nice to adapt for nodenogg.in Organise view. github.com/TomHumphr… Also this …

2021-04-02: Started to piece back together nodenogg.in from scratch in Vue 3 I am very aware of the amount of …

2021-03-31: Family gift, we clubbed together to get our youngest daughter a MacBook Air M1 for all her school …

2021-03-29: Gone Shopping

2021-03-29: 46 Interview questions you could ask or get asked related to user (human) research experience roles. …

2021-03-27: Tried to write up a bit more about couchdb and decentralised data - getting better at articulating …

2021-03-27: Looks interested an open source - Notion / Trello type app - early access desktop and server …

2021-03-27: 👍👍👍 Author unknown

2021-03-27: Today is a must win game for us (AFC Wimbledon) but more importantly our brand new community stadium …

2021-03-27: If anyone here needed a master class in song creation. Netflix Song Exploder (series 2) - Nine Inch …

2021-03-25: I sometimes wonder why some of my SSL certs just don’t renew and typically one connected to …

2021-03-25: Old school Windows OS styled website from band Glass Animals very cool - running on Wavey Daveys …

2021-03-25: Nice @dajbelshaw@fosstodon.org hooked me up to this band - very cool and I like the way they use the …

2021-03-24: Well the nightmare is happening. Facebook are (obviously) building the next computing / software …

2021-03-20: For those of us in the UK the one way road to beer dot com site is very useful. 🤣🍺 dctr.pro/2kz

2021-03-19: Managed between 1600 - 2800 words today depending on how many are fully fit but I am excited to get …

2021-03-18: The process of trying to say something that matters dignifies and improves a person. This is separate from whether that project ever “succeeds” as judged by external criteria. If the …

2021-03-17: Hey Big Sur… if you could not take 20 attempts to accurately detect my LG 4k display …

2021-03-16: The sentinels have arrived.

2021-03-14: Using vscode like obsidian and roam - back links and graph dctr.pro/2kx

2021-03-13: Fleetwood Mac - The Chain youtu.be/JDG2m5hN1… was of course the F1 theme tune for many years …

2021-03-13: Murray Walker dies ages 97. The undisputed voice of F1. His unique, high-octane style – once …

2021-03-12: Great post about making conferences safer for women dctr.pro/2kw - positive actions that conferences …

2021-03-10: Next track is out 👍


2021-03-07: How many league one UK football clubs are hosting a meet the manager for all fans? I don’t know for …

2021-03-06: Unlock iPhone with a your Apple Watch nice workaround for FaceID mask issue. Hurry up iOS 14.5

2021-03-05: Excellent delivery today

2021-03-04: 1 week on RESET course. I like it a lot, my accountability group = awesome. Pretty nervous to zoom. …

2021-03-04: I wonder… I am starting to like the remind me feature in slack could micro.blog timeline do …

2021-03-04: Good news I am now up and running. No idea what is up and running but I feel good.

2021-03-03: Not got my sign up stuff for Buying Street Team yet from Gowalla but I am not worried more on its …

2021-03-03: Nice Visualisation

2021-03-03: Joined Gowalla Street team but no invite details yet…

2021-03-03: Don’t really know what’s what but I loved Gowalla so just impulse bought the early bird package of …

2021-02-25: 🐱

2021-02-24: Am in a circle community which is cool. However a app based on text has to have basic copy, paste …

2021-02-22: Daft Punk shut down. Back in 1997 Daft Punk appealed very much to my indie self with a previous love of UK rave culture …

2021-02-22: Daft Punk have completed their course on this earth - Youtube 🎧

2021-02-20: Dam it great game from Wimbledon, Harrison debut looked promising and within less than 10mins was …

2021-02-20: I can’t leave home and teach in my studio socially distanced, with daily testing yet 4 BT openreach …

2021-02-19: Cant wait to start RESET course cant wait to learn to move from a “speed-obsessed” way of working to …

2021-02-17: Bah I quit. I love PlayStation but tried again 2 more sites to get one today based on stock …

2021-02-17: Downloaded the lovely Patterned (Apple Arcade) - 1st play on mac but lovely game ruined by the fact …

2021-02-17: I know this is super geek weirdness but @manton what is it with URLs from mastodon and trying to …

2021-02-17: I actually don’t know why I have bothered to try and get a PS5 this week, its pointless Sony clearly …

2021-02-16: Looks like Amazon UK had PS5 stock for around 20mins. Just could not add to my basket.

2021-02-14: In case you don’t know the song and woah if you haven’t watched the TV series you are in for a treat …

2021-02-14: ☺️ when your come upstairs to hear youngest daughter learning The Detectorists theme song on her …

2021-02-13: Why there’s no such thing as lost learning - TES

2021-02-12: Managed to access office and of course find out macOS Big Sur 11.2 hates 4K usb-c external screen so …

2021-02-11: I think I might update to Big Sur now that 11.2 is out…

2021-02-10: Oh crumbs come on people! Boris Johnson has urged nearly two million people to “come …

2021-02-10: The keys are ours! We (AFC Wimbledon) get the keys to our new stadium back at Plough Lane - YouTube …

2021-02-10: mad busy but for my micro.blog friend espcially @jack RemNote guzalexander.com/2020/09/1…

2021-02-07: The great unbundling YouTube Need to reflect on this talk some great stuff. Makes a truck load of …

2021-02-05: Screw you auto complete

2021-02-03: if its broke turn it off and then back on… gitlab is back

2021-02-03: every time something odd happens to my gitlab and then I get the dreaded 502 error … its a …

2021-02-03: iPhone / iPhone 12 Pro

2021-02-03: nodenogg.in beta (kinda) In the background I am rebuilding nodenogg.in in Vue 3 from the ground up and with some of my new …

2021-01-30: Lame second half what a joke. ⚽️

2021-01-30: Without fans at today’s game the seats are a huge reminder to the opposition they are not a club but …

2021-01-30: tweaks

2021-01-28: A small square (ish) logo to go with rest of my updated branding

2021-01-28: Rethinking research labs hey @aral@mastodon.ar.al sorry was connecting some dots.. in that shouldn’t government be …

2021-01-28: Cyborg Rights & Funding our Tech... Snuck into end of small tech conversation with a small topic (not! whoops) but as discussion was on …

2021-01-27: A small step in the right direction - Football clubs facing ban on gambling company shirt sponsors | …

2021-01-26: literally built a mac app version of nodenogg.in in under 2mins with github.com/jiahaog/n… ! …

2021-01-26: fixed the cross posting… although it means my thesis URL is a little more public than I had …

2021-01-26: oh… why am I cross posting links on my MB timeline from my other MB blog…

2021-01-26: oh IFTTT has gone paid and so I have used all my applets that why something stopped working I wish …

2021-01-26: Technology A quick note on technology used in nodenogg.in (alpha). Detailed explanations on choices will be …

2021-01-25: Scottish Power are sending me a cheque, apparently because I cancelled my direct debit because they …

2021-01-25: Testing to see whether this is still connected to nodenogg.in twitter account

2021-01-23: Thinking with Maps Personal Knowledge Network Other Muse Roam Evernote Kinopio Obsidian …

2021-01-23: apologies if you get a bunch of posts here by mistake am testing and I keep posting to wrong …

2021-01-23: Whoops wrong micro.blog 😂

2021-01-22: This short documentary means so much to me and my family, I can see my seat at the end and we can’t …

2021-01-22: Why is abs now considered by my iPhone as higher priority than and when I type in that region 🤦🏻‍♂️

2021-01-19: The first 2021 School of Design Talk is Tonight 7pm UK time - 'networked notes' Tonight The School of Design starts its series of talks for 2021 members ! You are able to attend …

2021-01-19: In case anyone wasn’t aware this is coming! 🎧 …

2021-01-16: Early kick off 0-3 ⚽️ time to fix the day

2021-01-15: I couldn’t help myself (essential shop) 🚗 🏎

2021-01-15: Today’s attempt to bring down stress headspace + dark sounds + air pods pro transparency mode.

2021-01-14: Scottish power phone me today to tell me that someone will phone me as I asked for someone to phone …

2021-01-13: Tofu pasta salad … and apparently I’m not on a diet 🤣 see previous photo 😳

2021-01-13: Internet 3.0 and the Beginning of (Tech) History - dctr.pro/2kk / cc @aral@mastodon.ar.al

2021-01-13: Version 2 (for wife , I’m vegan)

2021-01-13: One of the realities of COVID …trying to think about solutions for work, working from home, …

2021-01-12: How Patagonia Became The Billion-Dollar Brand of the Resistance Bloomberg via @brucegodin thx

2021-01-12: Hindsight is 20/20 but you know what else is 20/20? Research Hat tip @aral@mastodon.ar.al

2021-01-12: My wife bought some new scales so I thought I would try them out just for a giggle. No surprise I’ve …

2021-01-11: Went to show youngest daughter notion.so for project planning as I felt it would be right tool for …

2021-01-11: Thinking in maps: from the Lascaux caves to modern knowledge graphs - Nesslabs - obviously a huge …

2021-01-10: Another tweak (this is in Adobe XD) have yet to recreate in html yet

2021-01-10: tweaks, thinking about how I could hint at more playfulness/delight and open source in the typeface …

2021-01-10: He Created the Web. Now He’s Out to Remake the Digital World. - The New York Times

2021-01-09: Started pulling together some updated branding pieces for nodenogg.in - comment welcome.

2021-01-08: 100% next step for nodenogg.in is being able collapse nodes into symbols (shapes) ASAP in …

2021-01-07: Today my wife gets the vaccine and then I have to get my mother in law home for the vaccine. This is …

2021-01-06: Peace to my friends and followers in the USA.

2021-01-06: Arrrgh there is a Garlic farm on the Isle of Wight. Seriously 😳

2021-01-06: 🐱 🐶

2021-01-06: Now on BBC iPlayer - I Am Greta - dctr.pro/2kg

2021-01-02: Watching the big match that the EFL should have called of as half of each squad have Covid / self …

2021-01-02: KLF for the first time on streaming media !

2021-01-01: Ha all good just mega security update phew

2021-01-01: Oh blast just heard Mac chime after security update wanted to install which must mean its actually …

2021-01-01: 🧊 ❄️

2020-12-31: Systems for productivity or not… this is a neat little insight from @ben. I very much agree …

2020-12-31: 🐶

2020-12-30: iOS hard crash browser issue fixed Fixed the iOS issue ! The issue was having the html5 attribute autofocus on the nodes, this …

2020-12-26: 🐶

2020-12-25: Another amazing heart warming new episode of Worzel Gummidge is out, Saucy Nancy: BBC iPlayer - eye …

2020-12-25: The History of Punk Rock in 300 Tracks: A 13-Hour Playlist Takes You From 1965 to Present Open …

2020-12-25: Computers and their potential applications in museums : a conference sponsored by the Metropolitan …

2020-12-23: 15 records that defined 1995. Good list I think I owned / listened to nearly all of them at the time …

2020-12-23: Tier 4 on the 26th here we come 🤦🏻‍♂️

2020-12-23: Arrrgh Vue / vuex router Problem with loading page is back in Safari / Firefox on iOS the most …

2020-12-23: I’m a huge Ryan Adams fan since a friend introduced me to Whiskeytown, Feb 2019 shocked me to be …

2020-12-18: Obviously my Scottish power complaint handler did call me back even though I asked for some …

2020-12-18: My on going saga with Scottish power continues since Summer. To cut a long story short they owe me …

2020-12-17: nodenogg.in 0.1.45 is now out mainly little bugs squashed but also card view sorting is a step …

2020-12-15: Testing Rode Wireless Go connected to Mac / iPhone for next semester supporting enhanced audio from …

2020-12-15: ⚽️🏟

2020-12-15: Card sorting update sneaky nodenogg.in peak

2020-12-15: 🐶

2020-12-15: Oh dear it’s the only thing the Valley know. Office 365 spys on all you do. How long you spend in an …

2020-12-14: Isolation ended we are all well. 🦠 😷

2020-12-14: North of England shut it down, shut it down, shut it down…hang on London… wait wait …

2020-12-14: Support for drag and drop uploading of media onto your microcosms from your Computer / iPad - …

2020-12-13: Sneak peak of new drag and drop IPFS upload within nodenogg.in -Twitch

2020-12-13: I don’t do google but in case you do

2020-12-13: Yep chromeisbad.com

2020-12-13: I don’t tend to be fussed about films these days but I am disappointed Dune release has been put …

2020-12-12: Safari on old MacBook with Netflix … can’t play when plugged into TV as content protect joke …

2020-12-12: COYD ⚽️

2020-12-11: Made an rather terrible appearance to ask a question on very first Small is Beautiful (vlog) thanks …

2020-12-11: nodenogg.in 0.1.42 is out fixes to z-index and now you can colour code your nodes 👍

2020-12-10: Interview with Daniel Foré founder of elementary OS live now small-tech.org/videos/sm…

2020-12-09: Feel under the weather & have never had a tight chest feeling like this before. I can understand …

2020-12-09: nodenogg.in 0.1.40 is now out with connections back up and running (as bad as before but now in …

2020-12-09: Pretty pleased with performance of nodenogg.in 0.1.39 however now to rebuild connections.

2020-12-08: Well I can confirm that Pixi.js is not going to be my drawing option going forward, connections …

2020-12-05: My wife tests positive for Corona this week but my nhs app doesn’t tell me anything …

2020-12-04: 🎵

2020-12-04: Close to getting my Vue loop to work in a way that is better for the spatial layout view but am …

2020-12-04: The start of my top Songs of 2020 - interesting 👍

2020-12-04: iOS 14 and the mystery non email 🤣

2020-12-04: oh looks like the like vimeo to micro.blog has stopped working as last post was blank

2020-12-04: Continuing to work through some crazy loop computed filter vue.js stuff… so close…. …

2020-12-04: Did a whole bunch of stuff to Improve performance only to have worse performance 🤦🏻‍♂️. Not a good …

2020-12-03: nodenogg.in instant feedback The great thing about iterating on nodenogg.in openly is you can get instant feedback. I’m currently …

2020-12-03: Arrrgh fantastical / office 365 again not up to date on all devices this is not helpful at all

2020-12-03: Padlet shiny Edutech Not quite sure how to word this prediction but padlet may have seen a down turn before the pandemic …

2020-12-02: Big Mood Machine Spotify pursues emotional surveillance for global profit dctr.pro/2k5

2020-12-02: Oh dear

2020-12-02: pulling the rug out the stack Posted a question on stackoverflow got an answer which I was trying out had some good follow up …

2020-11-28: It’s possible to forget how unbelievably amazing this record is. 🎵

2020-11-27: UK Tier System explained Tier 1 : Pints Tier 2 : Pints with Chips Tier 3 : No Pints 🦠 🍺 🍟

2020-11-27: Pleased to report the nodenogg.in bug in Firefox on Linux has gone away after a FF update so am …

2020-11-27: One thing that I find difficult these days is devices that I own that do not have biometric log in …

2020-11-26: FA Cup finally underway ⚽️

2020-11-25: I’m a big fan of Bon Iver and Taylor Swift…. so this is pretty perfect YouTube - Apple Music …

2020-11-24: COVID tracking apps are unproven, untested technology. No one should be compelled to download one, …

2020-11-24: Oh boy. Why is anyone using non native animals in an “entertainment” program “I’m a Celebrity” in …

2020-11-24: How Venture Capitalists are Deforming Capitalism - New Yorker

2020-11-22: If you are interested in leading edge Graphic Design / Graphic Arts conversations and critique …

2020-11-21: I think Brave rewards is being phased out or something but I like that mine is working

2020-11-21: ⚽️

2020-11-21: Live Football ⚽️ 2020

2020-11-21: It is just my council that sends letters demanding payments on a Saturday! Incorrect claim we owe …

2020-11-21: Today’s trolley problem. Hooligans left it outside my house in my village. So I had to walk it back …

2020-11-19: PS5 Launch + eBay It didn’t work out for me to pre order or buy on launch a PS5 (and I don’t need to) however I think …

2020-11-19: Evie us trying to help support my dream 🚙 - although I’m Liking polestar 2 more now - today is MOT …

2020-11-19: GitHub may contain the largest collection of open source projects but this is a warning about …

2020-11-18: Getting Things Done is Problematic This blog from @mjdescy is excellent and I agree 100%. I am quite good at getting things done … …

2020-11-17: Making agile and ux work - Jared Spool. Good ref for my practice based PhD that agile is in the …

2020-11-17: How a plant based diet could really help stop climate crisis 🌱 🥦 - VOX

2020-11-16: Hmmm I am unsure why my wife doesn’t see the dilemma PS5 or repair car 🚗 (please MOT gods make this …

2020-11-15: Hmmm looks like my nodenogg.in issue is just with Firefox on Linux as Brave works as expected. More …

2020-11-15: Today I shall also be trying to look into the currently unfathomable reason nodenogg.in has a bug on …

2020-11-14: nodenogg.in what makes you different? A good friend of mine said “Hey I really want to big up your thing but I think you need to show what …

2020-11-14: Manic week, Fridays meet ups all got derailed, then topped off with unexplainable bugs in …

2020-11-13: Arrrgh you are joking organise view on nodenogg.in is not working on Linux (PopOS) and Firefox that …

2020-11-13: This is why my Mac apps started going awol yesterday while I running an online meeting - hmm not …

2020-11-13: A reason for me to upgrade to Big Sur is if they (Apple) fixed the issue of spinning up my MBP16” …

2020-11-12: Almost forget to go in and uncheck Automatically keep my Mac up to date in software update …

2020-11-12: I am not going to install Big Sur until I check a few things as I cannot afford my dev environment …

2020-11-12: The Pathless on Apple Arcade on my mac with PS4 controller… no brainer ! yes please !! …

2020-11-12: Oh come on new ps app there are zero notifications go away badge 🤦🏻‍♂️

2020-11-09: Yes ! my Gitlab is back - all the insane FLOSS code for nodenogg.in in vue and pouchdb is here - …

2020-11-08: Walking the dog and this playlist got me super nostalgic for weekends in Newport, South Wales in the …

2020-11-08: Just so you know the UK is not in lockdown 2.0 and I refuse to call it such this is lockdown 1.1 …

2020-11-08: On my PhD to do this week is to Workout getting YouTube stuff to cross into PeerTube - as people …

2020-11-08: Made a whole bunch of neat changes to nodenogg.in this weekend but an update to my gitlab has caused …

2020-11-07: What is nodenogg.in? This short series of videos will get you up and running on how you could use …

2020-11-06: Well I cant push my changed code /or changelog to my gitlab but I can at least update the public …

2020-11-06: Ive now managed to take out all my nginx stuff! this is not good at all… I hate servers

2020-11-06: Any gitlab ce self hosting (cent os) gurus follow me please let me know if you have any ideas - I …

2020-11-06: A great day ruined by updating gitlab and just getting 502 errors - always the worst to work out why …

2020-11-03: Home home game! COYD ⚽️ what a moment in our history. Fan owned community stadium wonder!! A beacon!

2020-11-03: After 29 years tonight we return home back at Plough Lane. The FA said a new such as Wimbledon Town …

2020-11-03: The Dons are coming Back to Plough Lane. 6pm tonight YouTube then iFollow with a satellite truck as …

2020-11-01: Hey @help this is odd?


2020-10-30: Pretty happy with alpha nodenogg.in 0.1.31 - some quirks and bugs that I know workarounds / way to …

2020-10-28: Did Hello Games just announce PS5 No Man’s Sky is a free upgrade for current players on Day One ! Oh …

2020-10-27: 😸🐶 didn’t last long mind…

2020-10-27: Oh do videos not cross post to mastodon from micro.blog?

2020-10-26: ⛵️

2020-10-25: In an alternative Universe things didn’t go well for Paul after The Jam and although the hot knife …

2020-10-24: For a number of years I applied to be on The Cube (ITV) never got through mind, didn’t know there …

2020-10-24: Monty thinks we should have got all 3 points today. 🐶

2020-10-22: Don’t accept the defaults! While it sounds a bit sci-fi and dystopian to say so, they’re interested …

2020-10-18: Excellent thanks @dajbelshaw@fosstodon.org for this article on avoiding drone detection I can …

2020-10-16: Arrrrrghhh blooming Vue router edge case iOS only bugs

2020-10-16: iPhone 12 Pro 5G Pacific Blue 512gb arriving 23rd October - Happy iPhone Day - thanks o2 UK

2020-10-16: Furry Friday 🐶

2020-10-15: It feels like most people are just not following or wanting any covid rules as they have “had …

2020-10-14: A field in Hampshire, England, taking a break from working at home (due to pandemic) with Monty the …

2020-10-14: I’m going to try and get iPhone 12 Pro 5G pacific blue. Probably 256gb like my current iPhone X but …

2020-10-13: It seems bug in Vue is router switching is just an iOS issue which is annoying but at least I know …

2020-10-12: And finally this master piece.

2020-10-12: Next up. A little rejig of front room has meant I found some gems. 🐮

2020-10-12: Oktoberfest 🐶

2020-10-12: This evening’s entertainment from my wife’s record collection. I bet this isn’t on Apple Music.

2020-10-11: We can’t have Billionaires and stop climate change. (I would edit the title to “climate …

2020-10-10: Not one for the Queens birthday honours list at all but additional news and recognition for Joan …

2020-10-10: That’s enough coding for today.

2020-10-10: Spoke a little too soon there is still a bug when you create a new microcosm and use list view with …

2020-10-10: 0.1.28 was basically a jump back to 0.1.25 and remake all the additions from 0.1.26 and 0.1.27 which …

2020-10-10: Ok I went to DIY store. Then it took me all afternoon but I have fixed the mobile issues in …

2020-10-10: Today; What I really should be doing: Writing about my PhD What I should be doing : Tinkering with …

2020-10-10: My guess at the moment is that I think I might be doubling up 🔝 on loops in the list, discard and …

2020-10-09: Since Lockdown my weeks have been high highs and low lows it’s getting on my nerves now.

2020-10-09: Today’s annoyance with update to nodenogg.in has reenforced that I need to use the beta url along …

2020-10-09: When you have literally one day a week to work on a project (nodenogg.in) and everything looks great …

2020-10-09: Hmm looks like 0.1.27 nodenogg.in fails to load specific routes on mobile iOS browsers for no know …

2020-10-09: nodenogg.in 0.1.27 is out - added a basic card deck View and a Leave option in navigation to help …

2020-10-09: Awesome demonstration on the bias of algorithms and our need for human rights on data privacy. …

2020-10-07: This is it ☹️

2020-10-07: Hmm @manton whats happened to the bookmark / favourite option in sunlit and also I keep getting this …

2020-10-06: nodenogg.in feedback today. The best thing is it’s quick and easy to share the content. So I can …

2020-10-05: nodenogg.in testing today went pretty well, big day tomorrow as well, will be deploying for our Good …

2020-10-04: ⚽️ donstrustmanifesto.com

2020-10-04: Really pleased with the update to our Yellow and Blue Plan which went live today - …

2020-10-02: I just fixed a missing word in a Micro.blog reply… it feels so good

2020-10-02: Yes yes yes ! I fixed a major glitch in nodenogg.in ! of course fix was deceptively simple but took …

2020-10-02: Is the new MB 2.0 macOS app add post button suppose to be that small? @manton

2020-09-30: 🤷‍♂️💥 Might as well

2020-09-30: Well my 2021 Playstation 5 purchase list is starting to look up Braid Anniversary Edition! - YouTube

2020-09-30: Turns out you need a degree in electricity meter reading as I should have been providing day and …

2020-09-29: I’m ready for my next zoom / teams meeting, this way I can avoid historical hand issues

2020-09-29: Ok there are all these Corona packages but when is the government going to do something to support …

2020-09-28: Today’s test of latest alpha of nodenogg.in with Group of 17 students revealed a real-time bug that …

2020-09-28: 100% agree with this critique of the social dilemma - this thought was burning in head all the time …

2020-09-26: I can confirm now the open in browser icon in other apps in iOS 14 now opens Firefox my default …

2020-09-26: I am now ready to safely point at students sketchbook work - no touching - 2M - social distance …

2020-09-26: Loomis really nice for quickly knocking out video demos and short presentations and doesn’t ramp up …

2020-09-25: Sometimes I really hate SSL. Cert expired, don’t know why, can’t renew as let’s encrypt tries to use …

2020-09-24: Now LinkedIn Learning why do you want to do this … denied

2020-09-24: No no no I just noticed when I am in an app and I tap the open in browser icon it doesn’t open in my …

2020-09-23: nodenogg.in is a messy serendipitous co-creation space nodenogg.in is free / libre open source software, built in the open, inclusive by design, private by …

2020-09-23: No Man’s Sky origins Youtube out now - I wish I was better at this game. It’s just to vast for me to …

2020-09-23: New how to use nodenogg.in video guide for version 0.1.24 - unscripted but would welcome feedback on …

2020-09-23: Games accessiblity conference - Nice ! dctr.pro/2jm cc @laura@mastodon.laurakalbag.com

2020-09-23: Ok must make that new nodenogg.in explainer video today as the update releasing in a few moments …

2020-09-22: As Autumn 🍂 begins in the UK - Justin Hayward’s Tuesday Afternoons release of “Forever Autumn” live …

2020-09-22: Betting the horse of Big Tech I probably need to blog about this properly but as a maker of a a “tool for thought” with a …

2020-09-22: Finally I can choose a different default browser.

2020-09-21: Been talking for years about the issues of surveillance capitalism. It took The Social Dilemma for …

2020-09-21: It’s monopolies, not surveillance - Cory Doctorow. 2019 Youtube Pretty long talk but worth it as …

2020-09-21: I love the 16” MacBook Pro but when you connect it to a 4k screen it will just fans up no matter …


2020-09-20: Yes ! buttonsMap { }

2020-09-19: First home game of the season in our new seats ✌️⚽️😂

2020-09-19: I don’t know the technical structure of iFollow but they will have never had this many connections …

2020-09-18: Spent a lovely evening playing Olo loco App Store with a friend on iPad in the pub ✌️Trailer

2020-09-17: iOS14 …. I can’t bring myself to hide all my unorganised home screens yet

2020-09-16: My Apple TV is so old that no matter what I try to airplay these days … maybe iOS14 will fix …

2020-09-16: I somehow missed the Apple event I’m sure it was in my calwndar but is iOS 14 out today!

2020-09-15: Shareware Heroes by Richard Moss - I loved The Secret History of Mac Gaming - so this has to be …

2020-09-15: Inclusive Design 24, free with no registration required! This Thursday - I have set up alerts for a …

2020-09-15: The Social Dilemma - Netflix Currently No. 3 in Top Movies in U.S. across Netflix. No. 6 in Top 10 across all Netflix …

2020-09-15: Working from home has certainly brought back my RSI even though my set up was pretty good. Going ten …

2020-09-11: Creating more readable onscreen text - tips on typesetting and more for screen reading - Readymag

2020-09-11: Had not seen this until checking D&AD winners. The Wind in the Willows - Wildlife Trust & …

2020-09-10: If you can’t wait for new Dune you can watch the Lynch adaptation or play the Amiga game 😀 …

2020-09-10: Dune Official Trailer - YouTube

2020-09-09: Excellent day of inspiring talks and more at Women in Games Global Conference, wrapped up with a …

2020-09-09: Can’t wait for the Global Women in Games conference to start. I am helping launch a collaborative …

2020-09-08: Pavement Invaders 👾

2020-09-06: Yay super excited. And thank you so much to all our shop volunteers packing up all the new shirt …

2020-09-05: donstrustmanifesto.com ⚽️

2020-09-05: I stand corrected my vegan burger was 3 times cheaper as no handling of salad allowed… hmmm …

2020-09-05: I always get excited if I see a vegan burger in the menu of a place I don’t expect … when it …


2020-09-05: Did not know a new film / 2 film adaptation of Dune is coming out. May have to revisit David Lynch’s …

2020-09-05: Well I know what to download onto iPad / Mac and bust out the PS4 controller this morning. Hello …

2020-09-04: Is there actually a setting to not auto play next episode on any platforms… please I hate it …

2020-09-04: BBC Proms 2020: Anoushka Shankar and Jules Buckley: New Explorations - with electronic music …

2020-09-04: Any fix for this @help makes my eyes go funny 😂

2020-09-04: UK Customer Service - RAC & Thorpe Park Short version of a longer story weaving this week. Yeah @evieirene we can take your friends to …

2020-09-03: I should have been chasing that VC monies 😂🤦🏻‍♂️ ICYMI, MURAL has closed a $118 million Series B …

2020-09-03: Sometimes in the art of composing a question to a forum you see the issue and you make your code …

2020-09-03: Implanted Memories A Tribute to Blade Runner & Vangelis dctr.pro/2jb

2020-09-02: Part of a suite of opensource research project on machine learning as a tool for creative process. …


2020-08-30: The pains of network play…

2020-08-30: Sunday Connections (Gif)

2020-08-30: Inspired by @danielpunkass posting home made pizzas I tasked youngest daughter @evieirene to do the …

2020-08-28: Sad news this week - Sir Ken Robinson obituary - Guardian

2020-08-28: The moment you realise you’ve been forgetting the football ⚽️ emoji on some posts 😵 … off to …

2020-08-28: The Social Dilemma -Netflix Trailer

2020-08-27: I got Apple TV+ a year free at some point… I think as I signed into new laptop via work back …

2020-08-27: donstrustmanifesto.com ⚽

2020-08-27: This article by Kat Fukui (Github Senior product designer) and seeing / hearing past expriences in …

2020-08-27: I know what Apple should / will do before killing off Dark Sky and putting that into Weather is add …

2020-08-26: How to destroy Surveillance Capitalism - Cory Doctorow

2020-08-25: The awesome @aral@mastodon.ar.al posted What is the Small Web and outlines some of the next steps …

2020-08-25: Awesome Mastodon users can be added to an RSS reader (such as the awesome NetNewsWire) so I can now …

2020-08-25: Good day

2020-08-25: A good day

2020-08-25: Double 🌈

2020-08-25: Sunday Starwars Battlefront 2 cries from the awesome team I am in… Hahahah yes I’m an …

2020-08-24: In positive news that connecting black line is being draw by pixijs in a new layer component in …

2020-08-24: And yes I’ve been trying to get smart meters for years but they cant seem to install them even …

2020-08-24: Slowly clawing your way up and then your energy company says oh you haven’t given us a meter reading …

2020-08-21: 👟 thank you mother in law. Tkmaxx £30 for 2 pairs of awesome shoes 💥

2020-08-21: I feel nothing for landlords looking to not extend the no eviction protection Covid-19 brought in, I …

2020-08-21: Google Has a Plan to Disrupt the College Degree - Oh please! This morning @dajbelshaw@fosstodon.org shared this link Google Has a Plan to Disrupt the College …

2020-08-21: Video games and literacy Video games are a significant cultural and creative force, often involving a number of art forms, …

2020-08-21: Hello Friday 🤪 Dog woke me up barking at 6am as the wind was properly rearranging the garden sheds. Dog woke me up …

2020-08-21: This came up on a podcast about reading books electronically that people assume your on Facebook but …

2020-08-20: Marc Jones one of our fans involved in starting AFC Wimbledon created the design of our new back to …

2020-08-19: You can watch discussions about how AFC Wimbledon could embrace its USP even more be doubling down …

2020-08-19: The auto-suggested life is not worth living | Open Thinkering dctr.pro/2iz via …


2020-08-18: The Good, Bad, and Ugly Public Transit Seat Covers of the World dctr.pro/2iy

2020-08-18: Football, Climate-change and Sustainability AFC Wimbledon discussion Your chance to join the debate on football, climate-change and sustainability. Point 10 from the …

2020-08-18: Epic v Apple Disclaimer have not read up on the legal details of Epic v mobile stores. I run & teach game …

2020-08-17: Cant recall where or when I saw this letter first but reminded of it today in my friends neat short …

2020-08-17: moving my mastodon to a foss focussed server is already paying dividends thanks to …

2020-08-17: Humane Tech reply Nice I needed more space to reply to your nice mention and thanks for the links, the flow chart one …

2020-08-17: Does anyone on the Big Sur beta know if you can now change the “iPhone” ringtone in macOS when you …

2020-08-17: A list of open source projects to “help improve wellbeing, freedom and society” from the …

2020-08-17: EA released the source code for the original Command and Conquer & Red Alert - Github

2020-08-17: Great discussion about why crunch is bad and how to manage properly to avoid it. Mike Bithell nails …

2020-08-17: Algorithm accountability - paper - Royal Society Journal

2020-08-16: Inventor of the pixel and creator of the first digital photo dies at 91 - Gizmodo

2020-08-15: Right must walk the dog and get myself sorted Eldest daughter is getting married today. 👰

2020-08-15: Because Mastodon is only a copy of my blog (bar a few direct mentions - not sure @manton can make …

2020-08-14: I believe I just moved mastodon and even updated crossposting to new instance …

2020-08-14: Ha trying to connect to a Jitsu Instance @aral@mastodon.ar.al was testing and got a cool image from …

2020-08-14: nodenogg.in Alpha 0.1.20 released Another little update today on nodenogg.in (alpha 0.1.20) - after fixing IPFS and adding improved …

2020-08-14: Core Int 429 Catching up on Core Int 429 it’s another great episode about releases and pricing. Interestingly I …

2020-08-13: Updated main site, specifically with enhanced new community section! Join up if your interested in …

2020-08-13: Alpha 0.1.19 released - new mobile friendly (enough) view (for quick node capture) & fixed IPFS …

2020-08-11: Tuesday Afternoons just got brighter - Justin Hayward - I Know Your Out There Somewhere (live) …

2020-08-11: Sitting in the garden with darkmode on pop os / firefox (dark reader) and dark noise app+ pure spa …

2020-08-11: I am very much enjoying my Pop!_OS laptop as a great writing focus platform but my word Dell …


2020-08-10: No damage to eye. What a silly move. Next time you have dish washer gel packets stuck together get …

2020-08-10: Good start to the week. Shot dishwasher tablet gel into my eye. Off to A&E as advised by 111. 👁 …

2020-08-08: 🏊‍♀️ ☀️ 🔥

2020-08-07: I am actually writing parts of the PhD up honest… and Obsidian is helping, one big reason is …

2020-08-07: Whoops fixed up a couple of my broken overcast links.. something to do with how YOURLS translates …

2020-08-07: Details and Zoom registration link now live on the site donstrustmanifesto.com/discussio… ⚽️

2020-08-07: This is a great introduction to a lot of research I have been undertaking for the last few years in …

2020-08-04: 🎵 amazing - Max Richter - Voices …

2020-08-04: Now Gitlab 13.2 has been released and enables default branch name changes, on my to do is to fix my …

2020-08-02: Amazing discussion one on AFC Wimbledon tonight, amazing Panelists Anwar Uddin and Glenn Moore. …

2020-07-31: All staff meeting… what my video is on … is it … is it 😉

2020-07-31: You know sunlit 3.0 is working when you prefer to use it for posting images it’s so slick now.

2020-07-31: ⚽️

2020-07-31: In uneducators episode two @mrmurphy and I talked a bit about nodenogg.in dctr.pro/2io - plus new …

2020-07-31: Building Anti-Surrveilance Ed-Tech! - Audrey Watters Watch

2020-07-31: My friend @matteo wrote a wonderfully open piece on coming to terms with white privilege - Medium I …

2020-07-30: Mega professional micro.blog tutorial series which is free for everyone from Screencasts Online - …

2020-07-30: How to Help Student Succeed by Taking Ownership of Their Learning Online Through Personal Learning - …

2020-07-28: Prepping for our live zoom discussions starting this Sunday 5pm. If you care about AFC Wimbledon or …

2020-07-28: New hoodie.

