Aaron Williamson Avant-Garde artist concludes speaker series

To conclude our inaugural Art & Media Technology Department speaker series Aaron Williamson a punk, artist and co-founder of The Disabled Avant-Garde’ (aka ‘DAG’) a satirical organisation formed to create contemporary art that might cause confusion and inspire debate through humorously distorting or subverting traditional stereotyping of disability talked about his own practice.

Brilliant talk (with BSL provided too) and fantastic q&a.

I found it kinda fitting that he left his timer on the lecturn which I grabbed to keep safe but later forgot was in my pocket and was re-found while sorting a Brewdog Punk IPA for the train ride home.

I also helped set up the multi camera live + online stream thing Go pros plus ATEM mini pro basically + And rode go wireless microphone (issues only teams and crestron normal annoyances to kick off)

photo of a small travel alarm clock next to a can of brewdog punk IPA on a train travelling from Winchester to Southampton

Dr. Adam Procter @adamprocter