Apple Subscription to change the world?

Maybe I’m a optimist but wow Apple’s + services seem to be setting out a series of platforms to try to build unity and empathy. (Humanity Centred Design as I like to call it)

So a question. Doesn’t Apple have enough money in the bank, and other income streams to provide this thought provoking Games and TV service without a need for subscription? Or am I just naive about the role of capitalism and Apple bottom line.

Or is this just the classic Walmart move to sell organic products as the market forced demand, coupled with my love of Apple (the cult), completely jading my own point of view?

I guess organisations such as Greenpeace ask for donations and sponsorship and thus it’s voice is (unfortunately) tiny (still).

Perhaps based on the fact Apple will not make much profit from said services. (according to a number of analysts) It is in fact a positive thing Apple already have enough money in the bank to be able to take a stance on global issues and are in the position that they do not need to build another “entertainment” platform such as Netflix or Prime (originals) and can provide people with these different types of originals.

I guess only time will tell if they have the impact on humanity they hope for.

Dr. Adam Procter @adamprocter