Lebanese Moussaka

Before I went vegan I was a massive fan of Greek Moussaka. I have a small appetite and am in the bracket of small and often, it’s a pain as eating out often means I waste food but Greek Moussaka was one dish I could just keep eating and eating and eating.

Randomly after visiting an Art opening event in Southampton at Gods House tower - by Iranian artist Bijan Moosavi as part of their Art for Climate Action Programme, it was an immersive exhibition submerging you in a fictional near-future climate dystopia created by neoliberal negligence and greed in 2058 and had representation of the space we stood, which basically meant the sea level swamped most of the city. (Not enough to get to my house mind)

Anyway I am not know for my spontaneity but I said to my wife let’s go for dinner and so as we walked home we looked at places to eat, that the advantage of living in a city indeed, so we picked a Lebanese restaurant, we have always been fans of Lebanese food but I hadn’t eaten out or considered to search vegan Lebanese.

The [restaurant](Beity - https://4sq.com/2PM4RUr) was lovely and they had a dish called Lebanese Moussaka which it turns out is vegan.

It is now one of my favourite dishes and since visiting the restaurant I have made it at home twice already. Although very different to Greek Moussaka it is again a dish I can eat and eat.

Here is a good article on the dish and crucially how to make it ! - dctr.pro/2os

I shall be looking up more Lebanese vegan dishes for sure.

Dr. Adam Procter @adamprocter