Triggering Memories
Yesterday a student asked me if we have a Lightbox, this hasn’t happened for years, we now have very light and bright what they call A3 light tables. This request reminded me of one summer when my mum (and perhaps Grandad) helped me build a Lightbox for my studies, I felt the cost of a shop bought one wasn’t something I wanted to afford or could really afford, this also reminded me that when I started University my Grandad would send me money each month (into my bank). He was keen on Art and asked me a lot about what I was learning, he painted a little himself but had always worked for Thames Water, no one in our family had gone to University but it felt more like I was the first to be able to truly follow my passion, that of studying Animation, both Mum and Grandad are now gone, Grandad didn’t even get to see me complete my BA, Mum saw me get my PhD, but didn’t make it to the official ceremony itself. It’s funny how things trigger memories.