2020-07-28: 🐶

2020-07-27: Second pairing today playlist Apple Music Pure Spa + Dark Noise 2 also excellent.

2020-07-27: Today I shall be mainly listening to Pure Meditation playlist and Dark Noise 2 audio mixing over the …

2020-07-25: 5 proper podcast episodes after a bunch of minus recordings with consistent record and release …

2020-07-25: “We are not working from home, we are living at work" - oh no 🤯

2020-07-24: Enjoy ! The secret drawings of Great Britain’s UFO Desk thanks @eli for sharing

2020-07-23: Hello Micro blog people please welcome my IRL friend and podcast co-host @mrmurphy (Chris) to …

2020-07-23: Oh my word Dyson letting 900 people go. Richest man in the UK switched to ventilator making but …

2020-07-23: On Boarding Someone To MB Microcast Onboarding via zoom screen share was a little bumpier than expected maybe @manton worth revisiting …

2020-07-23: 🐶

2020-07-22: Been enjoying this Netflix look at different types of traditional games, including free diving, …

2020-07-22: Ouch; You can’t draw a clearer picture of income inequality: Jeff Bezos made $13 billion …

2020-07-21: Podcast on Ludology with Dr. Jane McGonigal (March 2019 not sure how I missed this one) If you want …

2020-07-21: Launched this. donstrustmanifesto.com which has been getting a lot of people talking in the fan …

2020-07-20: People jogging and cycling around my village. I walk the dog, drinking a beer listening to 1980s U2 …

2020-07-20: Loving the puzzle mechanic shown off for “I am Dead” today as part of the rather awesome Day of the …


2020-07-19: This is Fine: Optimism & Emergency in the P2P Network - dctr.pro/2ig

2020-07-18: Bye lockdown hair you where becoming annoying and I don’t want to go to a hairdressers

2020-07-15: Walking the dog.

2020-07-15: Maybe too bright iterating on spatial UI for nodenogg.in

2020-07-14: Lots of these in the fields at the moment which is rather nice to see.

2020-07-13: Setting up an iPhone remotely with elderly deaf mother in law was near on impossible. So many …

2020-07-13: I am going to kill the co-op every time you update your bank app you kick my mother in law out and …

2020-07-12: When your youngest daughter paints her room black and orders film posters for her walls of The Dark …

2020-07-12: Somewhere in a field In Hampshire,UK listening to Pearl Jam

2020-07-10: It’s like LA just colder and I’m not writing a screen play but an annoying phd on my new Linux …

2020-07-10: Woah I literally didnt know about 1Password X until I had to install on Linux. Looks so much more …

2020-07-10: Pop! OS does not boot from off if Power is not plugged in Dell machine. Also secure boot must be off …

2020-07-09: Setting up Pop!_OS and installing some apps As most people should know I am working on a practice based PhD (my research for now) that revolves …

2020-07-08: Running Pop!_OS watching Foot Loose feel like a real rebel 😜

2020-07-08: I had not come across this talk before today, its well researched with excellent content about open …

2020-07-08: So my main check list for new Linux laptop is; Obsidian.md Syncthing Vscode Gitkraken Filezilla …

2020-07-07: oh nice my laptop for Linux should be arriving tomorrow - I am going to install Pop!_OS - this will …

2020-07-07: Neat little explaination of some of the less common CSS properties. dctr.pro/2ie

2020-07-06: Time to Blow of a day of meetings, which is the start of a week of meetings

2020-07-06: What a composer.

2020-07-05: That proud moment when your you youngest daughter demands you get Sky Sports as she is missing …

2020-07-05: “What … I’m not doing anything” 🐶

2020-07-04: Yo IFTTT connected to @nodenoggin on twitter

2020-07-04: I think I now understand why people have lots of trainers as they just wear out if you wear them too …

2020-07-03: Happy times uneducators.org is now official go episode 1&2 are out.

2020-07-03: I try to write my longer and referenced research pieces at researchnot.es but a lot more short stuff …

2020-07-03: Curious 👀 Creative ✏️ Co-creation 👥 Spatial 🕸 Serendipitous ⭐️ Messy 🥽 Magical ✨ Rhizomatic 💥 …

2020-07-03: A 20 minute conference presentation from Jan 2019 I explain more about nodenogg.in and its ethical …

2020-07-03: Back in May 2017 I talked about a shift from the paradigm of files and folders to delightful, …

2020-07-03: Way back in 2012 I presented at an Open Education Resource conference how OERs might move to a …

2020-07-03: Back in June 2014 I talked about my research and how we should move from a files and folders based …

2020-07-03: Video explainer of my web science reseach from March 2018 - www.youtube.com/watch

2020-07-03: Here is an older podcast I did with @thoughtshrapnel on nodenogg.in I will talk about nodenogg.in …

2020-07-03: I have no idea if this will work but as @mrmuphy has been telling me I need to tweet about …

2020-07-03: Science, we hope, keeps us alive. But the arts and humanities keep us sane.

2020-07-02: Awesome the excellent film Marvellous is being shown on the BBC again/ Part biopic, part musical and …

2020-07-02: A quick dive into pixijs for the next level of the spatial human interface for nodenogg.in as we are …

2020-07-02: Man I wish I had MarsEdit on my iPhone…Yes I know I should just use the Wordpress app.

2020-07-01: Beyond surveillance capitalism: alternatives, stopgaps, Small Web, and Site.js. Small Technology …

2020-06-29: In-between meetings managed to discuss how to start to get the bigger spatial ui view back to latest …

2020-06-29: All Human Beings - Max Richter 2020. Excellent. Just wish it was as long as Sleep! Amazing.

2020-06-29: Rediscovering the Small web Parimal Satyal via @mrmurphy

2020-06-28: I think I may go back to mask and shop 🤦🏻‍♂️

2020-06-28: For ages I’ve been saying to my wife just do a big shop online. I attempt it for proper myself this …

2020-06-27: I am a sucker for some decent Prog Rock & only came across this guy (Tiger Moth Tales) in the …

2020-06-25: A collection of frameworks and techniques to help with creative thinking exercises - dctr.pro/2i9

2020-06-24: A new body will ensure that arts and the humanities, more crucial now than ever, receive the …

2020-06-24: hmm I wonder if the DMG - drag to application process maybe coming to an end or such…in macOS 11 …

2020-06-23: If I made routers in 2020 one option I would create is the ability to check an option and say give …

2020-06-23: A big reason to get PS5 digital edition is to remove the stress of the kids not putting the discs …

2020-06-23: We did record episode one of uneducators and it all went a bit Pete Tong. So will do it again end of …

2020-06-23: Good to see Unity as part of the demo talking about Apple Silicon transition, makes sense the GPU …

2020-06-22: The most annoying and amusing thing about www.brewuk.co.uk is trying to buy items is so hard, I …

2020-06-22: My main thoughts on keynote is good just feels like mainly refinements to the OS’s … ARM macs …

2020-06-22: Woah Apple pencil enhancements look great.

2020-06-22: So will macOS calls not take over the cursor as well… and can I customise macOS ring …

2020-06-22: Right now I can watch WWDC Keynote.

2020-06-22: Based on the ongoing pains that is iOS 13 just deciding to not respond to taps and swipes. I sure …

2020-06-22: I totally didn’t put WWDC in my calendar this year. So much on. I think it might be now. Will watch …

2020-06-22: More updates on Phd project - alpha.nodenoggg.in 0.1.16 explainer on YouTube

2020-06-20: In Rainbows - in full live session from 2008 now on YouTube - Radiohead

2020-06-20: Hmm seems like mastodon.cloud has been down for a few days again

2020-06-20: Did someone say IPFS files in nodenogg.in ? … YouTube … yes they did💥

2020-06-19: Got it, wow BERWYN - Glory Thank you youtu.be/eCgZNvXz_…

2020-06-19: BERWYN performing Glory on BBC 2 Jools holland unbelievable amazing Later… with Jools …

2020-06-19: Oh nice looks like the new sitejs.org site from @aral@mastodon.ar.al and …

2020-06-19: Splurged some tweets on my marketing account twitter.com/nodenoggi… as @fehler told me I need …

2020-06-19: I finally had an excuse to make a tiddly wiki live. Not super convinced by the process I am …

2020-06-19: I also made a tiddly wiki for my feeble attemps at home brew brew.adamprocter.co.uk

2020-06-19: Yes I know about makespace.fun will write more, it looks like a great project and validates a lot of …

2020-06-15: trying the quoteback thing @manton added While I am generally unenthusiastic about HUDs like Google …

2020-06-15: Step 1 Sanitise.

2020-06-13: Summer showers (mid lock down)

2020-06-12: WSA Graduating Games 2020 Showcase Live event - Tuesday 16th Everyone is welcome to attend our live stream with talks from the Games Design & Art graduating …

2020-06-12: Michael Tsai - Blog - iCloud Backups Deleted After 180 Days dctr.pro/2i7

2020-06-11: Gran Turismo 7 Stray Oddworld Pragmata PS5 Excellent

2020-06-10: js-ipfs + vue


2020-06-08: today was an excellent PhD day and this is not a drawing !

2020-06-07: Such a great track and ended up delaying what was for me and still is one of the game changers …

2020-06-05: “Privilege is the human version of ‘works on my machine’” — @lrnrd #jsconfbp (photo @janl)

2020-06-03: Tot App does not actually Sync - Warning Synchronization is the precise coordination of multiple events. In computing, it refers to the …


2020-05-31: Sunday evenings have gotten much cooler for sure


2020-05-30: Brilliant Take That live lock down concert.

2020-05-30: If you get good at a type of technology, you’ll find yourself using it often. On the other hand, if …

2020-05-29: Oh my days thanks @jack obsidian.md Knocked up by 3 people in lockdown. Featured all over the place …

2020-05-28: Simon Templar eat your heart out … ring light arrived to enhance my videos and such. …

2020-05-27: How the Psychedelic Mellotron Works: An In-Depth Demonstration | Open Culture dctr.pro/2i5

2020-05-27: Super proud of all my final year students, the challenge to get work up on the virtual arcade from …

2020-05-26: The aftermath of our conversation between youngest daughter and myself about if we could order …

2020-05-25: Enjoy - lockdown live CHVRCHES - Forever / Death Stranding - 2 songs - YouTube

2020-05-25: I dont think what Dominic Cummings says about his movements is on in any shape or form but just look …

2020-05-25: Crinkly and yellow

2020-05-25: Given up being productive

2020-05-25: The ultimate carbon capture technology is photosynthesis Pat Brown talks about creating Impossible …

2020-05-24: PGA

2020-05-22: Stay Safe. Protect the NHS and key workers.

2020-05-22: Going online with students is not all about teaching or providing content. You have to maintain …

2020-05-22: Yes yes yes - Elbow Lippy Kids lock down version - yes it will make you cry wonderful stuff - Enjoy- …

2020-05-19: I make it and I think it tastes really nice can’t say it’s exactly like Wagamama but it’s worth …

2020-05-19: Big update from one or our Final Year student game projects. Always exciting as the last few weeks …

2020-05-19: Another great core int podcast episode I really get @danielpunkass sentiments about focus. Good to …

2020-05-17: Austerity is coming. No matter what you hear. Any talk otherwise is a lie, unfortunately.

2020-05-17: 1 nugget away from building the shop…

2020-05-16: In exciting news next week a housing association gets to decide if we can stay in my home and …

2020-05-16: If I had the cash I would order a Polestar 2 now. Looks amazing and delivering in July.

2020-05-16: Lovely - A Visit to Chigwick YouTube

2020-05-16: Loving this track by Pete Jones - Tiger Moth Tales - Hygge - Live

2020-05-16: In case you need 3 hours of live Prog … and who wouldn’t want that YouTube - Prog from Home …

2020-05-16: Giphy nooooooooooooo

2020-05-15: Disappointed the UK didn’t stick to full lock down for longer. So many more people out and about. I …

2020-05-15: Mickey Mouse Degrees I’ve seen it. I’m sure you have. Comments that advise a Degree in Fine Art, Games Design, Fashion, …

2020-05-15: Another thought provoking article via @thoughtshrapnel Arguing that you don’t care about the right …

2020-05-13: So you can’t even copy text from tweets now. Blooming heck.

2020-05-11: If you want a unique hand made facemask with some style can I recommend the ones made by my wife …

2020-05-11: Jewish Tune - Slow and steady

2020-05-11: What future learning environments need is not more mechanization, but more humanization; not more …

2020-05-09: Argh first gen Apple TV just hates trying to play anything especially as two factor auth is a mega …



2020-05-09: <- Meat | Plant ->

2020-05-09: Motivation…

2020-05-09: Last weekend should have been our (AFC Wimbledon) last game at Kingsmeadow but that all got messed …

2020-05-08: cross posting to mastodon should be back now…

2020-05-08: Video

2020-05-08: If you only follow me on MB timeline you have may have missed these two video as I messed up my …

2020-05-08: Kitchen

2020-05-08: I put on some slow thoughtful Jon Hopkins. (EP Meditations) Wife shouts “Hey! your record has got …

2020-05-08: For the new normal The awesome @thoughtshrapnel posted a list of ten things to pursue in the new normal dctr.pro/2hv …

2020-05-08: Going to Tesco 2020 (listening to Ghostpoet)

2020-05-08: Garden

2020-05-08: If HEI’s are to move to a more blended approach to learning, which has been a long long time coming. …

2020-05-08: This blog hits the nail on the head. No Go online button, its not cheap, not fast, it’s not the same …

2020-05-08: Today I am mostly tidying up, bringing forward beer o clock and listening to Kraftwerk

2020-05-07: Economy economy economy… it’s all made up to support neoliberalism, change the record and …

2020-05-07: Obviously I’m not supporting any track and trace app that invades my data. Some of my family live on …

2020-05-06: Great version. 💛💙 album.link/song/i/63…

2020-05-06: From concept art to 3D and 3D! Some of the work from one of our final year projects. You can play …

2020-05-06: Thanks Monzo I feel great 😂

2020-05-04: Made to measure longer Scarf version to cover beards. Instagram

2020-05-04: My wife Manthy Procter is making to order you very own fancy, stylish and soft facemask. Check out …

2020-05-02: School work and surveillance - Audrey Watters

2020-05-02: Excellent. Was really struggling with tea towels and oven stuff. So levelled up ! 🤣


2020-04-30: Animal Crossing plus Max Richter I may not come back

2020-04-30: Building work behind us has started. Mega lorries have a hard time coming and going.

2020-04-29: Stay at home, Protect the NHS Save lives One third admitted to hospital with COVID-19 die anyone …

2020-04-27: Im not sure how but I think I have had Apple TV+ free for a while… but I have no idea when it …

2020-04-27: Now adding final year work in progress game play videos such as this one www.youtube.com/watch to …

2020-04-26: PES2020 on PS4 is only £16 atm in UK. Yes it’s better than FIFA

2020-04-26: Oct 2007 - dctr.pro/2hr The presence of a large reservoir of SARS-CoV-like viruses in horseshoe …

2020-04-25: There will be no back to normal - Nesta via @thoughtshrapnel

2020-04-24: 👾 WSA Games Virtual Arcade LAUNCH 🚀 - 24th April 2020 Today we officially launch our final year virtual Arcade - WSA Games https://wsagames.com - In the …


2020-04-22: Can someone point me to the 6 month educators hosting deal on micro.blog please so I can let more …

2020-04-22: Great post from Seth Giddings on Animal Crossing mid Pandemic. Animal Crossing may one day be …

2020-04-21: Tonight I’m running a zoom and vevox pub quiz.

2020-04-21: Of course the leads that come with MacBook Pro’s are just charging leads and not thunderbolt …

2020-04-20: testing pure linkedin only cross posting

2020-04-20: testing 123 mastodon and linked in crossing…

2020-04-20: Sneak peak of our COVID-19 virtual arcade… launching the end of the week !

2020-04-20: Added Linkedin posting to main feed to check if its a category thing…

2020-04-20: Yeah micro.blog Linkedin cross posting has been updated and so this should mean that this post will …

2020-04-19: Somewhere in a field in Hampshire.

2020-04-19: Another Sunday another lock down

2020-04-19: My MacBook Pro 15” Fans run so loud these days (and watching old videos this was not the case) …

2020-04-19: Workplace film from Gary Hustwit free this week dctr.pro/2hg

2020-04-18: More tinkering with my researchnot.es blog to have a little more information at the top of each …

2020-04-18: NODENOGG LTD is now registered as a company Company name: NODENOGG LTD Company number: 12560313 …

2020-04-18: Education evolving This is in reply to @thoughtshrapnel’s recent Saturday update and I wanted to publish my reply …

2020-04-18: Elbow smash it out of the park with another lock down recording youtu.be/S9tAK4v66…

2020-04-17: My wife ordered me a load of allplants.com stuff that came today and I have to say although I’ve …

2020-04-17: A while back I tried to make a little JavaScript app that would take Apple Music links and work out …

2020-04-17: There better be a migrate in place centos7 to 8 process in the future else I’m going to cry, going …

2020-04-17: Just when you think server migration is close to done start hitting wired cURL 60 errors , man SSL …

2020-04-16: I haven’t thought about it in too much technical detail but the the way @danielpunkass implements …

2020-04-15: Oh as much as I am not happy about Dark Sky being brought by Apple I like the idea on ATP that Dark …

2020-04-15: nodenogg.in Support So during lock down and my Easter holiday I’ve been glued to my computer working on PhD stuff (my …

2020-04-15: I was really up for getting an iPad Pro 2020 to replace my iPad Pro 2nd Gen 12" and pencil but …

2020-04-15: Digital Literacies module for Educator from Steve Wheeler dctr.pro/2hl - on ZilLearn

2020-04-15: My Post Ok - now this should show up with Feed Title and Post Title - PhD Discording !

2020-04-15: Marms in his new bedsit

2020-04-15: From @thoughtshrapnel If you contribute to Open Source projects, please consider filling in the …

2020-04-14: Finally getting back into PhD writing organisation. Gave up on doing anything to bespoke with be …

2020-04-14: Oh Just found a blog post I wrote about the need for Digital Transformation in Universities over 5 …


2020-04-12: Mad World - Curt Smith and his daughter during lock down YouTube

2020-04-12: Exploring History

2020-04-12: One of our neighbours shared our water bombs so we have a cross garden fight #lockdown2020

2020-04-12: Sunday lock down.

2020-04-11: Today feels like a day for English Folk songs and Real Ale. Man I miss Saturday Football. ⚽️

2020-04-11: About a week ago I just bought what there was…. this was double the price of our normal own …


2020-04-10: If you didn’t think Elbow where awesome before then I don’t know what’s wrong with you however check …

2020-04-10: Ok lock down peeps if you haven’t watched the new Worzel Gummidge on bbc from Christmas yet. It is …

2020-04-10: So there is talk about certain groups being able to be un-locked down, all I can say is that it …

2020-04-10: We have know for ages that the Robots are coming and that Creative Thinking or more X Students will …

2020-04-10: Bit the bullet and paid for ReadCube Papers, I had Papers 3 but after a very bumpy acquisition by …

2020-04-09: Strange times

2020-04-09: Ok I gave up on the magic of gitlab pages. But I did get Hugo going locally and remotely and have …

2020-04-09: I had a bright idea in the shower this morning to use my gitlab with gitlab pages and Hugo to …

2020-04-09: I’m having one of those days. Achieving next to nothing. And how this didn’t destroy my Mac mid …

2020-04-09: How do I get rid of this! I did the free month ages ago drives me round the bend

2020-04-08: Arrrgh MacBook Pro 15” keyboard

2020-04-08: Free Movie of the Week documentary by filmmaker Gary Hustwit (Helvetica) about legendary designer …

2020-04-05: Oh my days auto local storage deletion is not good via @aral @aral@mastodon.ar.al this would also …

2020-04-05: It’s been a couple of tough weeks however our currents students, alumni, friends and family have …


2020-04-04: Now Play This - online - free this weekend - A festival of Experimental Games Design dctr.pro/2he

2020-04-04: One of my favourite films ever. And the sound track is amazing. If for some strange reason you have …

2020-04-02: macOS 10.15.4 - hiding apps not hiding apps - Apple you are infuriating me

2020-04-01: Keeping important local businesses afloat. New online delivery service for independent pub is go! …

2020-04-01: Brunch

2020-03-31: Pretty happy I got my hair and beard cut just before lock down, although I am not looking forward to …

2020-03-31: In my big Tesco doing a big shop to reduce trips to supermarket. I keep 2 meters away from people, …

2020-03-31: Apple buys Dark Sky. These days this is not good news. Blast.

2020-03-31: If YouTube asks me about the free month trial which I have already done ages again I’m going to send …

2020-03-31: Another great piece from @thoughtshrapnel We have it in our power to begin the world over again …

2020-03-31: Seriously Apple stop with all these iOS updates it is driving my mother in law mad as she has to tap …

2020-03-29: I’m not sure if half these posts are appearing yet due to SSL issues but hopefully will drop into …

2020-03-29: Well weekend migration from centOS 6 to 7 wasn’t that bad. I am happy to say most things are up …

2020-03-29: Wash wash wash

2020-03-29: Oh update to micro.blog iOS app nice. Font size playing ball and looking nice. Thanks @manton

2020-03-29: When you realise on your fresh server you install gitlab ee and not ce - dam it. Uninstalling is …


2020-03-28: migration to new server is going pretty well, some stuff wont migrate making it simpler to look …

2020-03-27: heads up am expecting all my URLs to break at some point over the weekend as I am migrating …

2020-03-27: Corona day 4 lock down

2020-03-24: Trying to order you shop to match the layout of the shop to minimise time in shop.

2020-03-24: Those of you blasé enough to have been picnicking in parks, hanging out together ,driving to holiday …

2020-03-23: Finally lock down in the UK

2020-03-23: Stop buying more than you need. Stop getting near to each other. We are at war. Stay home.

2020-03-23: This is informative and good data design. Clearly helps to see some of the reasons the virus has …

2020-03-23: Lock down lunch and research 😂

2020-03-23: bricks and mortar education

2020-03-23: With all the kids off in the UK let’s see how well Teams / Slack / Discord holds up for meetings …

2020-03-23: Death rate higher at this stage than China and Italy was. Yet people are still hanging out together, …

2020-03-22: This has me crying


2020-03-21: Home office minor upgrade v2

2020-03-19: Work was hectic but then Covid-19… previous little desk for occasional home working… …

2020-03-17: Arnie has Donkeys this is just awesome. Stay at home people.

2020-03-16: Education has changed Covid-19 will change the way we deliver education. True Blended learning will be a de-facto standard …

2020-03-15: Oh nice I got my muse app invite today. museapp.com - they have many similarities with my own …

2020-03-15: We had not panic bought toilet roll as that is plain selfish but I had yet been unable to buy more …


2020-03-11: FYI @siracusa I managed to get two switch glasses I think from unplugging external screens while in …

2020-03-11: Uneducators.org - episode minus 19 out now - www.uneducators.org/episode-m… You can subscribe …

2020-03-10: Ok time to isolate my testing suite, from my regular Firefox and Safari use for nodenogg.in

2020-03-10: Please can Linkedin add an option where I can list companies I never ever want to work for so they …

2020-03-09: Rebecca Solnit says, help “turn down the volume a little on the people who always got heard” Do this …

2020-03-09: Diversity is Good for the Games Industries Today there are approximately 2.6 Billion people playing video Games. This group is not just men, in …

2020-03-08: I wash my hands often with soap and hot water but I always doing the thinker pose or beard twiddling …

2020-03-08: Yesterday

2020-03-08: Middle daughter just got me these seem pretty good. Hopefully they taste nice 🤪

2020-03-07: Wimbledon Football club story - As told in Lego - Youtube

2020-03-07: Saturday interview day is done last one of the cycle and some extra time tuition for the awesome …

2020-03-05: Morning

2020-03-05: Public Health England have been great but latest news suggests the concerns over Coronavirus in UK …

2020-03-04: 🐶

2020-03-04: Haven’t been here for a long time. A wonderful distraction today. Shame Apple don’t do anything with …

2020-03-04: this is macOS Catalina, background pref respect you say…

2020-03-04: this is macOS Catalina, copy and paste context menu anyone…

2020-03-04: Flickr iOS is so close to finally catching up that I should be good going forward. Well done @flickr …

2020-03-04: Unfortunately not shocking.

2020-03-03: Power up

2020-03-03: I wonder if RSS feed to Flickr is a png problem in fact. The amusingly named printer software …

2020-03-01: Have done a bunch of work on nodenogg.in for new version 0.1.X please take a look at the code or …

2020-03-01: Ok so episode minus 20 of uneducators is out. Feedback welcome. …

2020-02-29: Pretty pleased I complained to BT now as after engineer visit my speed has gone from the bottom of …

2020-02-28: Another glimpse of the hell that is iOS 13

2020-02-25: In exciting news the site is up and recording of @uneducators episode minus 20 should be starting …

2020-02-25: macOS

2020-02-25: A quick video update on the nodenogg.in rewrite in html elements. Pleased with the outcome already, …

2020-02-25: Had to stop using Front and Centre as it interfered too much with my ability to hide. Based on what …

2020-02-24: Without reverse image searching what does this mean!?!?

2020-02-23: Exciting times this week new podcast starting … uneducators.org

2020-02-23: Ok so perhaps the number 1 song is actually good… first time in decades I reckon!!! Found via …

2020-02-23: Hey YouTube stop asking me to do the free Month trial when I have done it already. This is really a …

2020-02-21: Mindful Chef

2020-02-21: Oh I didn’t know about this all new Office app for iOS dctr.pro/2h8

2020-02-20: why borrow your neighbours mower when you can have your own Capitalism meets the elevation of self …

2020-02-20: Yeah micro.blog

2020-02-19: Wimbledon Bond will remain open until the 14th May. The money raised has reduced the target for …

2020-02-19: This is the same micro cast as the last post but this time I took the wav file from Audio Hijack …

2020-02-19: This is the direct capture of the discord app audio as an mp3 file from Audio Hijack.

2020-02-19: On the call yesterday via discord making arrangement for a new podcast. Instantly my cohost is …

2020-02-19: Woke up thinking about looping my through couchdb object and vuex store. I think I know what to do. …

2020-02-18: Why did I even talk to BT now down to 10Mbps , that’s a 30Mbps drop.

2020-02-18: Bah the 30 day photo challenge is over for me. I just don’t have the brain space to keep it going. …

2020-02-18: Ian Wright was on desert island discs remembering Mr Pigden recently I have to say this interview …

2020-02-18: Very pleased to have helped towards this Guardian article on how a number of Universities (including …

2020-02-18: Hey can someone please reply to this post to see if @mantons new replies thing is working, I think I …

2020-02-17: Ok so now we have to wait 72 hours and see as BT Broadband engineer comes and Internet is massively …

2020-02-16: I’m over the half way mark , photo blog challenge has got to get easier now… surely

2020-02-16: 16/30 Rest

2020-02-16: The pessimism from some of the Dons Trust Board has now been well and truly squashed. We the fans …

2020-02-15: 15/30 balance

2020-02-15: Marcus Mumford on BBC Radio 5 this morning talking about how AFC Wimbledon is a beacon in running a …

2020-02-14: Oh my word under £200k to go from our target of £5million and 2 hours left - invest and get up to 4% …

2020-02-14: Can anyone confirm if the not hiding bug is caused by front and centre or is it just macOS Catalina.

2020-02-14: 14/30 warmth - this arrived today and also fits the photo challenge. No idea why my wife bought it …

2020-02-14: 13/30 rise - no idea but I need that pin

2020-02-13: 12/30 Attachment - 😀

2020-02-12: nodenogg.in next level starts

2020-02-11: Testing another shot at a micro.blog Linkedin category posting to my Linkedin page (exciting post)

2020-02-11: 11/30 - Plain - or did you say Plane, trying hard at the pub quiz tonight didn’t work 😂

2020-02-11: Making the right noise for a return to Plough Lane. AFC News Marcus Mumford and more famous fans …

2020-02-11: Unity and XCode love to talk

2020-02-11: Please note I have no idea how to edit mastodon posts so for the typo fixed posts get an RSS reader …

2020-02-11: I’m confused I’m on 9/30 which I thought was sign but many are stamping with the 10. Where is the …

2020-02-10: 10/30 Sign Back in Dec 2018 a new road sign on the approach to the site of our new stadium was put …

2020-02-10: Ok I can’t be dealing with trying to look this up now and am confident fanatical support are …

2020-02-10: I remember when iOS, macOS and the internet just worked. Now it’s just unreliable. I guess the only …

2020-02-09: All the cats are now in. Storm stress.

2020-02-09: While the main bond motors on and about to hit £3million ploughlanebond.com, those that wish to …

2020-02-09: 9/30 Lull - a Lull in the storm. However am worrying about cat 3 tails who has been out in the …

2020-02-08: 8/30 Contrast

2020-02-08: Ok I think I just finally managed to convince someone to be my podcast partner. I hope to carry this …

2020-02-07: So how is this possible please… they are never not used together and charged together

2020-02-07: Wonderful and all done.

2020-02-07: 7/30 Above - Looking down on the Year 3 Games Design Studio after a long tutorial day.

2020-02-07: I created a linked in category and then added that as a feed into my micro.blog and turned on …

2020-02-07: In a round about turn of events and great tip from @giov this should post to Linkedin where as my …

2020-02-06: post 1 using the new Linkedin category test

2020-02-06: Crossing my work car park safely with Granddaughter today.

2020-02-06: More coverage of the Plough Lane Bond on Sky Sports today - dctr.pro/2h3

2020-02-06: 6/30 Plant - Plastic Palace People

2020-02-06: In good news I can now get my Switch Screen shots back… Twitter mistook my ProcterSwitch …

2020-02-06: UK Games Industry Census - understanding diversity in the UK games industry workforce | Ukie - …

2020-02-06: Better decouple blog to LinkedIn until I can turn it on and off per post. 😊

2020-02-06: Has to be said it’s pretty clear that although I have an insanely powerful iPhone X, iOS 13 is …

2020-02-06: 5/30 hide

2020-02-05: Testing posting to linked in from micro.blog

2020-02-05: Miss Americana - excellent

2020-02-05: 4/30 - Spot - we have numerous ‘mood’ lighting around our home

2020-02-03: 3/30 - Reflect

2020-02-02: Will we just accept our loss of privacy, or has the techlash already begun? Guardian


2020-02-02: Wow £1.6 million already! Help Bring the Dons home with the Bond issue, as a unique fan owned club …

2020-02-02: 2/30 - Sight - Within my sight is cat , rodent and fish

2020-02-01: This thing = awesomeness. Air Pods Pro and Switch are now friends

2020-02-01: You know what I love blogging via micro.blog but I also really love the community. I don’t know who …

2020-02-01: work web speed

2020-02-01: 1/30 - Open - Students working on Global Game Jam which happens to use an open Creative Commons …

2020-02-01: A couple of my final year students have started on the Roam path. One week into the semester here is …

2020-02-01: I have a Twitter account just for getting screenshots from my Switch to myself… as This is …

2020-01-31: In less than 2 minutes such powerful stories can be told - Aardman and Greenpeace - Turtle Journey

2020-01-31: Today we kicked off Global Game Jam at WSA. Due to timezones we can’t reveal theme yet but students …

2020-01-30: Ok I need to use my switch more and here is a good excuse, I just wish it would pair with my air …

2020-01-30: Plus 8bit icon

2020-01-30: I will buy the yearly Fantastical subscription on the site and charge as a buisness expense. I was …

2020-01-30: Good to see the window resizing, not hiding and finder use as defaults (not being default) bugs …

2020-01-30: My upgrade to Fantastical 3 has not gone well. I don’t have a key for version 2 as I bought on the …

2020-01-30: Not the virus 🦠

2020-01-29: Fitbit buys Pebble Google buys Fitbit It was Bye bye to nice hardware and now it’s bye bye to …

2020-01-29: How game development today is like the 80s. Retro to Hyper-casual Game Dev - Medium

2020-01-28: Updates on updates I can just about take it however my mother in law doesn’t understand why she is …

2020-01-28: nodenogg.in v 0.0.44d

2020-01-28: Todays bigger round of testing, as we launched the Board Game project at WSA for nodenogg.in went …

2020-01-25: Kids party, tired Monty 

2020-01-24: Tomorrow’s teen party is prepped. I am unfortunately working quiet a bit of the day so will miss …

2020-01-23: Nice GitKraken 6.5 is out , some things of mega note ! Application startup time up to 10% faster. …

2020-01-23: Added a couple more UX tweaks before testing next week, however there is a couple of annoying UI …

2020-01-22: Finally catching up with Steve Wheelers Twister Tropes series - The latest (32) Goliath’s huge …

2020-01-22: Did someone say a RPG Quest game to learn Academic Referencing… They sure did ! RefQuest

2020-01-22: Bond Investment - AFC Wimbledon If you are interested in a Bond investment with up to 4% interest - check this email from the Dons …

2020-01-22: The offline nature of pouchDB and couchDB is super ROBUST !

2020-01-22: Offline is working, you just cant see it! This is a difficult bug to consider but going to post here and then log in the system… the remote …

2020-01-22: ✌️🎧

2020-01-21: The hell that Airbnb continues to inflict. The property owners getting richer, they bring in rowdy …

2020-01-21: This is not my avatar…. doing a little more playing in Roam, I can certainly see the power, …

2020-01-21: AFC Wimbledon Launch bond at up to 4% Interest! As a AFC Wimbledon fan a core of why I love the Club and set up is our Trust / Fans owned model. So …

2020-01-20: A group of my final year students who have pitched a mindful game in which you journey through a …

2020-01-20: Good times this weekend

2020-01-17: Technology use and the mental health of children and young people. the algorithms seem to push more …

2020-01-17: When you randomly email an alumni to see if they are still local and they reply and say sorry I’m …

2020-01-17: Today at WSA, University of Southampton, UK we will be showcasing work from BA Games Design & …

2020-01-17: Ok when BBC news states the we won’t understand the pros and cons of social media until the firms …

2020-01-16: Fred Wilson’s principles : Am I working on something that inspires me (and others)? Am I working …

2020-01-15: I left Twitter, facebook and Instagram ages ago but IG mailed me about DMs, I thought it was …

2020-01-15: Woah ! Flickr just deployed a serverside fix and emailed me about it (I had a big report in) which …

2020-01-14: I was very fortunate to spend a very short period of time with Doc Searls and his wife in 2018, such …

2020-01-14: If anyone is near Winchester School of Art, UK, this Friday and interested in the future of play and …

2020-01-13: Ok I need these new Royal Mail stamps

2020-01-13: I do a lot more Cmd + H than I suspect @siracusa does however I have purchased his app as I liked …

2020-01-11: New jumper donation woooo

2020-01-11: Middle Daughters / Grand Daughters Flat was broken into yesterday and they took a lot of nice stuff. …

2020-01-11: more updates to nodenogg.in

2020-01-11: New Patron welcome video - www.youtube.com/watch


2020-01-09: Sneaky dark pattern via LinkedIn. Learn more takes you to the privacy policy etc. I assume that …

2020-01-09: Microcast #082 – Nodenoggin | Doug Belshaw’s Thought Shrapnel dctr.pro/2gv

2020-01-09: Happy days! I have now tweaked up the Read pane in nodenogg.in so you can read someone elses …

2020-01-08: Did a microcast with @thoughtshrapnel this morning discussing nodenogg.in please have a listen and …

2020-01-08: 🐱

2020-01-08: The awesome Doug Belshaw @thoughtshrapnel recorded a microcast with me as guest this morning about …

2020-01-08: What a satisfying day. My branch was to add an Emoji reaction feature to nodenogg.in based on a few …

2020-01-07: Work keyboard 🎹 Video call keyboard ⌨️

2020-01-07: Step 2 get emoji into Pouchdb and sync to Couchdb.

