My on going saga with Scottish power continues since Summer. To cut a long story short they owe me almost £3000. I would advise anyone with them to leave ASAP and I do not recommend joining. A catalogue of mistakes on there since June and they still can’t issue a refund.

Dr. Adam Procter

@wearsmanyhats why am I not surprised I would hear from others. That’s my next steps. Glad you got it resolved.

I’ll be looking to switching to ethical/ clean power supplier. I would welcome recommendations from any UK based people

Ralph Wyld

I’m with Bulb. 100% clean electricity & some clean gas. Unfortunately their customer service department doesn’t seem to have coped well with the pandemic, so I can’t recommend them as wholeheartedly as I used to. Still, can’t argue with those green credentials...

Dr. Adam Procter @adamprocter