I get the arguments @manton @danielpunkass but joking about energy use in the climate crisis related to AI is a little crass, so I want it off in MB for now, I’m not anti AI. I choose vegan, I choose energy use and my tech choices (yours) for the planet, not extreme in these views mind - Atlas of AI

Manton Reece

@danielpunkass Totally understand, that’s why the setting is there. I think we try to have fun and be entertaining on the show and so that often means joking about serious topics.

Dr. Adam Procter

@manton I’m a member so I agree love the show and I love the format just felt a little insensitive to the wider issues we must beware of the hype, especially from the valley

Dr. Adam Procter

@manton also didn’t want to be lumped in with the anti “whacky” AI brigade

Dr. Adam Procter @adamprocter