2020-01-07: Ok 45mins in at least and the emoji picker is picking but data is going nowhere yet…

2020-01-07: Late to sorting out my taxes, thankfully I use the awesome FreeAgent (10% off link) and have a great …

2020-01-06: Don’t stop building care of Deliveroo. Now I feel San Fran 😂

2020-01-06: I was listening to Mac Power Users and the discussion about a tool for research and the list of main …

2020-01-06: quick video showing the new onboarding process for nodenogg.in

2020-01-05: Tried to organise my Mac mail by deleting stuff. Not going well.

2020-01-05: Day 1 attempting automation. I cannot for the life of me workout how to run a Shortcut in the share …

2020-01-04: Level up VR + Wheel

2020-01-04: Hmmmm in 2020 I want to add more automation into my workflows. I am sure I should be able to …

2020-01-04: After IKEA hell I was given a bit of peace and quiet today so after finally biting the bullet & …

2020-01-04: Manically laughing around the village walking dog listening to Connected 2020 pics podcast episode. …

2020-01-03: PhD time. Bored in IKEA.

2020-01-03: When in IKEA always be prepared to get some PhD stuff done. Ps I don’t like IKEA, but got a cheap QI …

2020-01-02: What we really needed this decade was to learn code as a liberal art – not so much as software …

2019-12-31: The share contact feature in iOS 13 is great however the default of +44 means all my contacts now …

2019-12-31: I know I’ve said it but not being able to pair my Airpods Pro to my switch is so so annoying. What …

2019-12-31: I’ve said it since it’s introduction I don’t like it at all, VAR adds another layer of subjectivity, …

2019-12-31: Go To Artist. Music bugs. The wonders of iOS 13

2019-12-31: Holidays mean I have gotten into a pretty terrible sleep pattern, seems to be, couple of beers, stay …

2019-12-31: This continues to confuse me when trying to open Slack on macOS. I spend moments everyday scanning …

2019-12-30: I know everyone knows this but oh my word iOS 13 is still a buggy mess.

2019-12-30: Hope for systemic change ignited by activism snuffed out by policymakers and lobbyists. Nature will …

2019-12-30: What is the feed URL for just your Photos only on Micro.blog does anyone know ?

2019-12-30: This is a simple screenshot of the new onboarding process for nodenogg.in would appreciate any …

2019-12-29: Apologies if anyone was unable to read my longer academic pieces re nodenogg.in said manifold server …

2019-12-29: ⚽️

2019-12-29: Yeah just released. music.apple.com/gb/album/…🎧

2019-12-29: Got some new gloves from local maker Antonia - www.sprigknitwear.co.uk

2019-12-29: Episode 2 of Worzel Gummidge done what a great programme. If you can get BBC iPlayer I recommend it, …

2019-12-28: One of the many things I love about the web is the ability to edit, you may find thus some of my …

2019-12-28: Saw this 24ways article via @NetNewsWire on MicroBrowsers which drew my attention to how Messages, …

2019-12-28: crumbs my shortcuts nodenogg.in post is over 1100 words and as I have been trying to craft it I …

2019-12-28: Oh my word, unbelievable, Government exposes addresses of New Year honours recipients. more than a …

2019-12-27: Monty and me 🐶

2019-12-27: This is a test


2019-12-27: Some very positive news from a group of Fans helping the Dons Trust Board who look to have a way …

2019-12-27: Absolutely awesome. Mackenzie Crook is (as ever) excellent. 📺 Worzel Gummidge - BBC iPlayer

2019-12-27: Hat tip @thoughtshrapnel this was not one I caught in 2019. Glad I did now. 🎧

2019-12-26: Scruffy hospitality means you’re more interested in quality conversation than the impression your …

2019-12-26: I am sure many of us can write about similar web hostility in recent years - Abid Omar

2019-12-26: Finally decided with @NetNewsWire iOS beta that I need Feedbin and sync. Hoping iCloud will come …

2019-12-25: All quiet

2019-12-24: Vegan Wellington Baby.

2019-12-24: Creative Thinking - essential for future work This article makes the case for the UK to opt in to the upcoming PISA tests for creativity. The …

2019-12-24: Switched up to the large air pod pros suction cup things. I think that is even better. Love the …

2019-12-23: If anyone was in doubt about how big gaming is… The awesome CHVRCHES with orchestra …

2019-12-23: A new updated video on nodenogg.in updates in 0.0.27d - added rather nice keyboard shortcuts thanks …

2019-12-23: Middles daughters level of heavy handed clumsiness is well know & today she slammed the car boot …

2019-12-23: Not quiet LA style…

2019-12-22: We are loving Shenmue 3 but Monty less so 😂

2019-12-22: Why WeWork went wrong - Guardian

2019-12-22: Why The Muppet Christmas Carol set the gold standard for Dickens adaptations - Independent

2019-12-22: You know one thing I find absolutely annoying is the Nintendo Switch’s inability to pair with …

2019-12-21: Can you guess the moment another driver was looking at there phone / the floor whilst veering onto …

2019-12-20: Laughable statement from the Dons Trust Board Chairman. LINK my yet to be approved comment is here

2019-12-20: Did someone say holiday…

2019-12-20: Ed Leek wanted to Sell the club anyway. I had not seen this video before. With Hindsight it appears Ed Leek was clearly keen to sell out the …

2019-12-19: When I said minor tweak to nodenogg.in it in fact took me all afternoon to work out how to include …

2019-12-19: Made a minor tweak to nodenogg.in today, updated URL to proper alpha link alpha.nodenogg.in, …

2019-12-18: BBC iPlayer - Blindboy examines Chaos on the Internet in 2019. All about the issues that facebook et …

2019-12-18: Ha on BBC Radio 6 Marc Riley just mentioned YouTube and said “other tubes are available” however he …

2019-12-18: Yes finally respecting dark mode means dark Keyboard in Firefox 21 iOS

2019-12-18: AFC Wimbledon fans like myself that do not want anyone to buy our club have launched a survey to see …

2019-12-17: Ha also when you realise the photo on a Wimbledon site you link to is one of your photos the power …

2019-12-17: This is not an ownership related issue Like a few AFC Wimbledon fans there is a number of people that have said well you’ve gone as far as …

2019-12-14: 🎧

2019-12-13: Ok who else whats @siracusa to do an unboxing video ? These YouTubers are to blasé I want to see a …

2019-12-12: Visited a bunch of studios today with final year Games Design & Art students. Ustwo Games, the …

2019-12-12: Amazon “everybody needs…” to pay their tax …. except for us

2019-12-12: Majority of AFC Wimbledon fans oppose private investors in new stadium. Guardian

2019-12-12: Kick off had to be delayed due to the number of fans that turned up (4656). We lost 4-0 I loved the …

2019-12-11: Ask any UK football fan about what is happening at AFC Wimbledon now re external investment they …

2019-12-11: What I thought I had to worry about about next season was trying to make sure my new seat was with …

2019-12-11: Options options options There are so many options that we could have had presented that did not include outside investment …

2019-12-11: Stop Building New Plough Lane? Maybe we (AFC Wimbledon) need to just stop building New Plough Lane. Talk to Chelsea about a deal to …

2019-12-11: All the house swap papers are now in and this would be transformative for us (and them). I just hope …

2019-12-11: Neoliberalism won’t steal my club Bah this neoliberalism capitalist exponential growth is trying to kill our club. Yeah we would like …

2019-12-11: Funding Gap at AFC Wimbledon This seems plasable to me. We need the exact amount required to fund the shell stadium. I don’t …

2019-12-11: AFC Wimbledon microcast

2019-12-11: Tell me this why is it quicker to open Photos and drag and drop image to desktop, than to use the …

2019-12-10: I’d go bananas to use a Mac Pro but my own look out is more than half the price of the very basic …

2019-12-10: Ok picked the Mac Pro I would go for… £12,699 without a screen … hahah that’s never …

2019-12-10: Mac Pro configurator it out ! www.apple.com/uk/shop/b…

2019-12-10: I’m going to keep this simple, as an AFC Wimbledon fan, Share holder, Dons Trust member, crowd …

2019-12-09: After a false start the Dons Trust SGM is now live streaming publicly without log in although via …

2019-12-09: Today mainly catching up on my PhD researchnot.es blog so expect a few things to be appearing in …

2019-12-09: Nice Firefox Flash back on your 2019 - dctr.pro/2gd

2019-12-07: Nice one, my PhD tool testing has been positive so far 👍😊

2019-12-06: Monty Boy 🐶

2019-12-05: Happy days. Got to use my PhD work in progress nodenogg.in in a senior working group at work today …

2019-12-05: Oddly like mentioned on Mac Power Users sometimes my iOS 13 iPhone X has full signal on 4G but …

2019-12-04: Amazon streams UK Premier Football and I agree with these Fans at Crystal Palace. Guardian

2019-12-03: Super pleased to have been involved in this project, in various ways & guises for a number of …

2019-12-02: Another clip on the latest nodenogg.in development on YouTube

2019-12-02: When you take a carry bag of used glass bottles to your local bottle bank and you find it’s already …

2019-12-02: All I did was restart my mac…

2019-12-02: Wrote a few blog posts today in MarsEdit and just published this one (so far) - Current Tech Stack …

2019-11-30: I know I’m late to the party but ha this game is fun.

2019-11-30: Testing AirPods Quality Via Wavelength Also noted in wavelength playback doesn’t use AirPods but then oddly does when you hit share but not …

2019-11-29: £15 saved on new PS4 controller to replace the one chewed by the dog and will now be allocated as my …

2019-11-28: Open letter to AFC Wimbledon and Dons Trust Board The background noise at AFC Wimbledon and The Dons Trust board this week has been insane. I fully …

2019-11-27: Thanks @vasta actually didn’t realise how many songs I know and pure uplifting pop fun 🎧 🥤 😊

2019-11-27: Pretty excited that Jasmine Isdrake agreed to come and give a talk and chat to my Games Design & …

2019-11-27: Oh no you are joking, Beat Saber Acquired by Facebook, Company Promises Continued Support – Variety …

2019-11-26: Uploaded a little video tutorial on how to get up and running with Unity and git version control …

2019-11-26: Open Greenpeace - Design Thinking & Collobration in the Open Through various EdTech, Open Education Resources and Co-op stuff, plus the web in general, I am …

2019-11-26: Web Clerks Part one - Specific time stamp to the Talk Rage Against the Content Machine by @mxbck - …

2019-11-26: Contract for the Web is out Looks interesting indeed. Having said that seeing Facebook, Google and …

2019-11-26: My Fight With a Sidewalk Robot A life-threatening encounter with AI technology convinced me that the …

2019-11-25: Oh Notion is giving the Personal Plan for Free to students and educators now. I do (obviously) like …

2019-11-25: time to file into the mess folder again…

2019-11-24: Just watched the UK Premiere of Sword of Trust at Filmstock 12 really fun and great film perfect way …

2019-11-24: Why is Software so Bad? Akimbo Podcast by Seth Godin. Nice comment on making to Share versus making …

2019-11-24: You can now pre order @manton’s book on micro blogging Coming out January 2nd! dctr.pro/2g1 - I …

2019-11-24: Watched a wonderful film yesterday evening at Filmstock 12 about an Irish man’s dream to fly a …

2019-11-24: Bear Club Luton


2019-11-21: Mastodon test (again sorry)

2019-11-21: Come on!!!


2019-11-20: Also a number of the tracks on the Lilysse Volumes have Alan Watts samples ! Wonderful

2019-11-20: This is a mastondon test image…

2019-11-20: I always liked the idea of noise cancelling headphone but never had a pair, so I have nothing to …

2019-11-20: My new blogging helpers 🎧 plus noise cancelling Air Pods Pro 2 Posts published at PhD blog …

2019-11-20: Opticians today, although my prescription has changed, reading is fine, but I am still bumping font …

2019-11-20: I am now using MarsEdit to send to my wordpress blogs and am saving drafts on the server as much as …

2019-11-20: The future internet regulation - Aral Balkan at the European Parliament - La Quadrature du Net - …

2019-11-20: BBC iPlayer - The Richard Dimbleby Lecture - Sir Tim Berners-Lee: The World Wide Web - A Mid-Course …

2019-11-19: My download key for Shenmue 3 has arrived but I am working away in London today! However 1st visit …

2019-11-17: Firefox’s fight for the future of the web - Guardian

2019-11-16: Slowly iterating on my more design layout ideas for nodenogg.in. Now to decide how I start to …

2019-11-16: Human Settlements in a Digital Universe: The No Man’s Sky Archaeological Project - dctr.pro/2fw

2019-11-15: Sometimes I really really love unpacking potential research routes with games students. Image …

2019-11-15: Sidecar is interesting, doesn’t feel as good as I hoped and I cant seem to click , sorry tap half of …

2019-11-15: What does this even mean ! The default interactive shell is now zsh. To update your account to use …

2019-11-14: No idea but Instagram had a filter called Simulation by David O Reilly. I like it…

2019-11-14: Instabuy - Laying the Foundations - A Book about Design Systems - Andrew Couldwell

2019-11-14: Oh no I don’t like the sound of this @1Password has taken $200 million in VC funding why??? …

2019-11-14: Forgot how much I love this track. 🎧

2019-11-14: Bitten the bullet and waiting on Catalina to finish installing! In other news pulled half a ton of …

2019-11-14: Oh by the way Filters in Micro.blog are ace ! Just setting a few up to categorise posts …

2019-11-13: Writing for PhD... kinda Yesterday … Meeting with my design based PhD Supervisor and you tell him all the cool stuff you’ve …

2019-11-13: Crumbs the 16” MacBook Pro sounds like a powerhouse ! Meanwhile my 2016 MBP needs a battery service …

2019-11-13: Shenmue III official launch trailer ! YouTube

2019-11-13: wasted a lot of today trying to figure out why my wordpress discourse plugin is happily creating new …

2019-11-13: Microsoft AutoUpdate gets more updates that any app I know off.. and its job is just to fetch other …

2019-11-12: Spent most of today doing a ReaderView in nodenogg.in but have the feeling I have chosen the wrong …

2019-11-11: What is worse than no dishwasher (dishwasher is marriage saving device mind) is a dishwasher that …

2019-11-09: Isle of Wight

2019-11-09: Apple Is Trying to Kill Web Technology Hmm not sure on the details but I don’t like the premise, …

2019-11-08: Pretty sure I’ve blown the blogvember already. Friday is year 3 day. It’s the highlight of my week, …

2019-11-07: Intro to using nodenogg.in version 0.0.23d on YouTube.

2019-11-07: Made some neat nodenoggin core components work with less hitches and more delight today and finished …

2019-11-07: One of a number of reasons why I keep thinking good job I haven’t updated yet… apps are still …

2019-11-06: Switch followers with Mario Maker 2 please check out this very very early prototype from Year 3 they …

2019-11-05: Plugged in a few more updates to nodenogg.in alpha today specifically keyboard support and drawing …

2019-11-05: Shenmue 3 coming out in 10 days. I backed it on Kickstarter in July 2015 can’t wait. dctr.pro/2fn

2019-11-04: So when you mastodon instance is down perhaps dead what do people do? Sign up on another instance?

2019-11-04: 4 days in and I am already freaking out that I’m going to mess up Blogvember. Im thinking now if it …

2019-11-04: Ok so people rave about Mastodon but mastodon.cloud has been down for a few days at least and so I …

2019-11-03: iOS13.2 killing background apps aggressively has to be a bug

2019-11-02: Ordered new headphones to replace my mm400-X, the new Air Pod Pros are what I selected. A Few weeks …

2019-11-02: I keep forgetting about the swipe keyboard in iOS 13. I’m not sure it’s for me but maybe for others …


2019-11-02: Oh to encourage blogging there is a micro blog November pin, I just need to post on MB every day …

2019-11-01: This boy has been out wandering since Sunday stressing me out something chronic. Good to have him …

2019-11-01: Oh dear, tracking health and fitness added to Google bank of private data they hold on you.

2019-11-01: iOS 13.2 still janky as anything 🤪🙁

2019-10-31: Making games combines everything that’s hard about building a bridge and everything that’s hard …

2019-10-30: Oh this is what I needed. Haptic Touch/ force press whatever it’s called on App Store icon to …

2019-10-30: Connected #265: What Are You, a Dictionary? - Federico is back guessing the new emoji names ! So …

2019-10-30: Do I wait for 10.15.2 or do I go for 10.15.1 to stop that stupid notification asking me to …

2019-10-28: I like podcasts, YouTube tutorials and LinkedIn learning at 1.5 - 2.0x but not my films come on …

2019-10-28: Good post via @thoughtshrapnel on rms / necessary but not sufficient I have/had a very similar …

2019-10-27: But I’m trying to read this page…

2019-10-26: Some tweaks to the human interface and the ability to create your own instances today with a few …

2019-10-26: Playing around with some real workshop data in nodenoggin to see what might work. The Theme was …

2019-10-26: Oh blast must have turned Live Photo off at some point whoops. Turned back on 👍

2019-10-26: .@aral@mastodon.ar.al apologies Aral testing

2019-10-23: The screen time prefs on my phone just don’t show the family section. Unlike iPadOS what a joke. …

2019-10-23: iPhone X since ios13 just doesn’t seem to get screen time requests anymore. So annoying for me and …

2019-10-23: Dramatically reduced power usage in Firefox 70 on macOS with Core Animation – Mozilla Gfx Team Blog …

2019-10-22: My Mum hasn’t been in England for 20 years today she arrived back. 👍😬

2019-10-22: Although I was smashed in this PES2020 match day game I was enjoying myself until other person …

2019-10-21: iOS 13 screen time requests just not coming through. iOS 13 is still a mess

2019-10-21: It’s been on the cards for a while but watched The Game Changers on Netflix and so will be making …

2019-10-19: Full screen lyrics would be better but this is nice connected to stereo


2019-10-15: Been following a number of students and alumni on inktober but most posts are still siloed within …

2019-10-10: Woah had to reconnect daughters iphone SE to the wifi for sing star mic use. It was like a baby …

2019-10-10: Rosie! 🐱

2019-10-10: Decided the safest way to test printers was to update my Catalina SSD install and just install the …

2019-10-10: I think I need to check if there are any Printer driver updates for work printers before I do …

2019-10-10: I think Apples initial stats will indicate a much slower move to upgrade to both iOS 13 and macOS …

2019-10-09: I’ll be waiting on the Switch release but oh yeah ! 198x Release Trailer - kickstarter funded to …

2019-10-09: Bah safari dialog pop up and in fact my main browser is Firefox for iOS. Dam I wonder if I should …

2019-10-09: Heroic labs supporting open source Godot game Engine More good news for my fav game Engine Godot. Heroic labs are a platinum sponsor LINK In the …

2019-10-09: Sorry we may have leaked your email and phone numbers for use by more advertisers twitter we don’t …

2019-10-08: Nice link to this app Go64 from Six Colors Catalina review. Step 1 check which apps are not ready 👍

2019-10-08: This is good, bad and scary. Some of the real work has to start now, make this thing actually look …

2019-10-08: Not played the game yet but wonderful soundtrack

2019-10-08: Exclusive: A Deeper Look at the PlayStation 5 - Wired

2019-10-08: I think Catalina will break stuff at work… need to review and think about when I want to upgrade, IT …

2019-10-07: made some tweaks to my PhD project site and linked to the alpha software version - nodenogg.in

2019-10-07: Latest ATP podcast discusses all software shipping with bugs. Maybe Apple should speak to …

2019-10-07: Uninstall / reinstall couchdb. Add in the edits to config file again. service starts and SSL …

2019-10-07: When you think that turning on SSL for your working Couchdb is worth it but a couple of hours later …

2019-10-06: Next

2019-10-06: Hall rope Scarlett. We have a winner. Me 🤪

2019-10-06: All out war.

2019-10-03: Hey @danielpunkass did bb edit use your package?

2019-10-03: This could be cool redecentralize.org/events/20… FYI @aral@mastodon.ar.al …

2019-10-03: This has arrived at work this past month 👍 my weekend reading.

2019-10-03: Great intro to @laura@mastodon.laurakalbag.com ’s lens here one of the many reasons I have worked …

2019-10-01: Brand

2019-10-01: Just when I think my staff team can’t get any better @vanissawanick brought this back from …

2019-10-01: Down the road at the UCAS Create your Future fair in the Excel centre talking to prospective game …


2019-09-27: iOS 13.1.1 Apple Music scrolling lyrics is great but it’s a little clunky as the overlay on iPadOS …

2019-09-27: Did anyone say 120 mile eBay round trip … have you met my wife … 🤪

2019-09-27: adding in emoji I forgot from some of last weeks worth of posts for Discover 😂

2019-09-26: Hard to describe this week however the level of diversity in our games new yr 1 students is …

2019-09-26: So micro.blog people I still use FoldingText as my quick markdown editor to make slides and …

2019-09-26: I am fortunate enough to have a couple of iPads and iPhone X. I would really like a few more things …

2019-09-25: Save game between devices in Apple Arcade doesn’t seem to be a thing? Even though I connected Game …

2019-09-25: Don’t worry they say, Apps will be silently updating in the background. Finally finds location to …

2019-09-25: “Research” on Apple Arcade begins 🕹 🎮

2019-09-24: Just randomly opening apps to see which ones are dark mode ready.

2019-09-24: Yes darkmode is nice just need dark icons and dark wallpapers now - ios13.1

2019-09-24: Here we go… iOS13.1 on the way. I only want it for Apple Arcade, Dark mode & iPadOS …

2019-09-24: Not sure how I managed it but seemed to have managed to catch a cold before the freshers arrived …

2019-09-22: Great LP from Gruff Rhys. I need to get a translation. But wonderful stuff even when you can’t …

2019-09-21: Annual Village festival - always good fun. And good to see the community getting together. 🎵

2019-09-21: Ok I haven’t seen the highlights but the oppositions player pushed our goalie over the line. The ref …

2019-09-21: iOS 12 is still pretty good… check out this know issue from 13 beta 6 upwards…. …

2019-09-20: Happy days. 🕹🎮

2019-09-19: Switched back to Micro Blog iOS release app nice. Haven’t dare update to iOS 13 yet, switched auto …

2019-09-19: Yeah at some point I got the micro.blog pin for 30 consecutive days blogging woo no idea when I did …

2019-09-18: Oh boy I wonder if I should wait for iOS 13.2 but I need to try out Apple Arcade

2019-09-18: How to Enable the Camera Grid on Your iPhone to Apply the Rule of Thirds - dctr.pro/2fh via …

2019-09-18: This week Apple Arcade and maybe a hop skip and a jump to iOS 13.1 beta.

2019-09-16: Oh boy all I wanted was an infobox in mediawiki, this apparently requires Lua scripting ability …

2019-09-15: Our Lionhead rabbit is well on 10 years plus now he doesn’t move so quick but we love him. Keep on …

2019-09-15: Listening to Pang! by Gruff Rhys 🎵

2019-09-15: This paper from @downes is fantastic and captures many of the things I’m trying within my own …

2019-09-15: The highlights poster frame pretty much hits the nail on the head. The Ref totally ruined the game …

2019-09-14: Never been there in person but once agin enjoying Last Night of the Proms (one time I need to get a …

2019-09-14: Hijacking the Twitch Here is a quick microcast of me talking to myself in Discord - testing Discord to Audio Hijack to …

2019-09-14: What is going on another @siracusa podcasting… on fintech oh boy sorry John I think you need …

2019-09-13: I’m getting itchy to move to iOS 13 but I know I shouldn’t, I’m kinda thinking to hold out to iOS …

2019-09-12: Hmm why are the BBC now calling regular radio shows Podcasts… I mean I love podcasts …

2019-09-12: Amazing Artist. Farewell Daniel Johnston If you have not had the chance to see the documentary The …

2019-09-12: A Look At The Future Of Open Educational Resources Stephen Downes is always finding great stuff and has a knack to see aross disciplines and see how …

2019-09-12: Source

2019-09-12: This is what I keep thinking Apple Arcade could do Games as Agents of Change I do however need to …

2019-09-12: Games as Agents of Change This week I was able to attend day one of the latest European Women in Games Conference. What an …

2019-09-11: Great day at Women in Games conference. Really showcasing why games are needed to help impact the …

2019-09-10: If I get anything Apple related this year it will be an new 12” iPad Pro and new Pencil but am …

2019-09-10: Spent a chunk of time at the end of the day and prior to Apple keynote refactoring the way the data …

2019-09-10: Oh my word, seriously Winchester City Council in the Summer at least collect non recycling Rubbish …

2019-09-10: Ok iOS 13 is 19th Sept and 13.1 the 30th! I assume because so much got pushed back to 13.1 Apple …

2019-09-10: Oh hang on did they actually mention the iOS 13 release date, I don’t think so … could iPhone …

2019-09-10: Apple Retail… going home… will catch this bit later (in case there is just one more …

2019-09-10: iPhone 11 & 11 Pro I have upgraded my iPhone every other year since launch, I thus have an iPhone X Do I need… …

2019-09-10: The Apple Watch Stories get me every time.

2019-09-10: I will write another blog post on my thoughts around Apple Arcade.

2019-09-10: These are now the moments I wait for…

2019-09-10: Went to check Apple YouTube as event will be live on there (first time) and I discovered Apple did a …


2019-09-09: Great song however this version on BBC live lounge has the most awesome Bass mix going. Drums also …

2019-09-09: Testing activity pub apologies @aral@mastodon.ar.al

2019-09-09: Time to update my LinkedIn profile 👍💡 ht @thoughtshrapnel

2019-09-09: Why we should be talking about transparency and privacy in UX Nice little article bringing together …

2019-09-08: It was bound to happen one day… I currently play a video clip as part of my Games Design …

2019-09-08: “circular knowledge economy”—how search algorithms feed an internet so ravenous for content that …

2019-09-08: The fact that Epstien after his conviction and banned as a donor was given and thought he had the …

2019-09-08: The M.I.T. Media Lab attempted to conceal the extent of its contacts with Epstien. The New Yorker I …

2019-09-08: To treat their ideas as genuine but wrong is too generous; the only genuine thing about them is …

2019-09-08: The Epstein scandal at MIT shows the moral bankruptcy of techno-elites. Guardian

2019-09-08: Justin Vernon touches on the emotions of recording i,i and the track Holyfields in West Texas near …

2019-09-07: Wow thanks to @vasta I now know about this podcast Song Exploder. The latest episode is a break down …

2019-09-07: Fantastic closing track on Bat for Lashes new LP. Amazing. music.apple.com/gb/album/… 🎵

2019-09-06: This is just a test

2019-09-06: 🐱

2019-09-06: Micro.blog inspiration Micro.blog is an inspiration for a one person dev team

2019-09-06: Next Wednesday @vanissawanick and me will be at Women in Games Conference London (this is what we …

2019-09-06: 🐱

2019-09-05: I don’t think he is actually comfortable 🐱

2019-09-05: I have to say Firefox 69 on my mac feels very zippy but maybe that just me

2019-09-05: Am I right that micro.blogs on MarsEdit dont auto refresh ? I always seem to have to press the …

2019-09-05: Spent various parts of today not getting my gitlab runner to run. Main idea would be to get some …

2019-09-05: Fragmentum Episode 31 is out - testing a new mic and brief update on nodenoggin - microcast

2019-09-04: I wonder if anyone else is watching that new reality TV show called “The House of Commons” it’s not …

2019-09-04: Lion King Show.

2019-09-04: Interesting clip from Tide 119 @thoughtshrapnel - I do hope nodenoggin will bridge this gap of …

2019-09-04: Unhindered, untested access to knowledge Great clip mentioned by @daibarnes on Tide Podcast 119

2019-09-04: Google, YouTube To Pay $170 Million Penalty Over Collecting Kids' Personal Info dctr.pro/2f6

2019-09-04: Why don’t we call Agile what it is: Feminist. Medium Excellent take on Agile. Was apparently taken …

2019-09-03: Just finished series one of Hyperdrive on Netflix - oh yeah ! Basically if you like hard obstacle …

2019-09-03: My awesome friends @thoughtshrapnel and @eylanezekiel did an awesomw tribute podcast for @daibarnes …

2019-09-03: My new explainer video on nodenoggin version 0.0.12d* now on YouTube *d = development Hat tip to …

2019-09-03: Final TIDE

2019-09-03: I tell you what has messed up going into a fast food place in town like KFC Deliveroo

2019-09-02: First day back in the office, LG screen still out for repair, did some catch up and some referral …

2019-09-02: Shameless plug - If anyone would like some extra early access and to officially support the …

2019-09-01: At first this was a little full on but once I was into it man it’s a great tasting beer (in my mind) …

2019-09-01: A podcast that starts off talking about Quark 3.32 and NetNewsWire 3.32 😂 The Talk Show - with …

2019-08-31: With the release of NetNewsWire 5.0 I need to delete my Fever server feeds and really get ready for …

2019-08-31: A Great write up on the NetNewsWire 5.0 release Filtering everything through WHERE’S THE MONEY is a …

2019-08-31: 🎵 Growing Up Live

2019-08-31: A blog I caught recently warned of teaching tools, this is something that comes up time and time …

2019-08-31: We may have not done great at the big match ⚽️ but time for some Lionel 🎵

2019-08-31: Arrived for first game due to holiday. Our continued (since 2002) sock sponsor sets a rocking number …

2019-08-31: Oh I see GitLab CE is becoming GitLab FOSS hmm I suspect I’ll have to update my updating script and …

2019-08-30: Fairphone 3 is out and this is a nice in-depth review. I just wish Fairphone wouldn’t put Android on …

2019-08-30: Winchester Waste And Recycling Centre: On holiday so there has to be the tip run…

2019-08-30: Not my forte really but gardening 🐛🌹🌸🌼🌻🌺🥀🌷💐🌾🌿🌱🌴🌳🍂

2019-08-30: Trying Small Technology Site.js 4/4 So I decided the way to proceed was to create a folder on my VPS and run Site.js there and then work …

2019-08-30: A few things to try and do today. I am going to attempt the insane process of running Site.js on my …

2019-08-30: Not sure how I missed this but looks very interesting if you use Indesign or perhaps Quark even. …

2019-08-30: Interesting and a big part is to move away from the problematic acronym. Glimpse is fork of GNU …

2019-08-30: Great video on the Dev inspector tools in Firefox and an intro to some of the new CSS tools. Really …

2019-08-29: You know when your at 1% on your iPhone everything goes really slow… preparing to sleep 💤 😂

2019-08-29: Anyone notice any of the Shazam Apple intergration yet? iOS 13? I know there is time syncd lyrics …

2019-08-29: Trying Small Technology Site.js 3/4 I realised that the interactive demo was more useful than I realised, I think on the site sitejs.org …

2019-08-29: Immersive Technology has a big problem and it isn’t adoption. Accessibility for all in XR …

2019-08-29: Our real-world gamification has a few problems, however. The amount of attention people pay to …

2019-08-28: Trying Small Technology Site.js 2/4 Part one can be read here So I decided one last attempt with not installing homebrew (this was …

2019-08-28: Hmm I wonder if Steve Dale owner of the now expelled Football club was hoping for a quick win in …

2019-08-28: If someone can tell me how Steve Dale passed any fit a proper test by the English Football league to …

2019-08-27: Trying Small Technology Site.js 1/4 So I bought a domain (at hover.com) changed the name servers to mine ns1 and ns2 .adamprocter.co.uk …

2019-08-27: Wooo yeah updated to @NetNewsWire 5 , I did however go straight to prefs and turn on test builds …


2019-08-27: I’m a sucker for domains nodenogg.in

2019-08-27: Bought domain, next steps see if I can over the next day or so use Site.js for a static site 😊 …

2019-08-27: Nice today Aral and Laura announced there next step in ind.ie - Small Technology. …

2019-08-26: Off to Chelmsford, UK tomorrow to catch up with some great friends. This summer holiday for me has …

2019-08-26: I’m a fan of Firefox sync have been since the days of weave as it syncs history but why do I still …

2019-08-26: 🍺 the first time I tried this drink was at a beach bar in the Netherlands a long time ago. It is …

2019-08-26: To be fair the official Netflix trailer for The Dark Crystal : Age of Resistance is really good. …

2019-08-26: Thinking about TestFlight again, does anyone know if in iOS 13 they have implemented a way to move …

2019-08-26: Bolton and Bury nightmare continues The ongoing nightmare for both Bolton and Bury in League 1 ⚽️ hurts everyone, delayed fixtures, …

2019-08-26: It appears @aral@mastodon.ar.al and @laura@mastodon.laurakalbag.com are announcing something over …

2019-08-26: Why Blender 2.8 is a mega update. If you’ve not looked at Blender for 3D modelling in a while now is …

2019-08-26: Economic crisis, Climate crisis… the BBC iOS app lead story today from G7 … Boris …

2019-08-26: This spoof version of the C++ interview from the list I link earlier is very funny

2019-08-26: Interviews with Computer Programme Language creators - Computer world magazine 2008-2010

2019-08-25: This Dark Crystal Netflix trailer which is now impossible to find is the best. No spoilers just …

2019-08-25: 5 days till new Dark Crystal!

2019-08-25: Siri spys are fired Triggered Siri on my watch today by scratching my head, I am pleased that no one in Ireland will …

2019-08-25: hey @manton this is a delightful touch, the right browser icon

2019-08-25: Wonderful game concept A game about writing nice letters to real people. Write and receive …

2019-08-25: nodenoggin Design principles 0.01 So I’ve scratched out my first round of design principles for nodenoggin. Next up make some …

2019-08-24: Was introduced to this film by friends on holiday in Ireland. Really enjoyed it. So they bought me a …

2019-08-24: Great article on how to get back into the flow of coding side projects. I totally get this and …

2019-08-24: What do people use on iOS to work with MarsEdit drafts ? I am using a mixture of WordPress and …

2019-08-24: A pedagogy controlled by algorithms can never be a pedagogy of care, integrity, or trust. Hack …

2019-08-23: Yesterday at my friends lovely wedding so pleased for her. The food & Music was great. And the …

2019-08-23: Very nice day in Brighton indeed.

2019-08-23: The Machine always wins, what drives our addiction to social media. Guardian

2019-08-22: Twin Pines Coffee House: Arrived for Sarah’s wedding

2019-08-22: Via @thoughtshrapnel THANK YOU to everyone who has written and recorded messages after the untimely …

2019-08-21: Very much enjoying series 2 of Mortimer & Whitehouse: Gone Fishing, on the BBC

2019-08-21: Visiting a friend in hospital this giant Scrabble was excellent and hilarious at the same time.

2019-08-21: Elle came over with our Grandaughter and is staying the night. I think the PSVR may have played a …

2019-08-21: Hairdresser “have you been wearing a hat?” 💭 don’t mention No Mans Sky VR session… Me “erm …

2019-08-21: Open source virtual module synthesiser - dctr.pro/2en

2019-08-20: Watching fahrenheit119.com on Netflix, unbelievable if it wasn’t a fact. So much pain for the real …

2019-08-20: With the patchy data in Ireland and taking a break I didn’t blog or post much here during my Hols. …

2019-08-20: Oh yeah! Mario Sonic Olympics 2020 on Switch will be 2D ! Looks amazing !!! YouTube

2019-08-20: Oh looks like it did work. And it posted twitch link twice. Hmm 🤔

2019-08-20: Ha wow I literally felt I was playing No Mans Sky for 20mins but was well over an hour. VR sure is …

2019-08-20: Hmm don’t think it worked anyway here you go. twitch.tv/adamproct…

2019-08-20: Ok attempting to add Twitch.tv RSS link into MB and see if my No Mans Sky live stream just …

2019-08-20: Spent a few hours this morning in No Mans Sky VR on PS4 (not pro) PSVR headset (v2) and 2 move …

2019-08-19: When you take off your VR headset

2019-08-19: Having been mobile for the last couple of weeks, I am reminded of how terrible the MacBook Pro …

2019-08-19: Yep you know what’s happening here…

2019-08-19: Forever Distractions - Monitor not turning on Popped into the office to try and grab a couple of things, my main monitor is no longer powering …

2019-08-19: Pro tip when an app has an software update dialog box do not change the update to cancel button when …

2019-08-19: Hot train, screaming kids and headache not appreciated today. Need to find water and food in …

2019-08-19: Is this right you cant edit micro.blog pages in marsedit ? @danielpunkass @manton

2019-08-19: Google iOS apps links using Dark Design Pattern? I’ve now seen this to many times for it not to be dark design. In iOS when going from a link in …

2019-08-18: Feeling happy as back from lovely holiday and uploaded v0.0.10 of my project nodenoggin which now …

2019-08-17: Roger Rabbit animator Richard Williams dies at 86 BBC News

2019-08-17: When designers rely on Mechanical-Age representations to guide them, they are blinded to the far …

2019-08-17: Instead of giving up on recycling, Szaky says, we should all use less, re-use what we can and treat …

2019-08-16: Patchy internet, still in Ireland, happy times ☘️


2019-08-12: The River Slaney

2019-08-11: Morning Ireland

2019-08-09: Although it’s a massive pain. I can’t complain as this 2019 hire car has (usb wired) Apple CarPlay. …

2019-08-09: The birth of Inter: How the new open-source typeface used by Github and Mozilla came to be. …

2019-08-08: Dam have to hire a car and get car fixed to go/ while on holiday! This is hurting me 💔 and my bank …

2019-08-07: Bare Foot for Dai

2019-08-07: Video games do not cause violence but makers do need to think about it A great Guardian article, as politicians attempt more hypernormalisation around horrendous acts of …

2019-08-07: Since changing to an automated ordering system the Waterloo Burger King has gone downhill in terms …

2019-08-06: Blast car has steering lock mechanism issue. And only have 3 days to fix before holidays! 🚗 💥

2019-08-06: Our trip to the southern part of Ireland is fast approaching which is great the annoying reality of …

2019-08-04: This is a good sign.

2019-08-04: I use Sendy for my rare mailing lists for researchnot.es and thelast7 and do not track any of the …

2019-08-04: Dai Barnes I originally met Dai Barnes via @thoughtshrapnel (Doug Belshaw) and I only had the chance to meet …

2019-08-04: When you find a cool link on learning design and UI / UX and then realise your friend is writing it …

2019-08-04: 7 tips to improving your UI/UX design skills. A good bunch of links too. Medium

2019-08-03: Kids can’t get enough of the rides !

2019-08-03: Current status lost in Maze

2019-08-03: Coding on holiday so the MacBook Pro keyboard gets some work out but this doesn’t help debugging as …

2019-08-03: John Green and Vinnie Jones explain the story of AFC Wimbledon and how you can help write the final …

2019-08-02: The worst thing about no power on your Apple Watch is you know your activity won’t count and you …

2019-08-01: I really do wish more apps etc where better tested with slow internet or offline situations. Apple …

2019-08-01: Games Research

2019-08-01: When in a field with slow data connection you can expect your server to go and do some weird thing …

2019-07-31: Sitting in the car with my mother in law and kids, waiting for Great Yarmouth fireworks wishing iOS …

2019-07-30: Been enjoying MotorSport Manager on the Switch the last couple of days. Pretty good for holidays. 🏎 …

2019-07-29: When mentioning the highest recorded temperature in the UK I don’t think they should use the term …

2019-07-28: Caister Holiday Park - Haven. While waiting on my switch lite set myself up on work switch. Got …

2019-07-24: Set up a tiddly wiki connecting to my couchdb (using Noteself) so I can capture journal notes and …

2019-07-23: 1202 Alarm … computer says I cant cope … don’t worry Neil Armstrong is here BBC …

2019-07-23: This record still puts a tear in my eye and even more so this last week.

2019-07-22: Pre-ordered Yellow Switch lite. 👾

2019-07-21: CSS Grid for Designers - Medium

2019-07-20: Design tools are holding us back - Medium

2019-07-19: Not on Apple Music ! YouTube

2019-07-19: PS she doesn’t bank with Santander anymore, we use as ethical banks as possible (co-op & …

2019-07-19: Thanks Santander you sold my wife numerous PPIs that she knew nothing about while being a School …

2019-07-19: Dunno … Top Gun - Maverick… I just don’t know IMDB trailer ✈️🚢 🌊

2019-07-19: Trying to recall the fudge I used in the past to give teams a points deduction… hmm should …

2019-07-19: Some of our Pac-Man Remix assets from this mornings International Summer School session.

2019-07-18: Graduation day for Winchester School of Art Students including BA Games Design & Art. What a …

2019-07-16: Where are all the Bob Ross Paintings? We found them. NY Times Youtube

2019-07-16: The power of the internet and thanks to AFC Bournemouth of free live stream! Lets see if we can claw …

2019-07-15: Nice one Blender! Blender.org

2019-07-14: African Chess Set Today’s Flea market purchase, I actually thought £20 was cheap.

2019-07-14: Hmm no idea 💡 whether I missed it or if this was in an update (update Notes don’t reveal) but it …

2019-07-14: we also need more Rogers: people who start broad and embrace diverse experiences and perspectives …

2019-07-13: Listening to Pearl Jam with the cats.

2019-07-13: Video test 123

2019-07-13: Having lived in Newport, South Wales for 4 years as a student / graduate this never gets old. …

2019-07-13: Great insight into making a design studio work - BBC GeL Commentary from the follow and others …

2019-07-12: Is growth the way to keep going… turbo charge our economy (conservative MP) …

2019-07-12: Alexa is gonna tell all your health secrets... On Monday, the NHS announced a new partnership with Amazon that will see verified health information …

2019-07-12: Journey and Everything are proof that digital experiences can produce feelings of connection and …

2019-07-12: After trying to be all clever and schedule a microcast for an AM release, the wrong audio file was …

2019-07-12: anyone know how in @danielpunkass’s Marsedit I could edit the preview template so that for example …

2019-07-11: This type of inconsistency is so frustrating. No world clock in widgets on iOS but a clock app with …

2019-07-11: Just scheduled a new fragmentum microcast for tomorrow, talking about my PhD work and an application …

2019-07-10: A handful of slides with quotes from Networked Making event.

2019-07-10: Tomorrow our BA Graphic Arts Programme Open their London Event. Check it out. Illustration, Motion …

2019-07-10: Indieweb co founders interview (transcript) This is a really nice interview with Indieweb Co-founders @t & @aaronpk talking to @manton at …

2019-07-10: Ok I want a Yellow Nintendo Switch lite. 👾

2019-07-10: Someone tell me this… why is the train you want never delayed but the train you then end up …

2019-07-10: Made and had some great connections/conversations at Networked Making UAL platform day. It was also …

2019-07-10: Otherwise known as Firefox 😂

2019-07-10: Networked Making - new modes of learning I do like the opening 2 paragraphs for all day teaching platform event I am attending today. …

2019-07-10: This online exhibition offers an in-depth look into the novel pedagogy of the Bauhaus, highlighting …

2019-07-10: I love the early UK trains £70+ return to London no seats. 🚂

2019-07-09: Off to this tomorrow not sure if any other micro.blog peeps might be. If so let me know. UAL …

2019-07-09: This year finally managed to get a number of the games design & art BA students to upload their …

2019-07-08: At least one person was relaxed in IKEA

2019-07-07: Evening

2019-07-07: Did it. No issues in the last week or so with moving all my data out of Dropbox. Could not justify …

2019-07-05: Did someone say beer 🍺 festival at my local village pub. You don’t have to say that twice. Untappd …

2019-07-04: Friend got me tickets for 4th July Dinerama evening.

2019-07-02: Winchester , Woking, Wimbledon and Waterloo. All the Ws today 🚂

2019-07-01: someone tell me what the heck!

2019-07-01: This is why I wouldn’t mind a Mac Pro as I just feel like I would never see this guy…

2019-06-30: So far zero issues moving from Dropbox to iCloud Drive, my only issue might be other people wanting …

2019-06-30: gif test 2 (letting MarsEdit adjust it)

2019-06-30: Testing a quick MB post from MarsEdit.

2019-06-30: Woah ok MarsEdit 50% off at the moment and it’s just after payday ! 💥 no brainer. …

2019-06-30: Caring doesn’t scale and scaling doesn’t care Via @thoughtshrapnel on trying to use edutech to …

2019-06-30: Bring out your blogs The year 2019 is, according to Merriam-Webster, among other sources that track such things, the 20th …

2019-06-29: My fav place to catch Glastonbury these days

2019-06-29: Saturday sunshine here in the UK. Listening to this Amazing LP from Bon Iver enabling my afternoon …

2019-06-28: ⚽️

2019-06-28: Unfortunately Grubers valid comments about Apple and Jony Ive are ruined by him saying f🤫🤫k this …

2019-06-28: Clip 6 Clip 6 - wondering why wavelength cuts me off and why facebook doesn’t even allow copy and paste of …

2019-06-27: Not sure what to say yet…

2019-06-27: I am hoping my new Mac work cycle can be timed to get the first ARM Mac. Based on what I see in the …

2019-06-27: A 30th Anniversary note to Prince of Persia fans:Facebook post - no log in required

2019-06-26: Here is why Luna coming to PS4 is important - Twitter

2019-06-26: 🐱

2019-06-26: Oh wow also Luna has been released on PS4 / PSVR this month - Original trailer

2019-06-26: Woah Pro Evo 2019 free with UK PSN Plus! Nice! I totally recommend (sorry but way better than FIFA) …

2019-06-25: Shortcuts sounds like it’s really going to be useful in iOS 13. I loved the concept but still …

2019-06-25: Learn how synths work in this awesome interactive guide ! Learning Synths Ableton hat tip 🎩 …

2019-06-25: Selecting a folder inside iCloud Drive from the macOS screenshot app doesn’t work just puts them top …

2019-06-24: Ok have moved every file and folder in Dropbox to iCloud Drive…UPLOADING…

2019-06-24: My Dropbox renewal is coming up and I think I’ll migrate my Dropbox folder to iCloud Drive, save …

2019-06-23: Well done England but shame Cameron and the Ref really showed poor discipline & control ⚽️

2019-06-23: How have we gotten to states like this. Cookies need to be culled.

2019-06-23: Ivor talking about bringing our club Wimbledon back to Plough Lane - fantastic video. YouTube 💛💙

2019-06-22: New BBC Top Gear is very good. Paddy is (unsurprisingly) excellent. 🚙

2019-06-22: Everyone love a penalty shoot out Says BBC commentator. Erm I would suggest the very opposite ! …

2019-06-22: If this game 🇳🇴 🇦🇺 goes to pens we have 2 problems new rules about goalie on line nonsense and the …

2019-06-22: Amusing Norwegian Coach complain ball went off the sideline but he is clearly out of his technical …

2019-06-22: I love Catch 22, I didn’t even mind the film adaption I am however very concerned as I understand …

2019-06-22: Sun is back in South England

2019-06-22: This is a very interesting read on when Mills discovered that he has ADHD - Medium

2019-06-20: I rarely use public transport but am a big advocator of environmental travel yet every time I do …

2019-06-20: Prior to a train leaving a station people who put bags on seats are just selfish.

2019-06-20: I’m going to state my non moving position I have never liked VAR. ⚽️ 🥅

2019-06-20: #The proper amount of wealth is that which neither descends to poverty nor is far distant from it …

2019-06-19: gotta say again that @NetNewsWire icon @brentsimmons in the dock is fantastic, the VSCode one is so …

2019-06-18: Ok people GitKraken 6 is out ! Find out more with this Youtube Disclaimer I am a GitKraken …

2019-06-18: Testing video - via macOS app

2019-06-18: July 2/3/4th 2019 - Games Design & Art BA Graduate Showcase Hoxton Arches, London, UK. …


2019-06-17: This is what external SSDs are for. Swift UI here I come!

2019-06-17: Clip 5 Wavelength was updated and I also talk about our games graduate showcase on now and in London in …

2019-06-16: One of my favourite films ever, one of the few I can just watch again & again. Perfect for a …

2019-06-16: Had a bit of a blip keeping up with @thoughtshrapnel the last month. Doug always posts great links …

2019-06-15: I was going to write something about the Augar report but I realised rather than waste my time I …

2019-06-14: Winchester School of Art - Games showcase The programme I run BA Games Design & Art has its final year Show 1 of 2 opening on Thursday - …

2019-06-14: hmm might have to look again at iCloud as I pay everywhere and I don’t think I gain much from …

2019-06-12: What happens when we try to redefine the graphic design curriculum using a programming language as …

2019-06-12: A number of great pointers and resources to make your web sites more accessible - Medium

2019-06-11: Pretty sure Thailand are hoping the ref blows up early. But USA are on fire! ⚽️

2019-06-11: Sharing Jonny Greenwood’s tweet today ! radiohead.bandcamp.com rebellion.earth

2019-06-11: Catching up with micro Monday podcast. @manton discusses pins again I really would like to see that …


2019-06-10: E3 without Sony just seems weird

2019-06-10: DegreeShow

2019-06-09: Managed to organise things to start watchbig Sky Atlantic Chernobyl… wow just wow.

2019-06-09: I’m backing England in this game but I stand by my main position, I am not a fan of VAR at all and …

2019-06-09: Watching World Cup football, cooking a roast dinner and listening to Yusuf Islam, enjoying this …

2019-06-08: The level of sportsmanship in the Women’s World Cup is something the men’s Premier League so called …

2019-06-08: John Sorrell there are 3 rules of The National Saturday club; - it must be free - you don’t have to …

2019-06-08: Just about to be back in time for my tournament team Spain. 🇪🇸

2019-06-08: At the Institute of Engineering and Technology. Why can’t we have a lecture space like this. Great …

2019-06-08: Arrived for the presentations of National Saturday Club.

2019-06-08: Office 365… how is this possible

2019-06-08: Oh no Xcode 11 is not the only piece needed for Swift UI ☹️ To preview and interact with views from …

2019-06-07: Surveillance for mental health conditions in Higher Education Firstly and correctly mental health is a big issue and something I care deeply about, having seen …

2019-06-07: So my never released Swift app feistrack.com will be rebuilt from the ground up with Swift UI, …

2019-06-05: Irish pubs are better than you imagine

2019-06-05: In Ireland cover band playing Toto, Africa, pretty happy 👍👍👍😂

2019-06-05: Guinness + Tom Petty Covers pretty good #Belfast

2019-06-05: Clip 4 Another clip. This time from Belfast !

2019-06-05: Back in Belfast. External at the School of Art. Looking at BDes Interaction Design work. A really …

2019-06-04: Exciting

2019-06-04: Nice I didn’t know about this Guy, Ben Williamson, he also connects concerns of surveillance …

2019-06-04: Rack mounted Mac Pro Ok so we know the Mac Pro is full on film, music, SFX and maybe even triple A game making however …

2019-06-03: Ok seriously what internal University staff only event starts at 8:30am for staff on campus not near …

2019-06-03: the question now is do I launch twitter to here from ATP team …

2019-06-03: Swift UI = Awesome but seriously people follow Bret Victor … his influence during his time at Apple …

2019-06-03: Minecraft Earth Demo ! amazing !

2019-06-03: Our iOS team are now a macOS team Hmm I’m not sure about those kind of thoughts but maybe it will …

2019-06-03: Voice Control yes !

2019-06-03: Mac Pro looks great but insane spec means insane pricing and a lot of extra costs from base model. I …

2019-06-03: Referencing Reference monitors makes total sense for the new Apple Display. Impressive.

2019-06-03: Ok the Mac Pro is insane.

2019-06-03: woooo @siracusa here we go!

2019-06-03: ok the new markup stuff looks awesome being an office 365 person at work I seriously hope OneNote …

2019-06-03: iPadOS makes total sense been a long time coming but was the only way to move the iPad to a ‘real’ …

2019-06-03: Expect more of me in 2019 / 2020 😂

2019-06-03: Sign in with Apple is a great idea - well done Apple

2019-06-03: I hope Apple Cars and Planes are coming to the UK soon in new Apple Maps. Might be able to ditch …

2019-06-03: Yes PS4 controller (and Xbox 1s) support for tvOS ! Knew they would need to do something for Apple …

2019-06-03: Pretty sure I don’t use Alfred as well as I could but I have always used it over spotlight and love …

2019-06-02: Yes!

2019-06-01: What an awesome piece of speculative design. Mercury is a speculative reimagining of the operating …

2019-05-31: Gitkraken Amassador! I got a cool badge yesterday as I’m now an official Gitkraken Amassador! Basically GitKraken is an …

2019-05-30: Scribbled a new uni internal comms model that popped into my head just now. Maybe some system out …

2019-05-30: Bumped up my iOS dynamic text by one notch. Feels so much better 👨🏻‍🦳

2019-05-30: Ambassador Procter ! Yay

2019-05-28: A clip of some of the very nice comments about the programme my team and I run at Winchester School …

2019-05-28: 10 Small Design Mistakes We Still Make Medium

2019-05-27: Can we make the internet fun again? Cheri Baker @cheri

2019-05-27: I see Ulysses 16 has Ghost publishing support now. Still waiting on Micro.blog. But split view on …

2019-05-25: Oh my word !!! dctr.pro/2df Panic + Teenage Engineering !

2019-05-25: Friday tested 0.0.5 version of my app with 12 students live contributing and all worked as expected.

2019-05-25: Bank holiday. While we can take advantage of climate change #beforethestorm

2019-05-24: Got this privacy invasion device working for work…

2019-05-24: Me and some of the 2019 final year students. They started a fund raiser for the showcase events in …

2019-05-24: Our graduate showcase event in Winchester and London is coming up #checkpointsaved

2019-05-24: Is ‘Delight’ the Best UX Design Intention? Medium

2019-05-23: Well done Alejandro you smashed it a true artist and busted the mold of what American Idol / X …

2019-05-23: Very thankful my wife has just finished 4 weeks of Jury service that was pretty stressful and …


2019-05-23: 🎧

2019-05-23: We must challenge the dangerous narrative that equates success with the level of a graduate’s income …

2019-05-22: I’ve just really after months of testinh just started scratching the surface proper of pouch/couch …

2019-05-22: I see / hear all these people stopping drinking, eating vegan and running up mountains and to be …

2019-05-22: On brand with student projects check out @gamesdesignart on Instagram

2019-05-22: Yes, one of a number of reason I didn’t stick with Go Lang. It’s Google Language.

2019-05-22: The pupil is thereby “schooled” to confuse teaching with learning, grade advancement with education, …

2019-05-21: A (hopefully) growing list of Mac / iOS and web apps that promote the open web - dctr.pro/2db

2019-05-21: I don’t like IKEA but I can try and make it bearable…

2019-05-20: So annoyed seems that the way I am handling attachments from pouchDB to couchDB gets it all upset …

2019-05-20: I’d be super keen to connect to anyone on MB using specifically Vue/ Svg.js / pouchDB. Not …

2019-05-20: Testing a local to remote sync service that works in real-time is hard. Errors creep in when you are …

2019-05-20: hang on when did editing come to micro.blog app on macOS ! nice thanks @manton

2019-05-20: Just been chasing a CORS error with couchDB around the houses that appeared for no reason and has …


2019-05-19: Ah man this makes me so angry and sad. Model railway lovers devastated as vandals smash years of …

2019-05-18: Next up Eurovision hmmm who am I gonna pick 😊👍

2019-05-18: Come on Watford, FA Cup underdogs 😄

2019-05-18: Procter 1 Grass 0

2019-05-18: The FA Cup followed By Euro Vision 👍😂💥 #saturday

2019-05-14: Slowing head down after awesome design thinking ux day…

2019-05-14: Clip 3 Day 2 of the oneweb sprint. Off the cuff thoughts and notes for Clip 3 of my new microcast on …

2019-05-14: Indie games are dead, long live Indie games. 3/3 This is part 3 of a 3 part blog, part 1 “Misunderstandings of the history of indie development and …

2019-05-14: Clip 2 Monday was day 1 of my involvement in a 5 day sprint ending this Thursday. We are tasked with …

2019-05-13: Day 1/4 on a University of Southampton Oneweb design sprint. These days I’m use to facilitating or …

2019-05-12: Our Air BnB guy for the week, Abendigo. Marms, Rosie and Tails not so impressed.

2019-05-12: Talk about rubbing it in…

2019-05-12: Oh my word bulkDocs also updates current docs. It’s not just a bulk insert ! Whoops. PouchDB. …

2019-05-11: Pretty pleased with recent progress on PhD practice work. The green asterisks are nice black icons …

2019-05-10: Another day another podcast

2019-05-10: Wow next level self check out security.

2019-05-09: Clip 1 Not episode one but clip one of my new microcast hosted on micro.blog at …

2019-05-09: Safari’s caching on iOS and macOS is way to aggressive.

2019-05-08: Shownotes

2019-05-08: Yeah @bryanmathers stickers arrived.

2019-05-08: Indie games are dead, long live Indie games. 2/3 This is part 2 of a 3 part blog, part 1 “Misunderstandings of the history of indie development and …

2019-05-07: My kind of fixes

2019-05-07: Testing Audio Added audio on my upgraded MB account, using Wavelength and iOS built in microphone. Also testing …

2019-05-04: 15 albums that defined 1997. BBC

2019-05-04: Doesn’t get much closer than that! Well done AFC Wimbledon. Phew

2019-05-04: This is impressive and totally related to my own research. Ink & Switch. We are an industrial …


2019-05-03: Nail biting Saturday

2019-05-03: Indie games are dead, long live Indie games. 1/3 At the recent Rezzed games event in London, I attended an expert panel discussion on indie games. …

2019-05-02: 1st what is wrong with onenote. Major concern I have with MS is the amount of tools they offer that …

2019-05-02: I just don’t know. I like Sonic. I mostly like Jim Carey…

2019-04-28: “Would you be my Neighbour” never hit the UK tv screens but what a great documentary and insight via …

2019-04-27: Yesterday my wife run an Art session for a Hampshire home school group. Dance inspired sculptures. …

2019-04-27: Our youngest attends one of the National Saturday Art clubs at Winchester School of Art. Totally …

2019-04-27: Oh, a very nice list of ethical alternatives to most major computing services / apps - …


2019-04-26: Had great day out this week running a Design Thinking / Human Centred Design workshop at the …

2019-04-26: Yes ! Today after much of a failed morning with SSL certs I managed decent realtime PouchDB/CouchDB …

2019-04-26: THINK BIG START SMALL. Prototyping for Digital Transformation in the public sector - ustwo.com

2019-04-24: Oh nice looks like Art Direction for the Web book is out - excellent ! Smashing Magazine

2019-04-23: Yes yes yes 2-2 against Luton. Massive point for us (AFC Wimbledon)

2019-04-23: 1-1 come on you dons !



2019-04-22: Well I think it’s fine building jumbo planes … I know we’ve come a long way … …

2019-04-22: Another good one for Earth Day 🌍

2019-04-22: Great for an extra Sunday in the UK

2019-04-20: Very much not a fan of eBay for numerous reasons, now “new” embroidery machine won’t work with error …

2019-04-20: One of my fav photos taken in 2008

2019-04-20: Bank holiday in the Garden

2019-04-20: My new project when I return to work in a week. Who knows it might work 👍💥

2019-04-19: That scene in Wreak it Ralph (1) , The Matrix or just plain old edit mode in Media Molecules …

2019-04-19: My first 3 real jobs where all in Customer Service and we had a lot of training on how to deal with …

2019-04-19: I really struggle with terrible customer service, customers should not be rude ofcourse, but when …

2019-04-19: My short look at media molecules Dreams. I am pretty impressed with what could be a new publishing …

2019-04-18: I know people spoke out but a programme like this should have been made every 5 years for the last …

2019-04-18: New Hardware

2019-04-18: One tutorial down in Dreams. So far so good. But I realised I need a PS4 camera for my move …

2019-04-17: Realtime pouch couch and vuex (some glitches). Rough explainer video. …

2019-04-17: If anyone on micro.blog knows of knows of anyone with good understanding of pouchdb and couchdb. Let …

2019-04-16: I’ve got a mega blog post I need to now split into a 3 parter about indie games. Hopefully this …

2019-04-16: So close to real-time sync with pouch and couch across clients. It’s been very fiddly, as I’m trying …

2019-04-16: Death by PowerPoint can literally be a real thing. Did NASA communicate data on the Columbia Shuttle …

2019-04-16: Any attempt … to imply superiority demonstrates a complete lack of understanding of what art …

2019-04-15: Art Direction For The Web Using CSS Shapes - dctr.pro/2d3 Very nice article from Andy Clarke

2019-04-13: Learning is an embodied experience that cuts across the affordances of tools and meaning. We need to …

2019-04-12: Finally sat down to see a Dreams demo. It’s pretty mind blowing the power of this Game 3.0

2019-04-11: The awesome Douglas Rushkoff and George Monbiot talking and discussing at Virtual Futures in the …

2019-04-11: I’ll be here all day Friday. 👍🕹

2019-04-11: Pretty pleased that my Vue / vuex / pouchdb real time process has started to come together and make …

2019-04-09: Slow progress on nodenoggin PhD but small steps. Can’t wait to test things and start fast …

2019-04-08: Oh just noticed my Team Human link was broke. Check it out first 10mins are amazing and the rest is …

2019-04-08: Excellent Knights and Bikes talk at EGX rezzed. YouTube Image from last slide showing a death metal …

2019-04-07: Testing 123

2019-04-07: The opening of this podcast is so great. The rest is also awesome. Team Human 126

2019-04-07: Education is not about credentials. Yes yes yes. So well put. And a great article in general. School is a means of promoting not social …

2019-04-04: Arrived at Apple Design Lab. Proud Dad moment continues as student Aaron Williams was the game …

2019-04-03: Dam just realised I didn’t pick the sticker option for micro.blog Kickstarter way back when.

2019-04-03: At IBM Hursley yesterday talking digital tech, human centred design, cyborgs and a current final …

2019-04-03: Busy day. Fire Warden training, mega School wide workshop and talk at IBM neatly topped of with car …

2019-04-02: Just another day at the office.

2019-03-30: Godot 3.1 game engine my side project Side project coming on nicely. Trees can now have their own unique value and so the bigger the tree …

2019-03-29: My youngest Daughter left American Idol running then this guy Alejandro Aranda steps up… Wow …

2019-03-28: His work is deeply, unilaterally personal and therefore capable of touching the universal. He dared …

2019-03-27: Oh and by the way Google Stadia will not revolutionise Gaming.

2019-03-27: Why didn’t Apple announce a top up debit card like Monzo. A credit card announcement that took up …

2019-03-27: Apple Subscription to change the world? Maybe I’m a optimist but wow Apple’s + services seem to be setting out a series of platforms to try …

2019-03-26: Little America Apple TV+ sounds awesome.

2019-03-26: How Google warped links and thus the web WIRED featuring comments from @adders and University of …

2019-03-26: Apple Arcade? 👾 Obviously I agree with the idea of creating games that the mainstream wouldn’t make and games that …

2019-03-25: Sad day indeed ☹️ Scott Walker, influential rock enigma, dies aged 76 BBC News time to watch 30th …

2019-03-24: Had to do some digging in the garden. Shattered but nice day.

2019-03-22: Friday starts here…

2019-03-20: You keep trying but I no longer care

2019-03-20: Experience mapping crazy golf with games students last week.

2019-03-20: Always getting ribbed about being a Apple and macOS fan by the games students. Spent 2 hours trying …

2019-03-19: Nuff said

2019-03-19: I love Flickr but my main struggle has been since Apple made some security change I can’t auto …

2019-03-19: The best thing to run Windows CE, the Tesco hand held scanner or the Sega Dreamcast?

2019-03-19: Twitching away my new screen recordings with OBS and this device. Hoping to capture to use as …

2019-03-18: EU government websites have undisclosed adtech trackers from Google and others - dctr.pro/2cw

2019-03-16: Catching up with some FA cup. Oh boy Man Utd game has been boring and corner kicks seem to ignore …

2019-03-16: Walking Ewok’s is always fun

2019-03-15: BBC article on Games addiction A recent BBC article about games addiction. With a comment from Therapist Matthew Preece who …

2019-03-14: Work…

2019-03-14: Ok had to turn auto correction back on… I lasted 4 days it was worse with it off and auto …

2019-03-14: The office updater app seems to need more updates than office apps themselves … why 😂


2019-03-14: Yay Godot 3.1 is out In case you don’t know Godot is an opensource game engine that I like alot. …

2019-03-14: Just saying the BBC sounds apps inability to have a playlist history for radio stations is a huge …

2019-03-13: Testing new Sunlit

2019-03-13: oh no did I pick a really bad time to phone virgin media for my mother in law… Facebook, Instagram, …

2019-03-13: Today at work I was able to partake in a Chinese tea ceremony around the story of the opium ships, …

2019-03-13: Firefox Send lets you send files with end-to-end encryption (up to 2.5gb)

2019-03-13: The Web at 30 Against the backdrop of news stories about how the web is misused, it’s understandable that many …

2019-03-12: Slightly cold at tonights game.

2019-03-11: Got inspired by both @thoughtshrapnel and @aaronpk recent videos, specifically this one with the OBS …

2019-03-11: Today I MUST systematically work through my Things list. Daily distractions.

2019-03-10: 6 Music’s History of Video Game Music - BBC 6 Music *Space Invaders is my open day slide …

2019-03-10: Experimenting with auto correct off on iPhone as its been driving me nuts recently. 📱

2019-03-10: Been playing catching up on a few things. Finally caught up on Core Intuition and have to say …

2019-03-09: BBC Radio 6 Music - 6 Music’s History of Video Game Music - Episodes

2019-03-09: This box is almost 20years old and yes I have my Dreamcast hooked up to my TV via a host of adapters …

2019-03-09: I cant wait. A new Shenmue 3 trailer has just been released. Stunning


2019-03-08: Ha @thoughtshrapnel invited me to I try the hottest new games, I was terrible #apexlegends #fortnite

2019-03-08: Switched screens around now. Much better as can get in a better keyboard than MPB one. Next up need …

2019-03-08: Ha micro.blog always gets me thinking about stuff I hadn’t for a while… such as why didn’t …

2019-03-08: Got my one off guest MA talk today on experimental publishing. Taking about the web, the current …

2019-03-08: So great to have Marie-Claire CEO of Women in Games come give a talk and chat projects with the …

2019-03-08: Made desk at home much more useful however it means I’ve been using MB Pro 2016 keyboard more, I …

2019-03-07: Made a little getting started with Vue and git on macOS video

2019-03-06: Very very nice set of tips for, Filming Your Own Presentations at Conferences by @aaronpk on YouTube …

2019-03-06: There’s no such thing as a “tech person” in the age of AI - dctr.pro/2cn

2019-03-05: Evening

2019-03-05: They keep me busy #bloomingkids 😂

2019-03-05: See attached image safari dev seems to be useful - @matthew @vincent

2019-03-04: Recent work in Connectivism Youtube - Downes, 2019

2019-03-03: testing code URL gitlab.adamprocter.co.uk/adamproct… @vincent that should work

2019-03-03: testing http://bbc.co.uk/url_with_underscores

2019-03-03: This afternoon catch up thelast7.com! And try and wrangle this indieauth / json micro.blog api into …

2019-03-02: Mega tip run done. Now doing nothing 👍

2019-03-01: I occasionally get to play with CSS Grid and it is fantastic. The Firefox grid mode and responsive …

2019-02-27: Keeping hold of Netflix just for new Dark Crystal series. Hurry up please.

2019-02-26: Have stuck the start of my vue micro.blog web app online here microcard.adamprocter.co.uk - code etc …

2019-02-26: Any game designers on micro.blog? Would be great to know / follow 👾

2019-02-25: Kebab, Coke, Code.

2019-02-25: Getting my timeline with my JSON feed was relatively easy… trying to convert to use my app …

2019-02-25: MicroVue Finally my little Vue micro.blog client is coming along. More importantly hopefully learning some …

2019-02-24: Can really tell spring is coming. The noise of the birds of an evening here in Hampshire, UK has …

2019-02-24: Started my micro.blog Vue project this weekend (properly) with the help of a free Vue Mastery …

2019-02-24: Colorful Typographic Experiments - dctr.pro/2cj

2019-02-23: Off to a show in London

2019-02-22: Very happy with new front room layout

2019-02-22: Updated our projects site today with almost all our 2019 projects. Exciting times. If your in London …

2019-02-21: The mis-application of learning technologies within the context of Design Studio-led education LINK

2019-02-21: A guide to creating great key messaging - Jeremy Porter /ht @epilepticrabbit

2019-02-19: Although still feeling under the weather I am so pleased to have finally managed to get Brendan …

2019-02-19: Starting to use Archive.org more and cross posting to YouTube. Here is 3 videos on concept for …

2019-02-18: Haven’t been too well today (which is rare for me) I have however had a Turing moment I think on the …

2019-02-18: Facebook executives labelled as gangsters. In a damning 108-page government report which calls for …

2019-02-15: The nice thing is because I haven’t followed (as there is no counts etc.) to many “new” people on MB …

2019-02-15: This week we got positions being sync’d in the spatial UI for nodenoggin using couch and pouch. …

2019-02-12: I might be in the market for another mechnical keyboard at home.. at work I use the DAS Keyboard …

2019-02-12: I quite like the new icons and to be honest Office 365 is getting better & better but whats …

2019-02-11: Akira, The Linux Design Tool UX/UI Design application for Linux Kickstarter

2019-02-10: The last 7 has been updated

2019-02-10: Is this what people wanted to control immigration? 63 year woman with no burden on the state & …

2019-02-09: nodenoggin spatial interface, design education free software - get involved promo video YouTube

2019-02-08: Oh no I like and use Patreon to send and receive and it turns out they took a lot of VC funding and …

2019-02-08: Some iPhone apps are recording your screen…secretly ! brooksreview.net

2019-02-06: If you live in the UK and can get to London and have any interest in game design or game making you …

2019-02-06: Making slides

2019-02-06: Oh no Spotify buys Gimlet and Anchor in podcast push… The more understanding you have around the …

2019-02-06: If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people to collect wood and don’t assign them …

2019-02-05: Made it. Exciting.

2019-02-05: 15 years of Facebook It appears that Mr. Zuckerberg continues to be deluded. Strangely he continues to deny the unethical …

2019-02-04: Bill Gates claims poverty is decreasing. Unfortunately he is very wrong - dctr.pro/2c9

2019-02-04: Realising why Zuboff book is so many pages! It’s really hard to explain the issue in a short form. …


2019-02-03: Hoping to catch some of the Super Bowl on the bbc although it will be late here in the UK and I …

2019-02-03: Interview with Ted Nelson on Tools and Craft

2019-02-02: My eLearn19 talk about semantic html and my project is now availble for anyone to watch online - …

2019-02-02: Collected in person from a real book shop (Waterstones) exciting 📚 📖

2019-02-01: Facebook and Google Internal iOS apps blocked by Apple. dctr.pro/2c7

2019-01-31: Sometimes research can be tough 👍🤪 - trying out the interesting Wandersong on PS4.

2019-01-31: I’ve always said HTML and CSS is the gateway drug to a wonderful world of programming and such but …

2019-01-30: I did another microcast 😬 Episode 28 – Delete Facebook?

2019-01-30: Doing a little research and starting to look for ball park costs for current web projects being …

2019-01-27: Throat was slightly gravelling today but 4-2 win and into the 5th Round of the FA Cup was worth all …

2019-01-26: This is why I don’t watch the premiership all about falling over and conning the ref… come on …


2019-01-26: It’s annoying that at football due to the concentration of cell phones, data slows to a crawl and …

2019-01-25: Photos of me presenting at #elearn19 today. Thanks for the images @kellyATerrell @m3fastlane

2019-01-25: Facebook knowingly duped game-playing kids and their parents out of money - dctr.pro/2c5

2019-01-25: Had a wonderful time presenting and watching at #eLearn19 met some awesome old and new faces. Photos …

2019-01-25: eLearn19 talks / conversation Fiddled with slides way too much for my two talks at eLearn19 tomorrow (well technically today now!) …

2019-01-24: Absolute solid set of design and interaction design related resources connected to @adactio talk, …

2019-01-24: Ouch just spotted this on Twitter Seems to suggest medium has turned off 3rd party integration …

2019-01-23: Thingification: All these potentially powerful attempts at building a new world using new tools …

2019-01-23: I have to say this does look very good. Will Wright Teaches Game Design and Theory - Masterclass

2019-01-23: The last 7 is now up to date and ready for this Sunday! Caught up with 3 weeks worth of links!

2019-01-23: It’s pretty clear now. Twitter and Instagram are now just marketing tools. That it’s. They are not …

2019-01-23: Those cheeky students. By yr1 student Josh Le Long.

2019-01-22: Why do all apps and websites look the same today? Medium

2019-01-21: Oh my word so much to do… need to find a way to have a proper break soon.

2019-01-20: Thieves of Experience: How Google and Facebook Corrupted Capitalism - The Age of Surveillance …

2019-01-20: O.K., Google: How Much Money Have I Made for You Today? New York Times

2019-01-20: The Future of Rock is Female. Thanks @apulianas for video YouTube I made Apple Music version of …

2019-01-20: ‘The goal is to automate us’: welcome to the age of surveillance capitalism - Guardian

2019-01-19: The big match

2019-01-18: VAR wasn’t brought in for this I’m not a fan of VAR (video assistant referee) and this is one …

2019-01-18: Basecamp leaves Medium. Instagram destroyed by facebook. Twitter is a horrendous place to be. Simple …

2019-01-18: Instagram was always going to be destroyed by Facebook. That’s why the owners left perhaps they …

2019-01-17: That 2009 / 2019 photo thing sweeping the nations maybe a backwards way of data-mining even more …

2019-01-17: A great set of images, text and videos from a visit to DymanicLand, (theBret Victor related research …

2019-01-16: You can run a profitable company — which we are — without using a surveillance business model. …

2019-01-16: Apple and Gaming?! Really... I tell you the 2018 iPad Pro chips are through the roof. This is what excited me about the iPad …

2019-01-16: Did my pro Microsoft post go missing hahaha I hope not. I meant it, honest. Maybe iOS is trolling …

2019-01-16: I am in fact quite liking Office 365, Sharepoint Online team site and Teams at work atm. Generally …

2019-01-15: Added ESLint and Prettier to my spatial UI Vue based project. Should help a little… at the …

2019-01-12: Finally got around to “playing” Bandersnatch. Frustratingly boring, clearly linear, obvious …

2019-01-11: Never had to be in charge of a minutes applause tribute before but we (games staff and students) did …

2019-01-11: Ashok Ranchhod , 1948 - 2019 It was with great sadness that I was informed that Ashok Ranchhod had passed away on January the 3rd …

2019-01-10: Yeah! Just been sent this by my friend Mathew happy days.

2019-01-10: Right back to reading my old favourites

2019-01-10: Right back to reading my old favourites

2019-01-10: My clarified research statements and question for my PhD going forward is; Design School (project …

2019-01-10: Super useful PhD upgrade event today ! Wow a lot of amazing feedback

2019-01-09: Unpopular opinions on personal productivity - dctr.pro/2bs via @thoughtshrapnel

2019-01-08: Turing Tumble - Build Marble-Powered Computers dctr.pro/2br via @aral

2019-01-07: My fav player doing his thing Barcham take a bow ⚽️ The wonder of the FA Cup

2019-01-06: The ghosts of technology in today’s language. dctr.pro/2bq

2019-01-06: Building Better Products by Exploring Workflows and Design Processes. dctr.pro/2bp

2019-01-05: First time in the 4th round yay ! Go AFC Wimbledon. Fleetwood Town 2-3 AFC Wimbledon in FA Cup …

2019-01-05: CSS grid is awesome and this is a nice and in-depth article. Times Open - Medium

2019-01-04: Great to hear @manton mention he struggles to understand code he wrote weeks earlier 😊 made me feel …

2019-01-04: ok macOS when I am typing away in a window and a call comes through via iPhone you should not take …

2019-01-03: Design Principles of Smalltalk Any barrier that exists between the user and some part of the system …

2019-01-03: Edutech - Learner Analytics are important but the clue is in the title they are The learners …

2019-01-03: Digital transformation in education: The FutureLearn view Learning online is fun, enjoyable, …

2019-01-03: Finally removed Facebook app from my iOS devices. Keeping messenger for now as some people use that …

2019-01-03: Had not come across this before the amazing Grace Hooper on David Letterman in 1986 (shortly before …

2019-01-02: To welcome all the hardworking commuters back after the holidays the UK train companies ring in the …

2019-01-02: made a now page… discursive.adamprocter.co.uk/now/

2019-01-02: Oh blast some bug meant my wonderful inline images disappeared after 24hours… updated now …

2019-01-02: Got my ticket obviously! Surveillance Capitalism - Shoshana Zuboff and Misha Glenny, Tue, Feb 5, …

2019-01-02: Morning, Back at the office today. Lots to prioritise on my to do list. Big stuff next week.

2019-01-01: Must have Apps of 2018 (iOS) via @ben dctr.pro/2bk

2019-01-01: New Years Day football is always fun. Put on a great game against Portsmouth shame to lose 2-1 but …

2018-12-31: UX 101 for Virtual and Mixed Reality — Part 1: Physicality dctr.pro/2bj

2018-12-31: Targeted Advertising Is Ruining the Internet and Breaking the World That’s all ‘AI’ and ‘machine …

2018-12-29: I’m so sick of all these stories about migrants that seem to not even consider the real issues of …

2018-12-28: Seeing Mother in law (over 80) negotiate updates to iOS & apps gives you a real insight into UX. …

2018-12-28: Totally confusing having another BBC app for Radio, BBC Sounds, which is missing key features like …

2018-12-28: Phew finally caught up with my weekly newsletter thelast7.com - one week I actually didn’t have any …

2018-12-28: Backblazing again. The most annoying thing about mucking up my backblaze back ups and having to start again is it just …


2018-12-28: 🤪🤯

2018-12-28: Trying to move my pouch / couch initialisation and updating into my vuex store so all components can …

2018-12-27: Not even my main browser on iOS @johnphilpin 😂 I see your 218 and raise you … hoping I can’t …

2018-12-27: Fiddling around with some icons but latest svg.connectable.js 2.0.1 I can’t seem to access …

2018-12-26: There should be my reply from within Micro.blog here (red arrow) I would have expected @macgenie

2018-12-26: If I reply to someone via MB to their Mastondon account (which I follow here and in Mastodon) will …

2018-12-25: Get into creative coding. dctr.pro/2bh

2018-12-24: Plough Lane - land transfer complete. Footballs coming home. LINK

2018-12-24: Amazing just as everyone closes down I manage to trash two of my backblaze backups as my frozen …

2018-12-23: HEWN (Hack Education Weekly Newsletter) - out today hewn.substack.com/p/hewn-no…

2018-12-22: 🐱

2018-12-22: 🐱

2018-12-21: I switched to Firefox a long time ago and love it & so should you. Now that Microsoft are no …

2018-12-20: Hello Games Short. Like Pixar shorts it’s a way to foster creativity and new voices in the studio. …

2018-12-19: Another story on Facebook being a little free with its rules to ensure its business model was as …

2018-12-19: Semantic HTML is very very important indeed. Read this from Bruce Lawson all round awesome person

2018-12-19: Opened twitter to check @ mention made the mistake of jumping over to timeline. Did someone from The …

2018-12-19: A must read for all educators. This is the ninth year that I’ve reviewed the stories we’re being …

2018-12-18: Had a great meeting this morning at Moving Brands talking about my PhD and a number of their own …

2018-12-18: Did someone say Beat Saber … they did now

2018-12-17: Mathew helping me build Free software. I pay him in free Beer and free Pizza 🍕🍺

2018-12-17: Oh nice @twiiter@manifoldScholar thank you - twitter.com/ManifoldS…

2018-12-17: The man who pioneered modern tech journalism no longer feels he can justify using Facebook-owned …

2018-12-17: Ethical Edutech Platform - Latest text Reference fixing almost killed me… Latest text on Ethical Edutech Platform You can comments / …

2018-12-17: So iPhone people any idea why recently my phone now seems to ignore the switch on the side and plays …

2018-12-17: Finally got round to this episode of Akimbo. Excellent summary of the issues that surround current …


2018-12-15: This looks great Vox Lux trailer, original songs from Sia and Music by Scott Walker!!!

2018-12-15: Another week another revision. Manifold server is helping a lot mind.

2018-12-15: Still a week behind on my last7 mailing list however thanks to my saved feeds all having RSS I can …

2018-12-12: What does that even mean…

2018-12-12: www.theguardian.com/games/201… I say focus looking at these from this list: Into the Breach …

2018-12-12: I think I might miss OneNote’s purple interface but come on Dark Mode for all Office apps please 😊

2018-12-11: Stuff happening not keeping up with MB atm. Will do soon 😊

2018-12-09: Amazing


2018-12-06: No data for customers… anyone spot a glaring issue here…

2018-12-06: If you are in the UK and want to understand the role games are playing and will play in the world …

2018-12-06: Manifold interactive PhD Texts - Adam Procter Manifold, is a hybrid publishing platform created by the U of Minnesota Press and CUNY’s Graduate …

2018-12-05: A blog on my other blog. researchnot.es What is project nodenoggin? #procterphd 👨‍⚕️+👨‍🎓 (@manton …

2018-12-05: I switched my macOS on Mojave day one and still like it and even the new outlook (insiders slow) …

2018-12-04: Auto complete usernames in iOS app oh my word yes! Thanks @manton Awesome update.

2018-12-03: Failed Residency Application for Jan 2019 I applied for this but didn’t make the shortlist https://simplysecure.org/underexposed/ Here is the …

2018-12-03: yeah! my formal written text server service is up and running. manifold.soton.ac.uk

2018-12-02: Pretty excited our youngest daughter 12 has signed up to play the Double Bass next semester. …

2018-12-02: Cool

2018-12-01: 24ways web geeks advent calendar awesome blog posts for 24 days! dctr.pro/1tr

2018-12-01: Time to travel 3 miles from home 🚗 15mins 🚌 1hour UK public transport excellence in private …

2018-11-30: Unrd is an amazing storytelling Platform - Adam co-creator came in today to talk and discuss student …

2018-11-28: Another student prototype feel free to test / feedback - zanobard.itch.io/space-exp…

2018-11-28: Frills on the system Quoting this here as a reminder about ways to consider learner analytics The card’s basic function …

2018-11-27: Sometimes Greatest Hits LPs are worth it. 🎧 🎵

2018-11-27: Darn it.. trying to locate post … the one app where the web interface has more features 😊

2018-11-27: Tetris Effect’ is therapy for distracted, anxious minds. Chasing synesthesia. dctr.pro/2b9

2018-11-27: Another day… another headache. Annoying.

2018-11-27: Scribbles are the only way I can work it out. Rewriting maths homework so I understand it and can …

2018-11-27: Of course with the awesome MB you can follow my same (all owned by me) public content on Mastodon 👍 …

2018-11-27: My iPhone X on silent seems to be randomly not being silent ! Super odd. I have changed no settings

2018-11-27: also did a microcast - fragmentum episode 27 talking about my longer podcast on inkubator - “enjoy” …

2018-11-27: Seriously I love firefox sync but it appears to be duplicating my one macbook pro again 😮 will have …

2018-11-27: ah the joys of getting nowhere 😊

2018-11-27: Why Linking Matters in K-12 Education: Network Effects - dctr.pro/2b8

2018-11-27: motion table - dctr.pro/2b7

2018-11-27: dctr.pro/2b6 - In this special inkubator podcast I try and explain to @thoughtshrapnel what my …

2018-11-26: If anyone is able to test and feedback (windows only atm) on this early concept prototype from a …

2018-11-25: Awesome new LP on the way 🎧 🎵 Ian Brown - Ripples

2018-11-25: Scribbles

2018-11-24: Just stumbled over this. Not sure it gets better Jeff Minter + NIN youtu.be/gDV-dOvqK…

2018-11-24: Finally sorted out the record player. This is not a repressing. Originals only.

2018-11-23: Our last open day for this year is Saturday!! Come visit and ask us some “Sensible” questions about …

2018-11-22: Yes indeed, loving the new stuff from null

2018-11-22: Hello Games continue to impress another free No Mans Sky update. Visions

2018-11-21: One of a number of reasons I have been researching and starting to build a free software edutech …

2018-11-21: My free software edutech project code is now public. (small klaxon sound) Lots to do and much more …

2018-11-20: If you want to stay relevant as a designer / developer for the next ten years? These are the 3 major …

2018-11-20: Make an awesome website from your phone! - Universe

2018-11-19: Awesome @manton is back on the Micro Monday Podcast answering questions on what’s happening around …

2018-11-19: Excellent set of shows - dctr.pro/2b3

2018-11-19: The pretty awesome Expression Engine CMS has just released version 5 and has gone open source and …

2018-11-18: Geography homework completed. Phew

2018-11-18: Battling off the jet lag by helping build demo of longshore drift. Getting there…

2018-11-18: Testing timezone…

2018-11-18: NYC Day 6 Frisson Espresso. Midtown Comics. Brooklyn Bridge. La Bagel Delight. High Line. Stumptown Coffee …

2018-11-18: NYC Day 5 Brooklyn Bagel & Coffee Co.. Whitney Museum of American Art: Floor 6 programmed. Awesome Museum …

2018-11-18: Home after meeting old friends and making new ones. Barcade St Marks Place NYC was awesome could …

2018-11-17: Manhattan Bridge -> <- Brooklyn Bridge Walking NYC

2018-11-17: The next appointment by the supporter-owned Dons will be key, as the phoenix club face up to the …

2018-11-17: VR safety.

2018-11-16: Programmed: Rules, Codes, and Choreographies in Art, 1965–2018

2018-11-16: NYC Day 4 Moving Brands. New York Hall of Science: Mathematica. Connected Worlds. Norma’s. Barcade. Sobaya. …

2018-11-16: Breaking up Facebook is up to us - dctr.pro/2b1 via @manton Get yourself set up with a domain and …

2018-11-15: On the roof of my good friend Lister’s house. New York Snow.

2018-11-15: NYC Day 3 Bagels & Schmear. 9/11 Memorial South Pool. Boundless Plains Espresso. Hunter MFA Program. …

2018-11-14: NYC Day 2 2018-11-13 LinkedIn New York. Mother New York. Joe’s Shanghai 鹿嗚春. Chinatown Fair Video …

2018-11-13: Going to & arriving in New York 2018-11-12 Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR). Hotel Wolcott. Shake Shack. Oscar Wilde. …


2018-11-11: Podcasts downloaded. Packed bags equals ready for New York Have not read up enough on the city but …

2018-11-10: Awesome fun video showing off some of the great 3d work in AlphaPutt vimeo.com/299652242 …

2018-11-10: When you use Messages in iCloud your content is automatically stored in iCloud. That means …

2018-11-09: Argh just swiped delete on set of iCloud messages by mistake. Was trying to delete junk message got …

2018-11-09: Open source is as much about culture as it is about code - dctr.pro/2az

2018-11-09: Test post

2018-11-09: So I am thinking now that people can mention me @adamprocter@discursive.adamprocter.co.uk on …

2018-11-08: Enjoying manifold app so far to manage texts.

2018-11-08: Making AlphaPutt - YouTube

2018-11-07: Games Design & Art Alumni @errorwilliams has been working on AlphaPutt since graduation (summer …

2018-11-07: Play games as a family? Would appreciate your input on this survey from some of my final year Games …

2018-11-07: Public.digital has defined ‘internet era ways of working’ which are fascinating - dctr.pro/2ay HT …

2018-11-07: Planned to get cash out in my village but then I remembered the ATM has been stolen by a JCB Monday. …

2018-11-06: I often wonder why I don’t do more public trains … oh yeah replacement buses , cancellations. …


2018-11-05: Off to see “Rams” documentary film from Gary Hustwit (Helvetica) about legendary designer Dieter …

2018-11-04: There is so much wrong with Football Club ownership but Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha got it right, he …

2018-11-03: Pretty fun evening out and I even managed a 3 dart 🎯 finish. 👍

2018-11-01: 🦞🥑 🍚 🍫 now 🍺 Climate change you’ve gone to far. Save Beer now! Could also be read as drink lots of …

2018-11-01: Love Winchester School of Art Library. That’s me sorted for the weekend!

2018-11-01: Another reason for decentralisation and encrypted data. But of course then you can’t mine …

2018-11-01: I wonder could the modular Mac Pro be the first ARM based Mac. 🍎

2018-10-31: If they can bring Xcode to the iPad Pro and VS Code (plus some terminal). Then I might even ditch …


2018-10-30: I cant actually send iCloud email - what the heck!

2018-10-30: Was anyone else hoping that the one more thing was in fact Mac Pro…

2018-10-30: iPad Pro and Pencil updates sound unbelievable. Impressive.

2018-10-30: is iCloud Mail just down for me

2018-10-28: I hoped this would not be the case. My thoughts with his family and all those connected with …

2018-10-28: Excellent. What a great Sunday music selection across the 6music shows

2018-10-28: Thinking about Leicester FC. ☹️

2018-10-28: This is going to be great. BBC Radio 6


2018-10-28: 1996 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages Not sure what has happened since the 1996 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages! But it doesn’t feel …

2018-10-27: If there was an armed guard inside the temple, they would have been able to stop him — 45th …

2018-10-27: Cold not losing yet…

2018-10-27: Announcing the GNU Kind Communications Guidelines. LINK via @hjertnes

2018-10-27: What type of interfaces could we have to extend and augment the physical (education) design studio …

2018-10-26: Weekend starts here

2018-10-24: Spot the cat 🐈

2018-10-24: Synth & Beyond with Stephen Morris and Gillian Gilbert. BBC iPlayer

2018-10-21: I use to love @papersapp which was then bought out by @ReadCube who have done nothing with it. 3 …

2018-10-20: Code Day Managed to find a day to build up some more NodeNoggin stuff. Base framework looking close to solid. …

2018-10-20: Nice to see Processing (the Creative coding app) getting some awesome summer of code updates. …

2018-10-20: iCloud limits for sync what a joke. And doesn’t seem to tell you if you hit any of these limits just …

2018-10-20: Oh the Tweetbot 5 update on iOS is nice. Very black. Wish Firefox iOS would use true black. Shame …

2018-10-20: A database of paper aeroplanes ✈️ yes please Fold N Fly

2018-10-19: Mega unethical illegal UK database proposed The Conversation

2018-10-17: Caroll Spinney Retires via @kimonostereo Since 1969, he has played the parts of the gentle, …

2018-10-17: I’ve been thinking again about a network of blogs. I’m always thinking about networks, well I prefer …

2018-10-17: It may be time for cyberpunk to evolve or die. These examples not only serve as evidence of the genre’s endurance, but of how remarkably static its …

2018-10-16: Good Design is Human - Wireframe - Podcast I have been a big advocate of Human Centred Design …

2018-10-16: Untitled Goose Game - does not help my don’t buy a Switch plans!

2018-10-16: 2 days in a London excel conference / exhibition hall. All moisture has been removed from eyes and …

2018-10-14: Open source software needs good design because good design respects you, the user. Medium

2018-10-14: How People Learn - Slidedeck based on How People Learn II : Learners, Contexts, and Cultures (2018) …

2018-10-13: Still working out all the stuff. But Apple S4 Watch (44mm) is very very nice. Overcast / Things / …

2018-10-12: 5 years ago we recieved the brochure. In around 12 months the reality will be here! Wimbledon is …

2018-10-11: Another Fragmentum microcast Walk and Talk

2018-10-10: Oh no factory reset Pebble for daughter and may not be able to download any extra watch faces. That …

2018-10-09: I do love a nice a simple site - @sennepLDN have done a great job on there new games site - …

2018-10-08: I created a Slack team for chat around my practice based PhD. If you like the idea of a design led …

2018-10-07: Our youngest daughter re-entered state school after 5/6 years of being home schooled last week. It’s …

2018-10-07: Data Stream Day Radio 4 becomes art in a unique blending of creativity and technology. In this …

2018-10-07: Again @siracusa nails it, this week re abusive environments - ATP

2018-10-07: The Psychology of Design I would argue that every designer should learn the fundamentals of …

2018-10-06: All Schools Should Be Art Schools? Design and the creative industries are key drivers of growth, innovation and exports. We are on the …

2018-10-06: Updated the pre-order page for Bricks from the Kiln #3 to CSS grid! Main /editions page will get CSS …

2018-10-06: So did everyone like me just switch to Dark Mode the second after they installed Mojave. I’ve not …

2018-10-06: Siri why!

2018-10-06: CSS grid is some awesome sauce, finally a proper way to do layout. Firefox dev grid inspector tool …


2018-10-05: the prevalence of a single, monocultural aesthetic that seemingly almost every startup and tech …

2018-10-05: The Evolution Of User Experience Design @fehler talks human centred design. Adobe Blog

2018-10-04: Our cult of personality is leaving real life in the shade The task of all citizens is to understand what we are seeing. The world as portrayed is not the …

2018-10-03: The History Of Philosophy - awesome interactive web UI - dctr.pro/2aa via @thoughtshrapnel

2018-10-03: Laser League free on PSN this month. I really liked the look of this game and now it’s free!

2018-10-03: The number of times that Copy doesn’t work in iOS is winding me up something chronic.

2018-10-03: Some awesome people I know that made it onto the MozFest programme (unlike me ☹️) Help us build a …

2018-10-03: Fortnite could only exist in a world that’s running out of resources The hottest gaming phenomenon in years unconsciously asks players to grapple with the growing …

2018-10-03: Just Don’t Call It Privacy - The New York Times

2018-10-01: I really should use Procreate more. Refound this early test of mine from the first iPad Pro.

2018-10-01: Carlos Ezquerra 1947-2018 2000 AD confirms the legendary co-creator of Judge Dredd, Strontium Dog …

2018-10-01: Ah nice find in the AlphaPutt beta credits! If you haven’t pre ordered then check it out. App Store

2018-10-01: Making of Fire Water and Vapour faces Apple Watch series 4 - YouTube

2018-09-30: Solid Venture - Freedombone Blog Being backed by venture capital isn’t a good sign. Producing …

2018-09-30: Solid is all back to linked data and semantic web, but I still think it has to be simpler, and much …

2018-09-30: One Small Step for the Web… Blog post from Sir Tim Berners-Lee about Solid - dctr.pro/2a4

2018-09-30: yes yes @netnewswire nice update, when a feature you request appear in an update I am a happy man, …

2018-09-29: Kick off in 10. #afcwimbledon

2018-09-29: Solid was created by the inventor of the World Wide Web, Sir Tim Berners-Lee. Its mission is to …

2018-09-29: Just realised due to having Facebook buisness Pages I can’t just delete my account hmmm that’s …

2018-09-28: This year I quit Facebook but didn’t delete my account so as to follow some of the family. Tomorrow …

2018-09-28: AFC Wimbledon is returning to Plough Lane, the club’s spiritual home. This exciting development is …

2018-09-28: If like me you love ❤️ Backblaze but also just pressed update on day one for Mojave - here is what …

2018-09-27: One of the handful of my BA Games Design & Art Alumni is the Game Designer & Developer for …

2018-09-26: Tonight’s movie 🎥 🍿 love this film.

2018-09-26: Wow 2 years ago this week I was in Ottawa Canada for the British Council talking Art Schools. I also …

2018-09-26: Turned out to be a productive and cool view for new Faculty Curriculum Event this afternoon at St. …

2018-09-26: WhatsApp Cofounder Brian Acton Gives The Inside Story On #DeleteFacebook And Why He Left $850 …

2018-09-26: Nice code guidelines for Netnewswire from @brentsimmons I will certainly dive in as I like the line …

2018-09-25: Reminded a lot today on @worrydreams talk - The Future or Programming - wonderful moment where he …

2018-09-25: Microcast Episode 23 some PhD talk on decentralisation, free software, Personal learning networks, …

2018-09-25: All the videos from Decentralised (Decentralized) Web Summit are online 😊 Videos

2018-09-25: Oh yes! I was hoping some of the Decentralised (Decentralized) Web Summit talks might be online, of …

2018-09-25: Discussions on micro.blog its direction, leadership and decisions is fascinating with many good …

2018-09-24: macOS Mojave asked me about File Vault encryption again, I am still not sure I need all my files …

2018-09-24: enjoying Mojave dark mode but what else was new ? off to try and remember …

2018-09-24: Whoops the last 7 went out today and not Yesterday ! Scheduling mistake. Anyway in case you missed …

2018-09-23: Fiddled with DNS / cname and things broke ! If any of my sites are not loading as expected bear with …

2018-09-23: Turned out pretty awesome for the kids horse riding today! ☔️ ☀️ ☀️ 🐎

2018-09-23: The Four X Factors of Exceptional Leaders They Simplify Complexity and Operationalize It They Drive …

2018-09-21: Episode 22 is out - Fragmentum Illustration by Sarah Langford

2018-09-20: Photo from a couple of years ago at edu podcast conference conceived a podcast idea with …

2018-09-19: Can’t recall when I came across this but v2 has just arrived. Manifold 2 The intuitive, …

2018-09-19: Jumped into new Books on iOS to check out new Apple book - can’t sync changes to my Mac until I …

2018-09-19: Just discussing Fashion Blog with youngest daughter, am thinking Sunlit + Micro.blog (hosted) is …

2018-09-19: Apple Page on how to go about making, producing and marketing podcasts (ace medium if you didn’t …

2018-09-19: DRM-free Bookshops A regularly updated list of online shops that sell e-books without DRM. …

2018-09-18: Games Design & Art @ Winchester School of Art Images from the Studios of BA (Hons) Games Design & Art, Winchester School of Art, University of …

2018-09-18: Trying them all 😂😊

2018-09-18: Mild panic that the 44mm Apple Watch may look massive but really like the screen estate… may have to …

2018-09-17: Yes it’s not just me that doesn’t spot typos before going live.

2018-09-17: An Oral History of Apple’s Infinite Loop Wired

2018-09-16: Each week I send out a newsletter with the links I have located & shared over the last 7 days, …

2018-09-15: At the big game. First time this season back at the Dons. Also I would likely be breaking new EU …

2018-09-15: Watched most of Elon Musk discussion with Joe Rogan. Elon does some silly things and sometimes says …

2018-09-15: Microcast 🎙️ Fragmentum Episode 21 is out – Banning Mobile Phones in School Why banning mobile …

2018-09-14: I ❤️ Firefox and have been using it as my main browser since 2007 & they also have more updates …

2018-09-14: An update and price drop for Better on iOS and macOS. Better is a privacy tool for Safari on …

2018-09-14: Classic quote on ATP this episode it’s hard to have fun when it’s this white nazi platform that …

2018-09-14: Didn’t rush so 15th - 22nd Oct delivery date, upgrading from Pebble Watch to my first Apple Watch - …

2018-09-13: Finally (after months) got round to emailing Crashplan since migrating to Backblaze backup. You …

2018-09-13: EU copyright law changes protects monopolies and current business practices. Both are outdated modes …

2018-09-12: How quickly they forget… United States v. Microsoft Corporation

2018-09-12: Apple Watch S4 looks awesome but no @o2 cellular might have to go just GPS. iPhone Xs performance …

2018-09-12: Ha was not expecting the Space Harrier theme tune - Apple Music or YouTube 🎵🎧

2018-09-12: New LP - Selection 5 Mitch Murder. No idea how he does it but emotionally his records always take me …

2018-09-12: Private by default Since Feedbin displays web content, this isn’t the easiest thing to do. Here are …

2018-09-12: Ha think I might be too early for the iPhone X pin here in UK micro.blog. Would also love to know my …

2018-09-12: Well I’m on the iPhone X cycle so I am not upgrading this year. However I would like an upgraded …

2018-09-11: Ulysses (writing) app for students, super reduced 6 month subscription package. Excellent Check it …

2018-09-11: MozFest reject Ah darn it no joy for MozFest either. Due to the high level of submissions, we’re unable to accept …

2018-09-11: Almost a quarter of the worlds population play video games. So it’s really important that various …

2018-09-11: Hey friends am heading to NYC in November with a few Games Design & Art students, currently …

2018-09-11: Hey Alexa, Put simply: each small moment of convenience – be it answering a question, turning on a …

2018-09-11: Has anyone done any work to cross post to Mastodon. I feel like I would like to be linking my blog …

2018-09-11: I can only guess this happened. If someone tries to hack into your Apple account, entering your …

2018-09-11: Anyone else get a random need to change iCloud password thing yesterday. Not sure why I was prompted …

2018-09-10: Assembly required. Whoops need to order a few more things. Warhammer 40k Know No Fear starter kit. …

2018-09-09: Some excellent rules to prevent burn out via @thoughtshrapnel - dctr.pro/29l

2018-09-08: Fragmentum microcast 20 is out. Basically I say get Things for Mac and iOS. Listen

2018-09-08: Things Never to Tell Children - School of Life 📚📖

2018-09-07: What if video games could help fight climate change? No, really Wired

2018-09-07: Games are the future of Storytelling - Creative Review

2018-09-07: Parked at work today. Not that I’m that into motorbikes but what a swish beast! If you gonna buy one …

2018-09-07: Quick piece of delightful (ethical) design for a Friday. If the requirement is over 18 / over 21, …

2018-09-07: Some super neat pointers on good writing from @jgmac1106 INTERTEXTrEVOLUTION Word counts distort …

2018-09-06: V&A - Videogames: Design/Play/Disrupt This exhibition delves into one of the most significant …

2018-09-06: I really like the fact Sunlit is powered by Micro.blog so that you don’t have to open two apps if …

2018-09-05: Nice article from @adders on reading and the right types of reading. Having migrated my never read, …

2018-09-05: Destiny 2 whole game free on PSN that’s not a good sign is it?! I guess more people playing and …

2018-09-05: Whenever I get a new @sennep holes beta land I also get sad as I miss Ember from @realmacsoftware a …

2018-09-05: A Photo timeline you own Sunlit The first step isn’t technical. It’s a commitment to posting regularly on your own blog …

2018-09-05: Things 3 is awesome. Using on macOS & iPhone (iPad soon) @culturedcode My top 3 missing features …

2018-09-05: Some nuanced tips around eating and being environmentally friendly. Guardian

2018-09-04: Apple Watch series 4 on @o2 please.

2018-09-04: First day back at work. Goodies. Zippyy USB joysticks and buttons.

2018-09-04: Just quickly to let everyone know. Sunlit 2.2 for iOS is out. Mega update! New Timeline tab. Search …

2018-09-03: Holiday adjustment starts now. Back to work. Healthier 2018/19.

2018-09-03: Played with kanboard for a bit but the export format is not easily portable and I think I need …

2018-09-02: Lazy Sunday. Last day on leave. 🍺

2018-09-01: InDesign toppled Quarks crown but can Affinity Publisher do the same with InDesign? Free beta out …

2018-09-01: Downloaded Rail Road Tycoon Deluxe- couldn’t for the life of me recall how to play, downloaded …

2018-08-31: Didn’t get too much done today but migrated my to dos to my own Kanboard.org. Making some sense so …

2018-08-31: I believe that the first step towards becoming a writer is becoming a reader, but the next step is …

2018-08-31: I am going to add some plugins to my install of Kanban.org and test this as my task master, I should …

2018-08-31: The only way to end the class divide: the case for abolishing private schools. The Guardian Long …

2018-08-30: Dam @macgenie I decided that my stupid question about dark mode should have been instead about when …

2018-08-30: Oh no I have just worked out another Vue.js project, twitter archive website…blast, hmm will give it …

2018-08-30: Check out @cleverdevil’s on this day script for mb it is awesome github.com/cleverdev…

2018-08-30: Thinking about getting Things 3. But fear Things 4 will be released. Darn it. Sometimes I like …

2018-08-30: 5 techniques to help you find your ‘flow state’ Creative Bloq dctr.pro/296

2018-08-30: delightful design This is one hardest areas I’ve been trying to tackle to be frank for far too long In theory my PhD …

2018-08-30: For a long time now at our campus we have had cooled and filtered tap water machines. Whenever I go …

2018-08-29: I love RSS and have my own Fever set up, I use & have bought Reeder a number of times. Reeder 3 …

2018-08-29: This is a test. She could not alter them yourself, even if we chose to regard it as well as heard. …

2018-08-29: Spotlight: Interview with Benjamin Bours, Art Director at Wired dctr.pro/295

2018-08-28: I think it must be the socks 😉 Wagstaff having a great game sponsored by afcdons.net ⚽️ Come on you …

2018-08-28: I don’t have TV so never really see adverts but amusing how every betting advert actually puts me …

2018-08-28: Watching the game from the Sofa tonight. Come on you Dons ! AFC Wimbledon v West Ham ⚽️

2018-08-28: The 30 Best Web Games (That We Can Remember) - Digg dctr.pro/294

2018-08-28: Currently not in UK store but looks very nice for creating and managing a library of SVG icons / …

2018-08-27: Seriously how is net neutrality still an issue !!!! Grrr, if you any of your local politicians think …

2018-08-27: Hard for me to post but this was my Dog Belle, RIP. #nationaldogday 🐶

2018-08-27: I wonder how close I have come to the Daily blogger pin… 30 days of posts… I think its my …

2018-08-26: My little (old) Mac mini (rumoured Sept update!) houses a copy of all my photos in Photos and until …

2018-08-26: Can Open Source Contribution Help Bridge the Gender Gap in Tech? - dctr.pro/292 Image credit. We Can …

2018-08-26: Simple Rules for Designing Web & Mobile Forms - dctr.pro/291

2018-08-26: Better Web Typography Combining fonts is one of the trickiest parts of typography. Here’s a guide, …

2018-08-26: Photo from yesterday’s crazy golf session on the Isle of Wight. Also testing markdown syntax support …

2018-08-24: Fortnite is Much More than a Game - Fortnite isn’t a game they play — it’s a place they go …

2018-08-21: Icro 3rd Party Micro.blog iOS app is now open source take a gander ! Awesome stuff ! Via @manton …

2018-08-21: EthicalOS - a guide to anticipating the future impact of today’s tech or: how not to regret the …

2018-08-21: 🚤

2018-08-21: A previous post on twitter and it will never return. The death has been a long and slow one but it …

2018-08-20: I just remembered a big missing feature of Apple Music, anyone know if iOS 12 has it?? Private …

2018-08-20: looked at installing my own Mastodon instance on CentOS but decided no thank you.


2018-08-19: FYI I’m adamprocter@mastodon.cloud atm


2018-08-19: Here is @brucegodin on why you should pick micro.blog over Mastodon if you leaving twitter over the …

2018-08-19: Best comment yesterday from the wife Shame your not on Facebook as the Bell has gone 3d now!


2018-08-17: Everytime lump in the throat. Amazing LP, even more amazing achievement. 🎧 🎵

2018-08-16: #Repost @manthyprocter with @get_repost ・・・ #britishfashion #fashion #hats #vintage #weddings #bride …

2018-08-16: Mainly working on ‘small’ feature branches for Node Noggin #ProcterPhD. Adding Vuex and micro.blog …

2018-08-16: Ah nice new dark theme (switched) in iOS Firefox but why is it not true black would have been nice …

2018-08-16: Well twitterpocalypse has arrived.

2018-08-15: Plodding along nicely, Vue.js now talking to PouchDB. Plus FontAwesome Icons and Svg.js working as …

2018-08-15: It’s in this weather I really wish Winchester, UK council would step up to collect household rubbish …

2018-08-15: One feature we’ve been waiting for since it’s removal in iChat AV is group Chat in FaceTime but it …

2018-08-15: Oh didn’t know about Find any Film. dctr.pro/28w tells you where you can watch / buy any film from …

2018-08-14: Ah come on ! 🎥

2018-08-14: Aphex Twin back with T69 Collapse. All of his work is great but this seems to nod back to his more …

2018-08-13: BBC Proms, 2018: Pioneers of Sound: dctr.pro/28v via @bbciplayer 🎧 🎵

2018-08-12: Inbetween trying to make apps/PhD

2018-08-12: Something like that…



2018-08-10: Catch The Best of This Year’s Perseid Meteor Shower This Weekend. dctr.pro/28u

2018-08-10: log in card, test

2018-08-09: Took way longer than any normal person but CouchDB is now up and running on my server. Baby steps …


2018-08-08: What is it with cats and boxes 🐱 📦

2018-08-08: 3 hour round trip to Kent and back to get some eBay for @manthyprocter. Then maybe some Vue Pizza

2018-08-07: Barton on Sea Barton on Sea Beach.

2018-08-06: Co-op play - Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime. Kids having a great time.

2018-08-06: Sorting out the garden. BBQ test went well. 😊

2018-08-06: I sketched out a little icon for project Node Noggin. I want it to feel ULM inspired. Was sketched …

2018-08-02: A beautiful piece of short animation - Stems on Vimeo

2018-08-02: Of course if you want to discuss or ping links specifically for a Fragmentum episode then I have a …

2018-08-02: 3 months between Microcasts ! Well thats terrible but here you go Episode 19 🎙 Talking Spatial …

2018-08-02: Outstanding LP should have gotten much more recognition, such an amazing commentary on society. 🎧 🎵

2018-08-02: I 💛 Wim Wenders as a Director, he is not happy with iPhones The trouble with iPhone pictures is …

2018-08-01: Failure isn’t the end, Failure is actually the Beginning, General Magic Trailer

2018-08-01: That time in 1994 when Steve Jobs got to use a device like an iPhone - dctr.pro/28q

2018-08-01: Cookies everywhere sure get annoying.

2018-08-01: I have seamlessly transferred into the Faculty of Arts and Humanities today. #uosshuffleshake

2018-08-01: “Children! You are not data” - When Kevin Payne quit teaching he wanted to tell pupils – and the …

2018-07-31: as suspected auto discrete GPU used just because any external display is connected, see @macro …

2018-07-31: ‘A Brexited flatland’: Peter Gabriel hits out after Womad stars refused entry to UK. - …

2018-07-31: NodeNoggin Proposal for MozFest Below is my session proposal for MozFest feel free to discuss on my forum and view at Mozilla github …

2018-07-31: My Brother in law who has over the last 20 years installed smart home technology in some of the most …

2018-07-31: Just submitted Project Codename : NodeNoggin to Moz Fest will pop details for discussion on …

2018-07-31: Anything you read on my blog and are not following my timeline on micro.blog please do feel free to …

2018-07-31: Desktop clean up / out of view system sorted. Plus decided on a new wip folder process to keep the …

2018-07-30: Oh Unsplash have an iOS app now, nice! Really love the ux for drag to download so simple. In case …


2018-07-30: Playing with PhD UI / UX project ideas. This is going from a reading view to connected mode to image …

2018-07-30: A step-by-step guide to improving app navigation through UX research - dctr.pro/28k

2018-07-29: My wife makes awesome hats and clearly for now still needs Instagram. If you want something unique …

2018-07-29: Ok Apple Music at no point at all should you play back garbled digital noise. Your buffering has to …

2018-07-29: Cruise ship of humans go stomping around islands off Norway too close to Polar Bears. (classified as …

2018-07-29: Don’t unwrap it in case it’s the wrong one. Oh Mr. Tesco it’s for me 😂 £25 and still day one …

2018-07-28: Note to self must check Discover Tab more often it’s excellent. Good work @manton

2018-07-28: New York City rendered in LEGO by J.R.Schmidt - dctr.pro/28j

2018-07-28: 🎧 🎵

2018-07-28: 🎧🎵

2018-07-28: ☔️

2018-07-28: First chance to actually use CSS Grid on a project. It’s pretty great. Still wrapping my head around …

2018-07-28: Rise of Unconditional places damanges Universities & Students Completely agree with this article in the Guardian on the issues of Universities offering so many …

2018-07-28: Some Games are just great PGA Tour Amiga 500+

2018-07-27: The Micro.blog archive is super nice. discursive.adamprocter.co.uk/archive

2018-07-27: Unwittingly introduced to this song via a student project. It’s great 🎧 🎵

2018-07-26: This is why Sean Murray and the ambition and dedication to No Mans Sky is amazing. 1 day in and …

2018-07-26: Lasted about 10mins with first life of No Mans Sky NEXT but wow what an update. So good. Well done …

2018-07-25: Come on!!!

2018-07-25: Patterns for Decentralised Organising Practical guidance for teams to thrive without a management hierarchy. A collection of design …

2018-07-24: The web’s transition from nomadism to feudalism. Excellent commentary on where the web has gotten …

2018-07-24: One day to go! No Man’s Sky NEXT 🚀

2018-07-24: Boredom & Creativity There weren’t a lot of things to distract you, so you’d end up turning inward. I can’t help but …

2018-07-24: The UK Heatwave Continues

2018-07-24: Every now and then, ping one of your competitor’s websites using an IE6 VM. Keep them on …

2018-07-24: Some great points. Why I’d never do a TED talk (and it’s not just because they’re named after a …

2018-07-23: Direct messages just crash app in latest beta try to feedback and 😂😂😂 @instagram

2018-07-23: A few days of stress but my main man boy cat Marmalade has reappeared from his jaunt. Having had 2 …

2018-07-22: Final nail in the open-plan Office coffin. dctr.pro/288

2018-07-20: Ghosts in the Machine - YouTube

2018-07-20: Facebook has nothing to do with Friendship - dctr.pro/287 via @jamesshelley

2018-07-19: Pretty good afternoon 👻👾🤖 #remixpacmanworkshop

2018-07-19: Super proud of the 2018 graduating BA Games Design & Art students. Including those not pictured! …

2018-07-18: Mozilla Fellowship (FAILED) Application 2018 I would very much encourage discussion on my application here Mozilla Fellowship Application 2018 …

2018-07-18: A very basic Vue.js starter pack no CLI skills needed. Plain and simple, enabling quick fun with …

2018-07-17: Had an excellent PhD based meeting / chat this evening with Mathew. Things are gonna really start to …

2018-07-17: No Mans Sky NEXT - dctr.pro/286

2018-07-16: 30 stages in Tetris Effect however I really hope there will be new stages/ music via DLC please. …

2018-07-16: Tetris Effect I’ve not been this excited about a specific game in a while. The music, the visuals, the VR. I can’t …

2018-07-16: Pac-Man Atari 2600 Pac-Man instruction booklet.

2018-07-16: Everything We Touch trailer. I travelled around the world to find people from an incredible array …

2018-07-15: What a final but man I was rooting Croatia

2018-07-15: Losing the game from what was not a free kick and what was not a penalty SHEARER Half time Come …

2018-07-15: Tab tab pain After my mac had a melt down and lost it, I only really lost a lot of preferences/ caches however …

2018-07-15: Awesome set of slides from @thoughtshrapnel on Digital Literacies workshop. How to start getting and …

2018-07-15: the last 7 has been up for 4 months now, pleased about that, of course you can get links earlier and …

2018-07-14: Oh cool this never sync’d to phone before no idea why. Mac blowing up + having to reauth iTunes must …


2018-07-14: Play is our brain’s favorite way of coming up with new ideas. And because play is often social, it …


2018-07-13: Lost about 6/7 hours after Mac went totally bananas back up and running now. ☹️

2018-07-13: Micro.blog is a small, friendly community and platform that understands the need for people to own …

2018-07-13: APFS broke on my Mac Amazing end to my stressful week my MacBook Pro (2016) appears to have corrupted its drive. Edging …

2018-07-12: Office move & 95% set up.

2018-07-12: So the question is will my Macbook Pro (2016) get a replacement keyboard as in the 2018 versions if …

2018-07-12: This makes me even more excited to play “Tetris Effect” in PSVR 10 Minutes of TETRIS EFFECT Music …

2018-07-12: Side by side view in Firefox. Intresting. dctr.pro/280

2018-07-10: Latest version of my quarterly periodical is out, its a mash up as this one was actually started in …

2018-07-09: I’m a pretty hardcore @afcwimbledon fan & English so people expect me to follow England but I …

2018-07-09: Ah good. I’ll probably take my keyboard back as B key fails at lot Apple Keyboard Repair Programme

2018-07-08: Passport Photo by Barrington

2018-07-07: Finally pinged up some more Vue projects to gitlab.adamprocter.co.uk - also met up with friend who …

2018-07-06: Anyone know if iOS 12 lets you choose a different default browser yet 😊

2018-07-06: Had a thought to create push.adamprocter.co.uk so people can sign up for silly push notifications …

2018-07-06: YouTube Premium is great (includes YouTube music) I love no adverts but the pricing is insane. Kinda …

2018-07-06: Five centuries ago, the world’s longest rave took place in Strasbourg - dctr.pro/27y

2018-07-06: Albums are starting to be patched like software updates. Interesting. - dctr.pro/27x

2018-07-06: Facebook doesn’t have a mind-control problem, it has a corruption problem. Cambridge Analytica …

2018-07-06: Oh I don’t look at Discover feed too much / enough but I found myself on there wooohooo #madeit

2018-07-05: Filtering, not search or lists - viewing your feeds I wonder if @manton could bring in more filters for your timeline that you can use to turn on and …

2018-07-05: NHS 70 years on ! Excellent service but needs so much more support and funding. 👩‍⚕️👨‍⚕️

2018-07-05: The creator of the World Wide Web is fighting to reclaim it from the Duopoly - dctr.pro/27u

2018-07-05: ok seriously just follow @adders some amazing links today. thank you

2018-07-05: Tech companies are turning to tabletop games for team building. - dctr.pro/27t thanks again @adders

2018-07-05: For focused writing, Markdown is your best friend I love markdown and here is a quick update to date …

2018-07-04: Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you. Anne Lamott …

2018-07-04: Writing a medium size blog post with inline images for Micro.blog. Started in my fav fast editor …

2018-07-04: Our International Summer School numbers are super positive so am now rapidly trying to pull this all …

2018-07-03: License fee worth every penny. BBC VR I am in the Stadium. ITV can barely make out the ball. Quality …

2018-07-03: ITV Hub quality absolutely terrible BBC VR on the same web connection amazing … hmmm not …


2018-07-03: Best thing about ITV World Cup coverage is the Peter Gabriel background music. 😂⚽️

2018-07-02: Testing Sunlit beta

2018-07-01: Dam Spain are out ☹️

2018-06-30: By @hillergoodspeed

2018-06-30: Worse thing about the MacBook Pro 2016 is the Battery, it’s a total wind up.

2018-06-30: ‘I don’t like the stress of dying': the game for people who don’t want to fight Games …

2018-06-29: Measuring a University Degree. Totally agree and was only taking about this last week a focus on wages as the measure of University …

2018-06-29: A neat way to quickly organise your to dos into a little more detail, could easily be mixed with …

2018-06-28: I have to wonder how London actually functions 4 days travelling and I think only 1 train has been …

2018-06-28: Current state of the Web

2018-06-27: Albums are a thing My good friend has Spotify & I have Apple Music I have to have the Spotify iOS app to be able to …

2018-06-27: Games Design Students and Studio 3015 have ensured an amazing show. Well done everyone!

2018-06-27: #Repost @gamesdesignart with @get_repost ・・・ Hoxton Arches today and tomorrow 10am-8pm #WSAxARCADE …


2018-06-26: Ah ha network rail card off peak is different to normal off peak. 🚂 Expensive enough as it is in UK …

2018-06-26: Wow Facebook are really trying to claim they are changing with their new adverts oh boy what a load …

2018-06-25: Not so great at photographing our awesome publication but Ill try - limited edition available …

2018-06-25: Monument Valley - Open data from 2 years related to downloads and revenue. This open data continues …

2018-06-25: Today has been super bumpy in terms of getting to London unfortunately this was due to major delays …

2018-06-24: Just heard a Vice Chancellor (not ours) say this; Growth is a pre condition of remaining …

2018-06-23: This guy has some things to say about the Germany, Sweden game…

2018-06-23: Walkies Had a rather nice random walk around my Grandmas. The internet always provides. …

2018-06-23: Oh dear Germany are in trouble now… ⚽️

2018-06-22: Our baby with our other daughters baby - just call me Grandad! #timeflies

2018-06-22: I love Firefox. And it just gets better and better and faster ! NY Times

2018-06-22: Some how my irregular newsletter periodical.adamprocter.co.uk (another one soon honest!) and …

2018-06-21: Instapaper still down in Europe due to GDPR. Am going to move to @Mozilla Pocket… time to …

2018-06-21: Selfie Day - Newcastle bound

2018-06-19: It’s not every day you are quoted in the Guardian - ‘It consumed my life’: inside a gaming addiction …

2018-06-19: #Repost @gamesdesignart with @get_repost ・・・ One week until we move our show to London. Hoxton …

2018-06-18: Forget this VAR rubbish. Let’s real-time 3D scan the pitch and run algorithms against every movement …

2018-06-18: This is probably going to tip me over the edge to get PSVR. Just wow and from what I have read it …

2018-06-17: Switzerland Great goal - Brazil blooming asking for VAR grrrr ⚽️ This is one of my many issues with …

2018-06-17: Feel free to bookmark / join the last 7 website - thelast7.com/about.htm…

2018-06-16: Art School

2018-06-16: Accessible design is good design - dctr.pro/27l

2018-06-16: Ok what is going on every goal is being checked for offside on VAR seriously every goal ! So every …

2018-06-16: I’m not enjoying this VAR at the World Cup at all. Total mess. And only a few games in ⚽️

2018-06-16: Games Design & Art Winchester BA Showcase Show Open until Saturday 24th June 11-6pm At Winchester School of Art. BA (Hons) Games Design & …

2018-06-16: Matches my new bag

2018-06-15: Keep on truckin’

2018-06-13: As over the last weeks I’ve been much more portable than normal and I’ve realised my MacBook Pro 15” …

2018-06-13: Today was mainly spent directing students for our @gamesdesignart show opening on Thursday at …

2018-06-13: E3 Showcase nothing that really interests or excites me. Show me the innovative games, well dreams …

2018-06-12: Finally catching up with E3.

2018-06-11: And relax. Assessment all done.

2018-06-11: Chris Packham warns of ‘ecological apocalypse’ in Britain - dctr.pro/27j

2018-06-09: Should we be worried about Microsoft buying Github probabaly - dctr.pro/27i - I already use my own …

2018-06-09: Belfast External Examiner Visit 2018 2018-06-06 2018-06-07

2018-06-08: This week I finally sat down and updated to 1Password 7 and 1Password Family account. I’ve been a …

2018-06-08: Hmm I didn’t favourite at the time but someone posted link of Alfred workflows they have been making …

2018-06-08: Huge student debts are unfair. Let’s move towards a graduate contribution - Chris Husbands - …


2018-06-05: The Ethics of Persuasion - Smashing Magazine

2018-06-05: Arrived in the rather wonderful Belfast on my annual trip as External Examiner at Belfast School of …

2018-06-05: Apple Design Award winners 2018 - dctr.pro/27e

2018-06-04: I cant do stickers on my mac but this guy from the #wwwdc18 video has a strong set 😀

2018-06-04: Got my own gitlab set up already though I am not using enough & yet however as much as I fear M$ …

2018-06-04: The Illustrated Guide to a PhD: 12 Simple Pictures That Will Put the Daunting Degree into …

2018-06-04: Anyone know if @instapaper is back for Europe yet… may have to move to Mozilla Pocket if this …

2018-06-04: I think once you have kids and hit a certain age everything cuts you up a little but dam those …

2018-06-04: Mac screenshots update is nice, I wonder is mojave might reduce my need for apps like pixave / …

2018-06-04: Nice eGPU unity demo… I think I know what I need to order ASAP #wwdc18

2018-06-04: Finally group FaceTime! Up to 32 people #wwdc18 - iChat AV features restored 😂

2018-06-04: Wouldn’t want to be demoing Siri on stage. She has gotten it so wrong at work when I demo the …

2018-06-04: Ah ha Workflow is now Siri Shortcuts by the looks of it #wwdc18

2018-06-04: WWDC. wooooo. Good job we had awesome 4K screen installed in the Games studio 😊 - welcome home …

2018-06-03: When I was coding / playing with my ZX Spectrum I didnt ever think we would have hand held devices …

2018-06-03: Here is a short montage clip of some game play footage from a recent Year 2 project (vertical slice …

2018-06-03: The best teams are cognitively diverse and psychologically safe - dctr.pro/27c via @thoughtshrapnel

2018-06-02: Love / loved this song. DJ Shadow at his best. dctr.pro/27b

2018-06-02: Let me in. #rosiethecat

2018-06-02: I liked a @YouTube video youtu.be/7P-PNa0bx… The Hopscotch Experiment | Dirty Data | Cut

2018-06-01: Nice little insights video - Marketing a Game at Launch from Apple WWDC app dctr.pro/27a

2018-06-01: In Firefox’s addressbar, you can limit results by typing special characters before or after …

2018-05-30: Onboarding: A College Student Discovers A List Apart dctr.pro/279 via @alistapart

2018-05-30: iOS 11.4 just before iOS 12 is announced we finally get Messages in the Cloud happy but also wish …

2018-05-30: Very happy, my team for Games Design & Art work super hard and also I’m one of the external …

2018-05-28: Watching Orbital on BBC iPlayer Belfast youngest daughter (12) came down from bed and looked at me …

2018-05-28: Me, Marmalade the Cat plus Orbital “Lush” on bbc iplayer from Belfast, wonderful end to a sunny …

2018-05-28: Ulysses 13 is out - dctr.pro/277 like writing check it out if you haven’t already 👍😀

2018-05-28: In a field in Hampshire 🚶‍♂️

2018-05-26: Helped friend move. Sorted his fridge.

2018-05-23: Staff fridge always reminds me of the awesome Peter Gabriel song 😊 … Biko - Apple Music Link

2018-05-23: Design Process Finally got round to reading more of Backstage Talks issue 3 today (by the river). I totally …

2018-05-22: Winchester School of Art has the pleasure of inviting you to the private view of this year’s …

2018-05-22: A lot of those GDPR emails are unnecessary and possibly illegal - I thought this with my own mailing …

2018-05-21: Insanely busy with the day job but if anyone does anything with Vue or Vue + Electron with …

2018-05-19: Need more practice hahaaha #alphaputt beta @sennep_ldn


2018-05-16: London Studio Trip Busy day in London to meet up with @ustwoadventure @studiolovesong @lastseenonline and @sennep_games …

2018-05-15: Framing Facebook: It’s not about technology – Bill Bennett This is important, Facebook is not a …

2018-05-15: How about changing? Changing from passive, to active. From scroll to search, from react to rethink, …

2018-05-15: This day is done. Image via @sarahlangford who also needs to join micro.blog

2018-05-15: New library arrival. Awesome collection of product photograph, drawings and writings. 📚

2018-05-14: A Busy Sunday (yesterday) Solving many puzzles (almost)

2018-05-13: Sunday work

2018-05-13: Re-architecture for #procterphd … slow progress, last month plus mind.

2018-05-13: A good set of tips (steps) here - A 25-Step Program for Becoming a Great Designer - dctr.pro/26w

2018-05-13: Turns out I was blaming my MacBook Pro 2016 keyboard prematurely. 😂 github.com/godotengi…

2018-05-12: Obviously catching Eurovision.

2018-05-10: Now the a key mucking up on MBP 2016 keyboard and I mainly use an external Keyboard, very poor. …

2018-05-09: Cool GitKraken has introduced Glo Boards and they look really nice. Think Trello - check it out - …

2018-05-07: Test

2018-05-07: Pause would be great. Sometimes a pause button would be fantastic. There are moments where I just think yes pause please. …

2018-05-07: I think I have a found another use for portrait mode. 🍺 📷

2018-05-07: Fail by design: Banking’s legacy of dark code. Should we start teaching COBOL and FORTRAN …

2018-05-06: Bank holiday

2018-05-05: Off to last game of the season. Ignoring the franchise although amusing look at our progression. …

2018-05-04: Slow RummiKub. I think I’m missing some mega manipulation for sure. 😊

2018-05-04: Games Student Go Fund Me page to support Winchester and London showcase Arcades June 2018. Check it …

2018-05-03: Yes Martin Lewis smashes it about student finance and careers advise on Question time! #questiontime

2018-05-03: Sensorium Festival is workshops, talks and performances bridging the fields of computational art, …

2018-05-03: Woah the Instagram import into micro.blog via its Mac app is mega. People can now actively leave …

2018-05-03: Excellent intro. Hopefully the rest of the texts will be as great. 📚

2018-05-03: If we teach today the way we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow. (Dewey, 1916)

2018-05-03: Animation for Sketch - this looks rather good - Timeline dctr.pro/26l

2018-05-01: NEW Book OpenEditions | Distributed For those who would seek to influence others, the distribution …

2018-05-01: Technical Architect for the MoodleNet project - The job spec here

2018-04-30: I made a mistake in saying I’m leaving corporate social media. I should have said data-mining social …

2018-04-30: What a stressful day mainly due to this. Not being paid

2018-04-30: Sir Ken Robinson - New Book I’m a big fan of the approaches Sir Ken Robinson has been taking to education and his …

2018-04-30: Making is Connecting Second Edition Book out now by @davidgauntlett Gauntlett offers a terrific …

2018-04-28: Another reason algorithm timelines are a joke. Real People Are Turning Their Accounts Into Bots On …

2018-04-28: Overcast 4.2: The privacy update Enhances privacy in two major areas: Anonymous sync by default …

2018-04-28: How to make your first game in less than 2 hours. I’m always asked how do you start to make games …

2018-04-28: Playful sounds The Conditional Orchestra Using current weather conditions The Conditional Orchestra …

2018-04-26: Godot 3 point and click framework. dctr.pro/26a

2018-04-26: Sugar tax #pepsi

2018-04-25: Nintendo’s secretive creative process The Guardian We like our staff to be as creative as …

2018-04-24: How Podcasts Can Improve Literacy in the Classroom. dctr.pro/268 Another reason podcasts are …

2018-04-24: More awesome NHS Graphics from who knows when spotted today in Andover medical centre.

2018-04-24: added @gamesdesignart to micro.blog and connected our course blog (medium.com) in theory, which …

2018-04-24: Good to see more and more the rise of “Humanity Centred Design” processes and tips. No longer just …

2018-04-24: The next 3 Thursday’s @ Winchester School of Art, UK we (@gamesdesignart) have year wide user …

2018-04-24: We must design much better notifications and a lot is understanding context with some simple guess …

2018-04-23: How to be super-productive. Show up Be proactive Collaborate dctr.pro/266 via @thoughtshrapnel

2018-04-23: Ok does anyone know where the wish list option has gone to in App Store it use to be sporadic but …

2018-04-23: Facebook is just a bit of fun, stop moaning about it … dctr.pro/265 … oh hang on

2018-04-23: In move around located this gem. Bit like Micro Blogs I reckon.

2018-04-23: The Fast and Slow of Design - Mark Boulton discusses about creating sustainable, balanced design …

2018-04-23: Hmm YouTube like feed to MB seems to not be working … will have to check that 🤔

2018-04-22: Neighbours cat trying to befriend me.

2018-04-22: Slight improvement. Not very green fingered but would like to get better.

2018-04-22: Out today the last 7 - thelast7.com

2018-04-21: 2001: A Space Odyssey”: What It Means, and How It Was Made dctr.pro/263

2018-04-21: Incoming storm ⛈ 🌩

2018-04-21: Oldham game Pre Game Pretty busy today. 2-2 frustrating but fair result. It’s going to be close Table As It …

2018-04-21: Time flies. EV at retro vintage day out.

2018-04-21: Tools and spaces to create a positive architecture of participation | Open Educational Thinkering …

2018-04-21: Why Decentralization Matters – Chris Dixon – Medium dctr.pro/25x

2018-04-21: ToSDR the Wikipedia of terms and services. Helping you navigate the insane terms on many websites. …

2018-04-21: Scientists accidentally create mutant enzyme that eats plastic bottles | Environment | The Guardian. …

2018-04-20: The Declutter Experiment. What happened when 1600+ participants take a break from “optional …

2018-04-20: Sleepover with a difference.

2018-04-20: Done it, phew. Weekend starts here. Thank you for your submitted application for the 2018-2019 …

2018-04-20: The Woman Who Gave the Macintosh a Smile | The New Yorker - dctr.pro/261 Kare, who is sixty-four, …

2018-04-20: Rise of the T Skill Designer - Marvel Blog dctr.pro/260

2018-04-20: Research groups I have an active connection with: www.southampton.ac.uk/wsi …


2018-04-18: Sketches From China Colleague Daniel Hobson gave me awesome set of his sketches from recent trip to China. Super …

2018-04-18: Mini golf Event WSA 2018 Postponed mini golf event for Games Design students on a perfect weather day ☀️ fun fair themed …

2018-04-17: Filming workshop with @mindthefilm and Games students. 2018 #WSAxARCADE interview footage day.

2018-04-17: Vimeo and Youtube LIKEs hooked into my micro.blog timeline. Good times indeed.

2018-04-17: Intimate data analytics in education Excellent overview from @thoughtshrapnel If the advocates of …

2018-04-17: Just grabbed @brentsimmon’s Evergreen rss reader. Nice way to collect my lists of links from RSS …

2018-04-17: A couple of hours into Zuckerberg at congress. Interesting although to be fair nothing new in terms …

2018-04-16: In case you missed it on Sunday here is the link to the last 7 of the last 7 14-04-18

2018-04-16: Awesome gift from awesome friend, a flat dotted grid sketchbook. This will be deployed for …

2018-04-15: Glitch video intros to HTML CSS JavaScript and Node. dctr.pro/25q #learningtocode

2018-04-14: thelast7.com

2018-04-14: New site launching tomorrow you can see it now - and why I am no longer copying my content to …

2018-04-14: THE INCREDIBLE STORY OF THE MOTHER OF THE SEA. University research that saved Sushi Japanese nori …

2018-04-14: What a come back and what a crucial 3 points I think we might just about make it. #coyd …

2018-04-14: I fear I will need a 3rd keyoard replaced on Macook Pro 2016, compressed air didn’t dislodge the …

2018-04-14: Long-term investments To truly appreciate something, you must confine yourself to it. There’s a certain level of joy and …

2018-04-13: EGX Rezzed 2018 Great day out checking out the games at EGX Rezzed. Awesome interview with Tim Schafer maker of some …

2018-04-13: Hey anyone here use any specific app to collate buisness cards and such. I need to have a good …

2018-04-13: Link in Bio. I’ll still pick up @mentions and DMs on IG

2018-04-13: EGX Rezzed (Games event) there was a lot of discussion about making sure to use Twitter for PR / …

2018-04-13: Students are concerned about my departure from social media, that was nice. Going to keep using …

2018-04-13: Excellent conversation with Tim Schafer. Some good advise for new game makers and creative writers …

2018-04-13: EGX Rezzed developers talks.

2018-04-13: I am off to EGX Rezzed all day today (Friday 13th) with @gamesdesignart should be good. Talking …

2018-04-13: I’ve just started using GitKraken not only does it have a cool name but it’s an pretty awesome GUI …

2018-04-12: Micro.blog just added microcasting support! $10pcm for blog & microcast. I’ve got a hosted …

2018-04-12: I fear a molecule of grit is under the B key on Macbook Pro 2016 and of course my first ever can of …

2018-04-12: My writing is always frustratingly poor. Beware of the blips in grammar and sentence structure as I …

2018-04-11: Cool, Vue 3 GUI based “CLI” sounds right up my street. Excellent news.

2018-04-11: Cross posting to Twitter and Facebook disabled. So far so good.

2018-04-10: Bye corporate social media. Look out this Sunday on how to follow me from now on. #excitingindieweb

2018-04-10: Crucial Match The Cherry Red Records Stadium. www.afcwimbledon.co.uk/news/2018…

2018-04-10: Wooo stickerswapping.com is back online for Panini album Russia 2018 #gotgotneed @sennepldn side …

2018-04-10: Ah ha have formulated a plan for Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Friends will get reminded for a …

2018-04-10: Ignoring the mess #spotthecat #rosiethecat #marmaladethecat #nomoreinstagram

2018-04-10: Active Social Network Account Deletion Any of my “followers” will be acutely aware that I have been going on about privacy and the invasion …

2018-04-10: Just a reminder people the commercial microwaves at work are 1100W that’s a lot more powerful than …

2018-04-10: Instagram makes me anxious 📷 I get anxious when in real life friends don’t like an Instagram photo of mine, especially if it …

2018-04-10: Free as in Facebook. Referring to any service offered without charge in exchange for behavioral …

2018-04-09: Nice mag from Stack this month. Nice embossed text too. Should be a good read looks great.

2018-04-09: Got the basic web based (vue) markdown editor up and running - Try Editor

2018-04-09: Team all back on campus today, had a great games meeting to fire us up for the final half of the …

2018-04-08: Twitter strung out the death of 3rd Party Apps for 6 years 3rd Party apps on twitter that survived to this day did very well after twitter changed its API back …

2018-04-08: Adding connections #procterphd spatial UI VIDEO LINK

2018-04-08: Adding connections #procterphd

2018-04-08: Local cat shelter 🐱 #notourcats #spotthecat

2018-04-07: Mozilla Brings Firefox to Augmented and Virtual Reality - dctr.pro/25k

2018-04-06: Night all ! #bedtimefilmsorted

2018-04-06: Thanks for the various feedback across platforms already please keep it coming at …

2018-04-06: Thanks for all your feedback so far. Please keep it coming #procterphd - discourse.adamprocter.co.uk …

2018-04-06: Looks like an awesome UX designer role has just come up @greenpeace check it out - …

2018-04-06: Oh iTunes why do you mock me. #onedayyouwillbereplaced

2018-04-06: Excellent new video about some of the aspects of Research being undertake at Winchester School of …

2018-04-06: any other micro bloggers know if you can still get an RSS feed from youtube likes? I did some …

2018-04-06: Looks intresting. MAI: An Open Access Feminist Journal on Visual Culture …

2018-04-05: Dare YOU face the orcs? 80s game books Fighting Fantasy return - Books - The Guardian

2018-04-05: Spatial UI anyone. Really pleased with the progress on this #procterphd - watch demo on YouTube …

2018-04-05: Pretty pleased when the ducks start to get in a row 🦆 - Spatial UI demo - youtu.be/3jOZ92-2h… …

2018-04-05: nice @thoughtshrapnel takeaways from Stephen Downes’ talk on personal learning

2018-04-05: Woooo insanely blue sky today #winchesterUK

2018-04-05: Pretty great selection here. The best cheap PS4 games you can get right now bit.ly/2ItxZLY via …

2018-04-04: Not enough spot #rosiethecat posts these days. Enjoy this one. 👍 🐈

2018-04-04: Ok 3mins 35 to complete. Survey link in Bio. dctr.pro/25i tell me what you see…

2018-04-04: As ever customer service from @cloudabove UK based hosting company with excellent packages and …

2018-04-04: I’ve gone survey mad but this one is for me and will take 3mins max - http://dctr.pro/25i - would …

2018-04-04: Games Design Final Project Student Survey - Icons for Future Space Ship Building game - What do you …

2018-04-04: Exclusive Patreons only first look at this working and explained now available at …

2018-04-03: But you’re Philip Glass! What are you doing here?’ It was obvious that I was installing his …

2018-04-03: Excellent BBC Young Musican look back show, specifically following the 2016 finalists - Forty Years …

2018-04-03: Microcast Episode 17 is out now - arriving automagically in your podcatchers (I recommend overcast) …

2018-04-03: Thanks Patreon subscriber!! This has boosted my confidence 👍👍 if like my good friend you want to …

2018-04-03: I know main stream media are just waking up to it but you do know Cambridge Analytica (SLC Group) …

2018-04-03: VIDEO : Sometimes I feel like I’m doing stuff my brain just ain’t suppose to do. However I know what …

2018-04-02: Ah ha UK bank holiday Micro Monday check out @adders and @colinwalker if you are not already. …

2018-04-02: Waterlogged pitch @drfc_official game postponed. Ah man just as @afcwimbledon had gotten use to this …

2018-03-31: Today’s observations my garden is almost as waterlogged as @afcwimbledon’s Neighbors cats have taken …

2018-03-30: Cheery end to the day - The Silent Child. Amazing film. Horrendous UK stats on the need for better …

2018-03-30: If we had been allowed to play on JetSkis today we might have won @afcwimbledon

2018-03-30: ☔️ 🌧 Rollers brought out half way into second half 😂🔥🔥🔥⚽️🤯

2018-03-30: 5 Myths and misconceptions in learning theory. Excellent overview covers : lecture capture digital …

2018-03-30: Good Friday game The Cherry Red Records Stadium: Must win game

2018-03-29: iOS 11.3 Face ID can now be used to authenticate approval of Family Purchases! Wooo

2018-03-29: No Man’s Sky is getting its biggest update yet this summer alongside Xbox One launch. dctr.pro/25d …

2018-03-29: The Fraud and the Four-Hour Workweek - dctr.pro/25c Outsource your work to “remote assistants” in …

2018-03-29: Creative Industries Sector Deal launched GOV.UK More than £150 million will be invested Britain’s …

2018-03-28: VIDEO : #procterphd slow progress #spatialhypertext #delightfuldesign Vuejs + Cloud Firestore 🔥 …

2018-03-28: WOAH that was major, finally have a very simple example of real time database using Vue and Cloud …

2018-03-28: Save the dates. Come and see excellent & exciting new game products from BA (Hons) Games Design …

2018-03-28: Easter reading from @wsalibrary #newbooks #disney #internationalwomensday #hiddenfigures #animation

2018-03-28: Beware the smart toaster: 18 tips for surviving the surveillance age. The Guardian

2018-03-28: Yield! The heyday of British wrestling – in pictures | Art and design | The Guardian

2018-03-27: Ok time to check the Apple Education keynote, they use to be great with education…worryingly …

2018-03-27: A number of peoples view of the web IS facebook and if you brave it out, you are warned and tracked.

2018-03-27: Achtung! Decentralize, decentralize, decentralize! Did you know that Google keeps a map of …

2018-03-27: The Cambridge Analytical Data Apocalypse Was Predicted in 2007. Perhaps the thorniest challenges exist on the data side, with respect to access and privacy,” the …

2018-03-27: Many Internships still clearly unethical; most had parents who subsidised their rent, bills, travel …

2018-03-27: Whitney Museum Puts Online 21,000 Works of American Art, By 3,000 Artists goo.gl/nC1aPJ

2018-03-27: If anyone wants to look at an analysis on ten years of UK National Student Survey data knock …

2018-03-27: Barenaked Ladies Reunion Performance | Juno Awards 2018 www.cbc.ca/player/pl…

2018-03-27: Dad SatNavs shouldn’t tell people about speed cameras as the people that drive fast won’t get …

2018-03-26: 🎵 <- why cant I locate you on my iOS device… not helping me join the awesome music discovery feed …

2018-03-26: GDPR law would in theory mean Facebook would have been fined up to $813 million dollars for allowing …

2018-03-26: Published a new short video. What is my Research ? - youtu.be/Za1o1kNhs…

2018-03-26: Blue Notes: Iconic album sleeves recreated in the browser. Yes please - CSS magic ! dctr.pro/256

2018-03-26: Does Facebook consider coercion the same as giving permission, a while back I took these screenshots …

2018-03-26: Privacy means people know what they’re signing up for. In plain English, and repeatedly. That’s …

2018-03-25: Stop conflating education with employability—the point of learning should be to enrich our lives. …

2018-03-24: Working on a new logo for @crazy_.cat_.slime nothing approved yet…

2018-03-24: Even more so today Mr Brown even more so. 🎧🎼

2018-03-24: Wow this image sums up the topsy turvy world we live in.

2018-03-23: Awesome LP 🎧

2018-03-23: Changes are coming. Reversing hopefully.

2018-03-23: Lib Dems harvested data from MySpace It’s not just MySpace. They’ve cross-referenced with Bebo and …

2018-03-23: Finally, Instagram is backing off of the algorithmic feed and leaning back to chronological.

2018-03-23: I don’t see how a government can take to task data gathering of a corporation when that’s the …

2018-03-22: Bento the Keyboard Cat, internet sensation and YouTube star, dies Guardian link

2018-03-22: The greatest thing we can do is to help somebody know that they’re loved and capable of loving. …

2018-03-21: Breaking news and classic Zuckerberg: We made mistakes #ownyourdata #freetheweb #indieweb

2018-03-21: Any suggestion on how people here organise their podcasts in @marco’s overcast app. I am rubbish at …

2018-03-21: When we design for screen, we are designing for a fluid medium. This is a critical difference …

2018-03-21: Normally this guy is a symbol of hope to me but these last few months haven’t really left me smiling …

2018-03-21: The old greyhound stock car stadium finally being demolished making way for our new Stadium back at …

2018-03-21: Interview: Social Media Discontent after Cambridge Analytica - dctr.pro/250

2018-03-21: What’s App no no no. I have my data saved in iCloud via backup I guess it’s not an export you don’t …

2018-03-21: Host of Interesting roles at @WinSciCentre - www.winchestersciencecentre.org/join-us/ n.b links …

2018-03-20: Isle of Dogs looks amazing - www.youtube.com/watch - Love Wes Anderson 🐕 🏝💛

2018-03-20: This wasn’t a breach in the technical sense. It is something even more troubling: an all-too-natural …

2018-03-20: No I won’t fix up my newsletter I’ll wait in my broken down car at peak time for RAC due to power …

2018-03-20: My Fragmentum microcast Episode 16 is out now. Please Subscribe in Overcast for iOS or another …

2018-03-20: Like my stuff, love my stuff support me on Patreon. Patreon.com/procterbot - clickable link in bio

2018-03-20: It’s 2018 and the odds are still stacked against female creatives. Double or Nothing …

2018-03-20: Ok finally got round to sorting out my Pateron page. https://www.patreon.com/procterbot - I have set …

2018-03-20: Great to see more and more designtech covering ethical design now. dctr.pro/24x cc @aral I think …

2018-03-19: The only thing we can do is delete Facebook. And Messenger, and Whatsapp, and Instagram, and every …

2018-03-19: More comment on the Facebook data “breach” - dctr.pro/24v

2018-03-18: Nice graphics for WWDC 2018

2018-03-18: It’s clear this was not a Facebook data breach because the data was not stolen or hacked, it was …

2018-03-18: 50 million Facebook profiles harvested for Cambridge Analytica in major data breach. dctr.pro/24u

2018-03-18: I also agree with @caseyliss the iOS keyboard has become much more stupid in picking the words I …

2018-03-18: Hey Siri Record audio I have many moments driving or walking where I have a thought in my head and I need to …

2018-03-17: Graphic cards

2018-03-17: #Repost @gamesdesignart with @get_repost ・・・ Uploaded 2/4 brand new podcasts talking to final year …

2018-03-17: Have to travel :(

2018-03-16: Episode 16 : Student Projects 2018 - soundcloud.com

2018-03-15: Arrived. #rollerderby #rollerdisco

2018-03-15: New print for the Office 😊 #eduroam #lovewifi #loveinternet yay

2018-03-15: Prints from yr1,2,3 Graphic Arts sale #popupshop #excitingtimesatwsa

2018-03-13: VIDEO: Sound UP! Wooo more updates to #sennep_holes #alphaputt beta @sennepldn #gamesdesign …

2018-03-13: We can’t confuse matters by thinking that because a business is smart, disruptive – popular, even – …

2018-03-12: The bakery @tesco is great but you have to put in a machine slicer for public to use or staff it …

2018-03-12: New week. New books #procterphd #hypermedia #spatialhypertext

2018-03-12: Graduates from your course earn £50k a year must mean excellent gold star teaching… hmmm The …

2018-03-12: Tim Berners-Lee: we must regulate tech firms to prevent ‘weaponised’ web - dctr.pro/24r

2018-03-12: The web is under threat. Join us and fight for it. - dctr.pro/24q

2018-03-11: David Byrne Performs ‘Everybody’s Coming To My House’ on The Late Show - …

2018-03-11: Nice 80s arcade might be opening in Bournemouth. That’s summer sorted 😊 👾 - dctr.pro/24o

2018-03-11: Dance day. #irishdancing ☘️. Progress completely won out and now into Prelims.

2018-03-11: Hoping micro blog get video support soon. Be great to push stuff from IG and perhaps even get into 🍎 …

2018-03-10: New stand for my PS4 controller #livingitup #Objetd’art

2018-03-09: I just backed @cole007 on @Kickstarter and his awesome graphic novel he wants to make about his …

2018-03-09: Experimental Publishing MA guest talk Slide deck from todays Experimental Publishing MA guest talk. Save the web and get a micro.blog was …

2018-03-09: Algorisky - From Google search to Facebook news, algorithms shape our online experience. But like …

2018-03-09: Waiting

2018-03-09: Another reason we have to take back control

2018-03-09: The Panda is dancing - Time well spent - youtu.be/tf9ZhU7zF…

2018-03-08: Lagom Magazine - 10 Inspiring Women dctr.pro/24k Overlooked - 15 remarkable Women Obituaries that …

2018-03-08: This is what matters. Raising a strong woman 💪

2018-03-08: New Programme Leader Graphic Arts role at University of Southampton. Winchester School of Art. …

2018-03-08: New Graphic Arts Programme Leader Job has been advertised. Winchester School of Art, University of …

2018-03-08: Forget work life balance, try work life blend. dctr.pro/24j

2018-03-08: TK Maxx Launch Day Winchester Trainers acquired.

2018-03-08: Shout out to all the awesome women today especially those in Gaming #internationalwomensday

2018-03-08: Re-rise of Indie web & Microblogging Am pulling together my own micro blogging talk for an Experimental Publishing module here at …

2018-03-08: Just got myself the awesome Deckset 2. If you have a Mac, love Markdown and have to make slidedecks …

2018-03-07: VIDEO : SnapSVG spatial interface still some bugs but I quite like how quick it came together. …

2018-03-07: In between meetings from Sketch App to SnapSVG. #procterphd #spatialinterface

2018-03-06: Nice spot on summary indeed I’m almost up to dual track design. #keepingupjustabout The Evolution of …

2018-03-06: VIDEO : Playing with some interface concepts #procterphd #spatialhypertext #dymanicspaces

2018-03-05: Plodding away trying to connect vue markdown app to rethinkDB. Blew up my etherpad in the process. …

2018-03-04: Anyone got any tips for good length super strong lightning leads all of ours (Apple ones) are dying …

2018-03-03: Put on “Days of Thunder” the other day. Youngest daughter came in & said “yeah i can tell this …

2018-03-03: HomePod has Siri that it’s major problem. A review along those lines. …

2018-03-03: Updated E for escape #alphaputt #sennep_holes @errorwilliams @jonathanlindgren.motion great stuff …

2018-03-03: In the last year the worm has started to turn as we start to question Amazon, Apple, Facebook and …

2018-03-03: Thought my dinner was burning nope someone’s house! All good from what I can tell… …

2018-03-03: Dashboard seems to advise someone is in the toilet. Fantastically funny UI. Minus 4

2018-03-03: Stop with the Arts v Science nonsense One proposal coming forward in the UK is to lower Arts course fees based on the median wage being …

2018-03-02: Snow related video clip.

2018-03-02: Travel in Style.

2018-03-02: Future Winter Olympians. One lad tried the Skelton. Impressive.

2018-03-01: Snow day #excitingtimesatwsa

2018-03-01: Work closed slide home and parked at the bottom of the hill. ⛄️ 🚙

2018-03-01: “Warm I am, yes” #snowday photo via @ririrocket

2018-03-01: Snow yoda.

2018-03-01: East side looking fine #newsignage #excitingtimesatwsa

2018-03-01: The only concern is the one hill from my house…why didn’t I park down the hill yesterday! …

2018-02-28: It’s coming. It’s coming. #southcoastsnowreports #ukcantdealwiththeweathernever

2018-02-28: Big Snow is coming. This is a report on the Snow. ⛄️ ❄️ 🇬🇧 #southcoast

2018-02-28: The Dolphin whom I never knew has finally left our campus #rebrandingcantakedecades

2018-02-28: Arrrgh keep forgetting about the iOS micro.blog conversation swipe action it’s so nice. Remember to …

2018-02-27: Thanks again @adamrosserradio for coming to talk @gamesdesignart super super informative and so many …

2018-02-27: Understand vue.js without use CLI ✅ Install RethinkDB on own server and play with dashboard ✅ Have …

2018-02-26: Slowly getting all the 2018 games projects up on winchester.games - the 3rd year final semester is …

2018-02-25: Good day at the dances. 🥇 🥇 1st Reel intermediate 6th Light intermediate 1st Slip intermediate U …

2018-02-25: At Irish Dancing

2018-02-25: Creative people have to be protected. They have to be isolated in a way, from all the other stuff …

2018-02-25: How not to replace email. A look back on Google Wave. Great article. Great tips and thoughts that I …

2018-02-24: The Secret History of Mac Gaming - youtu.be/2tL2kC3Qq… 📚

2018-02-24: A weekend off is very nice but tired out and motivation is next to zero so just going to make a nice …

2018-02-24: So far my micro.blog posts to Facebook are not being counted as Spam but this case seems to be …

2018-02-24: Wash up fresh

2018-02-23: App Updates Actually telling the tester what’s new I think is the very first step in creating a delightful …

2018-02-23: In case you missed it … #creativity #changingtheworldonegameatatime @gamesdesignart @wsa_ba …

2018-02-22: Trending is nonsense. People with ill motives game the system. Be that sell you stuff or promote for …

2018-02-22: Short internal PhD Presentation Feb 2018 Slidedeck from my short 15min presentation on my PhD Progress so far. Specific discussion and …

2018-02-20: Sunlit (beta) and micro.blog could be the future for me. At $5 per month they smash Instagram and …

2018-02-20: #Repost @gamesdesignart with @get_repost ・・・ Early animation test from Elateth local competitive …

2018-02-18: March 😊

2018-02-18: Ethically Aligned Design: A Vision for Prioritizing Human Well-being with Autonomous and Intelligent …

2018-02-18: Ethical design is the answer to some of social media’s problems dctr.pro/24a

2018-02-17: Disable and re-Enabled Facebook. Hopefully that’s reauthenticated my connection. 👍

2018-02-17: Woooh loving latest #sennep_holes well done @errorwilliams keep on trucking #gamesdesignalumni …

2018-02-16: Room 101 this week so good. #room101

2018-02-16: Skeleton Bob! #sliding #sliders

2018-02-16: Very sad to hear about loss of life in schools in the USA due to gun crime. My thoughts go out to …

2018-02-15: What does an ‘Active Blended Learning’ programme look like? The programme is taught through student-centred activities that support the development of subject …

2018-02-14: Slime building #noideawhatwearedoing #homemadeslime

2018-02-13: Have to agree with the Guardian this non-alcoholic beer is pretty good. 🍺 Purchased at tesco worth …

2018-02-13: Lost 2-4 away not good. Could have been 4-4 by the sounds of it with one offside & a saved …

2018-02-13: Join me in following this newsletter? 👀 www.getrevue.co/profile/v… via @revue

2018-02-13: Making stuff with Assembly app. Winter Olympic inspired #getinspired

2018-02-12: YouTube is something that looks like reality, but it is distorted to make you spend more time …

2018-02-11: It won’t be that muddy dad….

2018-02-11: Decentralisation is the only way to wean people off capitalist social media | Doug Belshaw’s …

2018-02-10: So is the 🎿 or ⛷ discovery working in Micro.blog if so I have mainly watched the opening cermony for …

2018-02-10: Drawing From The Past A Deeper Look at PyeongChang’s Olympic Pictograms - dctr.pro/246

2018-02-09: Yes #hunted series 3 @channel4 amazing tv.

2018-02-09: Day of NSS. #gamesdesign #shapethefuture #takingovertheworldonegameatatime @ploopyie @isikogame

2018-02-07: Yes yes yes - I hope to be counted among these people soon as should @manton already ! The punk rock …

2018-02-07: Super fun breakdown of website redesign for lynnandtonic.com. Lynn really pushes the CSS grid and …

2018-02-06: 9 tips on visual hierarchy - ux - dctr.pro/243

2018-02-06: “We can’t say we want creative thinkers and problem solvers while stifling those opportunities …

2018-02-06: The making of the Apple’s emoji - dctr.pro/242

2018-02-06: Challenge: To create an illustration style - dctr.pro/241

2018-02-06: PhD little derailed last couple of weeks which is highly frustrating. Hope to get back up & …

2018-02-05: RSS is cool. dctr.pro/240

2018-02-05: Design thinking #gamesdesign #process

2018-02-05: Why your Apps look better in Sketch - dctr.pro/23z

2018-02-05: Still awake 🏈 close game

2018-02-04: Godot 3 is out - dctr.pro/23y Massive new release of what is looking like an amazing game engine. …

2018-02-02: Follow #WSAxARCADE this years Games Design & Art Graduate Showcase (london & winchester …

2018-02-02: Today’s Games year 3 Branding workshop was occassional flawed @altshift_edu we needed you … …

2018-02-02: Why micro.blog is not another twitter alternative but our chance to start to take the web back …

2018-02-01: UK mass digital surveillance regime ruled unlawful Judges say snooper’s charter lacks adequate …

2018-01-31: cant add photo to reply but here for fun FYI @alice @smokey good thinking 😀

2018-01-31: Network connected learning object #procterphd

2018-01-31: Guess the thing? #procterphd pen still wrong

2018-01-31: Hmm there is a specific visual style I want to build based on Rams / ULM for my digital experiments. …

2018-01-31: Swarm + Sunlit + Micro.blog Lunch at Mini Molly’s Den: Bacon Sandwich 🥪 I am liking this integration a lot. I guess I should …

2018-01-31: The inability to set your own default apps for mail, browsing and podcasting still annoys the heck …

2018-01-31: Happy people get a lot of joy from receiving benefits from others while people leading meaningful …

2018-01-30: Testing Sunlit Beta swarm Location Ravensbourne College: Arrived as External Advisor on revalidation of two courses.

2018-01-30: Bozarth, J., 2014. Show Your Work, John Wiley & Sons. 📚

2018-01-30: “What I learned from the first HCI Designer at Apple” - dctr.pro/23s

2018-01-30: The Laws of UX. Neat collection of UX maxims and principles that designers can consider when …

2018-01-30: Godot 3 (game engine) RC3 is out. Give it a try as it might be the last RC before stable. …

2018-01-29: Photo story on my micro blog via Sunlit beta could this replace my instagram…

2018-01-29: Semester 2 Year 1 Kicked Off Today 2018-01-28 Diagram of semester 2 structure 2018-01-29 Edge talks about Games 3.0 YEAH! We have been …

2018-01-29: Style Guide-Driven Design Systems | Brad Frost dctr.pro/23q

2018-01-29: Yeah Game 3.0 is so interesting and good to see it back in the media. I often reference this talk in …

2018-01-28: Facebooks suggested posts are getting more & more creepy. The latest seem to know private Apple …

2018-01-27: It’s important to rememeber that WallMart only started to care about organic food when it made …

2018-01-26: Google home - Evil Alexa - Evil HomePod - Siri Come on when we gonna get a good choice !

2018-01-26: Of course I’ve just been wearing this “random” games tshirt since I picked it up at Women in Games …

2018-01-26: Unsure how @manthyprocter can locate the most insane modes on our TV. However I have set up a step …

2018-01-26: #Repost @gamesdesignart with @get_repost ・・・ Today @winchesterart #arcade_3_18 - Everyone welcome to …

2018-01-26: apparently my rap name is Lil peanuts.

2018-01-25: Check out my cool new Victoria Line London Underground carriage flooring mouse mat ! Yay thanks to …

2018-01-21: It’s Nice That | The Papier Machine collection of DIY electronic paper toys reinvents the …

2018-01-21: Was only away for 1.5 days. Cats seem to have missed me #rosiethecat #marmaladethecat

2018-01-21: Need to think more on this but the age of distraction could well hinder real progress. We must get …

2018-01-21: Excellent essay. How to Live More Wisely Around Our Phones We are still so far from inventing the …

2018-01-20: Godot Engine - Dev snapshot: Godot 3.0 RC 2

2018-01-20: From Edutech Data to Eugenics. We should be worried about data driven education agendas & …

2018-01-20: Dodgy garage Link ATM rips me off by £20 this morning by dispensing incorrectly + £1.75 charge. …

2018-01-20: www.theguardian.com Post-work: the radical idea of a world without jobs

2018-01-19: Episode 15 of Fragmentum my microcast is out now. I mention a new blog post of mine out now to - …

2018-01-18: Owning Yourself – We have to get to Internet 3. Enough is enough! - dctr.pro/23m

2018-01-18: Ok now I am excited Godot declared the release freeze and so Godot Engine - Dev snapshot 3.0 RC 1 is …

2018-01-17: Thanks to @DanielAshton for inviting me to talk @winchesterart about “research with a small r” & …

2018-01-17: So frustrated with new @bbciplayer layout on PS4. Just can’t find anything anymore :(

2018-01-15: 2018 conferences left of “mildly critical of capitalism” - dctr.pro/23d

2018-01-14: Barcelona to go open source by 2019 - dctr.pro/23b

2018-01-14: Poem penned by @amyburvall the day after she woke up to probably the worst push notification you can …

2018-01-11: Finally managed to get some writing done this week, will podcast #procterphd day this week asap, a …

2018-01-11: 4 years ago this week one of my students @SDKompile was preparing to showcase his first game …

2018-01-09: Lyon, M., & Hafner, K. (1999). Where Wizards Stay Up Late. Simon and Schuster. If your …

2018-01-09: Control of the web disguised as speeding up the web. Google AMP A Letter about Google AMP - Google has chosen to create a premium position at the top of their …

2018-01-09: Within BA (Hons) Games Design & Art in Winchester, UK each year we host numerous user testing …

2018-01-09: Mainly patching my servers, services and my Macs today to kick off #procterphd day spectreattack.com

2018-01-09: Installing 10.13.2 which will slow my MacBook Pro 2016 down 😞 Thanks Intel

2018-01-07: A great day out with @afc_wimbledon well done team. #coyd

2018-01-07: Although the final score was 0-3 (0-0HT) we put on a great game and in the first half we where very …

2018-01-07: Woo great seats. #coyd @afc_wimbledon

2018-01-07: Arrived #coyd @afc_wimbledon

2018-01-07: Facebook et al. It’s not advertising, it’s statistical behaviour-modification - dctr.pro/236 via …

2018-01-07: Come on you Dons - Off to Wembley. #coyd @afc_wimbledon

2018-01-07: Completely agree with this piece from the Guardian. We must reverse the ‘outcome oriented’ …

2018-01-06: “They see you when you’re sleeping, they know when you’re awake” #bigdata #surveillancecapitalism

2018-01-06: Surveillance Catalism #tailsthecat #spotthecat

2018-01-05: Suppose to be spending the evening playing ps4 Pro Evo with my friend but now he is sick I’m …

2018-01-04: This is pretty insane. George Michael - Careless Whisper guitar arrangement and spell binding …

2018-01-04: All of our computing devices will slow down ☹️ due to major security flaw in CPUs. Spectre & …

2018-01-03: Ok so my next newsletter is very close to release. 📩 Take a look at previous Procter Periodical’s 🧐 …

2018-01-03: Sept 2018 Videogames: A major exhibition revealing the complexity of videogames as one of the most …

2018-01-03: Swift macOS friends would you like to look at weird bug? I need to have QuickTime open to get iOS …

2018-01-03: Dam you @instagram impossible to tap to share my amazing Boomerang. #iphoneXnotchproblems …

2018-01-03: #gameplan

2018-01-03: Game Plan - Board Games Rediscovered. (at @SeaCityMuseum in Southampton, Hampshire) …

2018-01-03: Yesterday found someone on Apple developer forum with exactly the same bug I have. Replied to see if …

2018-01-03: Can’t beat Alan Watts to kick off 2018. Life is NOT a Journey - dctr.pro/231

2018-01-02: Spoke to soon it is now … WORKING!!!! Wooo. Open Source code online at …

2018-01-02: Able to screen capture from an iOS device now and thus preview front camera but not scaling the …

2018-01-02: Noticing less bugs ok your windscreen these days? Well the answer is simple, a massive decline in …

2018-01-02: Need to make a concerted effort to get micro blog favourites with links into Pinboard. Last week of …

2018-01-01: Limited edition tshirt to boost the player budget acquired. #coyd @afc_wimbledon …

2017-12-31: Maximum moral income. Nice concept. Once your earning over £250k (2 parents / 2 children) you should …

2017-12-31: Decentralisation round up of projects 2017 - dctr.pro/22y

2017-12-31: Excellent GDC talk on why we need game hardware emulation to archive and save amazing games - …

2017-12-30: Facebook Says It Is Deleting Accounts at the Direction of the U.S. and Israeli Governments - …

2017-12-30: Trying to make a little Swift app to support my YouTube channel in Ikea so Mother in law happy too. …

2017-12-30: Have managed to get simple Swift macOS App using Facetime camera but I want to use the iPhone X …

2017-12-30: Please subscribe to my new youtube channel. Short clips about my ui/ux/ design thinking research and …

2017-12-29: Mother in law voice mail gold. dctr.pro/22v

2017-12-27: Glad that BBC iPlayer has a survey on new home page. I find it impossible to use compared to …

2017-12-27: Calling all followers if you have any interest in spatial UI and spatial hypertext please see the …

2017-12-26: Oh yeah! #rosiebird

2017-12-26: Spatial UI One of the areas of investigation for my PhD project revolves around spatial user interfaces and …

2017-12-26: Mega burger @afcwimbledon @officialpompey #boxingdayfootball #coyd

2017-12-25: This should work… in theory this micro.blog post will now appear in my mastodon.cloud as well …

2017-12-25: Great interview with @aral in Offscreen 18. Well worth the purchase price alone. In-depth yet neat …

2017-12-25: I really like GT Sport but when a Triple A title has no way to save progress locally and sync to …

2017-12-24: Star Wars - Last Jedi

2017-12-23: 12 Days deal on PSN is GT Sport @ £24.99 it’s well worth it and 1.09 update added a lot for 1player …

2017-12-23: Our survival in League One is (I think) crucial. The ambition for us (@afcwimbledon) in 2018 has to be survival in League One. I don’t believe our …

2017-12-23: A great piece from Erik about the well being of professional players in UK football. So glad we …

2017-12-23: iMac Pro is out & upgradable Mac Pro next. www.apple.com/newsroom/… In addition to the new iMac Pro, Apple is working on a completely …

2017-12-23: I am big advocate of backups. As should we all be if you don’t have back up yet! Use my @Backblaze …

2017-12-22: Channel set up … #procterphd #gamesdesignart

2017-12-21: 2017 Music Year End List Aggregate - dctr.pro/22t

2017-12-21: Licklader, 1960, Man-Computer Symbiosis imagined a world in which networked computers would save the …

2017-12-20: Big Tech, Existential threat, Knowledge Monopolies… hello! 100% up my street instant place gained on …

2017-12-20: Episode 14 of Fragmentum is out. I talk about delightful design (again) , video clips and my …

2017-12-20: Happy to be fined every year to never include the word Dons after Milton Keynes, thanks BBC Sport

2017-12-20: Oh I just noticed on my microcast blog the link to subscribe by default is Apple podcast app need to …

2017-12-20: I was looking for a crash report to send to developer and painfully happened to see the month 13 …

2017-12-20: I asked friend and colleague @dhobson91 about creating a grid from Rams product. He suggested use …

2017-12-20: A cool collection of MIT Illustrations for reuse on your own projects - dctr.pro/22q

2017-12-20: Protecting cars from bird 🦅 poo 💩, spikes stop birds from using trees… not good. This private …

2017-12-20: Nice medium blog post on teaching typography and design, totally agree with his teaching approach, …

2017-12-20: Interesting if you have an older iPhone 6s or 7 replacing the battery could drastically improve …

2017-12-20: Micro.blog is open for everyone. 100 sign ups per day. Let’s take the web back #indieweb …

2017-12-20: Micro.blog is now open to everyone - www.manton.org/2017/12/m…

2017-12-19: Oh blast the deepstream platform is being discontinued, looks like I will have to figure out running …

2017-12-18: Coming soon. Authorised by the man himself new Scott Walker lyrics book dctr.pro/22m

2017-12-18: Fragmentum microcast Episode 13 out now. dctr.pro/22l transcoded in Forecast from @marco with …

2017-12-18: Trying Forecast out for my future podcasts. Some neat features such as hidden chapters good for …

2017-12-18: Minnie Driver: men like Matt Damon ‘cannot understand what abuse is like’ - The Guardian …

2017-12-17: General moaning has no place on Micro.Blog, sorry. To be fair now my micro.blog is working so well is connecting to other services I will not moan …

2017-12-17: Good to see Wigan Fans on twitter and attempt troll me hehehehe nice. 😜

2017-12-17: Considering the (Future) Mac Pro’s Role in the iMac Pro World - dctr.pro/22k

2017-12-16: How is an opposition player standing on your goal-line considered inactive clearly he is active …

2017-12-16: Nice @lacticsofficial player Grigg after scoring kicks the ball into the family stand of our fans …

2017-12-16: I hate teams that play the ref and clearly naughty in general ☹️ glad to support @afcwimbledon and …

2017-12-16: Hey @LaticsOfficial try to tell your players that the traveling fans would like to join in with the …

2017-12-16: Footballs coming home. #coyd @afcwimbledon

2017-12-16: Unexpected Discoveries - vimeo.com/243244233

2017-12-16: #best9of2017 seems to be a lot of pictures of myself! Oh dear. 😂😜

2017-12-15: The Digital Phase Vocoder - Sound Mutation (Mad as Hell Speech) - youtu.be/O3_ihwhjH…

2017-12-14: Oooohhh Glitchy Graphics 💛

2017-12-14: Somerset house loading bay excitement.

2017-12-14: With @gamesdesignart today tour of @somersethousestudios and @sennepldn finished off with a nice …

2017-12-14: Randomly due to Apple news I was reluctantly informed that George Clunney gave out earplugs to …

2017-12-14: Detectorists finale was AMAzing Sorry people but what a series Detectorists - amazing theme tune, just makes you feel great Apple …

2017-12-13: Instagram down so … posting where I own it first: Yes!! Finally 106 signed @afcwimbledon …

2017-12-13: In Fragmentum Episode 12 I talk about my chat with @dajbelshaw and MoodleNet along with a brief …

2017-12-13: Post Digital Art School Report (PDF) - UAL / Fred Deakin / Charlotte Webb - dctr.pro/22i

2017-12-12: Delightful in a nice way Long day will record PhD microcast report tomorrow morning. Morning mainly not getting Go Lang blog …

2017-12-12: Previously this blog was hidden that was a mistake, this opens up all my PhD research which is the …

2017-12-12: Spent most of the #procterphd morning NOT working out how to get Go Lang to sort by date in my …

2017-12-12: Episode 11 of my microcast is out. A brief chat on my new LG 4K screen, learning Godot 3 and that I …

2017-12-10: Spot #rosiethecat

2017-12-10: Our new dolls hospital had a pretty exciting day with a visit from @afcwladies today @afc_wimbledon …

2017-12-10: Mainly watching live Godot 3 tutorials today from @GDquest

2017-12-10: This is one of those shows I don’t want to end but know that it will have to. Fantastic TV. …

2017-12-10: Projects, Passion, Peers and Play Great way to sum up excellent curriculum development. These days I talk about our approach in terms …

2017-12-10: Why should everyone learn to Code? “Very few people grow up to be professional writers, but we teach everyone to write because …

2017-12-10: Living in the crossfire of an ‘attention war’ via @jamesshelley - dctr.pro/22e

2017-12-09: Spot #rosiethecat 😊

2017-12-09: VC Pay is fair This ongoing atttack against university pay specifically against Vice Chancellors is unfair. High …

2017-12-08: I’ve made a few tweaks to my research blog researchnot.es - take a gander

2017-12-07: New icon for gitlab.adamprocter.co.uk this week created by @jadegotcreative yay. Feedback welcome …

2017-12-07: The Essential Elements of Digital Literacies Dr. Doug Belshaw Photo CC BY-NC-ND wim hoppenbrouwers - …

2017-12-07: Post each week the task I tell them Post each week don’t leave it till the end you should respond to …

2017-12-07: My Microcast Episode 10 out – PhD upgrade Fragmentum

2017-12-06: GUIdebook: Graphical User Interface gallery - dctr.pro/22c

2017-12-06: This weeks new book YAY #procterphd

2017-12-06: Godot 3 The Game Engine you have been waiting for - dctr.pro/22b

2017-12-06: Not sure I need another piece of software for writing but if Ulysses is not your bag Mars Edit 4 …

2017-12-06: Find a better Balance between Life & Tech Inspiring talk indeed, Simon Sinek considers the overuse & instant gratification that has arisen …

2017-12-05: AM PhD Meeting with my supervisors great. PM Less productive but made little Sketch file & …

2017-12-05: Thanks again to @AdamRosserRadio for inviting me this week to talk about the Unity and realtime …

2017-12-05: VR/AR Prototyping for everyone - dctr.pro/229

2017-12-05: BBC Radio 5 podcast Let’s Talk about Tech. In this week’s Game On, Adam’s talking to Neil about …

2017-12-04: Playing Spurs away fa Cup 3rd round should be at Wembley woooo happy days. @afcwimbledon

2017-12-04: Arts jobs Southampton and Winchester.

2017-12-04: Whole bunch of great UX tips - dctr.pro/226

2017-12-03: Testing cross Post to Facebook (turned it on / off again)

2017-12-03: Leave time alone IG and FB please.

2017-12-03: FA Cup 3rd round bonus cash We (@afcwimbledon) are in the 3rd round of the English FA Cup, this is the round the Premier League …

2017-12-03: Yes we won 3-1 FA Cup round 3 here we come. #bigclubsnext

2017-12-03: Ginger Ale

2017-12-03: Just look I say…. still at least @manthyprocter seems to have spent most of our money with …

2017-12-02: Education isn’t about delivering facts – it’s about the joy of not knowing, and then …

2017-12-02: This afternoons gamemaker party was getting the kids up and running in Voxatron was pretty good fun …

2017-11-30: Twitter Insight into Luna & Luna Trailer WOW just WOW, this is what games are about & Austin …

2017-11-30: Almost done with mega programme documentation… Are You Ready For It

2017-11-29: So iPhone X users are you seeing the search in Mail app bug where you cannot cancel out of search …

2017-11-29: I know a bunch of micro bloggers / designers that have the studioneat panobook skeckbook already. …

2017-11-29: Show us your colours with our worldwide fans #ifollowdons - youtu.be/8uizl6c4l… @afcwimbledon …

2017-11-28: fragmentum.adamprocter.co.uk Episode 9 microcast our now - search and subscribe in your favourite …

2017-11-28: Hear me try and talk you through a day in my research process, oh boy it was a ramble but I might …

2017-11-28: Brand new discourse.adamprocter.co.uk icon by @jadegotcreative - you can feedback your thoughts here …

2017-11-28: Design Kit Travel Pack by IDEO.org — Kickstarter - Deck of new Design Exercise Cards dctr.pro/220

2017-11-28: This morning trying (again) to pull together my short chapter on Delightful Design and it’s …

2017-11-28: I can only assume @medium did this on purpose. The open in app is like a little tab coming out of …

2017-11-27: Style Guides for Better Design and Development A More Seamless Workflow dctr.pro/21y

2017-11-27: Black Friday Argos £18.99 Woooo

2017-11-27: My microcast fragmentum Episode 8 – PhD intro - is out now… hopefully enjoyable 😊 dctr.pro/21x

2017-11-27: Advice From A 19 Year Old Girl & Software Developer - dctr.pro/21w

2017-11-26: From inboxing to thought showers: how business bulls$%t took over | News | The Guardian dctr.pro/21v

2017-11-26: Standby

2017-11-25: Cold 1-2 start to Second half #coyd @afcwimbledon

2017-11-24: Today I fixed twitter log in for discourse.adamprocter.co.uk thanks to @dajbelshaw hopefully this …

2017-11-24: Microcast Episode 7 – iPhone X Out now fragmentum.adamprocter.co.uk/episode-7… 😊

2017-11-23: Update blog post on some of the stuff I’ve been making around spatial hypertext networked learning …

2017-11-23: Thinking about @jake’s to many blogs post & thought if you ensure every blog service you sign up …

2017-11-23: For me iPhone X battery life is off the chart excellent. Ok I did a clean start and have been slowly …

2017-11-22: Yesterday’s (felt like) unproductive day has manifested into a productive next day. Had to get this …

2017-11-22: I’ve been in a Sketch, Marvel, Principle, Paintcode mix so this looks intersting …

2017-11-21: Long feels like pretty unfruitful #procterphd day bashing vue.js and deepstreamhub nowhere. Out of …

2017-11-21: How a half-educated tech elite delivered us into chaos - dctr.pro/21s


2017-11-20: This guy and this song ! youtu.be/dAH4zGd_W…

2017-11-20: #doesthishashtag cross Post to twitter - test please ignore 😊

2017-11-20: Making grids for UI that has to respond to numerous screen sizes, accessibility features and more in …

2017-11-20: Margaret Hamilton, Lead Software Engineer of the Apollo Project, Stands Next to Her Code That Took …

2017-11-20: Spent the day in Bed - Morrisey new LP is out now, when I heard this song on @bbc6music super …

2017-11-19: Good week for fun new things / iPhone X / Pins Collective Kickstarter / Rebel Girls 2 Kickstarter

2017-11-19: Maybe more isn’t better http://dctr.pro/21p Education assumptions taken to task on …

2017-11-18: I’m comfortable.. honest #tailsthecat

2017-11-18: Selfies also on the banned list but this camera is cool #donttell@manthyprocter

2017-11-17: I couldn’t find a moment to really commit to joining in. @douglane fantastic job with the MB photo …

2017-11-17: #Repost @gamesdesignart (@get_repost) ・・・ We got that Friday feeling in games. Neat little animation …

2017-11-17: I’m late to the party but wow iPhone X is impressive

2017-11-17: Posting from iPhone X 😊 also happy to have a fresh phone though would like to have migrated messages …

2017-11-17: People are being distorted by very finely trained AIs that figure out how to distract them. …

2017-11-17: Woo another awesome episode of the Detectorists, I’m not generally that excited about TV at all this …

2017-11-17: iPhone X is on the way woooooooo happy Procter

2017-11-16: I hate you Siri ☹️

2017-11-16: To all those people flipping iPhone X’s on eBay grrrrr… I actually want one as my phone, just like …

2017-11-15: To all those people flipping iPhone X’s on eBay screw you… I actually want one as my phone, …

2017-11-14: What sort of TEF do students really want? - dctr.pro/21n

2017-11-11: Innovation will come from a good understanding of the digital & physical form-factor and from …

2017-11-11: Dear Design Student … dctr.pro/21l - A collection of thoughts about design school and …

2017-11-10: Middle daughters boyfriend just levelled up. Today’s gift 👍

2017-11-10: Huh @o2 are giving me airtime for delayed phone but my tariff is unlimited… makes no …

2017-11-10: Hoping to look like Beck ended up looking like WWF undertaker circa 1992. #excitingtimesatwsa

2017-11-10: HMRC chased and chased me for tax I didn’t actually owe should have moved to the Cayman …

2017-11-09: 7 day micro blog photo challenge micro.douglane.com

2017-11-09: magic voodoo gestures Just spend 10mins looking for the repeat song option in Apple Music on iPad and iPhone, No idea what …

2017-11-09: After last nights attempt to change upload size on WordPress failed today @cloudabove gave me the …

2017-11-08: Wow this is terrible. Tracking everything your staff do ! Talk about no trust! So glad at work we …

2017-11-08: A set of DIY tools to help trigger & support social innovation. dctr.pro/21j

2017-11-07: Player 1 you are joking! U.F.O #sennepholes #sennep_holes #testing #gamesdesign #Alumni …

2017-11-07: Ready for the triple checking meeting tomorrow. Really pleased with the updates to @gamesdesignart …

2017-11-07: My design led ethics driven open source network PhD spatial hypertext tool made another good step as …

2017-11-06: I’m still waiting for my Phone but for everyone else … The Best Games for the New iPhone X …

2017-11-06: The Blurring Between Design Thinking and Agile - Marvel Blog dctr.pro/21h

2017-11-05: Sunday afternoons all about everyone doing their thing. Wife having a break. Evie taking a swim. Me …

2017-11-03: “it will ship when it ships. you do know it is a pre-order device?” Thanks @o2 helpful Oh well I’ll …

2017-11-02: Sounds like could be 2-3 weeks for my iPhone X nothing on @o2 site & live chat said up to 3 …

2017-11-02: Not collecting iPhone X in store… but no shipping details from @o2 yet, disappointing at the …

2017-11-02: After a nightmare morning, I am now just waiting for Jonathan Topf to arrive he was the director …

2017-10-31: NYC stay strong. 😞

2017-10-31: Expect Pumpkins to be half price tomorrow (pin unlocked I hope) hehehe 🎃

2017-10-31: ah man I had hoped micro.blog supported animated gifs already… not yet… I guess its coming 😀 @manton

2017-10-31: Adding support for margin notes to my internal PhD (upgrade) blog. Trying to make the document as …

2017-10-31: Testing micro blog share sheet. Image test from Photos app is of the Mac game Snood.

2017-10-31: oh dear edutech may have got hold of microblogs.. www.techfairies.com/2017/07/1… …

2017-10-30: Made a little demo of my edutech app in this very very early prototype stage using vue.js - …

2017-10-29: I’ll probably as per usual screenshot all my screens of iPhone apps and spend the weekend installing …

2017-10-29: I have 10 screens of apps and some in folders on my iPhone gathered in the last 2 years. Each time I …

2017-10-29: So @o2 have advised all those extra payments are “just” pending pre authorisation payments and will …

2017-10-29: test from web interface - its 9:20am

2017-10-29: Hmm testing but I think micro blog has not turned back the UK clock from BST to GMT @manton

2017-10-28: So pleased to have made it to #mozfest this year after missing a few years, will post a microcast …

2017-10-28: Arrrived at mozfest woooo think I’ll be hanging on level 6

2017-10-28: Off to MozFest today, there is an insane number of talks not sure what I’ll listen too, exciting!

2017-10-27: Witness the Fitness. ROOTS MANUVA

2017-10-27: If @o2 screw up my iPhone X order after the debacle of charging me £300 not £40 I’m going to be …

2017-10-27: Wonderful o2 payments system took 7 payments for my new iPhone X let’s just say fraud department and …

2017-10-27: iPhone X 256 space grey ordered after 1hr 15 messing about with cards and baskets. In theory it …

2017-10-26: 1hr 45 rapid intro on the History of Indie. Guess what it didn’t start in 2004 with Cave Story but …

2017-10-26: Episode 5 – Apple make Education great again fragmentum.adamprocter.co.uk

2017-10-26: Will be attempting to order an iPhone X tomorrow @o2 lets see how bad it is…getting a little bored …

2017-10-26: Follow up to the excellent @mrhenko microcast Make the Mac Great Again Fragmentum 5 Apple make …

2017-10-25: Ok keep closing the m3 early at night is no fun. Also I know you claimed to have finished work on …

2017-10-25: Worried about AI, Skynet or life on Mars… I’d start thinking about a closer to home …

2017-10-24: I love the idea of electric cars & less cars but please unless there is a major upgrade to the …

2017-10-24: my microcast Fragmentum Episode 4 is out now - Pixave App - …

2017-10-24: I just registered for MozFest 2017 ti.to/Mozilla/m…

2017-10-24: These days, the problem isn’t how to innovate; it’s how to get society to adopt the …

2017-10-24: Support the campaign to #FundtheBGI ! Hit the link to see how YOU can help - dctr.pro/21e (image …

2017-10-23: Building a new little site, I love @espressoapp gets me up and running fast - …

2017-10-23: I recommend Micro.blog: I just want everyone to start blogging again – Jack Baty dctr.pro/21d

2017-10-23: testing out quick post with new micro.blog macOS beta 14

2017-10-23: Yes indeed this is a great Pie shop, Piecaramba, Winchester, UK - …

2017-10-20: Etherpad presentation. While each student presents theme ideas everyone else contributes to the pad …

2017-10-20: Friday Favourites is a great idea @douglane , Ill try and do it next week

2017-10-20: Arrgh all these micro casts on Bladerunner 2049, Ive still yet to manage to see it 😀

2017-10-20: So I wonder if any other micro bloggers here classify as Games Designers or Teach Games Design, be …

2017-10-20: “Those who strive for innovation without inquiry will have trouble getting their ideas to thrive in …

2017-10-19: This week year 1 got a whistle stop tour into a History of Interactive Narrative #excitingtimesatwsa …

2017-10-19: Launched my new microcast. fragmentum.adamprocter.co.uk

2017-10-18: Added my Ko-Fi links to new microcast aswell, basically I just ask people to buy me a Coffee if they …

2017-10-18: Ok in theory my microcast has started although initial upload cut off the start! hahahaha Subscribe …

2017-10-18: Out Now - Episode 1 of Fragmentum

2017-10-18: Out now - Episode 1 – Microcasting and Godot fragmentum.adamprocter.co.uk

2017-10-18: A revolutionary digital comic for iOS - dctr.pro/21b

2017-10-17: Men, you want to treat women better? Here’s a list to start with - dctr.pro/21a

2017-10-16: How video games trigger extreme user engagement – uxdesign.cc dctr.pro/219

2017-10-16: Pixave is the ultimate image organiser - Image based research hub. Store and organise those inspired …

2017-10-16: Pixave app @PixaveApp now on iPad with iCloud sync could this finally be my ember app replacement… …

2017-10-16: My new factory of power Micro.Blog on the Mac… thanks @manton I can’t wait to see how the …

2017-10-15: Wow St. Vincent New York on Jools Holland unbelievably powerful… the LP version unfortunately …

2017-10-15: Best ever announcement in Tescos today “this is a colleague announcement, would the back door man …

2017-10-12: Did someone say A History of Design for Games in 1hr45. Ok … Gutenberg to Jonathan Blow via …

2017-10-11: Woah colour theory mega depth lecture ! “We will revisit yellow later” 😳 Mind blown already 👍 …

2017-10-10: #Repost @gamesdesignart (@get_repost) ・・・ Amazingly informative Architecture tours as part of todays …

2017-10-10: Barbican / 1.1 Investigate. Games Design Art. 2017. #excitingtimesatwsa

2017-10-09: Tired now. Completed Mega tutorial day with Year 1. Barbican trip tomorrow. Level Up. …

2017-10-09: I hate paypal but have to sometime use it and Paypal you have one thing you do ! How can you allow a …

2017-10-08: Nice just located Gladys for iOS as a nice shelf for enhanced drag and drop. Need @firefoxios to …

2017-10-08: How Blade Runner influenced electronic music - short doc www.youtube.com/watch

2017-10-08: Decentralised technologies mean censorship-resistant websites. Some thoughts on IPFS, ZeroNet, and …

2017-10-08: iOS 11’s Misleading “Off-ish” Setting for Bluetooth & Wi-Fi is Bad for User Security, Electronic …

2017-10-07: Hey hey video is back working from ImgPlay. Year 3 - what do you desire ? Kick off launch workshop.

2017-10-06: Hmm video is working grrr

2017-10-06: Ok what the heck I’ve removed my iOS Beta profile and I’m still stuck with iPhone asking to update …

2017-10-06: “Videoing lectures ‘has no impact’ on attendance, says study” - one of many studies that have …

2017-10-05: This iOS 11 feature has my name written all over it :) #enable

2017-10-05: Managed a small pause in activities to help out at WSA Comic Club. My panel joined an illustrated …

2017-10-05: Every interaction on iPhone 6s since iOS11 feels slower, unresponsive and janky. Hurry up iPhone X I …

2017-10-03: Turns out the U21 team can score goals! Well done @AfcWimbledon 4-3 #coyd

2017-10-03: Yes @firefoxios this has made my day. I want to keep my own data (syncd) but I don’t want google et …

2017-10-03: test - with expired notice…

2017-10-03: Finally found 5 mins to test @sennepldn updates on #sennep_holes #holesgame was loving “Gravity G” …

2017-09-30: Barcham off what the heck!! @afcwimbledon

2017-09-29: We are on the edge of pushback against ad-supported, ginormous platforms. Once it flips, as it did …

2017-09-29: Hmm cross posting to Facebook has stopped working. @manton Any clues? Before I delete and add again?

2017-09-29: #Repost @gamesdesignart (@get_repost) ・・・ Year 1 Games Design & Art Mantra. #excitingtimesatwsa

2017-09-29: Just out for lunch #piecaramba

2017-09-28: Wooo pens for @gamesdesignart almost my name!!! #excitingtimesatwsa

2017-09-27: 139 characters 💥

2017-09-27: Find a cool link on Facebook attempt to share it to the world. Get stuck. 5 mins later frustratingly …

2017-09-26: Bluegrass jamming 👍😊

2017-09-26: #rsadesign #ideo #designthinking #ideasofrevolt #humanitycentred

2017-09-26: Please excuse some of the janky formatting on twitter all my posts now come via Micro.blog best …

2017-09-26: THE COPENHAGEN LETTER 2017 Let us move from human-centered design to humanity-centered design. …

2017-09-26: Power of Design Thinking Ask Human Centred Questions Create Movements not Mandates Be Optimistic …

2017-09-26: New screen in our @gamesdesignart studio 16 is coming in useful - 4K (Games) Design Thinking …

2017-09-26: Oh my word Firefox Quantum is FAST! Its here now in Beta & Developer Edition - The Mozilla Blog …

2017-09-26: Easily print GitHub markdown as beautiful PDFs dctr.pro/20s

2017-09-26: Ultimate iPhone size guide from Paintcode - dctr.pro/20r

2017-09-25: Great insight into the work Garnet Hetrz has been doing talk today @winchesterart #designedu

2017-09-24: Impressive haul today. Well done Evie. Proud Dad. ☘️💃

2017-09-24: Dance hall is very hot today indeed #barnet

2017-09-24: An open letter to the W3C Director, CEO, team and membership | Electronic Frontier Foundation - …

2017-09-23: Bah really…. what a joke. EFL ‘request AFC Wimbledon observations’ on reported …

2017-09-22: Milton Keynes City? Let’s continue to make it clear there was a club in Milton Keynes called MK City. Yet you didn’t …

2017-09-22: Uber have lost there license in London good news. 👍😊

2017-09-22: Against the Franchise tonight. Come on you Dons @afcwimbledon

2017-09-22: Did someone say SUSU.WSA model? Yep

2017-09-21: Yay the WSA Shuttle woooo @gamesdesignart @wsa_ba #excitingtimesatwsa

2017-09-21: Working on updated @decksetapp slides to explain to new @gamesdesignart students that university is …

2017-09-19: Arrived for @misterryanadams woooo

2017-09-17: Shock horror I am hoping to get another Procter Periodical out in the next couple of weeks. Spurred …

2017-09-17: 8 ways to fail your way to success - IDEO - dctr.pro/20o

2017-09-16: Empowering humans As we move towards the inevitably automated world. We must focus on what makes us human. Let the …

2017-09-16: Two museums are having a fight on Twitter and it’s gloriously informative - dctr.pro/20n

2017-09-15: We are all >standing on the shoulders of giants. I just need to really really pick whose …

2017-09-15: Wooo micro.blog 1.1 iOS update is awesome. Markdown short cut bar, Multi photo upload and support …

2017-09-15: Awesome talk from Thomas Castro this morning / future of design education/ future of publishing / …

2017-09-15: Back home great second day of talks at #del17 motivating myself to action and to capturing document …

2017-09-15: It’s either ios11 or CSM Wi-fi but hotspots up and down like a yo yo here #yoeduroamwhyyounowork

2017-09-15: Based on the frustrating speed of my iPhone 6s I can’t wait for iPhone X

2017-09-15: Very impressed with content at day 2 #del17 indeed.

2017-09-15: Totally need to connect people like Thomas Castro @lustlab and The Future of text @winchesterart …

2017-09-15: Totally need to connect people like Thomas Castro @lustlab and The Future of text @winchesterart …

2017-09-15: Testing cross posting (ignore)

2017-09-14: Fantastic projects from the feminist internet headed up by @otheragent dctr.pro/20j from the awesome …

2017-09-14: #Repost @gamesdesignart (@get_repost) ・・・ Programme Leader @adamprocter is at the launch of the …

2017-09-14: Woah feels like someone put soap on my contact lens. Removing them quick, enjoying #del17 though!

2017-09-14: In conversation @pipwillcox typed out what she heard as my focus on text & digital I think it …

2017-09-12: iPhone day ! woooo

2017-09-11: Authoring Academic Papers ? or just want a more interactive way of using text - Check out Liquid …

2017-09-11: It’s like my iPhone 6s knows a new phone is out tomorrow - slow to use and winding me …

2017-09-11: Fascinating and provocative talk on teaching writing from @stcymsn of Tell Tell Games #ftext17

2017-09-11: Woooo #ftext17

2017-09-11: In the same room as Vint Cerf 😎 cool

2017-09-11: Pretty excited about the future of text conference #fot-7 #fot7

2017-09-10: Pretty excited about the future of text conference tomorrow thefutureoftext.org #FoT7

2017-09-10: #Repost @gamesdesignart (@get_repost) ・・・ Today @bobbie.allsop @thebestkindofmad @upscalemuffin95 …

2017-09-10: The future of design thinking | ING DIRECT: Being human in a digital world | The Guardian - …

2017-09-10: Tim Burton’s The World of Stainboy: Watch the Complete Animated Series dctr.pro/20d

2017-09-08: Decline and return of indie blogs. dctr.pro/20c

2017-09-08: Met so many nice & new people at #ideasforrevolt. Great educators with great ideas and openly …

2017-09-08: Reminded of this great interview with MP Shashi Tharoor by Jonathan Snow today at #ideasofrevolt …

2017-09-08: Yeah! #ideasofrevolt

2017-09-08: Fascinating talk from @ratwoman exciting!

2017-09-07: Great morning so far at #ideasofrevolt loving @Matthewward talk, all the stuff I totally go for and …

2017-09-07: Today’s agenda for #ideasofrevolt conference excited. Watch out for sketch notes later 📝

2017-09-07: Laser Zone #sheffield

2017-09-06: Arrived. Sheffield.

2017-09-06: #Repost @gamesdesignart (@get_repost) ・・・ Our recent graduate @bobbie.allsop won a European Women in …

2017-09-06: Thanks to everyone at #ewigconf had a great all but flying visit (sorry about that) next stop GDEN …

2017-09-06: Today’s European Women in Games Conference and Awards streamed LIVE on Twitch from 9.30 am BST. …

2017-09-05: Going to try out VueJS as a decent cross platform app building thing me thinks. Swift will be too …

2017-09-05: Moved. Now to organise shelfs…when back from Women in Games, GDEN, Future of Text and DeL !

2017-09-04: Arrived - MillFest 2017 (this was Saturday - image stuck in upload queue)

2017-09-03: Crystal maze was always Amazing. new series is just as good. Great job @richardayoade excellent …

2017-09-02: Download Hundreds of Issues of Jugend, Germany’s Pioneering Art Nouveau Magazine (1896-1940) …

2017-09-02: Worrying about sentient AI as the ice caps melt is like standing on the tracks as the train rushes …

2017-08-30: We don’t need to nationalise Facebook et all. We need to build services that allow the …

2017-08-30: Gotta love some decent pinball.

2017-08-29: Some pretty great pinball at Dreamland.

2017-08-29: Pinball dreams

2017-08-29: Yay pinball

2017-08-29: Really enjoying dreamland margate but the biggest issue is not enough staff so moments of elation …

2017-08-29: Roller disco

2017-08-29: Dreamland margate

2017-08-29: Garden Centre

2017-08-28: You are joking this is what you killed @pebble for… it looks horrendous. The Ionic, Fitbit’s …

2017-08-28: We didn’t swim here yet but this is a tidal pool in Cliftonville (margate) we may not swim …

2017-08-28: Checked in at our Glamping Airbnb location in Margate ☀️👾

2017-08-27: Silicon Valley siphons our data like oil. But the deepest drilling has just begun | World news | The …

2017-08-27: Looks like an impressive research tool Milanote - dctr.pro/206 - has lots of ideas I like. Need to …

2017-08-27: Back to the future: The Decentralised web. dctr.pro/205

2017-08-27: The basic craft of drawing is about two things: you learn to control your hand and to see. …

2017-08-26: Come on Apple et all. If AI / machine learning is the future then for Music app I need a private …

2017-08-26: 💎 Wedding Anniversary (60years) Party for family friends. Very nice afternoon tea ☕️

2017-08-26: When in Luton…

2017-08-26: Consistently see truck drivers driving way too close they should install some sort of alarm system …

2017-08-26: Medium is indeed stumbling forward not good. Little concerned about medium.com/@gamesdesignart now. …

2017-08-26: Migration of 5 Macs from @Crashplan to @backblaze hell begins.

2017-08-26: Not good not good at all @crashplan have ditched home users. Moving to @backblaze now. Mega initial …

2017-08-26: FYI Before pimping each half into rabbit house and BBQ zone.

2017-08-26: More upgrades to come for half of the Wendy house pimped up by @manthyprocter into super rabbit …

2017-08-26: testing posting (website / firefox / macOS)

2017-08-26: Hmm trying out quote formating now The best way to get to know a place is to be bored there, …

2017-08-26: Testing posting

2017-08-25: OH my. 1 half of the Wendy house has been pimped up by @manthyprocter into super rabbit house 🐰 1/2

2017-08-25: My latest infrequent newsletter is out; dctr.pro/201 - games design, micro.blog, communication …

2017-08-23: Sendy 3 is out. dctr.pro/79 A self hosted newsletter email service and alternative to mailchimp. I …

2017-08-23: Evie starts the game Feist. #talesthecat and #marmaladethecat transfixed by the opening sequence and …

2017-08-22: Great article on Gender Bias and why we need to recognise it and make corrections. dctr.pro/1zz 👩🏻‍🔬

2017-08-22: Frizzy was all good. #chickenhandler

2017-08-22: Frizzy was pretty cool. #chickenhandler

2017-08-22: Icons In Motion interview with Salih Abdul-Karim, Airbnb’s design lead and animator. Turning Noun …

2017-08-22: River walk #tichbourne #itchin

2017-08-22: “Better than playing on ‘em computers” - local man sayings

2017-08-22: Opensource trello alternative looks nice - not had a play yet but I think its next on my install …

2017-08-22: App enhanced family board games. Includes the wonderful beasts of balance. #digitalphysical #play …

2017-08-21: A great post on why micro.blog is so good - dctr.pro/1zu

2017-08-21: The short informtive eBooks found at UXPin are worth keeping an eye on dctr.pro/1zt #ux #uidesign …

2017-08-21: To all my US friends and followers - check out the eclipse 😊☀️ #Repost @profastrocat (@get_repost) …

2017-08-21: Got a few years to save. Electric VW van coming 2022 woooo - dctr.pro/1zs

2017-08-21: 5 Principles of good data visualisation, neat simple summary, worth keeping to hand - dctr.pro/1zr

2017-08-20: Guess tonight’s movie 😊🥊 #classicfilm

2017-08-19: Bah just read Apple’s new HQ has 100,000sq ft fitness centre but no childcare centre that is …

2017-08-18: #Repost @gamesdesignart (@get_repost) ・・・ Our recent graduate @silverbeat was on @bbcwomanshour this …

2017-08-18: My thoughts this week are with the people of Charlottesville, Barcelona, Cambrils and Turku 😥 Stay …

2017-08-18: Jump to 33mins to hear recent Games Graduate Claudia Thomas talking Women in Gaming on BBC Radio 4 - …

2017-08-18: Episode 2 in which @altshift_edu and I talk GDEN 2016 is out now. dctr.pro/1zo

2017-08-17: Timecop 1983 records just scream Arcade retro nostalgia at me, love it, takes me back every time …

2017-08-17: #Repost @gamesdesignart (@get_repost) ・・・ Friday 18th at 10am our recent graduate @silverbeat …

2017-08-17: Friday 18th 10am recent @gamesdesignart graduate @silverbeat is on @bbcradio4 Women’s hour …

2017-08-17: Did someone say JukeBox ✅ Did someone say GnR ✅✅ Lovely relaxed afternoon ☀️

2017-08-17: Design Kit: The Course for Human-Centered Design - IDEO .org A free course from Acumen September 12 …

2017-08-17: What the heck! Forced to buy another @tfl Oyster Card chose £5 charged £10 I assume other £5 was for …

2017-08-17: I see @Ulyssesapp are considering a road map site. Perhaps an ideas list might be better, would be …

2017-08-16: Made some updates to adamprocter.co.uk was a bit old to say the least. Hopefully adding let’s …

2017-08-16: Might just be me but any chance @Ulyssesapp you can move this icon. Accidentally hit a lot. Outlook …

2017-08-16: Beazley design award nominee Where’s Wally-style ad campaign highlights lack of women in the …

2017-08-16: Tails required a manic stroke this morning #tailsthecat - boomerang

2017-08-16: Am actually close to wrapping up another Procter periodical. See what you think of previous versions …

2017-08-15: Barbican

2017-08-15: We are clear for lift off. Barbican2

2017-08-15: Into the Unknown.

2017-08-15: Field trip - Barbican and sci-fi technically not for work but here anyway.

2017-08-15: Just in case you needed to know discourse.adamprocter.co.uk back up. Am looking to migrate to new …

2017-08-15: Trip to Barbican with Evie bit more painful as morning derailment adds to upgrade chaos at Waterloo. …

2017-08-14: Enjoying the work @gamesdesignart graduates are doing @sennepldn in #sennep_holes!! @silverbeat …

2017-08-13: If you find yourself flicking those apps up ask yourself why…The Force Quit Fallacy - …

2017-08-13: Search inkubator in your favourite podcatcher (mine is @overcastfm) and subscribe to my podcast. …

2017-08-13: Spent most of the afternoon not sucessfully fixing my discourse install, frustating. RHEL using …

2017-08-13: Two podcast episodes in one week we are spoiling you @_inkubator GDEN 2016 #gden subscribe here - …

2017-08-12: First home game of the new season #coyd @afc_wimbledon #leagueone #football #london

2017-08-12: I’m at The Cherry Red Records Stadium in Kingston upon Thames, Greater London …

2017-08-11: Guardian Long read - Why do stars like Adele keep losing their voice? - dctr.pro/1ze - very …

2017-08-11: The biggest lesson from world best school system? Trust your Teachers. dctr.pro/1zd In this data …

2017-08-10: More than 😊 to pay £36 a year for @Ulyssesapp even if there was 1 major update a year it would be …

2017-08-10: There are some apps that I want regular decent updates from & so @sketchapp, @OvercastFM & …

2017-08-10: Adding a great gif on micro.blog assuming it will work…

2017-08-10: Crossing the road in the world of autonomous cars - VR prototyping for communicating autonomous …

2017-08-10: Podcast up now. @altshift_edu and myself talking GDEN 2016. Episode 1/2 - dctr.pro/1zb inkubator.io …

2017-08-10: GDEN 2016 Episode 1 of 2 now on #SoundCloud soundcloud.com/inkubator… @adamprocter & …

2017-08-10: DesignBetter.co is looking like it will be a very nice place to keep up with all thinks related to …

2017-08-10: A Designers Guide to Brainstorming that’s actually useful - Fast Co - dctr.pro/1z9

2017-08-09: Daughter has unveiled a partnership with Square Enix, publisher of award-winning video games such as …

2017-08-08: Some updates to be done too ! Hehehe @afcwimbledon #pes2017

2017-08-08: (Video) - Did someone say holiday 👍 #pes2017 #daftpunk #eveningin

2017-08-08: (Video) Bass re-wired sounds pretty good 👍. Playing from iPad Pro 9.7 3.5mm jack too! Linn Classik, …

2017-08-08: Secrets Of Silicon Valley - Episode 1 - The Disrupters - dctr.pro/1z8 via @bbciplayer Reveals the …

2017-08-07: Temperature anomalies from 1900-2016 data visualisation - dctr.pro/1z7

2017-08-07: I could get use to being on holiday. Garden attended to now sitting down with a good book 📚

2017-08-07: Not expecting preview of art work but would be cool … itun.es/gb/iUq3x @manton can we get the …

2017-08-07: 5 opensource alternatives to Trello - dctr.pro/1z5

2017-08-06: Stop limiting your product designs to the digital space. - dctr.pro/1z4 #phd #bm #design #delight …

2017-08-04: Surfs up. Bournemouth

2017-08-04: Firefox is fighting back. Interesting post on forthcoming changes in Firefox 57. dctr.pro/1z3 …

2017-08-03: UK Footballer Supporters Federation Survey shows that US style ‘Fan Engagement’ isn’t the answer - …

2017-08-03: DC’s Legendary Punk Label Dischord Records Makes Its Entire Music Catalog Free to Stream Online - …

2017-08-03: Sketch App meet up in Cambridge. Going through the basics. dctr.pro/1z0

2017-08-03: Painting in southsea

2017-08-02: As a footballer / actor once said - “it’s been emotional” 2017/18 academic year …

2017-08-02: Coding cup stacking, coding our sphero and building classic wire buzzer game #staycation

2017-08-02: The car has a chokehold on Britain. It’s time to free ourselves - George Monbiot - dctr.pro/1yz

2017-08-01: Tesla model 3 delivery event. dctr.pro/1yy

2017-08-01: #Repost @gamesdesignart (@get_repost) ・・・ So pleased to have our final year work featuring in …

2017-08-01: Also on the cards for Evie #staycation some Hofman exercises and maybe onto thebookofshaders.com

2017-08-01: Some more fun things for me and Evie to undertake #staycation @amyburvall

2017-08-01: Games for Atari: 1977 to 1995 - kickstarter - dctr.pro/1yx

2017-08-01: On holiday / finishing module reports #notveryexcitingatall

2017-07-31: In theory with @soundcloud for another year of podcasting. Soon to release last years GDEN talk with …

2017-07-31: Day 3 of holidays mainly involved hoovering and cooking. 😎

2017-07-30: 👆👆👆👆👆👆👆

2017-07-29: Electronic #zippykit #yosteam

2017-07-29: Maker Faire, Lambeth. Holiday day 1 wooo first up making #yosteam #zippykit

2017-07-28: #lastdays

2017-07-28: Just found this. Fantastic LP. Enjoy.

2017-07-28: 30 Immersive Storytelling platforms, apps, resources & tools - by lance weiler - Medium - …

2017-07-26: Games Graduation 👨‍🎓👩‍🎓

2017-07-26: You can master meetings, Steve Jobs knew how. dctr.pro/1yu

2017-07-26: Woo MS Paint is back - dctr.pro/1yt 😊👋

2017-07-25: Flash is EOL 2020. dctr.pro/1yr

2017-07-25: Impressive Jarvis, Richard Hawley, Susanne Sundfør, and John Grant’s celebration of Scott …

2017-07-25: Say hi 👋 to Clippy - Microsoft Paint to be killed off after 32 years ☹️ dctr.pro/1yq

2017-07-25: If you have Firefox desktop (which you should) Scott Walker Proms super high quality audio …

2017-07-25: If your not listening to Gideon Coe tonight on @bbc6music Scott Walker Prom what are you doing!!


2017-07-24: BBC Radio 3 & BBC Proms live in the highest audio quality the BBC has ever broadcast. It sounds …

2017-07-24: May migrate to Buzzsprout from soundcloud for podcasts due to the likely closure - anybody got …

2017-07-23: Planting stuff… #gardenproject2017

2017-07-23: added custom domain which will hopefully appear soon discursive.adamprocter.co.uk and mirrored to …

2017-07-23: if any of my followers on twitter or facebook would like a micro.blog invite let me know 👍

2017-07-23: wooooo @bbc6music Jarvis Cocker’s interview with Scott Walker was amazing - listen again on …

2017-07-23: Probably the best afternoon ever @BBC6Music Max Richter’s Introduction to the Scott Walker …

2017-07-22: Crossposting from micro.blog to Facebook now activated 👍

2017-07-22: While much of the news media still see games as something for teenage boys – despite games being a …

2017-07-21: I can see you 👀 #excitingtimesatwsa

2017-07-20: Two things the BBC is great and I am more than happy with the licence fee BBC address gender pay …

2017-07-19: I dreamed of this kinda stuff when I was a kid. #iliveinthefuturenow

2017-07-19: I cant believe Carly Klass can make web sites…thanks youtube #needblocker

2017-07-19: I still miss Rdio. 😕 Dam it Apple you have to decouple Music app updates and new features from iOS …

2017-07-18: Yay @manthyprocter will be happy iPhone 6 battery replaced and charging all good so far - phew. £70+ …

2017-07-17: While the kids are away. I will play 🤖

2017-07-17: I respond to Lord Adonis' claim that academics don’t work hard enough over the summer - …

2017-07-17: Arrived. FBLA BBQ

2017-07-17: Vanamo Online Game Museum, a high-resolution photo archive of gaming hardware. - dctr.pro/1yb

2017-07-16: Pretty excited about office move in Sept. a chance to really put a stamp on my office space and make …

2017-07-16: Virtual Reality Won’t Work Without Great UX Designers | UX Booth - www.uxbooth.com/articles/…

2017-07-16: I’m liking the Instagram to micro.blog to twitter cross post workflow.

2017-07-16: Just spent way too long trying to dock and land in a space station! This game is hard! But I think I …

2017-07-16: Strange Stones 💎

2017-07-16: Been in this meeting a number of times. And the small digital set up looks sweet 😉 …

2017-07-16: Another Feis then off to Nana

2017-07-15: PSN store gets on my nerves. It’s always cheaper to go and order a box or drive to the shop. …

2017-07-15: cross post test again

2017-07-14: Beast in the oven.

2017-07-12: Nice @manthyprocter bought me the best present. All afternoon in meetings too! 😂🤖

2017-07-11: Evie is out in London with my Brother in Law. I am slightly concerned 😂😂😂

2017-07-10: #repost from @gamesdesignart Team GDA curriculum planning for 2017/18 day 1 of 3. 🤖😊🥇👾 …

2017-07-10: Found this but sounds like maybe it doesn’t work as expected @johnjohnston …

2017-07-09: Co-Pilgrim Album launch 😊

2017-07-09: Made it this time.

2017-07-09: #repost from @altshift_edu Very excited to be part of this @shu_graphics tickets on sale now… …

2017-07-05: Last weekend we opened our first @gamesdesignart show in Hoxton was super exciting. See …

2017-07-05: I can do advertising too 😊👍🚂

2017-07-05: This is why I don’t work in London. One on peak train I had to get in 2017 and delayed / had …

2017-07-03: Our London show is done. We managed to record some more video interviews. Short documentary with …

2017-07-02: And we have closed first ever @gamesdesignart London show is done. Great weekend. Plenty of players, …

2017-07-01: Back again. Hoxton Arches @gamesdesignart open 11-6pm today and tomorrow only. Graduate showcase …

2017-06-29: Concentrate on the game @hurryhurryhealme #frameworks17

2017-06-29: Wooo @gamesdesignart @ba_ga_wsa #frameworks17

2017-06-29: Yay #frameworks17

2017-06-29: All set and ready to roll all that stands between @ba_ga_wsa and the bar is @gamesdesignart …

2017-05-08: Added in crossposting to Twitter from my Micro.blog… would be good to have custom URL …

2017-05-07: Who do I find people to follow that is the question @aral you on here yet?

2017-05-06: Adding a image from Library :) also a fantastic book.

2017-05-04: work has its up days 😊 user testing @hurryhealme’s latest build. Graduate show events in June …

2017-05-01: Posting another microblog update, this time from the site via Firefox 😊

2017-04-30: micro blog So this is a new RSS powered platform for microblogging. I am thinking this is much …
